First Law

Chapter 133 Kidd's Transformation

The passageway at the pier has been blocked by various vehicles. On the other side, the merchants are looking at the fleet's export port eagerly. Even Maria has received urging from the human race.

But there is really no way, no one would dare to release the goods without Karen's permission.

After suffering like this for an hour, Kidd's door finally opened, and two men walked out with their arms around their shoulders, smiling like old friends whom Amei had met for decades.

Are you all right? Maria and Katerina asked in unison.

No. Kidd laughed, Have we ever had a problem?

The more this happened, the more the two women felt that something was wrong. You must know that three hours ago, the two of them didn't say a word, but no matter what, it was a good thing that they got along well.

Boss, it's time to ship. Churchill stepped forward and said.

Looking at the long convoy, Karen didn't expect such a long delay, and immediately called out, Ship and ship. As the voice fell, the cabins of the two freighters opened wide, and in the cabins were already installed iron boxes. The cage, the iron cage is full of strong soldiers.

The moment they saw these soldiers, everyone's eyes straightened.

Kidd smiled, he seemed to think that Karen was pretty good sometimes, How long shall we stay?

Two days.

Well, I'll keep the cabin, I'm going to bring some private goods this time. After speaking, he left the freighter along the stairs, never stopped at the Golden Lion Fortress, and came directly to the Golden Port through the Golden Town.

Katerina looked at Kidd's back and felt strange, Did you brainwash him?


Then what is he going to do?

Who knows. Karen smiled, and went straight back to her room regardless of the two women's reactions.

Kidd was blowing the sea breeze, looking at the ships docked in Golden Harbor, and after placing a batch of material orders for base construction with the Pirate Alliance, he set off by boat.

His goal is the human race, and he plans to visit some large-scale institutions of higher education within two days to improve the level of the base.

In the room, Karen did not say anything to him, but only affirmed a problem, 'The base built next time will still fail.


After that, the two of them didn't get too entangled in the matter of the base, and they didn't have a life plan, but started talking nonsense.

When it comes to which wine-tailed turtle in Haiyanghui is good, which area has special food, of course, it is more about women, it took half an hour just to talk about Kidd's sister, and it took even longer to gossip about Katerina.

He never thought that he and Karen had so many topics in common. If it wasn't a matter of time, he planned to chat for three days.

But now, he knew that he should do what he was supposed to do, and recalling Karen's words at this moment, his abilities were indeed shit.

Practice is the only criterion for testing ability. If he can't resist Heihai's attack, his ability will not be good. Thinking about it carefully, he didn't rack his brains for Heihai's project at all. He has to learn to use his own method to solve problems.

First of all, what he has to solve is the greatest fear in his heart, the Human Race Continent. As a pirate, he has never entered the Human Race in his life, for fear of accidentally causing unnecessary trouble.

But now, he doesn't have so many worries. Compared with the Black Sea, the human race is not terrible.

He first came to Scowart, saw the war that just broke out here, and then headed towards the Kingdom of Watson, visited the title-level city-state designer, stayed for one night, and began to return, on the way back. On a small island of the Sea Clan, I asked the murloc elders for some experience in coastal defense.

Although it's only been two days, his vision is completely different. Whether it's a human or a murloc, he can learn from it.

, Unfortunately, there is not enough time for him to study, he has to build a new base for Delta with Karen.

As the freighter went down slowly, Katerina looked at the two men talking and laughing at the bow, and Gao Gao frowned. She couldn't help but glance at Maria, Have you ever seen Karen like this?

Maria shook her head, At least he's still with me, he's not so relaxed.

Katerina has never seen Kidd speak so much before, even with exaggerated body movements and an undisguised exaggerated smile. She has heard that there are pros and cons in life, and it seems that Karen has dug out the other side of Kidd .

But as soon as Kidd and Karen separated, his face became meticulous, he yelled at the crew, and his eyes were fixed on the front.

Even with her, it seems that there are not many common topics.

This time, they will stay for fifteen days. Karen will purchase more slaves, and Kidd will start building new ideas.

The progress of the project was extremely smooth. On the eighth day, Karen completed the purchase of slaves and sailed the ship into the center of the Mississippi River, which could prevent the final disaster.

Afterwards, Karen and Kidd concentrated on building the delta, building a magic detection tower, setting up a warning ship, installing two more cannons, raising a kind of warning fish nearby, and the most special thing is that a triangular pyramid was placed in the center of the delta. weapons.

On the fourteenth day, all personnel began to retreat in an orderly manner. On the last day, Kidd began to activate the pyramid, and a black iron-colored shield formed over the delta.

Didi! Didi!

With the formation of the protective shield, the guard tower screamed crazily, the blue and red light continued to flash, and a blue pirate ship appeared at the place where the sea and the sky met.


In an instant, a blue light shot towards the captain, and the entire delta was instantly frozen.


Kidd stood on the bow and shouted crazily. The four cannons on the shore shot forward rumblingly. The moment the shells approached the pirate ship, they were condensed and then formed into fireworks. The entire base was extracted by a mysterious force and landed on the pirate ship. .

But at the moment when it was about to disintegrate, a yellow light suddenly formed above the pirate ship, and countless fragments fell into the ocean.

Ha ha!

Ha ha!

The two men on the freighter laughed at the same time, as if such a defeat seemed like a rare victory.

The magic ion hedge is quite powerful and can be used. Kidd said with a smile.

I'm sure now that the friends on those islands are betraying us. Karen also said with a wild laugh.

The two women didn't understand what they were talking about, but the designed pirate ship seemed to be angry, and the blue light rushed towards their freighter.


With one click, the freighter collapsed like a piece of paper.

But the two men were not sad at all. On the contrary, they laughed harder, We have made progress again, and they started to attack our freighter.

That's right, next time I'm going to have a thorough look at what kind of monster this is. I already have something in my mind that will definitely surprise these guys.

Katerina was completely confused, Kidd in front of her was a stranger, like crazy, after a base and a freighter were destroyed at the same time, instead of being sad, he was laughing wildly.

Kidd's madness has only just begun. For the fourth time, he directly built a pure magic crystal reactor, divided the delta into specific areas, installed underwater torpedoes bought from the sea clan, and bought a large orc totem .

What Katerina didn't expect was that with the blessing of the totem, the first wave of attacks was resisted, and the torpedoes attacked from the bottom of the sea accurately hit the target. Although they did not cause much damage, the progress was already quite obvious.

boom! boom! boom!

Looking at the flames constantly exploding in the distance, Katerina tightly covered her ears. At the delta camp, more than 30 miniature magic crystal cannons were firing at the moment. The debugged and strengthened magic crystal weapon has become the base's sharp attack weapon.

Facing each other in the distance are two pirate ships, beams of blue light are leaning unceremoniously on the top of the base, but at the moment of landing, you can always see two phantoms, one bull and one tiger, blocking these attacks down.

These special totems from the orcs have a strong defense.

The base at this moment has completely changed.

There are three pyramid reaction furnaces in the center, a whole row of miniature magic crystal cannons on the outside, and five-story orc totems on both sides. The most advanced crystal structure of the ice field is adopted underground, and at least three Sacrifice array.

When necessary, sacrifice the entire base and use the power of the warlock in exchange for more terrifying destruction.

The current base has completely become a war fortress. Katerina can't believe that all this will be Kidd's masterpiece in just two months. If these are moved to the Aegean Sea intact, she is sure It is the well-deserved first line of marine defense.

Can't help but look at Karen, what kind of magic drug did he give Kidd to transform him so badly.

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