First Law

A Will Eternal Chapter 360

The last thing Karen wants to hear now are words related to merchants in the Aegean continent, especially the two mansions of Sith and West Sperin, which are Karen's closest partners in business cooperation.

But he knew very well that this was unavoidable.

Alexander represented countless commercial interests, especially Sith and West Sperin, which were the main residences for foreign sales of weapons. Naturally, it was impossible to give up this piece of fat in vain.

The only thing that made Karen feel good was that it wasn't the chief steward of the Sith Mansion who came forward this time. Although he had heard of this second steward, he didn't have a deep acquaintance with him.

His identity in the Alchemy Continent is kept secret. A large part of it is that the Alchemy Chamber of Commerce has never been involved in the business of the Aegean Continent. This business model that directly connects to the Black Sea is very popular, but now his identity will be exposed sooner or later. The Alchemy Continent As the largest technology import continent and commodity purchase area in Gold Flash Town, he had to obtain more capital before his identity was fully exposed.

Boss, the situation is not optimistic. Now the elves basically know our details, and some alchemists have also noticed this resource, which is not exclusive to our family at all. Churchill's face was full of pity.

The true intentions of the Gold Glitter Town were exposed, and it was completely passive in this elf continent invasion. It can be seen that Minnie can openly propose conditions to Kaiyun, and now the whole Gold Glitter Town can't find a reason to refuse.

If the elves really come to their deaths, it will be nothing to the merchants in the Alchemy Continent, but it will be a huge loss to the Shining Gold Town, which has worked so hard for so long.

It's nothing, it's nothing more than giving the elves more sweetness. Doing business with elves is at least much easier than alchemy merchants. Karen smiled, However, merchants from Alchemy Continent can't be here, they have a lot of information, The most important thing is that once we research something, they will get the information as soon as possible, and then our products in the Alchemy Continent will no longer have a sense of mystery.

This is what Karen is most worried about. Relatively speaking, the culture of Alchemy Continent is more mature. Facing the jungle law of survival of the fittest and survival of the fittest, their pursuit of profit is far higher than that of Flash Gold Town. At the same time, their culture more naked.

Once the second manager of the Sith Mansion tasted the sweetness, the merchants of the entire Alchemy Continent would rush here like flies smelling fishy smell.

He knows exactly what the consequences are!

He didn't want to huddle in the same pot with those businessmen and compete for food, that would appear quite passive.

The second manager came to the Fairy Sea, isn't it just to pass on some information? Karen asked with a smile, he felt strange, how could the other party come into contact with Carrington for no reason.

On the surface, it is to purchase a batch of top-quality timber, but I think this should not be correct. Purchasing timber from thousands of miles does not make much money, and there must be more ulterior business. As the chief executive of the wasteland, Churchill was keenly aware of the inaccuracy of the matter. Generally speaking, it seems to be able to capture something from Karen's words.

However, we can't make a decision until we get the exact information, Boss, this matter has to be done slowly.


The elf Minnie was very excited. She didn't expect things to go so smoothly. She and Nasha just had a brief conversation and signed some seemingly impossible agreements. Without a little effort, you can get millions of pennies in income from Gold Shining Town every year.

This is definitely a huge sum of money. Now the entire elf royal family is conducting research on Karen's industrial structure and historical behavior style.

It has already raised the other party to a new height.

The elves entrenched in the sky migrated one after another to the empty island controlled by the Golden Town, and the problems imposed on the green island were easily solved.

In this confrontation with Gold Flash Town, it is only at this moment that they feel that they have firmly gained some upper hand. With the signing of the contract with Gold Flash Town, a huge sum of money will arrive in the account soon. With the support of these pennies, they can completely build their own empty island.

As long as there is land, the foundation of the elf family can take root and spread its branches and leaves.

At present, Carrington is already discussing the construction of the Sky Island with those merchants from the Alchemy Continent. Both the technology and materials have been initially resolved, and the entire project will be completed soon.

However, she always felt unreliable towards the alchemists. These people always looked at them naked, especially when they looked at the Elf Queen, without any dignity towards the king at all.

However, this does not deny that they have advanced technology, combining their technology, coupled with the ancient magic of the elves themselves, this will definitely become the root of their rise.

The most disgusting thing is Carrington, the old man instigated the elf queen, and actually gave the alchemist the status of the elf's envoy. This new status allows them to walk freely on the green island.

She always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't find the crux of it.



Karen stared blankly at the information on hand, her eyes wide open to the extreme.

Kidnapping the elf queen, the elf princess, and taking away eight hundred beautiful elf girls.

Karen couldn't recover from the simple sentence, and looked at Churchill again, Is this true?

Churchill nodded earnestly, It's true, this is news from the Alchemy Continent. I heard that there is a batch of big business in the Sith Mansion recently, and a batch of top-notch goods is urgently needed. I don't know who leaked the news and made them look at it. The second steward was ordered to secretly take down the most beautiful elf.

Karen vaguely thought of something. This is likely to be related to the business on the Far East Road. There are still two months before the start of the trade on the Far East Road. I didn't expect that the Sith Mansion would treat these elves as commodities.

It has to be said that Sith Mansion's vision is poisonous enough. The elves have been the group with the most beauties since ancient times. According to legend, they are the descendants of the Moon Goddess and the Mori Goddess, and they also have a little blood of the Goddess of Beauty.

Although the ancient magic has declined, the beauty of the elves has not been lost at all, especially in these years when the elves are closed, every elf has enjoyed the warmth of the heaven and earth aura since birth, and all the water spirits, especially the high elves , is absolutely stunning.

Karen was fascinated when she first entered the Elven Continent and met Nasha. The other party was just an ordinary priest, but her beauty did not belong to Monroe at all. It was just some outstanding members of other ordinary elf tribes, who could be regarded as superstars in the Alchemy Continent. to cultivate.

Not to mention that almost all of them have the singing voice of the nightingale version, wonderful dancing postures, and exquisite hand skills. They are almost born for beauty.

Beauty is a double-edged sword. It is capital when it is strong, but once it is in trouble, it will become a resource for all forces to compete for.

Thinking of selling these elves as female slaves, Karen thought it was the most brilliant idea in the world. How could he work so hard to dig out the ancient magic inside the elves and grab the wisdom of the elves? They just need to capture each other , and then resell it.

The profit earned by one elf is worth more than ten magic watches.

Do you know the specific plan?

Churchill nodded: They plan to use a potion of dragon's birth incense and spread it throughout the green shade island. It is estimated that it should be effective in half an hour.

Is the Green Island not small?

It's not small, but these alchemists have obtained the qualifications to walk freely on the tree of eternity. He said, taking out a mung bean-shaped thing from his pocket, This is Long Danxiang, boss, you said that these things should be taken carelessly. Scattered on the ground, can you see it?

It looks like a mung bean, with some black spots in it, and it still smells slightly fragrant when it comes close, but after just smelling it, the head buzzes and vibrates, and I almost fall to the ground when I stagger.

It's so powerful. Karen cried inwardly. It's more powerful than all the drugs I know. It looks inconspicuous, but once you get close to it, it will immediately cause hallucinations. It only takes a while, Karen Instead of relief, it felt worse.

Churchill hurriedly stuffed it into the space button, Boss, this ecstasy incense is something that flows from the Far East. It started to show little effect, but it will continue to erupt after a day, and then it will become stronger and stronger. The whole ecstasy incense It is said that the medicinal effect is more than 70 years.

From the Far East?

No wonder! Karen murmured, if there is such a thing in the Aegean Continent, if it is used in a weapon, it may be invincible. Thinking of this group of alchemists, Karen still feels that he is too kind, seemingly It has been almost two or three days since I got the news, so the current elf queen?

This group of people, who didn't believe in themselves, just called back the more powerful hungry wolf. This crime is worth bearing.

Boss, what shall we do? Churchill asked.

What do you mean?

Elves, do you really want to watch them suffer so much? There are many great magicians among them. Once they are taken away by those alchemists, they don't care whether these elves know magic or not. Churchill said with a bit of regret : Besides, Nasha is now the mistress of Gold Town, what will she think if she finds out?

Karen sighed, to be honest, he couldn't think of a way for a while, but he was unwilling to save those elves if he had nothing to do.

Anyway, he knew that even if he was saved, these elves would not appreciate it.

Well, let's monitor it first. Didn't Cabras invent a kind of monitoring eye? It's time to try the effect first.

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