First Law

Chapter 125 The Dark Tide Under the Wasteland

Karen was thinking about the recent changes along the way, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was abnormal. The development of Gold Town was too smooth, especially during the exhibition, and there was no difficulty at all.

At least Kabul or Baladin will have to cause some trouble. He now believes that the city of Desa has been hollowed out, and even Baladin has lost his influence in the wasteland.

Moreover, it has been a long time since I saw Spike. Although they still maintain close ties with the barbarians, if Kabul is right, the barbarians have turned against the orcs.

After all, compared with the orcs, the gap is obvious.

Although the wilderness is still motionless on the surface, Karen has already felt an undercurrent flowing underground, but these big forces are tightly blocked by the severe cold of the ice field.

On the day she returned to Gold Shining Town, Maria suddenly announced her withdrawal from the Holy Storm Empire and became an independent lord of the wasteland.

Karen frowned at that time. Leaving the empire is a great sin. No empire can tolerate the separation of a legion. However, after Maria's statement, the Holy Storm Empire did not respond at all.

What's more, Maria didn't discuss with Karen at all. They are lovers and more partners. If Maria's idea, Karen will definitely be informed. Such abruptness can only show that Maria's actions are completely from the Holy Storm Empire. Instigate.

On the day Maria declared her independence, Paladin's troops began to withdraw from the central area of ​​the wilderness, and at the same time concentrated their forces to start harvesting in the northern part of the wilderness.

The barbarians in the west seemed to have a new force, and they completely eliminated the foreign forces that had sneaked into the territory, and even completely eliminated Karen's power.

In Desa City, an organization of the Winter Church appeared. They were not strong, and they were just spreading teachings to ordinary creatures, but all the armed forces that entered Desa City were secretly disappearing.

This information is not obvious. If there is no guidance from Kabul, Karen will definitely think that this is a very common phenomenon, but now it should be these big forces that have sprouted.

Boss, the number of alien creatures in Shining Gold Town is increasing. Many people have sneaked into our secret base these days. Gu Tulu said cautiously. It can be deduced that these are fighters.

It is not normal at all for a large number of armed forces to sneak in secretly, and some people even openly explore the secrets of military bases regardless of life and death.

Churchill's frown never relaxed, and he didn't hide it when he saw Gu Tulu talking, The human race has been in frequent contact with Philips these two days.

He didn't want to sow discord, but he wanted to prevent problems before they happened.

Karen was stunned, but not too surprised. If these human races want to control the wasteland, the Golden Harbor is undoubtedly the most popular. If they want to win the Golden Harbor, Philips must be the first to bear the brunt.

Don't worry about Philips beforehand, Churchill, you've been in charge of the finances of the town of Gold recently, and it's best to spare a sum of money. I may need it at a critical time. Karen ordered, lowering her head and looking at the wasteland. The map of Kabul kept flashing in my mind the key words proposed by Kabul. starter

The second seven wolves council may be held, and at the same time all forces will elect a new head wolf.

This time, the parliament is no longer the power of Kabul alone, but a contest between the big bosses of all parties, almost including the strongest power on the Aegean continent.

If he wants to preserve his current territory, he must at least obtain the status of a wolf leader, and if he wants to be a wolf leader, he must have the support of strength behind him.

This made Karen worry, there was a dead end in front of him, and he couldn't escape the control of outsiders no matter what,

Playing with the demon token, he hoped to meet Kabul's son. If he guessed right, Kabul had already arranged everything, and Kamucha must be one of the alpha wolves.

Kamcha, Maria, Wolf Fang, Baladin, Ice and Snow Church, there are already five of them who are showing the wolf's posture, and only two of the seven places are left.

If Karen wants to secure his current position, he must act now.

Boss, Mr. Kidd sent a letter asking when we will leave for the Black Sea. Ah Zhen stepped forward to ask for advice.

Karen almost forgot that there was such a thing. The Black Customs was concerned with the development of the Golden Lion Fortress. This was the most important part of Karen's design. But now that his own safety was a problem, was there any need to think about development?

The most sensible decision now is to meet Kamcha, get a way to contact the Bauhinia Kingdom, and stabilize his position as the wolf leader. As Kabul said, he is very young now, and if he can bear this tone, he will always turn around day.

If this model continues to develop, Gold Flash Town will basically be abolished. These external forces will only continue to squeeze the value of the Golden Port, and there will be no investment at all, and there will be no barren future.

Predation is the nature of living beings.

Maybe he will have a day in his early years, but at that time it is estimated that he will be about fifty, sixty, or even very old. He doesn't know if he still has the passion he has now.

I'm afraid that at that time, I also became a wily guy like Kabul now.

Karen shook his head. He doesn't like this kind of model at all. This completely passive method makes him see no hope. He is now in his twenties, which is the best time, full of energy, passion, and more If you have ideals, if you don't fight hard at this time, when will you fight again?

Right away! Karen said to Ah Zhen.

Boss, the current situation is special, and I'm afraid there will be trouble in Gold Shining Town. Gu Tulu said hastily.

If there is any trouble, I will give you privileges, and you can take coercive measures if necessary. Don't forget that we are all robbers. Karen said a little coldly, but there is no way, when there is chaos, you need to use thunder.

Now he has to think about how to change his passive situation and how to take the initiative from the confrontation between various forces.

This requires careful planning, but there is one thing that Gold Flash Town must move forward and must gather more resources to make it more valuable. Since it already has a money tree, it will make Gold Flash Town more profitable, so this trip to the Black Sea he must go.

Boss, what if someone comes to visit? Churchill also felt the recent changes in the wasteland, especially the nearby barbarians, who had become somewhat alienated from the town of Gold.

You deal with it. He said and threw the demon token over. If you have any special troubles, you can take this token and go to the northern part of the wilderness to find a person from Kamucha. He can help you.

Boss, how long will you be leaving this time? Ah Zhen asked with concern.

I don't know, Kidd and Katerina have made a lot of preparations. This time, we should at least set up an outpost in the Delta to ensure our trade with the Black Sea. It will take at least half a month. He said and looked at everyone, Meet Things are adaptable, the more difficult it is, the more you should deal with it boldly, no matter what you do, it is my will, Karen, understand?

Churchill nodded, he understood that this sentence was equivalent to obtaining the highest authority.

After explaining some details, Karen left Gold Shining Town, but instead of going to the Golden Lion Fortress, he first went to Golden Harbor to meet Philips. He didn't talk too much about it, but just told him about going to the East Indian Continent for further studies. over him.

Undoubtedly, it is very risky to hand over the most important golden port of Gold Town to a human being, but now he has no one to trust, and there are too few people who can be used by his side. Instead of trusting a stranger, it is better to trust Philips. starter

He hoped that Philips could understand the height of a person. If he betrayed Karen now, he might only be a title-level designer in his life.

Philip watched Karen's disappearing back, and was silent for a long time. Next door to him were the envoys of the three kingdoms of the human race, and even his uncle Phelps. Don't have to take any responsibility.

His uncle even brought family greetings and was willing to let him take over part of the family's business.

This is undoubtedly tempting, but Philips knows that half a year ago no one thought highly of him, even his uncle Phelps thought he was a useless waste.

But now Phelps is next door, holding the family's recruitment order.

He has been recognized. Although he has not yet received the title, his treatment is higher than that of the general title powerhouse.

He didn't even think of these changes, but at this moment he understood that it was not his talent that doubled his worth, but this port and the figure that disappeared in the distance.

Now, the operation of Golden Harbor has just begun, and he has not really demonstrated his ability to make money.

The golden port is not called for nothing. In the north of the Aegean Sea, there are only two natural ports, Pearl Harbor and Golden Harbor.

Pearl Harbor is closer to the human race, while Golden Harbor is located in the center of the Aegean continent. Together with the orcs, the human race, and the two main arteries of the wasteland itself, it can go deep into the ice sheet.

It is no exaggeration to say that this port can be connected to any place in the Aegean continent. Such excellent conditions can definitely make the Golden Port a giant port for ocean-going cargo ships.

This is simply a continental treasure.

Although the condition of the human messenger is very attractive, he knows that it is far from his own worth. It only takes one year for his worth to grow to the point where these people look up to him.

Don't worry, boss, I will take a good look at the port.

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