First Law

Chapter 389 Don't Play Too Much

Sell that building immediately.

The five-story red building at the end of Monroe Street had been cleaned overnight, and the walls lined with billboards had been replaced by portraits of eighteen girls of various looks. The horizontal bar is prepared for the banners sent by many guests who came to congratulate.

The hall on the first floor is extremely wide, filled with leather sofas, and Yin Bintai is standing at the door of the transparent gressaite, and there is a circle of counters in the corner, and printed leaflets are placed on each counter.

On the single page is also a group photo of eighteen wonderful girls, and some special buildings are mixed in these group photos.

Anyone who is on the Alchemy Continent can basically guess it, Notre Dame Cathedral, Yale Alchemy University, the Four Corners Parliament Governing Building, Heptagram Energy Field, Monroe Grand Theater, Champagne Lake Fishing Holy Land.

These are the most representative areas of the Alchemy Continent. On the top of these promotional pages, the words Golden Glittering Tourist Chamber of Commerce are spray-painted with colorful pictures.

And on the top of the five-story building, the sign of the 'Golden Gold Tourism Chamber of Commerce' has begun to hang.

The welcome hall on the first floor, the special agency hall on the second floor, the high-end conference hall on the third floor, the general conference hall on the fourth floor, and the exclusive playground for Karen and eighteen girls on the fifth floor. , the whole building already has the atmosphere of a chamber of commerce opening.

But now, Sisperlin is in a bad mood. Outsiders think this place is very advanced, but he can see how outdated it is here.

There is no serious welcome staff, no skilled logistics, the so-called general meeting room is just a sign, in the lobby on the first floor, except for sofas and counters, there is not even a potted plant, except that the building is a bit grand, Everything else is just a bunch of rubbish.

Karen, this is not only what I mean, but also the meaning of the deputy chairman. Your current so-called so-called has infringed on the interests of the deputy chairman. I know that you have always wanted to make a difference in the Far East trade. Now is the time When you behave, listen to me, sell this place, don’t look for trouble, it’s not worth it if you lose a few women.” After speaking, he seemed afraid that what he said would go too far, and immediately added: “I’ll give you a hundred, guarantee It’s the top one in the Alchemy Continent, if it’s really not good, you can just point it out on the street, as long as you like it, I’ll find a way to get you under the quilt.”

Karen was a little puzzled, the duke insisted on terminating the tourism project for no reason, and even the vice chairman was involved.

The purpose of traveling is not to make money at all, but to let people living in low-level civilizations like the Alchemy Continent get a good feel for some real high-level civilizations. Only by truly broadening their horizons can they improve their abilities.

Now it's hard to get some results,

The other party came out to block him like a monkey.

sell away? impossible!

This person seems to think that he is too obedient these days, or that he has behaved too well, thinking that he is exactly the same as those low-level nobles.

To be honest, he didn't have any respect for these dukes. If he didn't rely on the suppression and dirty business of the forces themselves, if he really wanted to operate on the bright side, he might not even be able to compare with those ordinary chambers of commerce.

However, these are understandable, after all, the world itself is unequal.

Everyone's background, background, experience, and wealth can determine a person's situation, but these have nothing to do with Karen. He doesn't care what these nobles are doing. As for the so-called offending, it doesn't exist at all.

The other party said good things to him because he has value to use. As long as his value is large enough, the so-called chairperson will not let go of his line at all, on the contrary, he will hold on tighter and tighter.

Hehe, Lord Duke, I think you misunderstood, this is not a game.

What, it's not for fun, tell me it's not for fun? Sisperlin didn't let Karen finish his sentence, and forcefully refuted: Do you know what is said outside, saying that you are willing to do anything for women , you know what kind of women those are, hehe, let me tell you, they are dirty...

That's enough! Karen said sharply, the spiritual coercion unique to the necromancer shrouded the opponent's body.

He doesn't like the current atmosphere of the conversation very much, Siss Berlin has seriously violated his bottom line.

One, he doesn't like the other party interrupting him casually when he hasn't finished speaking.

Second, after he has identified a useful person, he will be useful, because this person can bring benefits to himself. He doesn't want anyone to tell the history of his ally king, and he doesn't like a person who uses dirty words behind his back. insult someone.

Sisperlin was stunned for a moment, feeling a chill all over his body. There seemed to be a pair of vicious eyes staring at him all over his body. The eyes of the poisonous snake, as long as he resisted a little, he would bite him hard.

He hasn't had this feeling for a long time, especially in the Alchemy Continent, everyone who sees him is respectful and respectful, only in those places in the Far East Continent, there is this kind of coercion of imminent death.

At this time, he remembered Karen's identity. The other party came to the Alchemy Continent by accident, and did not rely on any external connections to establish this industry. Everything he has now is completely squeezed out of the blunt market.

The other party brought products from the Black Sea, and then found an agent to sell them on the Alchemy Continent, and since then determined their own profit model.

black sea!

The West Berlin captures the most sensitive words, yes, the Black Sea, that is an area higher than the Far East Continent, the whole world is at the very center, just imagine, who can survive in the Black Sea, who does not have a bit of capital.

This is not a kind person!

After a few seconds of such coercion, it suddenly disappeared, Okay, this is my own business. I don't think it is up to the Duke of West Berlin to intervene in the matter of the Glittering Gold Chamber of Commerce.

It took a while for Sisperlin to regain his senses. Looking at the young man in his twenties and sixties, he felt a sense of fear for the first time. In just a moment, the other party was completely able to end his life. He is sure.

But soon the vice chairman's advice gained the upper hand again. Although it was scary just now, this is the mainland of Alchemy Continent. I am the Duke of Tang Tang. As long as the other party makes a slight move, he will die immediately without a place to bury him.

Sometimes the vice chairman's task is more important than his own life. Thinking of this, his fear disappeared instantly, and he said more severely: Karen, you must think clearly, this is the order of the deputy chairman.

It wasn't an order, but on this occasion he had to use the word 'order', which meant asking him to enforce it.

Hehe, order, who ordered me? Karen sneered, this is the third reason why he doesn't like West Berlin now, and it can't even be described simply as hate, it should be disgust, Sis Berlin , Don’t do this to me, leave now while I can tolerate it, and don’t make trouble at the opening ceremony of my tourist chamber of commerce, or else I don’t mind terminating the cooperation with the magic charging station.”

Don't you dare! Sisperlin was a little scared. He was able to get in touch with Boloni. A large part of it was that Penny was inserted into the precious energy industry because of the magic charging station. Ni's value will be greatly reduced. Thinking of this, he hurriedly added: We signed the contract.

Contract? Karen smiled strangely. Does such a literal thing bind him now? Do you really think it is valid? What are the consequences of violating the contract? The cooperation of the magic charging station is handed over to the Duke of Sith, will he take the initiative to bear the compensation.

A chill instantly penetrated the whole body along Sisper's spine. If the coercion just now was physical oppression, now it is the whipping of the spiritual field.


He is sure that the Sith House will not only give Karen better conditions for cooperation, such as raising Karen's title, or Karen's most important trade distribution rights in the Far East, or a new sea route.

At this moment, he found that he had no ability to resist this young man. He was a duke, and the other party was just a newly promoted viscount. He was supposed to suppress him, but now it was the other way around.

However, he cannot be intimidated by Karen. This is a mission, a big mission related to the future of Sith Berlin.

His tone was not as sharp as before, and he instantly turned into a benevolent middle-aged uncle. He said in a tone of instructing the younger generation: Karen, you see, we are cooperation and friends. I know you have a sea route and want to make a fortune. , but now you are no longer short of money. After becoming a nobleman, the ability of money will be greatly reduced, but the relationship with the parliament will be greatly enhanced. If you want to become a higher-level noble one day, you'd better calm down Experience what I said, well, there is only so much I can say, if you have understanding, you will know what to do, as for...

Before he finished speaking, he shook his head, stood up and walked out of the hall.

Karen looked at the background of the other party, without thinking at all. The other party was right, and it should be the same for any noble in the Alchemy Continent, trying to get a better relationship.

But Karen is different, he does not belong here, the Alchemy Continent is just a platform.

His core, in the town of Glittering Gold in the Great Wasteland, this big stall will be given up sooner or later.

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