First Law

Chapter 103 Monster Kabul

Karen patted the table with one hand. He was already tired of seeing Kabul's face. If nothing happened to the Golden Lion Fortress, he would still leave a bit of a thin face.

Belle Man!

He also had the nerve to shirk.

Belluman is his royal younger brother.

If you want to learn, this sophistication is what you should learn as a young man.

Sighing quietly, he even wants to turn his ass and leave now. This kind of diplomacy disgusts him, because Karen is not in the mood to negotiate a deal now.

But he knew he had to stay, because only this man could get Martin back on his feet.

Can I invite a friend? Karen asked with a smile.

Of course, this is an open negotiation, you can invite anyone to come, as long as you trust. Kabul seemed unusually easy-going.

Karen winked into the distance, and the two piggies drove Martin and threw it on a chair like rotten meat, and then retreated.

Kabul just took a brief glance and pretended not to know him.

I haven't seen you for a few days, and old friends don't say hello? Karen asked.

From the day he left Desa City, we are no longer friends. Kabul said gently, but he couldn't hide his firm heart, Karen, I also advise you not to be friends with this kind of person, maybe he Heaven will betray you like it betrayed me.

Karen nodded, and what he said made sense, But I have decided that he is a person who can be trusted for a lifetime, so what should I do!

Kabul snorted coldly and didn't reply.

Karen smiled at Martin, raised her hand and pointed at Kabul with her middle finger, See this face?

Martin raised his eyelids, as if he was going to burst out with countless anger, but in the end he suppressed it, closed his eyes and ignored it.

Kabul stepped forward and pressed Karen's palm down, It's inappropriate for you to treat an elder like this.

I don't think so. I think every finger can point to people. It depends on what the target is. This finger is the most suitable. Karen fiddled with the middle finger, Kabul, let's stop being hypocritical. , I came here to declare war, from now on I will not be soft on Desa City, and you don't want to get any bones from me.

Kabul didn't get angry, but just looked at Karen with a sneer, Karen, I can forgive a young man's impulsiveness.

No, it's not impulsiveness, it's because I think you should get out. He walked up to Martin and helped him up, Look at how you destroyed him, before you give the task of destroying the Golden Lion Fortress, Remember when we reconciled today?

He dragged Martin up, pointed at Kabul and yelled, Coward, open your eyes, I want you to destroy his Desa city yourself, I want you to come with the most powerful army in the wasteland Desa City, I want him to feel the same despair as you.

Turning around, ignoring Kabul's weird expression, he stepped away.

Stop! Kabul's low voice was like a hungry wolf in the wild.

Karen only felt gusts of cold wind blowing up from behind, eroding every cell in him.

Karen, is it that easy to leave after venting? Before the voice fell, a gust of wind hit Karen behind him.



In the instant confrontation, the bronze skull was broken in the middle,

The moment Karen turned around, Kabul's palm had completely turned into a six-fingered diamond claw, and the short and black awns of the claws shuttled continuously.

Kabul, this is a negotiation. Maria stepped forward and shouted loudly.

Little girl, go away. Kabul kicked his feet, and instantly appeared beside Maria, and the evil claw marks directly left several bloodstains on Maria's back. A flame suddenly fell from the sky and landed on Kabul's clothes.

With a bang, the clothes were splashed, and the barb-like black hairs were exposed. At the end of the spine, a palm-sized tail was swaying, and there were two snake heads with strange eyes on the tail.

Werewolves! Maria exclaimed.

Karen instantly thought of Belluman, the Kabul in front of him was exactly the same as the demonized Belluman.

Sure enough, this person was making a joke.

Kabul twisted his figure, and there were crackling sounds in his body. With a kick of his feet, the figure disappeared.


Before Karen could react, a human corpse had fallen to the ground, smashing deeply into the soil.

bang bang bang!

Thirty percent in a row, another three corpses.

Karen understood that this was the title mage who had just sent out flames. Maria took out a long whip, and the whip instantly wrapped around Kabul's ankle with lightning flashes.


Golden lightning streaks flashed on Kabul's body immediately, and a strange thing happened suddenly. When the lightning approached the barb's long hair, it turned into dark red and gathered towards the pupils of the eyes. In the blink of an eye, the pure black pupils turned into a piece crimson.

Red eyes with curved hooks, as if mocking all living beings, as soon as the body retreated, Maria's lightning whip was broken one by one, and Kabul's sharp claws struck Maria's neck in a short moment of dazed effort, Today Your legions are all destroyed.

Maria was suddenly dumbfounded, as if a giant mountain demon descended from the sky in front of her eyes, she was like an ant, and all her strength disappeared completely.


In an instant, a piece of bronze stood in front of her eyes and instantly turned into powder, but it was such a blink of an eye that she came back to her senses, and a small roll just escaped Kabul's attack distance.

Karen, this is demonization. Kabul has fused the blood of many kinds of demons. We are not opponents. Maria said quickly, and then took out a musket from her chest. We have to support him after being bombarded by the magic crystal cannon.

Karen understood, slipped her fingers, opened the dimensional pocket, and one after another bronze skeletons came out. As soon as the skeletons came out, they immediately rushed towards Kabul like a death squad.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

There was a series of collision sounds, and the bronze skulls kept flying, but the skeletons in Karen's dimension bag seemed to be endless, and every time they were hit, new skeletons were added to the needle, just like countless ants pounced on them.

Maria was secretly startled. If Karen used these skeletons to deal with her, she would definitely not be an opponent, and she secretly made up her mind that if this happened, she must prepare some means to prevent the skeletons.


Suddenly the space trembled, and the billowing magic power moved towards the east of the camp.

Maria was overjoyed, and the magic crystal cannon was activated. As long as it was dragged on for a while, the monster would not be killed.

But the thought hadn't settled yet, a giant roar suddenly came out from Kabul's mouth, followed by a weird sneer, the palm-sized tail suddenly became longer, like a crocodile's tail in the blink of an eye, two thighs , suddenly thickened, and the barb-like black hair behind him turned into pieces of black-red plate armor. If Kabul's head was not still maintained, he would have suspected it was some demon.

In just a short while, the size tripled, and with a flick of the giant tail, the five skeletons flew out directly.

Karen, work harder.

How could Karen not know this truth? He originally thought that Maria would be able to contribute, but this woman has no means at all except for the lightning whip at the beginning. This woman's combat power is too weak.

Now that I can't care so much, the dimensional pocket was opened again, and a rare silver appeared in the middle of the pocket.

As soon as the silver color appeared, the brass skull seemed to be on a stimulant, thinking that Kabul, who was five or six times bigger than himself, rushed up. This time it was so weird that the skeleton resisted the sweep of the giant tail.

Maria could see that on the surface of the silver skulls, silver threads were pulling each bronze skull. The moment Kabul bombarded it, it was obvious that the overall strength was tilting.

This silver skull actually integrated the power of all the bronze skulls?

Maria couldn't believe that there were such weird skeletons in the world. Looking at the twenty or so bronze skeletons in front of her, if the number of these skeletons was ten times higher, it would be terrifying.

Karen didn't care what Maria thought. Now he had to transfer the corpses to the silver skeletons. This was the energy source of the entire skeleton army. As long as there were corpses, there was no need to worry about the skeletons collapsing.

One point, two points, three points!

Maria, how long will it take? Karen was in a hurry. He couldn't be in a hurry. In such an instant, the corpses stored in the dimensional pocket were emptied. You must know that these are new corpses synthesized by Starbad.

Now, it is already his greatest strength.

Before the voice fell, the body trembled unconsciously. I only felt that the whole person was transformed into a blazing light. In an instant, the connection between Karen and the skeleton disappeared completely.

Is that the magic crystal cannon?

Karen could feel her voice trembling, because the ground centered on Kabul was collapsing. Karen could see clearly that the splashed gravel was disappearing.

What a terrifying method to directly destroy matter.

Karen knew that Kabul must be doomed, no creature could withstand such an intense bombing.

Karen, run, he's not dead. Maria grabbed Karen and ran away.

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