First Law

Invincible Chapter 121

Everyone watched helplessly as the little fat man flew to the position of the pigeon under the vibration of the fins, swallowed it in one gulp, and then slowly landed on the ground.

Land and air amphibious units?

I'm not dazzled, this fat man can really fly.

If there is such a legion, relying on the fat layer of the guy, the general city probably cannot defend it at all.

At this moment, not only ordinary tribal leaders, but even human businessmen and orc shamans began to discuss regardless of their identities.

As long as these guys fly lightly into the city, coupled with the unique destructive power of the fighters, breaking through the city defense is a breeze.

Land and air amphibious arms.

Just these few words were enough to make everyone cry, but before everyone recovered, Griffin stepped forward and opened the compartment in the center of the square, revealing a three-square-meter pool.

The blue cloud porpoise directly jumped into the water. In an instant, the two blue legs merged together to form a slender fish tail. With a flick of the tail, layers of water droplets were splashed directly. , his stature began to grow rapidly, and his size tripled in the blink of an eye.

The opponent's left hand quickly formed a meat shield with fish scales, his right hand turned into a long fork, and his two white cotton eyes formed sapphire blue.

Can this guy grow bigger?

Am I not mistaken, this fat man who can fly is a murloc?

This guy's blood is definitely a heavyweight fighter.

Ma Mazi is very satisfied with the current performance. Transformation is the real power of the cloud porpoise. As long as it comes into contact with water, its size will increase sharply. The top-level cloud porpoise can even grow to the size of a giant.

With a meat shield and a long fork, he is definitely a warrior with both offensive and defensive capabilities. If he really wants to fight, he is no worse than those titled races.

This is also the reason why she insisted on buying out this unit.

Maria was in a bad mood. The transformation of the monster in front of her made her realize that she had missed the most important opportunity. She glanced at Karen resentfully, angry that the other party did not give any hint.

The cloud porpoise has faint water marks on its skin, and he understands some simple magic defenses. This type of unit is very scarce. Mejella's voice appeared in Maria's ear at an inopportune time.

There is still magic defense? Maria felt that a big stone was blocked in her heart, which made her feel even more uncomfortable.

Mejera nodded, If my guess is correct, he still has some simple spells.

There are still spells? Maria felt that the Creator God was too unfair. How could he create such an almighty species? At this moment, there is no need to explain too much. His nostrils began to spray air bubbles, and within the blink of an eye, the square was already filled with blue bubbles.

This kind of spell is not advanced, but in the eyes of Maria, the leader of the evil army, it is definitely the best spell to set up a blindfold.

A cloud porpoise can form such a large-scale bubble. If hundreds or thousands of them are cast at the same time, can a city be completely filled.

It is absolutely possible.

Sea, land and air, with magical abilities, hurry up and report to Paladin. On the other side, the secret whistles quickly passed on information, and the species in front of them was completely beyond their cognition.

Immediately inspect the buyers who trade with Karen, be sure to control this species, and use extraordinary measures if necessary.

The first item exhibition is over,

Everyone's mood is different.

Maria watched the cloud porpoise return to the platform eagerly, and Ma Mazi put away the contract with a smile. As for the others, there was nothing but envy.

If you don't buy out such a versatile unit, you'd be a fool.

In the direction of the ice field, the warlocks gathered together. They needed to discuss new countermeasures. The number of troops displayed in the Golden Lion Fortress has far exceeded expectations. The cloud dolphins are definitely top-notch, not to mention in the wasteland, even in the human race.

Immediately raise more funds, I need to guarantee the ability to buy out a unit. The leader of the warlocks directly gave the order to die.

In the orc tribe, three shamans gathered together, We need to communicate with the Prophet, only his wisdom and insight can allow us to grasp better arms.

Among the Sea Clan, several tribal leaders of the Red Phosphorous Murlocs are also discussing countermeasures. On the one hand, they are collecting funds, and on the other hand, they are actively contacting Karen, hoping to get some advice from him.

In an inconspicuous corner, several human race businessmen gathered together, muttering and discussing countermeasures.

Now that the good things have been missed, we can no longer be greedy. Apart from giant piggies and giant skeletons, there are 47 left on the booth. Excluding some Aegean continents, there are definitely private goods among these goods. goods.

They still have a chance.

What shall we do?

Seeing the swearing looks of the leaders next to them, the leaders of the tribes in the southwest of the wilderness immediately felt worried.

They originally wanted to rely on this opportunity to enrich their armed forces and vowed to do something, but the phenomenon of buying out had already appeared just after the exhibition started.

Now, all the bosses are thinking of making a move, so there is no chance for them.

Why don't you discuss it with Karen and give us some special places?

No! Someone immediately objected, We all know Karen's temperament. He is the most opposed to private transactions. If we don't get a quota, we will lose Karen's trust in us.

Then what do you say?

Rely on yourself, aren't they strong? Let's unite too. Let's talk about it after we get the arms. Let's divide them in private.

Under everyone's calculations, the second iron box was slowly opened. Inside the iron box was a fish tank the size of a palm, and inside the fish tank was a small fish the size of a needle.

Everyone suddenly wondered, could it be that this small fish also has the ability to transform into a blue-skinned murloc just now? Some people wanted to pay a lot of money, but they didn't know how special this species was, so they could only look at Karen eagerly.

Ma Mazi smiled and said, Isn't this a stickleback?

Before the other party finished speaking, Karen said directly, Yes, but you have no chance.

Sticklebacks, as the name suggests, are killers living in the ocean. They are highly poisonous. What's more, this kind of fish is very easy to carry. Even on land, as long as there is a water bottle the size of a palm, it can form a killer. condition.

It is worth mentioning that this is not a one-time item, and it can often be recycled after an assassination.

I heard from those new friends that even in the Black Sea, the power of these little guys is terrifying enough.

Karen, didn't you promise to give me a chance just now? Ma Mazi said quickly. She had been inquiring about this kind of small fish for a long time, but there was no news of it. She never thought that she would see it now. This is what I always wanted. Yes, as long as my fleet is equipped with this kind of stickleback, the strength will increase by at least 30%, because of our friendship and the establishment of diplomatic relations...

No! Karen can't let this bad habit continue indefinitely, as long as he lets go, Ma Mazi will be bought out.

I want half, isn't that okay?

No! Karen gave up, he couldn't let this woman ruin his good exhibition.

Ma Mazi's face immediately became gloomy, Karen, just now you said to give me a chance, so I let you exhibit the cloud porcupine beast. A big man's words don't count, how will you gain a foothold in this world in the future.

I didn't promise you. Karen said quickly.

Ma Mazi came back to his senses, indeed Karen didn't really say it, she was completely guessing, You're playing a rascal with me!

Maria looked at Ma Mazi who was already arguing in the distance, and immediately came to her senses, this should be another good product.

Master, can you feel the specialness of this little fish? She knew Ma Mazi's identity, and this woman's knowledge far surpassed hers.

I can't see it, but I feel threatened.

These words are enough, I stood up immediately, walked across the square under everyone's gaze, and came straight to Karen, I want to take down this exhibit, the eternal contract.

With a bang, everyone screamed.

The information on the exhibits has come out, and the second eternal contract is single, which is too scary.

Before Maria's words fell, a sound of hurried footsteps followed closely. It was a human being in a black robe, who did not hide the explosive magic power on his body.

It was cold and cold.

Ice Mage.

Your Excellency Karen, I am interested in this exhibit and hope to sign an eternal contract. An ice stone was handed over above, and the word Winter was engraved in the center of the ice stone.

He is from the Kingdom of Winter.

Everyone fell silent immediately, one was the Ice Mage of the Winter Kingdom, and the other was the Legion Commander of the Holy Storm Empire, and they directly signed the Eternal Contract.

This makes how to live.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Karen took over Bingshi. He was very happy to do business with Winter Kingdom, and now he is willing to hand over this business to a strange force.

Golden Lion Fortress hopes to get the attention of strange forces.

Master, I'm glad you believe in my business, no problem, you can win the sticky fish's eternal contract.

Karen, you! Maria yelled angrily.

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