First Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 107: trap

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Xie Wang grinned and said:

"I don't have the guts to fool you. Besides, many folks know where this shady tile of ours came from. It was fished out by the net I was in charge of three years ago."

"When I was fishing for this thing, I asked an expert to guide me. I laid a net in the center of the water city in a serious manner. The effect was particularly good. In order to fish for this thing, I was the head of the family. I sacrificed my blood to worship the Dragon King. Killing more than a dozen chickens and two-chambered sheep in succession is considered a complete merit."

After Xie Wang finished speaking, she saw Fang Linyan staring at her without speaking, and then slowly pulled out the Muramasa. The scuffing sound of the sheath was particularly ear-piercing and terrifying.

Seeing Fang Linyan draw out his knife at the slightest disagreement, the woman panicked and said hastily:

"Young master, sir! Can't we talk properly if we have something to say, just move..."

Suddenly, with a flash of knife light, Xie Wang was stunned to realize that his eyes were covered, and a lot of things poured down. After a closer look, he found that it was hair. Not only that, but there was a mass of **** things beside him, which It's an ear!

Fang Linyan chopped off her ear and messed up her hair at the same time!

After staying for a few seconds, Xie Wang felt a sharp pain coming from her ears, and immediately fell to the ground, crying out, but it didn't help at all.

She took out the nirvana that is always invincible: rolling and throwing, hugging her legs and scratching, but was kicked by a cold-faced man who approached, and her heart hurt immediately. She curled up on the ground and trembled for a long time. I couldn't even catch my breath for a long time.

It was only then that Xie Wang knew that he had encountered a group of desperadoes who murdered without batting an eyelid. In this case, let alone rolling around and throwing a tantrum, it might be useless to hang him here immediately.

At this time, Fang Linyan said lightly:

"I've always been very reasonable and trustworthy. I made it very clear before that if you talk nonsense, you will definitely suffer."

Having said that, Fang Linyan picked up the two tile fragments, which are also called Yinwa by the countrymen, and said flatly:

"This underwater sunken city can basically be determined. It sank to the bottom of the lake at the end of Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of Ming Dynasty. At this time, almost all the tiles were decorated with coiled dragon patterns, because this was the pattern that the emperors of the Yuan Dynasty liked."

Then Fang Linyan pointed to the two Yin tile fragments and said:

"But, without exception, your two fragments of Yin tiles all have words! One is the word Le, and the other is the word No."

"Usually before the Tang Dynasty, the inscriptions on the tiles are usually inscriptions, usually expressing auspicious words, such as the sky is boundless, Changle Weiyang!"

"So, you said that this thing was fished from the underwater city of Shen? Hehe, do you really think I'm the foolish men and women around here?"

Xie Wang was dumbfounded, but she always wanted to play a role with her sharp mouth, so she said stubbornly:

"Then the Ming Dynasty did not allow people to make some tiles with characters to play with!"

Fang Linyan swung the knife again, the blood splattered, and one ear flew up again, so the old woman finally understood the truth that the trouble came from her mouth, and fell to the ground again, screaming and wailing for a long time, and then looked at Fang Linyan in fear again .

Fang Linyan shook his head and said:

"It seems that you haven't understood my rules, it's okay, two ears are gone, there are fingers, fingers are chopped off, and toes... For your second ear that was chopped off, I will convince you."

"The full name of the Yin tile you used to deceive people is called tile. The patterns, characters, patterns, etc. on it are very complicated. All of these must be prepared in advance in the kiln embryo, and then fired."

"The process of firing tiles lasts a day and a night. From the selection of kiln materials to the control of the firing time and temperature, there are more than a dozen processes. Even so, the fired products may be deformed and broken."

"Because of the troublesome firing process, it is often necessary to fire at least a thousand pieces of tiles for each kiln."

"The kiln mouth for firing tiles needs manpower to dig, the kiln embryos need manpower to carve, and the firing needs high-quality charcoal or even animal charcoal for a day and a night. To observe the heat and prepare the embryos, all these are hired masters. These costs add up If it’s not a few hundred taels of silver, it’s impossible to get it.”

"Looking at such a small piece of tile, the manpower and material resources behind it are unimaginable! Do you think this is a play house? Or just build a pigsty in the village?"

"Hehe, get some tiles with characters to play with. Let me ask you, who is full of food, and spends a few hundred taels of silver to burn a tiles with characters to play with? This thing is sold in the market at that time. If you don’t lose it, you won’t even get your money back!”

Fang Linyan's words can be said to be well-founded and well-founded, Xie Wang was speechless, and suddenly realized that the person in front of him was really tight-fisted, and what was even more frightening was that he was ruthless.

At this time, Fang Linyan leaned lazily on the chair next to him again, and said with a half-smile:

"Now, I continue to ask you, where did this piece of tile come from?"

Seeing Fang Linyan's expression, Xie Wang couldn't help but feel a chill running down her spine. At this moment, she deeply felt that any of her methods would be useless in front of these people! Not only that, but the other party has mastered the power of life and death.

On the one hand, he was dying, and on the other hand, he was taking away a piece of snowflake silver. Xie Wang finally broke his guard, and could only cry and say with a mournful face:

"I really dare not hide it. The old lady met her natal brother more than four years ago, so she was greedy for a few drinks, but when she returned home in the evening, she felt drunk, and then fell asleep lying on the big bluestone at the tea stand by the roadside. .”

"As a result, after waking up, the sky was already dark, and the moon had risen halfway through the sky. I thought that it would be too far to go back to my mother's house now, so I just went home. In the end, I encountered ghosts hitting the wall, surrounded by a grave bag Go all the way until the **** crows!"

"Fortunately, the head of my family found it in time and carried me back, which made me seriously ill at the time. After I recovered from the illness, I found this half of the Yin tile in the baggage, and there was a letter beside it."

"And there is a line written on this letter. My youngest son knows how to read it, and he read it: Lake tiles to Yin, dispelling various diseases, using them as medicine, and trying all kinds of spirits."

Fang Linyan said:

"Where's the letter?"

Xie Wang said with a bitter face:

"Shortly after we finished reading it, the letter turned into a blank sheet of paper and disappeared."

"Later we also heard that the rest of the Yin tiles can be used as medicine primers to sell for money, so we gradually started this practice."

"And the current trend is that the Yinwa must be fished out of the lake to be authentic, so in order to attract business, the ghosts at home and I all said that this thing was made during fishing."

At this time, Fang Linyan observed his words and felt that Mrs. Xie Wang should not have lied, but to be on the safe side, he still conducted some cross-examination:

For example, chat with her a few household words first, gossip, wait until the attention is distracted, and suddenly ask various questions:

For example, how long did your youngest son read the letter, what color was the letter paper, and how tall was the graveyard you walked around when you were hit by a ghost? When did your head find you in the morning, and what was the first thing he said?

These questions cover many aspects, even if they are well prepared, it is impossible to presuppose such detailed ones! So if you make it up temporarily, if you ask a few times in a panic, there will definitely be different answers.

After all, this old woman is just an old farmer, not a well-trained agent. Fang Linyan nodded silently after interrogating her, and threw the ingot of silver to her:

"Take it, they will heal your wounds, I will find two people with Yin tiles to ask questions later, you have your wounds treated here, and you can leave after eating, and you are not allowed to leave now. Don’t think too much if you’re afraid of colluding with each other.”

Soon, two more people with Yinwa were lured over, and then Fang Linyan continued to interrogate him softly and hard, how could these ordinary countrymen be able to play his tricks, but the answers he got in the end can be said to be similar.

At this point, Fang Linyan's heart was already bottomed out, and it happened to be lunch time, so everyone went to eat together.

After the meal was over, Li San, who already regarded himself as the big housekeeper, asked Fang Linyan what he had planned for the afternoon, and whether he would like to take a boat to visit Shencheng under the lake while the weather was

Fang Linyan smiled and said:

"There's no need to go to that place now. If I'm not mistaken, the Shencheng under the lake should be a trap."

Li San said in surprise:

"Is there a trap?"

Fang Linyan nodded slightly and said:

"Yes, in fact, this is an obvious thing."

"Think about it, this Yinwa was obviously not fished out of the sunken city at the bottom of the lake, but the black hands behind the scenes insisted that it was a product of the lake, so there must be a purpose in it."

"As the reputation of this Yinwa becomes more and more famous, as long as you feel that you can catch it, you can make a fortune from it, as if you have an extra cash cow, then there must be a lot more fishermen going to try their luck near Shencheng."

"Not only that, I don't know if you have noticed, the few people we asked, all of them got their money from Shen Cheng at the beginning. Not only that, they also emphasized that they would use livestock to perform blood sacrifices on the spot, as if This is the reason why you can catch the baby and return safely."

Hearing this, Li San is also an old man, so he immediately understood:

"That's right, the guy behind the scene is doing this, but he's actually using it as a bait to lure more fishermen around here to Shencheng. Enjoy!"

Fang Linyan nodded and said:

"That's right, the truth is actually as simple as that, so it doesn't make sense for us to go to Shencheng. That place is just a eating area created by the black hands behind the scenes. After we go there, we probably won't find any clues, maybe It will also be disgraced by the opponent occupying the home field."

"If the other party is more scheming and intentionally produces some false clues, then we will really be passive."


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