First Law

A Will Eternal Chapter 382



The bells of the church reverberated in the air. As the church built by Sisi Berlin Mansion itself, seven consecutive knocks made the duke's mansion usher in a new morning on the mainland.

In the northwest of the Duke's Mansion, a new type of garden is being built. Flowers and neon lights are intertwined, which just envelops all the creatures who come to watch.

The sun shone down, and the entire flower garden reflected a faint colorful brilliance, mixed with the servants talking and laughing, and the whole mansion was filled with a sense of peace and freedom.

As for the servants around the flower garden, they haven’t enjoyed such freedom for a long time, especially as the Duke of Sissberg’s mood has improved recently, as long as they finish their errands, they can freely allocate their time, although it is not exaggerated to dream Wandering on Lu Street, but finding the flower pond like now, it is still possible to relax.

Especially recently they have given out bonuses three times in a row. You must know that there are never any servants like them except for the shops in the Duke’s Mansion, but now it’s very special. The whole Duke’s Mansion, including the old man at the door, all received a big Red envelope.

There is no baby in the Duke's mansion, and the Duke of Sith has not married a new wife. However, the Duke always laughs like eating pistachios every day.

Especially recently, it has cost a lot of money to build a sky garden. According to the description of the construction craftsman, the flower garden in front of me will be stacked 18 layers high, and then a flying island will be built with suspended stones at the highest point to become Monroe Harbor. surface buildings.

The whole cost is about 50 million pence, and it is still a preliminary estimate. According to the intention of the Duke, it seems that there will be more investment in the later stage.

Of course, some news leaked that the Duke of Sissberg has become rich, and they have also heard about it. Recently, the magic power charging station cooperated with the Glittering Gold Chamber of Commerce is overcrowded every day. Monroe Harbor has now built 108 charging stations. There is still a queue.

Too much!

What they said is that there are too many things that need to be recharged, ranging from magic paddy fields to small magic pens, magic notebooks, and magic dolls. Medium charge.

Of course, magic power is not expensive, even cheaper than those in the Alchemy Continent, but Sisi Berlin Mansion made money, otherwise how could there be so many bonuses.

There are even rumors that as soon as the end of the year is over, Sith Berlin will rely on the charging station to compete for one of the three Dukes of the Alchemy Continent.

The West Berlin Mansion laughed constantly,

But the Sith Mansion, which was half a mile away, was terribly deserted, especially the large flower garden at the entrance of the Duke's house, which was directly dismantled into three petals.

The servants stayed at their posts obediently, for fear of accidentally touching their eyebrows and causing trouble.

Don't talk about bonuses, even the last month's salary has not been paid. As for the Duke of Sith, he hasn't shown up for half a month. He just heard that two little maids were thrown outside the door for no reason. They shivered all night. Finally, It seems that it was sold by the new butler.

The servants are having a hard time, and the new Sith butler is even more uncomfortable. He is Ham's junior, and his ability is not bad. At least he can manage a large stall in the Sith Mansion properly. This ability is not bad in normal times, but The West Berlin Mansion is so powerful that every day is a movement.

Either building a sky garden, or inviting the stars of the entire Monroe Harbor to a party, and now it is even too much, directly inviting the Duke of the entire Alchemy Continent to have fun together.

On weekdays, he naturally likes to be happy, because this kind of party not only has various delicacies, but also free pretty girls to enjoy. The girls provided by the Duke's Mansion are definitely the top goods on the Alchemy Continent. Follow your master and get contaminated with oil stars.

But now he doesn't dare to mention the party. Behind this kind of joy, there is a ruthless division of interests.

The ten Duke's mansions firmly control the most profitable business in the entire Alchemy Continent. To put it bluntly, each mansion has its own strengths, but they are the only two mansions that are engaged in arms smuggling with Sisi Berlin. Business.

Especially in the recent trade in the Aegean Continent, there has been a lot of competition. The Sith Mansion now controls the Agate Harbor on the east coast of the Aegean Continent, and can continuously transport military ammunition to Alexander. In addition, they have a harmonious relationship with the four kingdoms of the human race. , the business has been done smoothly.

There are also some buyers in West Berlin, but they are not as big as them, and they also secretly support the Bauhinia Kingdom, relying on this relationship, they used to be able to hold down West Berlin.

But who would have thought that the magic charging station would make so much money? He didn't get the specific data, but it was estimated from the experts' detection that they could earn in one day:


This number is something that I dare not even dream about. The amount I earn in a day can cover their arms deal. If calculated in a year, it is almost 2.5 suns.

This is a trip to the Far East, and it is estimated that you can't make so much money. This is no longer making money, but crazier than printing money.

The chief steward sighed for a long time. He can understand the mood of the Duke of Sith now. You must know that the chief steward Hamm tried his best to cooperate with the Glittering Gold Chamber of Commerce, but was rejected by the Duke of Sith on the grounds of seizing power. He missed such an opportunity for nothing. a chance.

If Hamm is still in charge, if he cooperates with the town of Gold Shining, will the wealth now belong to the Sith Mansion, and they can laugh like those servants, and they can also build their own sky gardens.

No if!

Yes, a month ago, who would have thought that magic charging stations would make so much money, and who would have thought that so many special models with built-in magic stones would suddenly appear on the market.

This gathering obviously intends to take advantage of this power to forcibly deprive Sith Mansion of business.

Now is the opening day of the Far East Trade, and the Far East Trade Federation will review the strength of each duke's mansion, so as to determine the quota more accurately.

The Sith Mansion sent a second butler to hunt the elves, hoping to rely on this group of characteristic elves to support the appearance. They never thought that there would be no news, and now they are facing this wave of suppression. There is no sufficient preparation for the goods going to the Far East for trade.


Thinking of the difficulties of this gathering, the new chief executive sighed again, but it would be impossible not to go. This time, the West Berlin Mansion not only invited the ten dukes, but also invited the decision-makers of the Far East Trade Federation. If they do it secretly Mysterious activities will be even worse for the Sith Mansion.

Knocking on the door of the Duke's bedroom, he said in a low voice: My lord, the West Berlin Mansion has invited you again. We must go there. It has been confirmed that Mr. Hou Haiyin will attend this banquet.

There was a dead silence behind the gate, there was no sound, and there was no light at all. It took about a quarter of an hour before the light was turned on, and then the door opened after a burst of chattering noises.

The Duke of Sith wore a purple blue aristocratic robe, with a velvet men's cap on his head, and the round-neck robe was embroidered with the unique half-moon logo of the Sith family. The moment the door swept across the entire flower garden, it revealed an inviolable aristocratic majesty.

However, the chief steward could tell that the Duke of Sith's complexion was very pale and his eye circles were dark, which could not be concealed even with simple make-up. It must be that he had not slept for a long time.

Seeing this scene, the chief steward became more respectful, Your Excellency, it's time to set off now.

The Duke of Sith's gaze stayed on the flower garden for half a minute before slowly asking: Who is attending this party?

The chief steward hurriedly said: The top-ranked Karoo family, the second Feiyi family, and the third Michelin family all sent chief stewards, and the other dukes were present. At the same time, they invited Hou Haiyin, the vice president of the Far East Trade Federation. Senior, the vice-chairman and seven members of the Alchemy Continent's ruling parliament, the star Monroe and other first-line stars.

After detailing the one-touch list, he seemed afraid of touching something, and said in a very low voice: Karen Heise, the boss of the Glittering Gold Chamber of Commerce, and his steward.

He was very careful in what he said, especially in the end he only mentioned a manager without a specific name.

Ham? The Duke of Sith said sternly: Hmph, it's ridiculous that a small viscount's mansion can also participate in this kind of high-level meeting. Basic business contacts.

Yes...yes... The chief manager nodded repeatedly. He really didn't want to make the Duke angry. Although the other party said so, the facts were clearly on the surface. It was because of the Glittering Gold Chamber of Commerce that Sisi Berlin could die now. Death suppressed the Sith mansion, the calmer the Duke of Sith was, the more he could feel the repressed anger of the other party.

This trip is a Hongmen banquet, I don't know how much anger I will suffer if I go there, and I am afraid that I will be skinned.

The competition among the nobles is more cruel than imagined from the outside. It is common for people to kill people without telling their bones. The Sith Mansion has squeezed out a duke mansion at the beginning to get its current status. I hope to keep the position of the Duke of the Sith Mansion, as long as they can go to the Far East Continent, they have the capital,

I am afraid that Sisi Berlin will directly use the Far East trade!

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