First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 900: 1 Jianping the world, who can stop it?

Zhang Bairen was indifferent, his nervous mind over there instantly relaxed, he suddenly raised his head to the sky for a long laugh, and then suddenly rolled up the wind and sand and headed towards Khitan: "Hahaha, my old man Haosheng played with you juniors."

The drought passes everywhere, the red land is thousands of miles away!

"Stop him, absolutely can't let him enter Mobei!" Ulchi Wende's hands are lingering with stars, turning into a rope, and dragging him away towards the drought.

On the one hand, Mohe didn't care about continuing to intercede, and hurriedly chased Hanyan. When the drought is born, it will inevitably be full of blood. It can be expected that Mobei will be another massacre. When will the drought be full, let’s talk about other things.

"Finally let this disaster go away, otherwise I will suffer a great Sui! The supernatural power of the governor should replace the old man and become the first person in the Sui!" Yu Juluo panted and teased Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen shook his head and sighed softly, "I can't kill him!"

"You have done your best! Have a clear conscience!" Yu Juluo patted Zhang Bairen on the shoulder.

"This half-cut sword is a good thing. It can contaminate your sword intent. It can suppress ghosts and kill gods. It is extremely powerful. Even for Jian Xiu, you can understand your own kendo and polish Own sword intent!" Zhuo Junhou picked up the half-cut sword in the burning eyes of countless warriors and monks, and came to Zhang Bairen's side.

He glanced at the half-cut sword, and was about to turn away. I saw a three-year-old child who did not know where he came from the crowd. He sprinted and stumbled all the way to Zhang Bairen and fell to the ground with a plop: "Disciple Pei Min, if you want to worship Mr. as a teacher, please let him be approved!"

"Pei Min?" Zhang Bairen looked at Xiaodouding under his feet, and scanned everyone in the field: "Whose kid is this?"

No one in the court answered, Zhang Bairen looked at the little beanie, his face was full of eagerness, his brows frowned slightly, and the people in the court suddenly felt tight.

In the realm of Zhang Bairen, every move will involve everyone's minds, with great power!

He knew that there was a peerless figure during the Kaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty called Pei Min, but according to historical time, it was at least 70 years away from today.

Zhang Bairen looked up and down at this little bean, how could it not be Pei Min during the Kaiyuan period.

Pei Min was recognized as the number one master of swordsmanship during the Kaiyuan period!

But if you count it, Yu Juluo is already 60 or 70 years old, isn't he still young and eternal?

Moreover, the other party is from the Pei family in Hedong, and Zhang Bairen really has no liking for the clan family.

But looking at the pure, hot eyes in that little Douding, just like his own back then, Zhang Bairen seemed to see the familiar shadow of that year in the little Douding.

"Stop! Stop! Just a kid! Now that I have been in the Sui and Tang dynasties, I won't be afraid of turning the sky over the family!" Zhang Bairen took off his sword and inserted it in front of the little Douding: "This broken sword will be given to you. ! As for apprenticeship, it is not necessary!"

After speaking, Zhang Bairen turned and left without staying at all.

Xiaodouding was ecstatic when he heard the words and threw himself directly on the scabbard. He clung to his arms and refused to let go. He watched Zhang Bairen go away and knocked his head deeply.

Within the Great Sui

Beiman Mountain

The emperor stood speechless for a long time in front of the town monument.

After a while, I heard a ghost and **** said: "General, do we still want to break the seal and kill? If we don't move, I'm afraid the Yin Division will change drastically!"

The emperor stood quietly in front of the town monument, looking at the town monument with a pair of eyes, and then at the sword light rushing into the sky, his eyes were full of solemnity.

"There were such masters in the world, if you and I rushed out, I'm afraid it is the sword that greets you and me!" The emperor stroked the town monument, and the text on the town monument was slowly blurred and erased.

The town monument could not trap the great emperor who crossed the world, and could not trap the hero before his death.

"Are you sure to take this sword?" The emperor looked at his veteran.

The old official shook his head, then gritted his teeth and said: "It is all blamed on the little thief for stealing the blood of the phoenix, which broke our chances, and I will definitely not be able to rest with him! But although the old official can't stop the sword light, the king can stop it. what!"

The emperor shook his head: "I don't know how many swords the other party can make, how can I easily do it? Wait a minute, there is another big move on the underworld, there is such a master in the world to suppress the qi, the underworld should have a headache again!"

After speaking, the emperor disappeared into the black mist, his figure melted into the black mist and disappeared.


An eye suddenly opened in Mingming, and he turned towards Mobei. After looking for a long time, he sighed: "There are talented people from generations to generations, and they have been leading the way for hundreds of years. I didn't expect such characters to be born in this world. ."


The Huashan Mountain God was shrouded in divine light. He looked at the various gods and gods below, and slowly said, "Everyone, there are such masters in the world. I don't know where it came from?"

The Huashan Mountain God still speaks of Tianxian, and there is a taste of order in the words.

Taihua Mountain God took back his gaze from Mobei with horror in his eyes. At this time, the **** stepped forward and said, "There is such an accomplishment in the world, I am afraid that there is only the Wushengjian Zhang Bairen."

"Inanimate sword?" Huashan Mountain God was taken aback.

"Xiaoxiao Luoyue Invisible Sword, persuade Jun Nihai and turn your head back!" The **** quickly said: "Zhang Bairen's swordsmanship is too heavy to kill, and the people of the rivers and lakes are terrified, and they have given a nickname of "No Life Sword"!"

"I'm afraid it's not an inanimate sword, but a killing sword!" Huashan Mountain God said in silence for a while: "Such a character should be made friends, who will send me the invitation?"

Since ancient times, the Huashan Mountain God has always been there, but the surrounding gods have constantly changed up and down. It can be said that the will of the Huashan Mountain God is dominating the future of everyone.

Huashan Mountain God fancy, naturally can live with it forever. Otherwise, it will be born and die by itself, and no one will protect you.

There are countless monks in the world, and Huashan is one of the five sacred mountains. I don't know how many people covet the **** of Huashan Mountain.

The worst branch mountain **** is not weaker than the one who sees the martial arts!

"My lord, the subordinates have some friendship with Zhang Bairen. That Zhang Bairen's fiancee is meditating in Taihua Mountain." Taihua Mountain God knew that the opportunity had come, and the opportunity to show his face had come, so he quickly stood up and said.

Taihua Mountain

It is also one of the best in Huashan branch.

"Oh, there is still this layer of cause and effect, it is simply great!" Huashan Mountain God looked at the various branch mountain gods below: "You will pay more attention to the Taihua Mountain Range in the future. Don't let people disturb the nobles in the mountains. Missing, good things turn into bad things, but it's disgusting!"

The gods all bowed their heads and obeyed, and the mountain gods of Mount Hua looked at the mountain gods of Taihua: "You take a chance to hand me the invitation!"

Taihua Mountain God took the hot golden invitation from the divine envoy, and accepted it respectfully, then said: "Honor, I am afraid that these few days will not work, count the time. The day for Zhang Bairen's second engagement has come. , Da Sui Erzheng Goryeo is right in front of you, I'm afraid Zhang Bairen can't find time.

"You pass the gold stickers up and tell him when he is free, and it is never too late to come again!" A memory flashed in the eyes of the Huashan Mountain God: "This God also came from that year, and those who have the ability are busy! Wait till death. It was only later discovered that everything was gone!"


Thoughts continued to circulate, whispering not knowing what they were discussing.

Da Sui

Qin Tianjian

Si was sitting on the ground, wiped the blood from Qiqiao, and walked towards the palace with joy.

On this day, the world was silent, facing the sword that deterred the heroes, and had to bow his head to remain front of a certain waterfall, two beautiful women stood on the bluestone, with one pair of eyes looking towards The north was speechless for a long time.

"The one who can make this sword must be Zhang Bairen, the metropolis governor of the world. There is no doubt that your worldly relationship with Bairen is not there!" Jinghuan Taoist aunt is very young, looks like two decades of life, cold and beautiful, as if not. Fairy eating fireworks.

"Master, Tuer has seen through the kindness, Tuer..." Mother Zhang looked at Daoist Jinghuan and explained quickly.

"Needless to say, your relationship is still unbroken, and you will naturally have the method in the future!" Jing Huan Xiangu interrupted Zhang's mother, eyes full of dignity: "Who can take such a sword?"

"Master..." Mother Zhang gave a wry smile.

"The governor, your previous sword is absolutely amazing, and it has reached its peak." Yuan Tiangang followed Zhang Bairen, his eyes full of enthusiasm: "The old way now believes that the governor can become an immortal."

ps: The leader is even two.

Killing is easy, but not killing.

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