First Law

Chapter 44 Earth Dragon Appears

Black Moore can already feel the disaster befalling those kings of the kingdom. The gap between advanced arms and ordinary arms cannot be described in a few words.

Soldiers who can equip the Bandit Legion of Gold Flash Town are obviously not just special in appearance. As far as the Golden Wing Griffin is concerned, it is easy to single out three ordinary Griffins in actual combat, and even challenge five or six. This is hard power difference.

Even he, a layman, feels the superiority of these arms. Now, he is somewhat looking forward to the sensational effect these special soldiers will bring to the wasteland, and even more hope that Karen can deliver these soldiers to the Golden Lion Fortress. He can guarantee that if Trading these soldiers will definitely increase the reputation of Golden Lion Fortress more than ten times.

The climate on the wasteland is always so unpredictable. The weather was originally arid, but a thin trace of frost appeared rarely, covering the whole land in a silvery white. The further north you go, the more obvious this silvery white is.

But this kind of coldness did not stop the enthusiasm among the various faction masters at all. The competition in the south of Desa City became more and more fierce.

Up to now, only the top of the mountain has been occupied by three title-level mages, and more title-level powerhouses are expanding towards the south in order to occupy more bases.

Karen's so-called canonization order has completely become a piece of waste paper, and the erected boundary markers have become the biggest joke on the wasteland. Some people even began to approach the Golden Lion Fortress in an attempt to occupy the lower reaches of the Mississippi River.

It's a pity that disaster has never been born in the territory of Gold Shining Town. As long as there are some sporadic signs of chaos, they will disappear inexplicably.

Many disasters were wiped out by the lords on the road without even getting close to Gold Shining Town.

On the hill just now, Daniel looked at the Golden Lion Fortress that had been ruled by Hoarfrost, and frowned slightly. The whole world seemed to be in a silver mist. He had observed the Golden Lion Fortress for many days, and this scene was very familiar to him.

But now the trend on the wasteland is completely different from what he imagined. The war on the wasteland has spread from the north to the middle. According to his speculation, this raging trend will spread to the whole wasteland in an unstoppable manner, but now the south of the wasteland Still no signs of unrest.

On the contrary, the battle near Desa City was more serious than expected, and he looked down at the information on hand.

Area 93 collapsed mysteriously, and all occupants were buried alive.

Frequent vibrations occurred in area 18, and it has changed hands.

These two pieces of information were obtained by the Kenneth Society through secret channels. To others, they may be two pieces of insignificant news, but to Daniel, whose main task is to study the town of Gold, he feels something bad.

Because these two areas were one of the first to enter the chaotic area, while thinking, there was a sound of small footsteps behind him, Daniel did not look back, and asked directly, Is there any new news in the territory sold by Karen? ?”

There is almost no one behind, but if you look closely, you can faintly see the outline outlined by the ice sand, which looks like a human being. This is the unique intelligence weapon of the Kenneth Association.

Yes, there has been a change in area 1. A thin piece of parchment seemed to be born out of thin air, and it landed gently on Daniel's palm.

'A collapse occurred in the No. 1 area, and the 7 titled powerhouses covered by the area were buried in it. None of them survived, and they have now been regained control by the first lord. '

The information was not long, but Daniel felt extremely heavy. After a long time, a strange smile finally appeared on his stiff face, Karen, Karen, I really have you. Then he ordered to the air behind him, Continue to investigate, Get the whole thing straight.

After a burst of footsteps, there was no more sound, and he looked at the Golden Lion Fortress again, to be precise, staring at Karen's room intently.

There is still milky yellow light, which is particularly conspicuous in this cold night. Whenever I see that dazed figure at the window,

Daniel can't help feeling a little bit of sympathy for each other. Once upon a time, he was so devoted and chased his dreams so much.

Sighing sadly, his eyes slowly wandered into the distance, looking at the vast sky, as if there was an unshakable figure lying between the sky and the earth in the wasteland.

I really don't know how long it will last.

No one knew that an experienced necromancer sighed in the long night, but everyone knew about the collapse of Area 1.

This incident is terribly weird. From the east to the west of the territory, it seems that it has been measured with a measuring stick. There is no more than one point and no less.

All the creatures in the territory are all hidden underground. There is no way, the whole territory is turned from front to back like a piece of paper.

Now on the surface of the territory, the overturned red soil still has some moisture, and it is bright red like human blood.

No one knew what happened, or even how this strange phenomenon happened. Everything was so sudden, and in an instant, the entire territory completely turned upside down.

Not far away, the warlocks from the wasteland frowned, their eyes looked at the strange things in front of them from time to time, and through energy induction, they already knew that there were more than a dozen huge creatures living under this territory.

They have never seen such a huge creature, and it seems to be as unshakable as the legendary dragon.

The orc shamans are also hesitant. The mountain that they once chased has been completely buried in the ground. The natural advantages of this territory have been completely lost, but now the threat presented is even greater, so it can easily overturn a The monsters in the territory, like the legendary Behemoth, are terrifying.

What kind of power is this?

At this moment, Maria was also puzzled. There are many unbelievable things in the world...

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