First Law

Chapter 394 Travel! Explosion!

Just kidding, we're friends, aren't we? Karen's mouth turned up, revealing an incomprehensible smile, because his tone just now was too indifferent, as if he really wanted to accuse Xi Sperin, It's okay Yes, it was a misunderstanding.

As his voice fell, the manager of the Four-Corner Council who broke in suddenly left just as abruptly as when he entered.

Left behind a stunned creature.

Everyone looked at the young man in the sackcloth mage robe in the center of the venue, all showing an incomprehensible expression. Among the onlookers, there were many nobles, and there were three or four big nobles like the Duke of Sith. I feel a little scared.

Although they didn't receive the treatment of West Sperin, from Karen's ability to let the guards of the Four Corners Council retreat casually, it is obvious that this unremarkable boy in their eyes has become a hot figure in the Four Corners Council.

The aristocrat's keen sense of smell made them feel the power behind this young man, and now the most important thing is to figure out what happened.

Nothing happens without a reason, the more strange and sudden the thing, the more terrifying it proves.

Soon, the information from the Four Corners Council was put on the desks of the dukes' mansions. The root cause was from the recent general election. The vice-chairman, Bolleni, was successfully elected as a backup member with more than two-thirds of the votes. long.

The standby chairperson can get more seats of councilors, and at the same time has the qualification to compete with the current chairperson for the leader of the parliament.

Such sudden news shocked the nobles. After all, the chairman of the council is very qualified to control the councilors, and the two chairmen of the council have been wrestling with each other.

This is the result he wants to see the most. The two chairpersons will continue to compete with the resources at hand, which can greatly promote the development of Alchemy Continent. At the same time, the consumption of each other's resources will not make any one bigger.

It is clearly stipulated in the parliament that the deputy chairperson will be assessed every year, and the identity of the alternate chairperson will be determined by whether the two chairpersons have more than two-thirds of the votes.

Once confirmed as the vice-chairman, he will become the real acting leader of the parliament, and at the same time, a vice-chairman will be re-elected. In this way, this Bolleni can easily obtain a large number of powers in the parliament.

The chairman of the assembly is extremely strict in controlling the votes. In history, the appearance of a backup chairman of the assembly is extremely low, and no one thinks that Bolleni can become the backup chairman of the assembly.

But things were unexpected. In this voting, the city of Holy City and the city of St. Yale voted most of the votes in the name of this Bolloni,

The reason is that the Glittering Gold Chamber of Commerce it belongs to has won the friendship of the two city-states.


City-state friendship.

Although there is no benefit on the surface, it is precisely because of this ambiguity that there is great room for flexibility. As long as the Glittering Gold Chamber of Commerce is willing, it can expand unscrupulously in these two city-states.

Although these two city-states are not the most affluent places, one is the center of power and the other is a place of learning institutions, gathering 40% of the councilors in the entire Alchemy Continent, and their influence can even spread to the entire Alchemy Continent, even Go above and beyond.

Many nobles want to establish friendship with these two city-states, so as to obtain rich governance resources, but unfortunately they have thought of many ways, except for some special sponsorships, there is no special progress at all, let alone the four corners directly sent by the parliament like Karen guard.

This is something that many nobles dare not hope for.

Many people have inquired about Karen's details, and they all wanted to find out how many tricks this young man had behind him, but they found that it was the ones on the surface.

Magic watches, built-in magic stones, space paddy fields, and all kinds of magic goods, they have to face up to this junior, but that's all.

But it's completely different now. They need to look up to them.

The information was transmitted from the holy city to the noble mansion one by one, and the dukes sat on their desks, reviewing the key information without blinking.

Something important must have happened, and the fact that Karen Heise could be treated like this must be because of the new alternate chairman's statement.

Just when all the nobles were at a loss, a new data sheet instantly revealed the mystery of this matter.

On April 21, 3006 in the sacred calendar, all the temples in the Holy City were collectively full. According to relevant statistics, on this day, the income of the Church of Our Lady alone reached 800,000 pence, and the Temple of Light ranked second, with an income of 500,000 pence. 20,000, and the third Temple of War earns 470,000.

St. Yale City is ushering in the peak student wave. The nine top halls in the city-state are completely full to the outside area. The second-tier Alchemy University also has a crazy tourist level. The income of this day has reached 1.27 million. According to the latest statistics, this stock The boom will continue to increase.”

Strategic cooperation directly signed by many colleges, and now there are 8,000 students who are willing to study in the college. At the same time, the Gold Flash Tourism Chamber of Commerce and the St. Yale City Executive Government have reached a long-term strategic cooperation. Karen once said frankly that the annual income is at least one year. 100 million.

Sisperin stared blankly at the information, he was completely dumbfounded now.

Just half a minute ago, at the celebratory banquet for becoming the probationary chairman, Bo Leni immediately announced that he would make tourism bigger and stronger, making it a unique landscape in the Alchemy Continent.

In front of all the nobles, he showed the photo of him and Karen without hesitation, and even spoke highly of each other as the pioneer of the new economy.

You know, but Bolleni asked him to organize Karen to go on a trip, so he can't mess around.

How did it change in the blink of an eye.

He is a dignified deputy chairman.

Looking down at the desk, there was a big red invitation card on it, which was for Karen, asking him to attend the private party of the probationary chairperson at the end of the year.

At the same time, there is also a cowhide letter, which is for him. There are two requirements, one is to persuade Karen to attend the banquet no matter what, and the other is to use everything to build a good relationship with Karen, and he will nominate Karen as the next One of the candidates for the Baronet of the Year.


Now there are less than one hundred barons in the entire Alchemy Continent, and there are almost five hundred viscounts. There are many viscounts who have tried their best to cross this threshold all their lives, but they have tried their best all their lives, but they have not been able to cross this step.

It's been less than half a year since Karen became a viscount, and he's about to be promoted to a baron, but he can think of the projects that the other party is currently working on, which one is not oily.

Maybe the baron is just a start, and maybe this young man will become a duke like him.


He didn't dare to think that the youngest duke on the Alchemy Continent is Sith, but it's been almost thirty years.

O new duke!

Thinking of this, West Sperin couldn't help but feel a sense of crisis, but then he thought, Karen is now involved in civilian industries, and what he is doing is smuggling. There is no such thing as two irrelevant fields. So much worry.

Travel! Sisperin sighed at him. In his eyes, this industry has no future at all, but now it has become a major bargaining chip for Karen to build a relationship with the parliament. The pace of expansion of the chamber of commerce will be unstoppable, and he turned to look at the chief manager, Is tourism really that profitable?

The manager smiled wryly and nodded: I didn't expect that either, but it's really profitable. Karen went out with ten freighters last time, but there were two hundred more when he came back from the Aegean continent. The creatures on these ships are stuffed It was full, and according to preliminary statistics, there were almost 200,000 people.

Our Alchemy Continent has relatively developed civilizations around it. In addition to the Alchemy Continent, the tribes around the Transit Island also want to visit us. That’s why there are so many people. According to people from the Flash Gold Tourism Chamber of Commerce, the entire sea road is queuing up now. There are almost two million people, because the issue of mainland auditing cannot come in, but I believe that with the guarantee of Chairman Bolloni, the auditing will be gradually relaxed.


Nowadays, tourism has become the most important bargaining chip for Bolleni to run for the chairman of the parliament, and the development of tourism is completely green light all the way.

My lord, many nobles are wandering outside the Glittering Gold Tourist Chamber of Commerce. Many nobles have come from other city-states in the Alchemy Continent. They are all thinking whether Karen can visit their city-states. Tourism is very popular now. Especially since this is a no-cost business, you don’t know, in just these two days, the income of Holy City and Holy Yale City has increased by more than ten times compared to previous years, and the councilors of these two city-states are talking rough now.”

Sisperin wanted to say that these people used to be rude, and would only humble themselves when they needed money. Now that Karen helped them solve the most important financial problem, it's no wonder they weren't rough.

If he and Karen were not familiar, it would be fine to discuss the issue of travel, but now there was a commotion just now, and he was ridiculed for no reason, and rushing forward in such a cold manner, he would really become the laughing stock of Monroe Harbor up.

My lord duke, a bit of shame is nothing. This is wealth. We have a lot of islands on hand, all of which are places with beautiful scenery, and these people are very interested in temples and temples. We should have a lot of things, right? Now it’s really profitable, and if you miss it and benefit others, it’s really not worth the loss.”

The chief manager saw the difficulty of Xisi Berlin, and quickly explained the stakes. Seeing that the other party was still hesitant, he could only quickly say: It is difficult for us, is it more difficult than the Duke of Sith, and now everyone comes to the door in person , What are we waiting for, are we really waiting for others to snatch the good things for this shame, we and the Sith family control many common areas.

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