First Law

Invincible Chapter 413

The inherent elf magician is like the cornerstone of the entire Gold Town. These cornerstones are as quiet as a deep pool, and they can continuously solve some technical problems for Karen.

The new addition is living water, and seemingly insignificant suggestions can often cause ripples in the deep pool.

The collision of new and old can always inspire something special, but at the same time, the addition of newcomers has increased the rate of elimination of the entire magic research.

The floating island located above the Elf Sea is a research island built by Jinjin Town with all its efforts. It gathers research talents in various fields under Jinjin Town. There are countless magic towers, a huge library is fully open, and magic testing grounds are everywhere. Both are.

It is precisely because of such advanced research conditions that the cost of survival has become a challenge that all researchers must face. A good project may allow you to instantly have a magic tower that attracts the attention of all creatures. At the same time, a bad research project may also make you bankrupt , all efforts turned into flowing water.

Especially after these newly joined creatures quickly adapted to the research system of the entire Gold Town, they became more powerful competitors.

They also need resources, towers, status, and markets.

Karen can bring them to the center of magic research, but will not give more things, the only way is to get them through her own ability.

The elimination is ruthless, and the aerial research island is like a huge screening machine, screening out the creatures that can stay on it.

Even Cabras, who was closest to Karen, had to work hard to maintain the status of the first high tower through constantly updated magic products.

There is no victory for generals, only victorious generals.

This sentence has become the iron law of Sky Island, where the status has become a decoration, and the achievements in the past are just some insignificant capital, which can be respected only at the moment.

Under such a harsh atmosphere, various fields began to flourish.

Space, time, energy, life, soul, alchemy detection, ancient magic research, historical deduction, astrology, oriental mage research.

These unimaginable things have now begun to form a system in Jinjin Town. As the elimination intensifies, this stratification becomes more and more obvious.

The mages began to conduct directional analysis according to their own abilities, which was the only way to gain a foothold on Sky Island.

For example, the first tallest tower of Cabras is the master of the space field, and the 23 high towers associated with it are basically in the space field, and all products launched must be related to space.

The towers ranked second to fifth are all focused on the time domain.

The two fields of time and space are the most esoteric and most rewarding sections, but they are also one of the most risky areas. It is precisely because of this that only the top magic towers have the ability to set foot in these two fields.

As for the others, the top 30 are also closely related to the current development of Jinshi Town.

The sixth tower of storms escaped from the Kingdom of Storms and specializes in collecting storm energy; the seventh tower of void fragments tends to collect and disassemble void energy fragments; the eighth tower of supernatural materials is dedicated to the synthesis of special materials After working hard, the special materials developed now have been widely used in the shipping and navigation, port construction, aircraft field and base construction of Shining Gold Town.

Most of the rest are related to energy and materials. As for Karen, there are very few soul domains, and most of them are ranked outside the three hundred. However, with the addition of new continent forces, the towers of the soul domain are rapidly entering the first echelon .

Karen is not in a hurry, he believes that with the development of Gold Town itself, sooner or later a breakthrough will be made in the soul, which is a large field that can completely compete with energy and materials.

Karen never interferes with the operation of Sky Island, but does not prohibit external forces from intervening in this core area. The world is inherently unequal, and Karen must recognize this truth.

The stronger the external interference power, the greater the pressure on the magician, and the faster the elimination.

Karen needs to be eliminated, and some decayed magicians are needed to make room for those new forces. With the opening of trade between the Golden Town and Duofang Continent, more and more forces with increasingly complex backgrounds will enter the sky island .

The cloud layer was getting thicker and thicker. I thought it was just ordinary snowfall, but it lasted for a whole week, and it was getting stronger and stronger. The thickness almost covered the calf, and the top of the shield had begun to frost. Send out the unique sweeping robot to start removing snow.

Two days ago, the roads around Gold Flash Town were blocked. The bulldozers worked hard to push the snow to both sides, and simply opened up some trade routes.

The entire snowfall came from the northwest corner of the wilderness, and it was getting thicker and thicker. Some forecasters predicted that this might be the phenomenon of the expansion of the ice sheet.

As the temperature of the entire world drops, all continents begin to show low-temperature freezing, especially the one-third of the Aegean continent belongs to the ice sheet zone, so the outward extension of this ice sheet is very obvious.

This heavy snow will last for at least another month, and by then the Great Wasteland will disappear on the Aegean map and become part of the ice sheet.

For this so-called future prediction, Karen just took it as bullshit. This snowfall has nothing to do with the so-called cooling of the world. It is completely behind the operation of an organization called World Climate Control Tower in Sky Island.

This organization ranks one hundred and twenty-seventh in Sky Island. In the past, it survived by providing climate data to the Great Wasteland. However, the real purpose of this organization is to control the climate itself through the power of magic, so as to reduce natural disasters as much as possible. , make rational use of the energy that exists in the world itself.

It's a pity that the climate is ever-changing, and the capital of this tower is not enough, so it is difficult to make a breakthrough. However, after Karen saw this project, he made an exception to inject capital, and with the half-demon Beluman obtained by accident, he passed through this continent. The invasion got the priests of an ancient ice temple.

With the blessing of the three, this high tower has broken through many problems of snowfall, and successfully mastered the secret method of how to carry out high-intensity snowfall in an area.

This so-called ice sheet expansion snowfall is just Karen's first order. According to the requirements of the order, the heavy snowfall will completely stop tonight.

Climate control does not seem to be of much help to Karen's transformation, but in Karen's eyes, it is an essential relief in the energy field.

The so-called energy is not purely created, just like the field of flesh and blood, not just pure physical,

For example, in the city-state of Qatar, the material used is obviously more stone, which belongs to flesh and blood. The eternal tree itself is also a part of flesh and blood. In Karen's view, flesh and blood should be a kind of shell.

This kind of body has a completely independent system, and can carry out normal activities, absorption, excretion, rest, reproduction and other functions just like normal creatures.

These functions seem very ordinary, but you must know that the basic flesh and blood functions of a living being have been continuously evolved for thousands of years. The so-called evolution is the advancement of details bit by bit, and finally the transformation from quantitative change to qualitative change.

In the final analysis, the control of climate is a kind of subtle control of energy, and this kind of weak advancement is the path that energy development must follow.

There is no doubt that the investment in the climate control tower is losing money, but the town of Gold now has the capital to lose money. Once they mature in this field, the harvest will be an unimaginable number, and more importantly, these The technology completely belongs to the town of Glittering Gold.

Likewise, Karen invested heavily in these special towers.

Shining Gold Town is as calm as a stubborn rock. This town was the territory of a small bungalow five years ago, and it hasn't changed much until now.

It's nothing more than repairing the old courtyard walls, repainting the kobold tribe, and adding some special magic machines to Karen's five-story office tower.

The main road was still paved three years ago. Although the outer roads are maintained vigorously, there are still many potholes. The taverns and mutton shops around the Saintess Lake are still the same, without much change.

Although two office buildings were also built, compared with other territories on the wasteland, they were too outdated.

Every territory is frantically building high-rise buildings, shopping malls, alchemy bases, large-scale underground construction, magic network coverage, and defense tower construction.

The wasteland is huge. As the human race and the orc race moved towards the center of the continent, the vast area could no longer accommodate so many creatures. In order to cope with the increasing population pressure, these lords had to build floors higher. Up to now So far, looking from the sea to the wilderness, it looks like mudstone giants standing on the wilderness.

However, everyone knows that no matter how high these floors are, they are far less valuable than a small courtyard in Gold Shining Town.

Those earth-gray courtyard walls are the oldest symbol of the entire Gold Town. They are the proud civilization of the kobolds who followed Karen. They are the most scarce treasures in this rapidly developing territory.

These courtyards are worthless in other places, but in Shining Gold Town, a small courtyard can be easily replaced by another building.

No one underestimated this place. The human race, the orc race, the ice field, the sea race, including the cocklebur continent, which has established diplomatic relations with the Aegean continent, all know that this place has begun to show the unique ferocious appearance of a civilization.

However, for these, Karen is not satisfied.

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