First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 866: Torture!

"Bah, how do you monk know the abilities of my grown-up, and want me to collect 10% and have your dream of spring and autumn!" Kongkonger yelled at the fake monk.

The fake monk didn't get angry, just flipped the venison: "I won't argue with you. If you don't want to hand over 10% of your collection, you can't leave today!"

Speaking of this, the fake monk said unhurriedly: "Do you know how many monks on Mount Wutai are staring here? The news that you were caught by the monk will soon spread to all directions. When the time comes, the great families will come, but it will not be one. If I were you, I would obediently take out a 10% treasure. You disturbed my good deeds. Grandpa, I didn’t want your life, so I would be grateful, and you still want to bargain?"

Having said this, the fake monk was also angry: "I was so good to catch the Yimu elves in this mountain, but who knew that you broke the good deeds and shocked the Yimu elves to flee away. If not for the one behind you, Lord Dao I've already cut you off! That's the Otsuki Elf..."

The fake monk was heartbroken, and the greasy sika venison in his hand was also thrown away without eating. He stood up and came to Kong Kong'er, "You said, how do you compensate my Yimu spirit?"

The fake monk was also innocent. He had originally obtained the Azure Dragon Star meteorite and planned to trap an Otsuki Elf that had become a climate in the mountain to break through to the realm of Dao. Who knew that such a thing happened?

Kong Kong'er was stunned, recalling the previous scene.

At that time, Kong Konger quietly came to Wutai Mountain and found the fake monk smoothly. Seeing the meteorite of the Azure Dragon Star and putting it aside, he was overjoyed in his heart, and immediately rushed over.

At that time, it was indeed that a green shadow on the meteorite was frightened and came off, and then the sky and the earth fell, and the Otsuki Elf left early, but it happened to catch Kongkonger.

It is also unlucky for nothing. If a few breaths later, when the Luodi Net catches the Emu Elf, the meteorite and the Emu Elf will be obtained in one fell swoop, which can be described as a great harvest.

"You said, how do you compensate the Taoist Yimu elves!" The fake monk was distraught.

Kongkonger was wrong and didn't dare to argue, just said: "You let me go quickly, otherwise my paternal master will drive up, this is not over!"

"The Taoist priest really wants to know, who is your master, dare you to indulge you in stealing the world, and against the world's heroes!" The fake monk sat back and picked up the sika deer to chew.

After eating half of the sika deer, the fake monk stood up and came to Kong Kong'er, waiting to speak, and suddenly heard a chuckle at the foot of the mountain: "Where is the fake monk fellow? Wang Yi, the poor Taoist king of Taiyuan, has met fellow Taoists! Heard! Fellow Daoist caught the first thief Kong Konger, and asked the old man to ask him to meet Kong Konger and ask him a few words!"

The fake monk grasped Kong Kong'er's sleeves loosely, and then looked at Kong Kong'er with a smile but a smile: "Look, I have come to the door. It's only strange that the family of clans can spare you. You must be cramped and peeled."

After speaking, a pair of eyes looked down the mountain: "Come on!"

When the words fell, I heard a hearty laughter from the foot of the mountain: "Taiyuan Li Jiali Jiancheng, come to visit the Taoist leader!"

"Hedong Cui's family, Cui Wanshan pays respects to the Daoist!"

"Henan Zheng Family, Zheng Tianze pays respects to the Taoist Chief!"


As if an appointment had been made, voices rang from all directions, and in a blink of an eye, all the great families and masters from all walks of life rushed towards the mountain.

"Did you see it! Didn't you see it! Today, cramps and skinning are inevitable!" The fake monk sat in front of the fire and said unhurriedly: "Come on!"

All of a sudden, various figures came to the front of the fire, standing still openly or secretly.

Yangshen real people have it, but martial arts experts have it.

Martial arts are easy, but cultivation is hard!

It's difficult to get started in cultivation, and it's even more difficult later, because it is a requirement of xinxing. But martial arts is not the case, there is only one checkpoint, that is, seeing God is not bad. Of course, the ultimate realm of seeing God is not bad still needs the help of heaven and earth to break through the barrier.

Dao Gong is not that troublesome, it all depends on one's own character.

But the combat power of the two sides is not the same. Taoist monks will never be the opponents of the warriors if they do not enter the sun god.

Even if he entered the realm of the Yang God, he was definitely not the opponent of the strong God.

Unless it breaks through the real sun god, the real sun **** is not weaker than the martial artist to the realm. It is the existence of the real heaven and earth.

"Kong Konger, it really is him! He didn't die! Fifteen years ago, the Chief Governor said that he killed Kong Konger. Why is this servant still alive now? The Chief Governor is deceiving the emperor, so it should be one of them!" Seriously, there was a little bit of murder in his eyes.

After listening to Li Jiancheng, everyone looks at me and I see you, while the monk of the Wang family stepped forward slowly: "Kong Konger, you have ravaged my Wang family treasury. If you are willing to hand over the treasures that have stolen my Wang family, my Wang family will not pursue it. You are responsible!"

Kongkonger shut up and said nothing, not speaking at this time is the best choice. He believed that with the intelligence of the governor, he should have known his own situation and was on his way.

As long as the chief superintendent arrives, he is considered free.

Of course, these people must be dealt with before this.

"Kong Konger, tell the person who is behind you, I won't care about you when I wait," the Cui family of Hedong said with a serious expression.

"This gangster will not speak, but it's handed over to you, as long as you don't play this kid to death, leave me a life!" The fake monk said unhurriedly.

"If you talk about methods, it's nothing more than cramping and lightening the sky lanterns. I'm the Zheng family expert in this matter!" Zheng Tianze of the Zheng family stood up, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Everyone, the old man has gained a lot of ice talisman recently, how about handing this kid to the old man to make it?" Li Jiancheng walked out a cold-faced old man. At this time, the old man's face was full of wrinkles, as if he was hanging old, as if he was about to step into reincarnation in the next moment.

The old man sneered coldly: "The old man only needs to freeze his skin, and then tap it slowly, and it will be a layer of skin with a crack, a crack, and it is much more refreshing than a cramp!"

Hearing the words of the cold-faced old man, everyone in the court twitched their mouths and remained silent.

The old man tremblingly came to Kong Kong'er, with an icy air brewing in his hands: "Why are you talking or not?"

"Old dog, if you dare to hurt me, you will repay you ten times in the future!" Kongkong'er glared at the old man fiercely.

The old man had no expression on his face, nor did he quarrel with Kong Kong'er, but the cold in his hands spread, instantly spreading to Kong Kong'er's body, and for a moment, Kong Kong'er's skin became stained with frost.

"Boy, you have to think carefully, you should know the consequences if you go down the old man." The old man smiled coldly.

Kong Konger's body was trembling, but his eyes were fierce and stopped talking.


The old man's methods were vicious, and Kong Kong's skin shattered instantly like a mirror, and Kong Kong groaned in pain.

"If you are a man, the old man can't bear to torture you, but if you don't speak, what can I do?" The old man sighed helplessly, grabbed a piece of broken skin, and pulled hard.

"Puff whistle~"

The blood splattered, revealing dripping flesh and blood, Kong Kong'er's skin was actually torn the size of a palm.


Kongkonger let out a muffled grunt, his face was indifferent, but his eyes became more fierce.

"If you have a character, the old man likes someone with a character like you!" The old man pulled Kongkong'er's skin unhurriedly, dripping with blood, and Kongkong'er's skin was gradually removed like bark.

Drops of sweat are like There is a trace of blood flowing out of the corner of Kongkong's mouth, but his complexion is still indifferent.

"What a man!" The ancestor of the Chen family slapped the human skin unhurriedly and said to the people below: "Bring the salt!"

When there was salt, the old man spilled it mercilessly, and saw Kongkong's face drawn out, his skin twisted, but he said nothing.

The dripping flesh and blood kept beating under the stimulation of salt, which was really terrifying.

"You still refuse to say?" Seeing this, the old man frowned, and went directly to the fake monk, picking up a torch: "The fire is burning, it depends on you or not."


With a scream, the birds in the mountains were startled to fly, and many people couldn't bear to look anymore and closed their eyes.

"I said the old Taoist priest, you are so vicious with this method!" The fake monk couldn't sit still, looking at the already **** Kong Kong, he couldn't help but speak.

ps: Today is the fourth one, everyone is looking up soon.

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