First Law

Chapter 127 It's going well

Compared with the last voyage, this time I don't know how smooth it is. Whenever the piranhas fly up, the giant crossbow can always accurately penetrate the opponent's throat.

After Karen and Maria came out of the room, the chef on the freighter had prepared a delicious braised piranha.

I have to lament the superiority of the creatures themselves. The piranhas were still a problem last time, but now they have become food on the table. This ability to learn is really terrifying.

If it weren't for the poor chef's standard, this would definitely be a flawless trip.

After Maria's resolution, my mind is not so chaotic. Although I haven't thought of a countermeasure yet, at least I don't have to think about these troublesome things.

Maybe it will be solved naturally by then.

After sailing like this for half an hour, I could already see signs of new nesting on the former mermaid dam, and it was obvious that a new mermaid leader was being born.

However, it is doomed not to be able to monopolize the entire river. Karen has already planned to develop this place into a waterway. In the future, cargo ships will continue to travel here, and these mermaids that can create illusions must be removed.

The sailors were extremely excited, perhaps because they were close to the Black Sea, all of them looked like recruits who had just graduated, standing on the bow and looking out.

The freighter flew straight down, and after a whole day of sailing, it successfully entered the delta area. When Kidd announced that this place would become their station in the Black Sea, these young sailors rushed towards the delta like crazy.

Standing on a high place, Karen looked at the figures stepping on the beach, and couldn't help but want to join in, but he knew that now is not the time to enjoy it, and he must establish a temporary outpost in the delta as soon as possible, so as to form a stable smuggling of soldiers channel.

After being happy for half an hour, Kidd began to let the coolies use the building materials needed for the post on the highest slope in the delta, and then began to build the thorn fence, and used the two cannons as the heavyweight weapons of the post.

The first step plan is very simple, you only need to build a camp for slaves, a barracks for pirates and a club where you can talk about business.

The rest will be gradually added in the future when the business routes are stable. Before the sky was completely dark, Karen visited a few business partners, and it went very smoothly. These arms that are extremely precious in the wasteland are just the most common ones in the Black Sea region. , submit the order on the same day, pay pennies, and get the goods the next day.

When Karen came back, a boxy temporary camp had already been set up. In the center of the camp, a golden flag fluttered slowly under the sea breeze.

Immediately followed Kidd to visit the camp, the temporary meeting room built of wood in the center, and the left side of the meeting room is the room where their leaders rest. These are all directly unloaded from the ship, with their own defensive magic circle.

On the far left is a huge camp, each camp has been capped, and the slave soldiers bought can be detained in it at that time.

On the right side are the rooms of pirates and sailors. In the center of the group of rooms is a large dining hall. At the moment, ironhead fish is being stewed in an iron pot in the dining hall, and the smell is not bad.

Karen looked around the fence on purpose. In addition to the fence, there was also a cave for the soldiers to garrison below, and the simplest warning magic was set on the fence.

Kidd is worthy of being a veteran pirate for being able to build it in one day. After watching the two cannons, Karen felt that at least it could withstand the direct attack of ordinary legions.

Now, as long as the tide passes, the outpost is fully established.

In order to show his sincerity, Karen announced to all the sailors that as long as it can be established, everyone in the delta, regardless of pirates, sailors, or coolies, can get 50 pence.

Long live the Wolf of the Southwest!

Hearing everyone's cheers, Kidd couldn't help secretly admiring Karen's ability to win back people's hearts. Each person was 50, and there were almost three hundred numbers here, and it was only 15,000 pence. The money was not much, but in Karen After expressing it, these people were even more convinced of the necromancer.

Everyone looked at the sea confidently. The tide period of the Black Sea lasted for three hours. As long as the three hours passed, the celebration could begin.

The sea water was slowly rising, swallowing the delta bit by bit, and through the light scattered by the outpost, one could faintly see the giant fish wandering in the ocean.

Everyone was afraid that when the giant fish opened its mouth to swallow the post, the sea water had already started to recede slowly, and the sandy beach of the delta began to be exposed, leaving a pile of marine life on the sandy beach that hadn't had time to recede.

Katerina laughed, Maria laughed too, Kidd and Karen laughed, and the sailors and pirates celebrated directly. They succeeded. The sea couldn't submerge the outpost at all, even the waterproof gutters around the fence. None.

Karen, I'm going to build a well on the left tomorrow. Kidd has already begun to arrange tomorrow's plan, first solve the fresh water, build new armaments, and then transport other materials from the cabin to the beach. A small steel building will also be built, and a temporary dock will be provided on the left for cargo ships to dock.

Karen listened to the plan he remembered with great interest. He didn't expect it to go so smoothly. It seemed that the Black Sea was not as scary as the legends said, and the environment here was even more peaceful than the wilderness.

He kind of wants to shift his focus to the Black Sea. If Kidd can continue to develop as envisioned, Karen must consider using Gold Glitter Town as a supply point, and then make the Black Sea the focus of his career.

Then he no longer has to worry about how chaotic the wilderness is. At that time, as long as he controls the tributary of the Mississippi River, the Aegean continent will not threaten him.

It's better for us to build a magic tower and recruit a group of murloc mages from the Aegean Sea. Karen still made a safe proposal.

Kidd said with a smile, Don't worry, all of this will come true, Karen, it only takes three days, and this place will change.

That night, Karen distributed the promised pennies to each creature, and even promised that as long as he returned to the wasteland this time, he would bring a few wives over, and allowed him to directly apply to join the town of Glittering Gold.

Maria leaned against the shore, lying on a chair, letting her two slender green legs be exposed to the sea breeze. She didn't face the sea, but just looked at the animal pen not far away. At this moment, slaves from the Black Sea were was sent into it.

It's really good at collecting money! Maria tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-an ordinary blue dolphin beast in the wasteland costs 500 pence, which in her opinion is already cheap enough. Bubble magic, but Karen's purchase price is only 150 pence.

This price can't even buy an outstanding fighter in the human race, but here it is like Chinese cabbage. She seriously doubts her eyes, but after seeing the prices of other arms, she is completely convinced.

From here to the wasteland, Shining Gold Town can at least take half of the profits.

At the same time, he was secretly excited that, as one of the developers of the Black Sea business, Maria could get the cost price, so that he could give priority to arming these outstanding troops into his army.

Close your eyes gently, and wait another day, they will be able to move out all the things in the cargo ship, and then stuff these soldiers in, and then they will be able to sail back.

one day!

With the blue sky, white clouds, and the convective sea breeze formed by the Mississippi River and the Black Sea, she comfortably enjoyed the whole day on the beach,

Not only because of the environment, but also because they have found a way to make a fortune. Now, they are the rats who stole the wealth of the Black Sea. As long as Karen goes back, there will be more than one freighter entering here by then.

Three ships, five ships, within a month, there will be at least dozens of freighters docking here.

Maria, it's time to eat! Karen came forward with a glass of red wine and a portion of grilled fish with a smile, One portion of grilled fish.

I'm tired of eating seafood. Maria rolled her eyes, took the red wine and leaned comfortably on the deck chair, Is everything loaded on the boat?

No, I still have to wait for an hour. Karen laughed. In the belly of the freighter in the distance, but this time all the orders from customers on the wasteland, and some of his private goods, so many slaves are sent to the wasteland, no Know what the reaction will be.

It's definitely a big bomb! Maria said with a smile, At least the nobles of the human race won't blame me for having an affair with you. She gave Karen a blank look. If Karen hadn't acted boldly on the boat, she It's not necessary to explain to those annoying nobles, but it doesn't matter now. The soldiers on this freighter are more than one level stronger than the ordinary soldiers of the Holy Storm Empire.

Even the orc warriors are three points weaker. If Karen hadn't been stubborn, she would have planned to pack a whole ship of soldiers to the Stormwind Empire.

Karen smiled helplessly. At that time, he really didn't care so much. Although recklessness was useless, after venting everything physically, he found that he didn't seem to be so troubled.

Although I haven't really figured out a way to deal with the chaos in the wasteland yet, at least I won't have a headache because I don't have a clue.

He's kind of enjoying a relationship now, and it seems like a good way to blow off the stress.

The whine of the freighter started the countdown to the return voyage, and the outpost was left to Kidd’s deputy to take care of it. After the fleet returned to the wasteland, they had to purchase it immediately, and then entered the outpost again to upgrade the infrastructure of the outpost.

The freighter slowly left the delta area, and the four people sat on the top floor, enjoying the upcoming glorious future, but in an instant, the four people couldn't open their eyes due to a blazing red light.

After seeing everything in front of them clearly again, they were completely dumbfounded, only to see that the outpost they built in three days evaporated like water vapor in an instant.

This is not a dream.

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