First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 848: 2 kowtow

The depth of love, the depth of hate!

Seeing Zhang Fei's tears, Zhang Baiyi suddenly panicked, and put the ruler into Zhang Fei's hand: "Father, don't cry, hit me! The child doesn't hurt! You hit me!"

"It's late! You don't understand it when it's late! Everything is too late! It's over, you know!" Zhang Fei's voice was weak, and slowly stood up and stumbled towards the foot of the mountain: "Your Taoism is impure, the Taoism Difficult to become a powerful weapon in the future, once you enter reincarnation, you will be a stranger, and there will be no chance of transcendence in the future! My golden-top view of karma is monstrous, once you fall into reincarnation, there will be no chance to transcend! Hahaha, ha Haha, it's late... everything is too late, everything is too late! You and my father and son, the fate is over! The fate is over!"

"Brother Fei!" Zhao Ruxi hurried to catch up, leaving Zhang Baiyi sitting in the field in a daze, looking at the figure that had been tall and straight, at this time he actually squatted down, and Chen Zai was silent in his heart.

I don’t know when, my father is old! The temples are actually soaked with a layer of hair!

Zhang Baiyi suddenly felt a panic in his heart, still remembering that his father said to himself with a heavy face: "The spiritual world is cruel and weak. If one day goes for the elders, how can you provoke the golden roof? How can you convince the crowd? How to survive? How can you stand on the ground?"

"It turns out that at that time, my father was already old!" Zhang Baiyi stood up suddenly and stumbled down the mountain.

When the mountains were quiet, there was a sound of ‘tas’ and ‘tas’ footsteps in the cave. I saw a woman in white with a pale complexion, her head bowed and her head bowed out of the cave.

This woman Zhang Bairen knew her, but she stopped herself by the mountain last time and mistakenly became Zhang Baiyi's handsome little widow.

"The mud can't support the wall!" Zhang Bairen shook his head, too lazy to be nosy, walking towards the mountain with mixed feelings in his heart.

"It's a pity that no one cares about themselves like this. There was a mother before the age of five, but after the age of five, the mother was also taken away by the father and son. Fortunately, there are Lihua and Gongsun with me!" Speaking of the Gongsun sisters, Zhang Bairen suddenly felt in his heart. A thought came up.

He is Zhang Lihua's patron and everything to him! Sister Gongsun has a deep affection for herself, and she can even tolerate the second maid and the husband.

"The beauty is kind, and I would rather bear the common people than the Qing!" Zhang Bairen got up and walked back along the winding path.

When he came to the volcanic rock, Zhang Bairen opened the picture scroll again and watched it unhurriedly, trying to figure out the meaning of rhythm.

Under the mountain

Zhang Fei looked desperate and sat in front of the case, Zhao Ruxi sat aside, looking at the sad face, but didn't know where to start.

The two have known each other since childhood, and apart from parting with that woman, Zhao Ruxi had never seen this man so desolate and helpless.

"It's all karma! It's all karma!" Zhang Fei smiled, haha ​​smirked.

"Father!" Zhang Baiyi walked in, stood at the door and whispered quietly, kneeling at Zhang Fei's feet: "You are disappointed by my child!"

Zhang Fei lowered his head and looked at Zhang Baiyi blankly. After a while, his gaze was dull and said, "It was the fault of my father. I saw you lost your mother when you were young and spoiled you all day. Only then did you end up where you are today. . It’s Dad who compares your eldest brother with you all day long, thinking of stimulating you to get angry, at least not worse than your elder brother, who knows that it has dispelled your will!

Zhang Fei’s words are full of unwillingness: "Your brother and mother compatriots have the same qualifications. You have my golden roof view countless resources to supply. Since childhood, you have started to wash your hair and cut your marrow, and you have the supreme way of heaven to build the foundation. What about benevolence? Bairen was born in a bitter cold, can't eat enough, has too thin a foundation, and even more unrighteous. Only I have a fragment of Jindingguan. All the training resources are punched and beaten by yourself. There is no reason why you will be better than him. difference?"

"It's Dad's fault, Dad is asking too much of you!" Zhang Fei slowly closed his eyes, slumped on the chair, as if turned into a mess of mud.

"Father, Haier knew it was wrong! Haier will definitely be angry in the future" Zhang Baiyi had tears in his eyes.

"It's late!" Zhang Fei sat weakly in the chair.

Zhang Baiyi didn't say a word, but just sat down on his knees.

After a while, I saw Zhang Fei opened his eyes, looked at Zhang Baiyi with a pair of eyes, saw the tears on Zhang Baiyi's face, his heart was like a knife, and his voice trembled: "Do you really know that?"

"My boy has known that it was the boy who disappointed his father! But the eldest brother's Taoist practice has improved so fast that the boy can't catch up with it! The boy is powerless!" Zhang Baiyi cried bitterly.

Listening to Zhang Baiyi's words, Zhang Fei gritted his teeth: "It's Dad's fault. Everyone has their own way. Why should we compare with others? It's Dad's fault! Dad made you too anxious, otherwise you I will not go astray and practice the joyful meditation!"

While speaking, Zhang Fei suddenly stood up: "Since you know, even if you give up this life for your father, you will have a future for you!"

After speaking, Zhang Fei suddenly stepped out of the lobby, leaving the two in the lobby shouting in exclamation: "Father!"


While talking, the two chased out together.




There was a sound of footsteps, but Zhang Fei's clothes were scattered, and the disheveled Zhang Fei came slowly, revealing a strong sense of sadness from all around him.


Zhang Fei came to Zhang Bairen and looked at a quiet and peaceful young man in a purple shirt. He had to admit that although his face was not handsome, he had a very outstanding temperament.

Seeing the other person, you subconsciously ignored the other person's appearance and were impressed by the other person's style.

Zhang Fei knelt heavily on the ground, shocked Zhang Bairen's movements and flicked his fingers. A green air current swept across the vegetation, and the vegetation entangled and grew, pulling Zhang Fei abruptly.

"Come again! Which one is this again?" Zhang Bairen was helpless to this cheap old man, but he was quite respectful in his heart.

He doesn't respect his cultivation, and Zhang Fei can't match his own.

Disrespect of character, Zhang Fei seems to have failed when it comes to character.

With his dedication to Zhang Baiyi, he has achieved the best that a father can do.

"This is an admirable father, but it's too unfair to himself!" A thought flashed in Zhang Bairen's heart, turned away from Zhang Fei, but continued to look at the picture scroll in front of him.

"Please! Give Bai Yi another chance!" Zhang Fei's voice was almost desperate, extremely hoarse.

Zhang Bairen paused, turned his head to look at Zhang Fei, took a serious look, and then slowly stroked the sun on the scroll: "Zhang Baiyi has done the same thing again?"

Zhang Fei looked at Zhang Bairen pitifully with a pair of eyes: "Please! I'll kowtow to you!"

While talking Zhang Fei kept breaking free from the vegetation, so she knelt down and kowtowed.

Zhang Bairen was speechless and was delighted by Zhang Fei.

Anyhow, it's my own Laozi, but I can't really kowtow to myself, and Zhang Bairen doesn't allow it either.

"Why do I want you to kowtow? It doesn't sound good, how much money are you worth?" Zhang Bairen didn't know why, but his words changed.

Zhang Fei was speechless for a long time after hearing the words, but just struggled constantly, but couldn't get rid of the support of vegetation.

In the distance, the third elders of Chaoyang heard the movement and rushed over and looked at Zhang Fei with a disheveled hair. They were all shocked. The ancestor Chaoyang couldn't help but said, "Oh, why are you so embarrassed? Didn't you tell you nothing Come to Chunyang Taoist Temple?"

"Father! Baiyi's rebellious son actually went astray again and actually practiced Huanxi Zen again!" Zhang Fei's voice was full of despair.

The faces of the three elders of Chaoyang have also changed. The three of you look at me and I look at you. The ancestor of the sunset said: "This evil obstacle, always wants to take shortcuts, but lack of ways is harmful to others."

Joyful Zen is indeed a righteous method, but how do Buddhists practice?

It takes a Buddhist man for decades to sit withered, so that he can't think of a single thought in his heart, and his spiritual platform is pure and clear before he can comprehend the joyful meditation. Where is Zhang Baiyi? But it's strange that a brave boy with strong blood can endure the temptation of pink.

"This rebellious son!" Zhengyang ancestor stomped fiercely.

"Baiyi practices joyful Zen, what are you doing here?" The ancestor of the sunset glared at Zhang Fei.

As if feeling the anger of his own Laozi, Zhang Fei bit his scalp, lowered his head and said, "I just want to ask Bairen to take action, to abolish that kid's Taoism, and do it again. This is what Bairen said. But the matter between raising hands, for Baiyi, is a lifetime event!"

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