First Law

Chapter 404 The First Condition

The crystal clear ice outer wall, the six-petal snowflakes falling slowly, and the whole ground seem to be covered with a layer of dandelion stamens, which is soft and has a special warmth, but it is such a holy scene, but it is crawling with a head on its head. A monster with demonic horns.

The monster's whole body was snow-white, and its ketone body exuded a layer of pearl-like white light. If the fat body had room to crawl, if it was shrunk dozens of times, its appearance would still be relatively cute.

But now Karen doesn't feel it at all, he knows how amazing power is hidden under this naive appearance.

It was this person who, during the drought period in the wasteland, was born with a heavy snowfall by virtue of his own blood talent. It was the first time Karen really experienced the power of demons.

Although it is still possible to complete a heavy snowfall with the help of alchemy power, it is completely different from the one in front of him caused by blood. It is a supernatural ability, a completely independent power, and it can even be attributed to divine magic.

Divine spell, as the name suggests, is a spell that only gods can use. Even the simplest spell can completely subvert cognition.

When Karen recognized the other party, it was obvious that one of the former overlords of the wasteland also recognized Karen.

The two dark eyes looked over quietly, without the affinity of acquaintances, nor the rejection of strangers, just like meeting a passerby, after a while, a human-like voice came out of that thick throat: Karen...

The voice is long and long, like the whistle of a flute, resentful and resentful, like a resentful woman.

Indeed, Karen didn't feel any hostility. After years of precipitation, this Beruman seemed to have adapted to his half-demon identity, lying peacefully on the soft snowflake cushion, motionless.

Bellman! Karen called out clearly and loudly, forcing out a hint of a social smile.

Is there any barbecue, I smell the smell of barbecue. Bellman's hoarse voice seemed to be requesting, but a penetrating gaze flashed in his eyes, You are looking for demons, right, I know how to communicate with demons.

To put it simply, it is obvious that he is subjectively doing business with Karen.

Karen backed out, he was slow, he knew Belluman would follow.

The strong aroma of wine, the strong smell of barbecue, and all kinds of sweet fruits, these are definitely the things that Belluman dreams of. He opened his mouth wide and stuffed everything into his mouth as much as possible.

Belluman's eating is scary, but Karen is very calm. He has dealt with creatures too much. The more exaggerated the surface, the higher the inner vigilance. Under Belluman's weird body, he is actually a Ordinary creatures, as long as they are creatures, will be wary of another creature that suddenly appears.

Belluman was obviously very hungry. Whenever Karen took out the barbecue from the derivative space, he threw it directly on the fire grill, and stuffed it into his mouth without waiting for the oil to roll out of the skin. The exquisite food slid an arc in his throat. Line, it will quickly decompose into the other party's energy.

Karen poked the fire to make the flame dance bigger. He hoped that Bellman would speak first. This is a trick of negotiation. Whoever opens his mouth first is basically a passive start.

What do you want? Sure enough, Belluman finally spoke when he devoured two-thirds of Karen's inventory.

A Devil's Friendship.

Bellman has a big mouth showing a whole row of barbed fangs, and he seems to be laughing. If five years ago, he would still be at the negotiating table, but now he prefers pure transactions, Karen, I hear Say you got rich recently,

Now I am almost a pure demon, it is much easier to get my friendship, ten thousand pure souls.

This condition is undoubtedly too much, and Karen didn't take it seriously. He didn't think there was anything to talk about this kind of topic. He didn't have that many souls, and he wouldn't be the kind of butcher who was prone to fighting.

Seeing that Karen didn't confess his love, Belluman stuffed his big palm into his mouth, and there was a click, bleeding started, but he didn't care about his injury. He spread his scarlet palm towards Karen, and placed a Slanted barbed fangs.

The fangs squirmed continuously in the blood, like a demon embryo about to transform.

This is the container! Belluman flicked his finger, a shock wave appeared in the air, and a phantom of a barbarian gradually appeared in the ripples.

Obviously this is not a real barbarian, but the soul after death.

The moment the phantom appeared, a transparent bond suddenly grew from that blood-stained fang, which instantly wrapped around the barbarian's soul like the tongue of a poisonous snake. With a violent jerk, it was pulled directly into the fang, and immediately, the white A sesame-like black spot appeared on the fangs.

This is a token for the devil to collect souls. Every soul will become a black spot. Karen, you don't need to do it yourself. Where there is war, you just need to plant your fangs and you will be able to complete this task in no time. 10,000 There are not many souls.

Karen stood up slowly. He knew that Bellman was serious, and when he showed his fangs, Karen clearly felt the continuous space trembling in the freezing. Obviously, in this ordinary ice cave, the barbaric seal There is more than one human soul, and it seems that these are the food of Belluman.

He had heard that demons had a soft spot for souls, but he had never seen such a strange collection container.

The flames danced, and the figures of Karen and Beluman were stretched to an extremely long distance. Seeing the shadows flickering in the flames, Karen kicked the wine bottle under his feet, and the rest of the wine fell into the fire, blooming A dark blue flame was emitted, and the whole cave began to be filled with a special smell of alcohol.

The fang in his hand didn't feel special, it was just an ordinary bone tooth.

He has to think about how to deal with Belluman, but the premise is that he knows whether the other party is helpful, I want an advanced energy source.

Belluman seemed to have expected that Karen would ask, so he pulled it away, and the image on the cave wall suddenly elongated, and after winding half a circle, it formed a ball the size of a palm. Inside the ball, phantoms flowed, faintly There is the sound of mechanical circulation, as if a certain alchemy factory is under construction.

Storm mill, it absorbs energy directly from the void and grinds it to form basic auric force. This is the standard energy reactor during World War II. He flaunted the energy ball, which looked like an ordinary toy in hand, and then turned to the other side When the mountain wall was pumped, a group of oil-red murals instantly turned into a group of fiery red energy, gathered in the palm of the hand, forming a red ball.

The lower part is black and the upper part is red, with the faint sound of flowing water at the lower end, and dense light spots at the upper end, when the upper and lower ends meet, the whole sphere vibrates like a volcanic eruption.

The Yanliu Reactor, which absorbs the existence of underground magma, can form the basic meaning, and also contains the low-level method for refining the divine power of Aoli. Belluman looked at Karen, and pointed his finger a little far away, as if he was about to pull out another energy reactor.

Okay! Karen smiled. The other party had mastered the secret of these murals. This mural full of ice caves obviously contained the civilization of demons during World War II.

This person can help himself.

Karen stood up, took out all the barbecues in the derivative space and piled them in the freezer, then patted Belluman on the shoulder, Wait for my good news, we will be friends.

Bellman didn't move until Karen's back disappeared from the freeze, then he wiped his sweat nervously, his body trembled slightly, the fluff all over his body melted like ice cubes meeting hot water, he was still a giant bear , In the blink of an eye, he has become an emaciated barbarian.

If Karen were here, she would definitely see that the barbarian that Belluman changed was the soul that was devoured by the devil's fangs just now.

Karen, I really didn't expect you to fall in love with the devil, haha, with your help, my future journey will be much easier.

The cold wind brushed against Karen's ears, and big snowflakes fell from the sky. The whole world was covered in whiteness, and it was impossible to distinguish the north, south, east, and west.

Karen's shoulders were already covered with thick snowflakes, but at this moment, there were also two figures covered by snowflakes like him. Although the cold wind was strong, it seemed that they could not freeze the three of them.

See everything? Karen asked in a low voice.

Well, judging from the detection of the instrument, there is indeed a strong fluctuation of the devil's breath, but there are still some differences between this and a pure devil. Cabras said quickly while comparing the screen of Karen's conversation just now, However, it can now be proved that the culture of the demon's second invasion was indeed recorded in the ice cave. It seems that special methods and even identification are required to obtain these cultures.

Hehe, Karen, I really didn't expect you to find something good in such a frantic way. However, this kind of thing needs to be identified by Delta. You are a necromancer and don't know much about demons. What exactly did Belluman show at that time? Whether it is the absolute mystery of the devil, these need to be judged carefully. Maria giggled, since Karen asked her to come to the ice field by name, she directly left the matter of Pearl Harbor aside.

Especially knowing that this expedition is absolutely confidential, I am even more excited.

Bringing Maria here is also a no-brainer. In his eyes, the one who can really break through the prejudice of demons is probably the current representative of the elves, Cabras, and the rest is Maria. After all, Maria once followed him. It is worth entrusting to get rid of the Black Sea business, coupled with so many years of personal feelings.

Of course, all they knew was that Gold Town had introduced the devil's mysteries. As for Karen's idea of ​​transforming into Qatar, they didn't tell them at all.

After all, it's better to keep it a secret.

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