First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 870: Awaken the dreamer

Everyone has a past that they don’t want to mention. Just like Zhang Bairen, he never tells people that he is two lives, his past and present, and he has honed in every way in the red dust of the 21st century. To Yangshen Avenue.

In the past life, the baptism of the billowing red dust and the baptism of the 21st century is the most precious treasure of Zhang Bairen. In this life, the grinding of the billowing red dust is less.

Guan Zi looked into the distance with a pair of eyes, sipping tea without hurriedly: "I heard people say that there is a pillar in this world, which is detached from the sea of ​​suffering, and it can make people clean with six roots. I traveled inside and outside China. , But still no trace."

Putting down the tea, Zhang Bairen smiled lightly: "If six clean bamboos are born in the future, I will get them for you."

Zhang Bairen looked towards Guan Zizhen, his eyes full of sympathy.

A four-year-old child, living alone in troubled times, the kind of loneliness can be imagined.

Guan Zizai's face moved when he heard the words, his gaze at Zhang Bairen seemed a little different, and a touch of melancholy appeared in his eyes, and he said:

"Until one day, I accidentally excavated a scroll of gold seals from the bamboo shoots, which was left by the Tianzun of Daoist that year. It recorded the Nine Secrets of Taoism, the Supreme Dafa, so I retreat in the bamboo forest for twelve years and began to travel around the world. After searching for bitter bamboo for eight years, he returned to Hunan and started Bailianshe.” At this point, Guan Zi looked at Zhang Bairen: “The poor way is not the modern method, but the ancient method. The state of Yangshen is only a short distance away.”

Speaking of this, look to Zhang Bairen: "The Daoist may have entered a misunderstanding. The ancient method is not the same as the modern method. Although they both cultivate the Yang Shen and are surpassed, they do not need to be reincarnated and cultivated again! Whoever heard that Fa-rectification actually needs to be reincarnated and rebuilt."

Zhang Bairen was stunned when he heard the words, and looked at Guan Zizai with surprise.

Guan Zizai counts on a handful: "Only the outer pill and the avenue of qi movement will be reincarnated and rebuilt once the road goes wrong. Why do Taoists think about reincarnating and rebuilding? The foundation is wrong. It is good to abolish the exercises and start over again. Why reincarnate? Rebuild?"

Zhang Bairen heard that he was struck by lightning, and he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't notice the wrong place. Now listening to what freely said, Zhang Bairen seems to be catching the inspiration.

"I don't know if the governor is practising that practice, and he actually needs to be reincarnated and re-trained!" Guan Zizai said with doubts: "If the governor doesn't mind, can you talk about it."


Accompanied by thunder, Zhang Bairen's mind suddenly flashed through, and in an instant, all the incomprehensible things were solved.

"Jindan Avenue!" Zhang Bairen was sweating all over, suddenly awakened at this moment, unknowingly he had gone the wrong way.

In the previous life, he had proved himself as Yang God, and it had too much influence on him, and even started to walk the same way without knowing it.

I walked on the path of the sword fairy, and the innate tactics brought by the four sword fetuses of Zhuxian were cultivated. How did it become the Golden Core Avenue?

The sword fetus in his body is his own Tao fruit. But so, what are the three souls and seven souls?

Zhang Bairen was stunned, completely stunned at this time.

No wonder Yuan Tiangang heard Mingzhu's tears and couldn't help but be moved by it. It turns out that they don't need to be reincarnated and rebuilt.

"But why does Yang Qi need a military solution?" Zhang Bairen couldn't help but wonder.

"Because Yang Qi's deadline has come, there is no hope for the Yang God in this life, so naturally he needs to reincarnate!" Guan Zizai's eyebrows clustered together, and said puzzledly: "Taoist Avenue is three thousand, and everything is Yang God! If you can't achieve Yang God , Can also condense primordial spirits, ghosts and gods, why reincarnation?"

The only thing I see is whether he has great perseverance and is not tempted by the left.

"No! No!" Zhang Bairen shook his head again and again at this time: "Once you go the wrong way, you can't prove it. You must use the power of reincarnation to wash away the traces and fruit status of the previous life, and dare to ruin my foundation!"

Zhang Bairen's long sword was unsheathed in an instant, and the sharp Zhuxianjian Qi burst out. The bamboo forest shook in an instant, and a scream spread out in the dark, and the Qixianjian sword hurt its origin.

At this moment, Guan Zi was sitting there, seeming to fall asleep, Zhang Bairen pointed out a finger and landed on Guan Zizai’s eyebrows. The moment was like a drum in the morning and evening, Guan Zizai suddenly opened his eyes: "Who counts on me!"

Seeing Zhang Bairen's murderous appearance, Guan Zizai's expression was ashen: "Someone wants to steal the nine-character mantra of the poor way, so bold!"

Zhang Bairen's long sword slowly returned to its sheath, and slowly sat opposite Guan Zizai, calming down the true energy in his body: "Someone wants to destroy my Dao Guo, but he also gave me a hint. I have to thank the dark hand in the dark."

Although there was an illusion, Zhang Bairen was sober, and his soul was affected by Dao Guo in the previous life.

What I practiced is the true ancient method, how can I actually change to the direction of the Golden Core Avenue, if I really wait for my jade liquid to return the pill, I am afraid the consequences will be disastrous.

But when can I form a Yang God?

Zhang Bairen was stunned. This is his suffering. There is no one before and no one to follow, and there is no reference at all.

"Jindan Avenue, I want to completely forget Jindan Avenue, and rub away the shadow of Jindan Avenue!" Zhang Bairen's eyes turned murderously.

"Nanyan! It's Nightmare's action. This is the cause and effect of the ancient emperor. Since you inherited the legacy of the emperor, you naturally have to bear the cause and effect left by the emperor. When the emperor killed countless lives in the ancient times, there were countless grievances and the will of the innate gods. , Turned into nightmare!" At this time, Yi Yuanquan suddenly said.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback.

"But your kid is weird. Your cultivation technique is so peculiar, beyond ancient and modern times. Even Nightmare can't charm you, but you have been implicated in the innocent, and you almost dragged people into the illusion together. Your kid is in great trouble!" Yi Yuanquan jokingly said, "If you didn't see the flaw, I'm afraid today will be the end of death."

"Who is talking?" Guan Zizai was stunned.

Zhang Bairen took out the Yiyuan Spring Eye and held it in his palm: "I went to the Dragon Palace a few days ago and unexpectedly caught the Yiyuan Spring Eye, the origin of the East China Sea."

"This is Yiyuan Spring Eye?" Guan Zizai showed curiosity: "What is Nightmare?"

Yiyuanquan closed his mouth and said nothing, Zhang Bairen closed Yiyuanquan's eyes: "What is my way?"

"What is your way?" Guan Zizai asked.

Zhang Bairen closed his eyes and slowly fell into thought.

What is your own way?

Guan Zi is making tea quietly, and the tea is floating at this moment.

The illusion was false before, but what Guan Zizai said was true. The moment Guan Zizai finished speaking, the two were confused by nightmare.

"In Zhuojun, I wanted to practice Jindan Avenue, but was stopped by the four domineering swordsmen. In desperation, I could only practice Zhuxian Kendo!" Zhang Bairen began to slowly recall: "Later, what I learned gradually became mixed, and my body was really real. Qi became disorderly and restrained each other, so I had to retreat to reorganize what I had learned, and became a Dao-born Demon Seed."

"Now my root is the Dao-born Demon Seed. It is not any kind of cultivation method in the world. It has long been beyond the scope of the Golden Core Avenue, and it is not framed by the Four Swords of the Immortal." Zhang Bairen's eyes are getting brighter and brighter: "Devil Seed, Kind , Guiyi, this is my cultivation technique, and maybe it will be the Dao of Yangshen to the realm when my Dao Fei Demon Seed becomes successful."

Zhang Bairen showed a contemplative look. The third volume of his Dao-born Demon Seed is very important. It is necessary to find a supreme sacrificial refining method for the unification of the Demon Seed to completely accommodate it, otherwise it will be God is impossible.

The true Yang Shen can be divided into two steps. The first step is the true and pure Zhen Qi. Only the true Yang Shen can cultivate Yang Shen.

The second step is sexual power. The three souls and seven souls are practiced by Zhenqi strong and powerful. Sexual power is the key to bittern tofu.

Only with these two steps can Yang Shen be detached, one is indispensable.

It looks like two steps, but subdivision can be turned into countless small steps, which shows the difficulty of becoming a fairy.

Zhang Bairen slowly opened his eyes: "I still have to spend hard work on the third volume. My third volume is only a prototype, and the subtleties need to be filled in. It has long been different from the current sects. I am still two. People in the eleventh century were actually fettered by their own thinking."

But now that the three souls and seven souls have entered the womb, how about your name is Zhang Bairen?

How to do?

Zhang Bairen is in trouble!

ps: Fourth more.

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