First Law

Invincible Chapter 349

Now this situation can be regarded as a riot.

As soon as Karen entered the conference hall in the center of Sky Island, many elf elders, big and small, gathered together, as if they knew he was coming back, all of them stared wide-eyed and puffed their cheeks, seeming to have a lot of resentment.

At the front is the elf's current elder, Carrington, an old elf with white eyebrows over two hundred years old, sitting on the central chair for discussion.

The other party has a high prestige among the elves, and Karen would take the initiative to greet each time, but now he just glanced at it and then transferred to a young Forbes next to him.

The other party was a little immature, and the moment Karen looked over, he lowered his head in shame.

Karen sighed, this person really can't afford to be the leader of Sky Island, he is far from Churchill's courage, a person who can lead the leader alone, the core point is that Karen doesn't have to worry about it himself.

Think about the accounts of the Glitter Town managed by Churchill. Karen never asked about it from the moment it was handed over to the other party. Philips of the Golden Harbor has not mentioned the problem of port construction until now. Black Moore only sleeps for two hours a day, but that sentence is always in front of Karen.

I'm fine!

Don't they have any problems? No, Karen knows better than anyone else how many difficulties these people have encountered. Compared with the civil strife in the sky island, they are many times more troublesome, especially Black Moore. He even vomited blood during the most difficult time, but in In the field of responsibility, there has never been a single mistake.

This is ability.

If you are also a living being, the other party can do things perfectly, but if you can't do it well, it only shows that you are not capable enough.


The moment Karen walked over, the other party hurriedly stood up and gave up his position.

Karen sat on the chair unceremoniously, looked at Carrington, and then at the representative of the human mage not far away, and said unceremoniously: Tell me, what's going on. Quite asking for instructions. Hearing that Karen's tone was wrong, her voice softened: Karen, the salary slip of Cabras has been circulated. It's 300,000 pence in seven days, and now it's spending a lot of money to build the mage's tower. It's nothing. , but the last time I told you to improve the living environment of ordinary elves and build two more elf temples, you said that there is no money, but how can there be?

He didn't finish speaking, the whole hall was silent, and everyone looked at Karen eagerly.

After a long while, Karen laughed out loud: You want to say how I have money to give to an elf, but I don't have the money to improve the environment of the elves, right? If you have any problems, just tell them. Let me summarize the problems first, and then I will look at it and give it to you. You criticize.

What Carrington wanted was not these small conditions, but the terrifying salary distribution in Gold Shining Town had disturbed the hearts of the elves. He had to ask for Cabras' salary to be taken back and put him in the position of an ordinary elf. .

In his eyes, there is a distinction between high and low elves, ordinary people are ordinary, and they are the elders who should have some privileges.

Karen, that's not what I meant. After all, Cabras also contributed some strength. It's okay to send some money. Everyone can understand. After all, the situation is different now, but isn't 300,000 a lot, and I heard that

Karen still maintains a flat smile, this old man is so interesting, he always hides the most important words, Did you say that there will be one after another, these three orders are just the beginning, if this is the problem, I will I can give you an answer now, yes,

There are a total of five wages this month, with a total amount of 420,000 pence, which he earned by virtue of his own ability.

At this time, the manager of the human mage beside him suddenly said: Karen, what position do you want to put us elves in, we are not your slaves, let alone beggars, even if he is capable , but that's a little too much.

Karen was already full of anger. It took him three hours to come all the way from the Alchemy Continent. He thought that the Golden Town and the human mages were at least on the same level. After all, they had more or less been transformed by Gold But now it seems that they are also jealous of Cabras' income.

What he can't stand the most is jealousy of other people's ability. There is so much money in the world, if you have the ability, you can earn it. Why use this method to cause trouble.

Oh, then you think I've done it.

The representative of the human mage seemed to have said something too much, and immediately smiled: Karen, listen to me, Cabras does have the ability, but it is the Golden Town, the factory of the orcs, that can transform this ability into wealth. , an outstanding craftsman. This should be the unique wealth of Gold Shining Town, if you think you have the ability to take the majority for no reason, and even think this kind of income is completely reasonable, what is it?

Immediately, someone echoed: That's right, what you said is justified. All the wealth should belong to Jinshijin Town. So much money is spent on the construction of the empty island. I don't know how many mage towers can be built. Put it on one person , wasted.

Seeing that someone took the initiative to start the conversation, everyone was excited and poured out all the grievances in their hearts, especially the elderly, muttering a lot.

Seeing that the situation was good, Carrington hurriedly raised his voice and said: Everyone, please calm down. This is what we are discussing today. Sky Island belongs to everyone, and so does the welfare of Gold Shining Town. Karen is here today. Regarding the huge salary this time, I believe Karen will give a satisfactory explanation.

As he spoke, he turned to look at Karen, and said with a smile, Karen, this matter is very important, and I have to remind you.

Karen smiled, he still felt that this so-called meeting was out of shape, but now calm down and see what these people want to do.

Elder, please speak.

Carrington said: Karen, I am very happy that Cabras can be reused by you. After all, he is also an elf, but his character may not be very good. He has few friends in the former village, and Talking about it every day and having serious mental illusions, this kind of crazy situation is probably beneficial to the construction of the territory.

He took a breath and continued: Besides, he is so young and has insufficient experience. If he wants to practice magic in Gold Shining Town, it is best to invite a highly respected elf to sit in the town, you know

Hearing this, Karen's face was already very ugly. These elders are also the elders of the elves, but how could they arrange others at such a critical time.

Oh, then who do you think is better to sit in charge, Mr. Carrington?

Calling out the other party's name so bluntly, Carrington blushed immediately, and stammered: What can I do, there are many people in the elf family who can, if necessary, I can introduce you to a few .”

At this moment, an elf in the audience shouted: Why can't Elder Carrington work? He was recommended by all the elves, which proves that he has this ability.

Elder Carrington is the most knowledgeable elder among the elves. He can memorize all the magic formulas. He is the magic dictionary of our elves. He is in charge of the town of Shining Gold, and he can't make mistakes.

Karen glanced at Carrington, and asked humbly, Does Your Excellency Carrington mean the same?

Carrington chuckled twice: Karen, if everyone thinks I can do it, I can do my part.

Will you get all the salary of 300,000 yuan?

Carrington couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, but still shook his head forcefully, Why would I want this money, if I really have so much income, I will only leave the necessary living needs, and the rest will be used to improve The environment of the elves, 300,000 pence per month, at least allows all elves to drink ordinary fruit wine.

Karen has never seen such a brazen person. Normally, he really wanted to deal with this hypocritical villain, but now he is not in the mood at all. He feels disgusting even if he looks at this kind of person more often.


With a long sigh, he shook his head, looking helpless.

Karen, why are you sighing! Carrington said with concern.

Karen smiled, I can't help it. I didn't realize that there is a powerful existence around me. If I knew this, why should I ask Caprington? Xiao, I really don’t need a great mage like you, so let’s see, Green Island is the essence of the elves, so we’ll get together and get separated, you’d better go to someone else’s house.”

Carrington didn't get over it at first, but seeing Karen's cold expression for a moment, he immediately understood, You want to drive me away?

No, we are happy to get together and leave.

Hehe, Karen, I was chosen by all the elves. Without me, the elves would not be so safe. Carrington's voice was very low, like a wild dog about to growl, You should ask the people in front of you anyway. opinion of these elders.

Karen glanced at her, her voice became colder and colder, Ask them what they are doing, they are just a bunch of useless waste.

As soon as these words came out, the whole venue immediately exploded.

Karen, what are you talking about, Sky Island would be in chaos without us.

That is, you offended us elders for the sake of an ordinary elf, and you have good fruit to eat. Now I will lead all the elves to become independent. I will see what you can do.

Karen didn't look at the yelling elders at all, and directly gave an order to Forbes next to him, What are you still doing in a daze, call the guards over, these irrelevant people will be driven out of the empty island.

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