First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 868: The storm is settled, kill the enemy

"Zhang Bairen, you must not die! You must not die! You and I are fighting, but you are implicated in the old, young, and children. You are not a hero! You must not die in the future!" The Chen family ancestor's voice was stern and murderous intent flowed wildly in his eyes.

"Shit!" Zhang Bairen's hemp rope suddenly plunged into the head of the Chen family ancestor Baihui like a sword.

"In fact, it's not just your daughter Xiaoman, your more than a dozen concubines, and your daughter-in-law, but they are all no worse than your daughter, but your daughter Xiaoman is the best in it, she has fair skin and beautiful long legs, everyone likes it. It’s terrible, I fight to serve her every day!" Zhang Bairen said softly, a handful of flames suddenly burst, and the burnt Chen family ancestors were covered with shreds of hair and turned into powder. Only the bean-sized flames were burning quietly, and the delicate barbecue The smell accompanied the venison burnt in the fire, and it smelled particularly nauseous.

"Beast! You must not die! You must not die!" The ancestor of the Chen family roared frantically, struggling constantly.

"Tsk tusk tusk, so many years have passed, and I don’t know how many hats the Chen family’s daughters have worn for your father and son. It’s really sad. Your Chen family’s daughters are much more well-behaved than you. When the guards of our military secret mansion arrived, they all broke loose. The thighs, how stubborn like you, can't change their lives all day long!" Zhang Bairen kept stimulating the ancestors of the Chen family, the angry ancestor of the Chen family was violent, his eyes turned black, and black blood spurted out of his mouth.

In fact, Zhang Bairen certainly did not do this, but gave the Chen family's wife to his subordinates to be his wife.

Are the Chen family's female relatives ordinary people?

They are all the best women with fair skin and beautiful waist, buttocks, otherwise they would not be seen by these elders of the Chen family.

A group of rough people under Zhang Bairen are the parents of poor people. They love the fair-skinned, beautiful and long-legged Chen women very much, and they don't dislike them. They happily marry home to be wives.

Zhang Bairen just said so, but it was just to stimulate the Chen family's ancestors and let out a breath of malice.

As for Li Jiancheng?

But he can't die.

Li Jiancheng is a chess piece, and Li Shimin is a chess piece. Zhang Bairen is now a chess player who is reluctant to be a chess player and is only qualified to play chess in the world.

Will Li Jiancheng make a name for himself? Zhang Bairen didn't mind. How could Li Shimin be stimulated if Li Jiancheng did not grow up?

Moreover, Zhang Bairen felt a mysterious will in Li Jiancheng's body. This will numbed people's scalp and seemed to freeze their hearts and lungs. Of course, Zhang Bairen did not want to take risks.

Kill Li Jiancheng in this way, where is the good use of waste?

In the future, I can design and use Li Jiancheng to severely damage Li Shimin's mind, and then take the opportunity to leave a flaw in Li Shimin's mind. This is the biggest waste utilization.

Knowing the general trend of history, the living Li Jiancheng is far more effective than death for Zhang Bairen.

Looking at the painful ancestor of the Chen family, Zhang Bairen tweeted and said: "White, beautiful and long legs, it's really comfortable to be ravaged!"

"Zhang Bairen, you are not a man, and what you did in this way is not worthy of being called a hero!" The ancestor of the Chen family roared sadly.

"When do I say I am... I am a man, but I did not say I am a hero!" Zhang Bairen sneered in his eyes.

"Drop it down and go to prison, light the sky lantern for three years, and die!" Zhang Bairen suddenly became cynical and turned into a cold iceberg.

Light the sky lantern from Parkway above your head, not only the flesh and blood, but also the spirit.

After three years, this person must be gone.

"This move by the general governor will hurt the peace!" Wang Yi came from standing.


Zhang Bairen looked up and down the Taoist in front of him, although he had the same name as Wang Yi, the assassin family, but his skills were too far apart.

"Are you going to be nosy? Your king's nosy?" Zhang Bairen looked at the Wang's Yangshen powerhouse quietly.

"The old man is not just meddling, just advising the general governor that the cultivator should be the upper body and the heart of the body, and the lower the people, the governor is too murderous, I am afraid that the Dao karma is impossible!" The old Taoist sighed slightly, his eyes full of compassion.

"Oh? No matter how great the crime of the governor is, can it still match the hands and feet of your king's family in the canal? The hundreds of thousands of Li people who were killed by the scam?" Zhang Bairen asked back.

The ancestor of the Wang family was ashamed of hearing the words, hiding his face and walking away, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Zhang Bairen looked at the heroes in the field with a pair of eyes, and then fell on Kongkong'er: "Sikong picked the stars and stole the treasure from the palace. The governor of the city wants to take him to the imprisonment for interrogation. What money you have lost, even if it is done. The roster, if you can find a place where the treasure is hidden, the governor will definitely send someone back."

Zhang Bairen's words are domineering, what can everyone say?

Without Zhang Bairengao, he didn't dare to say anything, so they left a list and left.

As for whether Zhang Bairen will send out the treasures, everyone knows in their hearts that in all likelihood, meat buns and dogs have never returned. At this time, it is not advisable to compete head-on with Zhang Bairen, and you need to work hard in the court.

Looking at the roster that was handed over, Zhang Bairen handed it to the guards around him. The only one who didn't leave was the fake monk.

"We are destined, we actually met again!" This is the second time Zhang Bairen has seen a fake monk. The first time was when the Liyang Yuwang Ding was born, and the fake monks were mixed up and called Zhang Bairen Deli.

"I have seen the chief governor!" The fake monk looked at Zhang Bairen with emotion and bowed his head respectfully.

Fifteen years ago, the opponent was just a trivial ant in his own eyes. Fifteen years later, the opponent was up and down, transformed into a real dragon and flew for nine days, already standing on top and looking down at him.

Although strength is important, luck is more important.

"Why don't you leave?" Zhang Bairen looked at the fake monk.

The false monk looked aggrieved: "The governor still needs to ask Kong Kong'er, this will ruin my great opportunity, if there is no return, Pang Dao is not willing to leave."

Zhang Bairen was taken aback and looked at Kong Kong'er with a pair of eyes: "The chance of a bad guy is a big taboo. If you really do this, the governor will not forgive you!"

Kong Kong'er's eyeballs tumbled around, and grinned with pain: "Sir, the small ones have treasures that can break through to the Tao. I am willing to compensate this brother. After I get well, I will personally come to the door to make amends and find for the brother Back to chance."

While the fake monk was stunned when he heard the words, his thoughts turned: "Didn't the chief governor say that Kongkonger was pressed into the imprisonment? Why is this guy happy? Is it hurt?"

For a moment, cold sweat appeared behind Kongkonger, as if he had understood something, and said calmly: "Even so, leave the poor way!"

Although the false monk was unwilling to do so, but the Wutai Mountain had the Yimu elves, but he did not dare to say it. How precious is the Yimu spirit, once exported, it will be insulated from itself.

Although I don't know why Kongkonger had to conceal it, it is a good thing for the fake monk, and at least he still has a chance.

The fake monk didn't dare to break this kind of treasure in front of Zhang Bairen, so he could only carry the meteorite iron and walk down the mountain depressed.

Zhang Bairen took out a booklet, looked up and down for a while, and then looked at Kongkonger: "Old thief, you are not very honest all these years! The treasures recorded in it have not been seen by the Governor even one tenth."

"The villain knows what is wrong! The villain knows what is wrong! Please also ask the governor to spare the villain once!" Kongkong's laughed bitterly, and said pitifully: "It's all family members who slander the villain and want to blackmail the villain. "

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen put down the memorial: "Then you and me go to the clan family to confront how about?"

Kongkonger said with a bitter face: "Captain, you can save me first, if you don't save me, I'm afraid the villain is not far from death!"

"Take money as your life!" Zhang Bairen shook his head and looked at the **** Kong Kong, and couldn't help but sigh slightly: "I'm afraid I won't be able to save you."

"Huh?" Kongkonger was shocked.

"But someone can save you, but it takes a great deal of favor from the capital governor, and consumes a favor for you, but it's not worth it!" Zhang Bairen hesitated slightly.

Kong Kong'er gritted his teeth and spurted blood with anger: "The governor, there is a gourd ornament on the waist of the villain. It is the treasure of the cave in the pot. It contains the accumulation of the villain over the years. ."

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen's eyes lit up suddenly.

I had known that Kongkong had a hole in the pot, but he had never been such an unremarkable gourd the size of a thumb. It looked quite amazing.

"You are really there!" Zhang Bairen smiled.

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