First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 857: Forbidden land

"Zhang Bairen, Zhang Bairen, there is a way in the heavens, you don't go, there is no way to hell, you cast yourself" Donghai Dragon King came slowly, looking at Zhang Bairen who was entangled in kelp, his mouth was slurping, showing abusive expression.

At this moment, Zhang Bairen was entangled in the kelp, so he could not take care of the ridicule of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, but desperately running the immortal body, constantly devouring the vitality in the kelp.

"If you want to swallow my flesh and blood, the governor will take your life! Jumang is the real body, I am Jumang!" Jumang is the **** of vitality, and all the vitality of the world and all things belongs to Jumang.

At this time, the overwhelming vitality surged toward Zhang Bairen's body, but the kelp still ignored it, trying to tear Zhang Bairen to pieces.

Fortunately, Zhang Bairen was like a thousand-year-old tree at this time, even with the power of these kelp, it was still difficult to shake his true body. Even if the real body shakes occasionally, it will still be stabilized by the overwhelming vitality, and then it will take a step forward.

Aoki Immortal's real body is progressing at a very fast speed, but the speed of this progress makes people feel a little frightened.

In the past, Zhang Bairen was afraid of not having enough vitality, but now he is too full of vitality. There is no time to change in his body. The meridians are constantly being exploded and repaired, and the cycle of bursting and repairing is constantly repeated.

The divinity in Zhang Bairen's body that has been deducing the changes of heaven and earth seems to be aware of the crisis of the physical body. The next moment the divinity rolls through the body, the continuous vitality is robbed and sent to the depths of the small world. .

"This kelp is too hard to be tangled. I don’t know how many years it has survived. I swallowed life like this, and the other party is not afraid of it. I need to get out quickly!" Zhang Bairen actually wanted to stay and continue to eat the vitality of kelp. Whether it is possible to cultivate the Aoki Immortal Body to the Mahayana realm, it is a pity that time does not wait for me. What Zhang Bairen wanted was the divine water of good fortune, and once the little dragon king had finished his body training and lost his spatial coordinates, he would run for nothing.

The true body of Aoki Immortal is just a head start, and Taoist practice is the right way. Zhang Bairen can distinguish the priority.


Zhang Bairen broke a piece of clothing, activated it for the death technique, and then took the opportunity to escape.

With the help of Jin Jian's power, he escaped in an instant.

Without looking at the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Zhang Bairen flew straight to the depths of the canyon.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea looked at Zhang Bairen, and did not intend to stop him.

The intensive sounds of ‘swish’ and ‘swish’ in the rear made the scalp numb, and the overwhelming kelp was hidden in the dark, chasing Zhang Bairen.

"The East China Sea is really extraordinary. A mere group of kelp actually forced me to look like this!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he was tempted to use the Sanyang Golden Crow's rectification method, but since the last time he saw the Sanyang Golden Crow rectification diagram, Zhang Bairen's heart is more I don't know how many scruples.

The Sanyang Golden Crow's Fa-rectification has too many backgrounds, and the hatred is too great. If it is not a critical moment in the future, the Sanyang Golden Crow's Fa-rectification must not be used.

My ten Golden Crows have just been trained, but they have only taken shape. I don't know how many steps are still missing from Dacheng. This skill is so evil that I can use it if I don't use it.

Zhu Xian's sword intent was lingering, Zhang Bairen's sword was unsheathed from his waist, and instantly a sword qi cut through the sea water and swept towards the kelp behind.

The sea is dead!

Do you know what the sea water is dead?

After being swept by Zhuxianjian Qi, the sea died instantly, and there was no more spiritual energy.

A burst of piercing screams rang out, and the kelp that had been chasing died in an instant.

The vitality of kelp is the most tenacious, even if it is transformed into a few segments, it will still be reborn.

But being swept by Jue Xian Jian Qi, all the kelp that was cut apart died, and the dead could no longer die. All the vitality was cut off, turned into the nourishment of Zhu Xian Jian Qi.


Extreme movement transformed into extreme silence, and the scene was bloody. All the kelp seemed to be in the hold technique, and he didn't dare to move forward half a step again. That incredible sword aura made all the kelp feel the crisis.

The Dragon King of East China Sea froze!

Zhang Bairen looked at the Dragon King of the East China Sea with his eyes: "Old dragon, the strongest method of the governor is the supernatural power of swordsmanship. The innate gods are no more than incarnations. How can I match the sword energy that I have cultivated hard."

"Zhang Bairen, what are you doing in my Dragon Clan forbidden land?" Donghai Dragon King walked slowly with a gloomy expression.

"Without him, I want to ask to borrow the East China Sea One Yuan Sea Eye for one use!" Zhang Bairen said without changing his face.

"Good wolf, you dare to covet my East China Sea One Yuan Haiyan, and you can't let you go anyway today. Do you know what happened to the people who beat me Donghai Yuan Haiyan before?" The dragon king of the East China Sea suddenly became gloomy and his voice seemed Can freeze this gorge.

Zhang Bairen couldn't see the Dragon King of the East China Sea. In his eyes, ten golden crows were circulating, and he could barely see the image of Baizhang.

"How is it?" Zhang Bairen subconsciously asked.

"Naturally they are all dead!" Donghai Dragon King said coldly.


The ground shook under his feet, and the overwhelming jellyfish rose into the sky and surrounded Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen's complexion changed, and the universe opened up in his sleeves, and he gathered up to the sky full of jellyfish.

The universe is short in the sleeve, and the sun and the moon are long in the pot.

The three suns inside the sleeves are running, and the ten golden crows are shining brightly, and the projections are vividly falling down. All the jellyfishes have just entered the sleeves, and they are turned into gray by the ten golden crows.

In Zhang Bairen's eyes, jellyfish is different from kelp. Kelp is in groups and roots in the ground at any time. Zhang Bairen can't help each other in his sleeves, but this jellyfish is not.

As soon as all the jellyfish approached, Zhang Bairen carried them inside, causing countless jellyfish to flee.

Zhang Bairen groaned in his heart and ignored the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and continued to shrink into the canyon.


A plant of unknown name suddenly emerged from the soil, trapping Zhang Bairen's ankle.

Zhang Bairen shrank into the air, and fell into a big horse in an instant.




At this moment, a series of unknown plants instantly entangled Zhang Bairen's limbs and tied them firmly to the ground.

The overwhelming jellyfish smashed down, and Zhang Bairen's face remained unchanged, and his figure directly blended into the earth's soil, disappearing.

The method he is most familiar with is the Earth Element Magnetism. At this time, Zhang Bairen held the golden slip and mobilized the power of the Earth Element Magnetism. The earth rolled wherever he passed, and the Sea Monster hiding in the depths of the earth was caught off guard.

Under the action of geomagnetism, the earth's soil is twisted and compressed, and its toughness is three points more than steel. Many sea monsters have not yet reacted, and before they break through the ground, Zhang Bairen has quickly passed by and entered the depths of the Zhang Bairen didn't know the bottom of the gorge, so naturally he didn't dare to directly make a big move and summon the innate **** to possess his body.

This place is a forbidden area in the East China Sea. It is normal that the East China Sea has worked so hard to make oneself stumble. Zhang Bairen would be surprised if he was easily overcome by himself.

"Here!" Zhang Bairen caught the Kraken by surprise with a hand of Earth Element Magnetism. The Sea-Monster hidden in the earth has not yet reflected, and Zhang Bairen has quickly flashed past.

After being too late, the sea monsters continued to hide underground and did not continue to pursue them.

"The governor is really powerful. I actually broke through the net of the East China Sea. It is really admirable! Admire! But now in this deep sea, how the governor will deal with this king, this king will wait and see!" The face is hidden.

Zhang Bairen could feel that Canghai Dongtian was in the void.

Without saying a word, the gods merged instantly, and the light in Zhang Bairen's eyes flowed, and he could see the entire dark canyon clearly and plainly.

In fact, Zhang Bairen has never known which deity he hatched from his own deity, but the other party seems to have an unusual love for water currents.

As soon as the palm of the hand was stretched, a thousand-foot-high icicle instantly condensed and compressed, turning into a length of two meters, and the thickness of the egg was held in his hand.

"I don't know if Xiao Canghai Dongtian can afford the power of the governor of the capital!" Zhang Bairen held a club in his hand, his eyes were calm, and his body was handed over to the control of the innate god.

"Dare you!" The East Sea Dragon King's complexion changed, and he stood in front of Zhang Bairen in an instant: "This king will never give you the opportunity to come into contact with Xiaocanghai Dongtian!"

"Really? It's as if you can stop me!" Zhang Bairen shook the stick in his hand, and the whole canyon was stirred in a moment: "Long King, let me eat me a stick!"

ps: The following plot will be very exciting!

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