First Law

A Will Eternal Chapter 397

The figure behind him had no weight at all, let alone a tone of tone, as if he was asking a common topic like 'Do you want coffee?'.

But in an instant, a special turbulent current rushed into his heart.

Karen stopped and saved the world. This topic is too profound, and she is just a small person.

But now he somehow can't take this step, it seems that he still doesn't know what the world is like.

In his impression, this should be a square world. The world is basically an ocean. In these oceans, there are densely packed islands, which are the current continents.

The center of the world is the Black Sea. This special sea area divides the world into two halves. The east is the Far East Ocean, the center is the Far East Continent, the west is the Atlantic Ocean, and the center is Atlantic City. The higher races of this world live.

But other than that, he knew just like any other creature.

Want to go around the world? Qatar put down his paintbrush, came to Karen's side, did not stay, and continued to walk into the heavy rain.

Karen didn't even know why she followed Qatar, came out of the city lord's mansion, came to the street, and then entered the secret room from the street.

This place is very familiar, he has negotiated a lot of business here, and gained many friends, but the secret room is completely useless to him now.

Walking through the familiar aisle, I saw mahogany tables, and there was still a bottle of red wine on each table.

At the bottom of the secret room, Qatar gently pulled on the muddy wall, and a stream of light flashed across the entire wall, and the light flow gradually formed a skull rune, and a trace of red and white flashed in the pupils of the skull rune, like two A group of rapidly rotating tornadoes are more like razor-spinning blades.

Immediately, the entire city of Qatar trembled like an earthquake. With the muddy wall as the center, a black shield rose up, and then a strong smell of corpses came out from the ground. This weird smell of corpses Instantly spread to the streets and alleys of Qatar City.

The businessmen stopped yelling, the tavern clerks gave up attracting customers, and the idle tourists on the side of the road froze in place as if petrified. They began to open their mouths and desperately absorbed the rotten air. Afterwards, the skin on their bodies cracked, They peeled away the flesh and blood, revealing a whole body of red and white bones.

One, two, three, four... tens of thousands, every living being gave up its flesh and blood and turned into bones.

Hey... drink...

The low voice is like a boatman's chant,

The entire city of Qatar seemed to be slowly picked up from the ground by thousands of boatmen. Shops, clubs, the city lord's mansion, and even the gates squirmed like flesh and blood, and began to absorb all the skeletons that appeared on the roadside into the walls.


A violent heartbeat sounded right beside Karen, and the moment he regained consciousness, he immediately opened his mouth.

I saw Qatar's body disintegrating rapidly, and a trace of transparent soul floated out and slowly merged into the skull runes. The runes were faintly visible, constantly changing, and finally turned into a giant fortress of nothingness.

At this moment, Karen felt a terrifying soul coercion, like a huge mountain appeared above his head, and even more like seeing the former sea of ​​elves, which could not be shaken.

This is the soul of a gigantic castle, slowly settling down and gradually merging with the entire city of Qatar.

Karen, are you ready?

The wall in front of me opened and closed, like two lips, and a thick and thick voice came out.

At this moment, he couldn't care less about the shock, he felt strangely that now is the real Qatar, although this castle image is totally inexplicable, but the feeling in the dark is that it is so determined.

Just as Karen nodded, she was already in the clouds.

Qatar trembled slightly, layers of sparks appeared on the outer dark brown wall, and at the same time mixed with the sound of thump, thud, it seemed that countless huge balls of light were bombarded.

The surroundings are dark and scary, with no light to be seen, only the occasional sparks from friction and collision, and a few giant Macs can barely be seen hovering around.

He couldn't figure out what it was. When he came back to his senses, the sky had turned blue and the smell of fish was everywhere. Looking out from the gate of Qatar City, he could faintly see a small island surrounded by boats.

But in an instant, the city of Qatar was approaching the small island, and the entire giant city landed on the small island unceremoniously.


The bottom of the city turned into a vortex, and countless seawater poured into the city of Qatar together with the small island, flooding the houses and the city lord's mansion, except Karen.

The fish, clam shells, and creatures mixed in these sea waters, whenever they rush in, countless bone claws will immediately appear on the walls, streets, and towers of the entire Qatar city. If you grab one, you will frantically stuff it into your mouth. Chewing it, it's like a starved ghost reincarnated.

Especially the blood, as soon as a little bit is exposed, it will be completely absorbed by a bony parasite.

When the sea water flowed out from the other side of the city gate, it became extremely clear, and no more living beings could be seen.

What a terrifying energy absorption!

After all, Karen is the lord, he can feel that this is an energy absorption, just like the normal devouring of creatures, obviously passing through that kind of dark environment, this giant city needs to eat quickly.

Before Karen could recover, Qatar suddenly pulled it up, with a slight shock, the light disappeared instantly, followed by a violent friction sound, as if fingernails were rubbing against a blackboard, more like opening a mountain.

A random sound, like a mountain range collapsing, the sky and the earth sinking, these sounds are many times stronger than those in the Nuchen Kongdao.

The violent sound lasted for half an hour, and the surrounding area became clear again, but the smell of the sea was no longer there, but the fresh smell of the forest. Not far from the giant city, there happened to be a forest.

In the forest, there are lush flowers and plants, birds and beasts gather, and the calls of wild beasts are heard from time to time. On the top of the branches, you can also see jumping elves. On the top of the forest, a dark green energy shield flows slowly.

Before Karen could react, Qatar City landed on the shield, and a row of bone-like fangs appeared at the gate of the city. With a click, they bit directly on the shield, and with a sudden flick, a transparent giant tree soul It was pulled out and stuffed into the city gate like sucking on noodles. Countless tentacles immediately appeared on the city wall, tearing it to pieces.

Karen was horrified. The transparent phantom carried an unshakable majesty. This kind of breath was only felt on the eternal tree on Green Shade Island. Obviously, this was another eternal tree.

Without the guardian, the entire forest is a slaughtered girl, allowing the giant city of Qatar to be slaughtered. When it takes off again, the forest is already in ruins.

The black light on the surface of Qatar City became more and more intense, and it began to advance rapidly in the darkness.

Every time he gets tired, he breaks away from the darkness, and then starts to devour crazily. After accumulating a certain amount of energy, he continues to move forward. After devouring five times in a row, he finally stops at a huge muddy fork.

It is said to be huge, but it is really big. The road paved with yellow mud is about the size of three gold-shielding towns. It is very desolate, and there are few bare footprints.

But here stands a huge slate road sign. The slate has been weather-beaten for a long time. A big crack has been cracked from head to toe, and thick thorn grass is drilled out of the stone crack.

There are several ancient characters engraved on the left side of the stone slab. The word 'Far East' can be clearly identified, but the right side is extremely blurred. Except for a word 'Black', there are many other strokes. The font is complicated and seems to have been destroyed. , I can't read any words.

But the word Far East is enough to shock Karen. It has only been half a day since he left the Aegean Continent, and he has come to the Far East Continent. According to the Far East Trade Federation, it seems that it will take a year and a half to come to the Far East Continent to do business. more.

Space shuttle is the only way to shorten the distance, which is also in line with what Karen thought. She was even more shocked by Qatar's ability.

Qatar no longer travels through space, but the entire castle falls on the muddy ancient road.

As soon as I leaned against the road, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed, and there appeared rows of streets, tall buildings, shouts, and beautiful songs.

Taking another step forward, he came to a bustling fish market, with all kinds of fish and shrimp, and the whole city-state was full of wholesale fish and shrimp.

But before he regained consciousness, he had already appeared on a high platform with ninety-nine and eighty-one steps, and each step was filled with densely packed cages. Inside the cages were all kinds of creatures, dark and strong men, One-horned monster fish, charming girl, strong mage, alchemy machine, everything that one expects to have.

As soon as the light and shadow turned, it was already in a sky-reaching tower. The tower had thousands of branches and stretched across the earth. A sharp needle at the top absorbed the energy of the high-altitude violent hurricane and turned it into a pure magic power. Looking up, this giant tower They are everywhere, like giants straddling the sky and the earth.

In the middle of these towers is a silver temple, and there is also a miniature tower on the top of the temple, which is constantly absorbing the magic power collected by these towers, forming a group of silver light.

As if feeling the prying eyes of Qatar City, an arc of lightning pierced through the void. By the time Karen saw it clearly, the shield on the top of Qatar had already sunk several feet deep, blasting out several potholes before dissipating.

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