First Law

Chapter 402 Karen's Action

Soul, body, and energy are the most basic three-piece suit of a living being. No matter how the appearance of a living being changes, it cannot be separated from these three.

This is definitely the most novel idea Karen has heard. Although he knew more or less the importance of these before, after being explained by this god, he has a systematic concept in his mind.

Gathering in Qatar City, it is obvious that Qatar's own soul is already very strong, and completely according to the inference, it is madly devouring all souls for its own use, so his soul will only become stronger and stronger. As for the body, the entire city of Qatar is completely made of earth and stone, but this is not an ordinary stone, but a special stone formed by combining corpses and soil using some kind of secret method.

These stones can ensure the survival of the undead, which fits the attributes of the undead itself, and must also have the ability to refine everything.

As for the energy, the city of Qatar completely uses the energy of the undead, and the energy erupted by the death of the living beings is used to promote the operation of the entire city-state.

Karen couldn't help but think of his own Gold Glitter Town. If he sets foot in this field, then he must have another body. This body needs special materials, special hinges, and at the same time, it must have enough magic power Eye space, obviously this is the first problem.

As for the soul, of course it is Karen's own. Although he has undergone rigorous training by many archmages, his so-called powerful soul is only for ordinary people. impossible.

The so-called energy, the most advanced is the undead reactor in Desa City, which gathers the skeletons on the entire wasteland and transforms them into special magic power by absorbing sunlight. Although this is wonderful, it at least guarantees the energy supply of the entire wasteland. This kind of energy can't guarantee that Karen will become a special living body at all.

What are you thinking? The Elf Queen looked at Karen in a daze and asked in a low voice. Some historical materials are dumbfounded.

Karen shook her head and smiled, the elf queen in front of her couldn't help at all, they were not from the same domain.

I have gone through the things here almost once, and the really useful ones are the ones I just saw, but how to do it depends on the situation of Gold Shining Town.

You can only walk your own path, and no one can help you. Being able to see so much here has already gained a lot.

Nothing, thank you!


No one knows what the hell is going on in Goldshire,

Completely transfer the empty island to the elf queen, and then there will be a large-scale construction of some kind of air magic base project above the elf sea.

Although the vacating technology of Gold Town is very mature, it is unnecessary to spend such a lot of time building it above the Elf Sea. Coming here not only requires high transportation costs, but also requires countless steel materials to build this so-called empty island. , I am afraid that half of the capital of Jinshijin Town will be invested in it.

Oh, Karen is so confused, building such a thing.

Ordinary people are worried about the town of Gold, for fear that this rising star will be directly overthrown because of this expensive project. After all, there are quite a few forces that collapsed because of a project in history.

It's not okay to go on like this!

The residents of Shining Gold Town are worried that such a large amount of investment will seriously reduce their welfare. After all, the financial transfers of Shining Gold Town have been very frequent recently, especially the funds flocking to the Alchemy Continent and the East India Continent. It is a rich Jinshan that can't get richer, and it can't stand such a toss.

Churchill's wrinkles were high, and the transfer of high funds for three consecutive days hit every nerve. Although he was already a veteran in financial affairs, such a large-scale flow of funds still made him breathless.

In the past three days, Karen exported 170 million pennies to the Alchemy Continent and 130 million pennies to the East Indian Continent, directly vacating half of the family property in Shining Gold Town, and just now Karen issued the latest order to increase research efforts and strive to In the second year, it won the first place in the Far East trade.

Far East Trade is the goal of Jinshi Town to expand its business routes. Churchill naturally knows many secrets, but now the ships of the Far East Continent have set sail. I didn't pay much attention to it.

But now that Karen is making such a big fuss about Far East trade, it is bound to increase research expenses.

He couldn't figure out why Karen would do this, and even his many feedbacks would be returned inexplicably, as if this was no longer the lord he knew.

For Churchill, Karen naturally knew the other party's worries, but now he couldn't pay attention to these things at all, even if there were more pennies, he didn't care about them. Only by spending these things could they become his own strength.

Following Qatar, he has seen with his own eyes those forces that perished instantly. Compared with those forces, Shining Gold Town is really weak.

If one day, Qatar falls crazily over the town of Gold, no matter how much money he has, what's the use of it.

Now the entire Golden Town has solved food and clothing, and the wasteland and even the entire Aegean continent have changed from the initial pursuit of food to the current challenge of survival.

Shining Gold Town needs means to protect itself.

Karen lowered his head and looked at the complex energy drawing. Beside him were two old men, one with lacy eyes, and the other with completely gray hair. They were the two influential figures in Desa City, the energy master Bo Ronning and Heymore, the lord of Desa City.

Hey Moore, in particular, is only in his early forties now, and at a glance, he is almost ninety years away, but it is precisely because of the hard work of the other party that he has the current level of magic power in Gold Shining Town.

Now our conditions are simply unable to achieve a higher level of energy. The first is the hardware. Our core is still from the Alchemy Continent. We have been cultivating for two years, but we are still lagging behind Alchemy Continent in terms of talent training. Finally, we have technology. We have developed Alchemy for less than two years, but Alchemy Continent has developed for two hundred years. Perfect system, this time span is irreparable.

Browning shook his head and refused when he heard that Karen wanted to raise the magic power level of Gold Glitter Town to a higher level. There is no need to hide this. Although Gold Glitter Town has developed, it is still far from the top.

Especially for this kind of in-depth development, each step needs to consume countless souls, countless financial resources, and countless time. Even so, it is possible to get only a little bit of improvement. If you want to complete a project in two years like the Golden Town It is absolutely impossible for a large span.

Black Moore was worried. He knew that what Karen disliked the most was hearing this kind of answer. Browning also said that it would take at least ten years for the town of Gold to complete the accumulation of magic power, but now they have achieved it in two years. But he also knew how terrifying the effort behind all this was, and he was even more worried about whether he could still pay for Karen's ambition.

After all, he is so old now.

Karen looked at the blueprint quietly and did not speak. These difficulties had been expected, but they had to be resolved. They just kept pushing back. Sooner or later, the town of Shining Gold would become ordinary.

Now, all the forces of the entire Aegean continent are gathered together, and it is impossible to help him fulfill his ambitions, so what should we do, it is hard to give up like this.


This is not Karen's character. As the inexplicable god said, the only way to grow stronger is to devour. No matter how magnificent the appearance is, the essence will not change.

Therefore, if Karen wants to grow, he needs to conform to this mainstream trend.

He needs a more developed energy system, relying on skeletons to absorb solar energy and transform it again and again. This efficiency is too low. If he can directly absorb the storm from the void and directly plunder the energy of the sun by his own means, he will be instantly destroyed like Qatar. The flesh and blood of tens of thousands of creatures can be transformed into energy, which can definitely meet my requirements.

Alchemy Continent? East India?

Karen shook his head, these places can only provide minimal help, and if you want to make big progress, you can only start with those big fish.

As long as one's teeth are good enough, one bite on those big fish is enough to last three years.

Then, for Gold Shining Town, the real big fish are the Far East Continent, the Black Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean, but these are too far away, and Gold Shining Town does not have developed navigation technology, let alone the ability to travel through space stably.

But the creatures of the world ignore an important neighbor, the devil!

These strange creatures inhabiting the void do not want to step into this material-rich plane all the time, but it is precisely because of their harsh environment that they have mastered the method of directly absorbing energy in the void, and more importantly, Demons have a special method of devouring souls and growing themselves.

It seems that there should be a crack in the demon plane on the Aegean continent. Karen murmured in a low voice.

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