First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 845: 10 Day Refining Diagram

Even if there is no powerful family, the people still want to rebel.

Aristocratic families are only pushing their hands behind them, organizing the scattered people and speeding up the process.

And in the process of speeding up the process, secretly seeking benefits.

Aristocratic families are thieves, stealing the world and the common people.

After breaking Bai Di into the endless void, Zhang Bairen looked towards Guan Zizai.



The traverser can indeed change history, but it is definitely not that simple.

Relying on the vision of the future generations of the traversers, there may be some hope to become a rich man, but if it changes the course of history... well, please devote yourself to the family.

If you don't devote yourself to a powerful family, the important position of the court will not be your turn. What did the imperial court rely on for adopting officials? Ju Xiaolian! You need someone to recommend you to be an official.

So you see, before the rebirth in the Sui Dynasty, unless you are a family member, you can never want to be an official.

Now Yang Guang opened the imperial examination, it can be described as a great profit in the world. But it moved the cake of the family and broke the monopoly of the family. Yang Guang paid so much to the people, what can the people give back? Can the common people understand the secret methods used by the clan?

Zhang Bairen tapped his belt with his fingers, his eyes looked far away, wanting to change the situation? It is simply impossible.

I can't change Yang Guang's mind, the world is all in Yang Guang.

"Go! In the future, Xiangnan will be yours. Wherever your Majesty is, I will deal with you. I only hope that the Bailian Society can treat the people of the world well!" Zhang Bairen turned and left, showing no nostalgia.

Looking at Zhang Bairen's back, Guan Zizai sighed slightly: "It's so free and easy! Without Da Sui's elbow system, the governor can rise to 90,000 miles."

"I hope so!" Zhang Bairen continued walking forward blankly.

Pure Sun Taoist Temple

After thinking about it, Zhang Bairen still couldn't let go of the ten-day refining chart. Halfway through, he couldn't help turning back and looking towards the golden roof.

Quietly concealed, the Golden Summit audience could hardly detect Zhang Bairen's trace.

When he arrived at Sanyang Patriarch's palace, Zhang Bairen revealed his figure and looked at the entire palace.

After the wind and rain, the fallen leaves on the bluestone piled up, and no one cleaned it.

Zhang Bairen stepped on the fallen leaves and came to the hall of Chunyang Taoist Temple.



The dead leaves were constantly swaying and breaking, Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed, and the door suddenly opened. At this time, the third old Chunyang stood outside the door with burning eyes, staring at Zhang Bairen with his eyes.

"I know, you won't let the old man down!" Looking at Zhang Bairen in a luxurious purple shirt with a hosta in his hair, the ancestor Chaoyang's eyes burned.

Looking at the three of Chaoyang ancestors, Zhang Bairen sighed slightly. He no longer wanted to say the grievances fifteen years ago. Who is right and who is wrong is the same as in the past. I came here today just to borrow the Ten-Day Refining Diagram to see what happened.

The three ancestors took refuge in a family of magnates. They broke Da Sui Longqi and asked Zhang Bairen to forgive a few people.

However, the Ten-Day Refining Diagram is also not to be missed.

Zhang Bairen pondered for a while, and then scanned the three ancestors. These three were much older, as if the old men who were hanging down, how could it be so easy to resist backlash.

"I came here today to take a look at the Ten-Day Refining Diagram!" Zhang Bairen said indifferently.

"Come in!" Zhengyang Patriarch gave way, and the three invited Zhang Bairen in.

In the center of the main hall is a lifelike golden crow, nothing else.

At this time, the ancestor of the setting sun stepped forward and knocked on the golden crow sculpture, but saw the sculpture explode, revealing a box one meter long and less than 15 centimeters wide.

"This is what you want!" Old Ancestor Sunset handed over the box.

The ancestor of Chaoyang looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "You can come, I am very happy to wait! My pure Yang Taoist temple is expected to rise after all, and this world is still the world of my Zhang family."

When Zhang Bairen heard the words in silence, he looked at the simple box in his hand with a pair of eyes.

I don't know what wood forging is, revealing a strong ancient Qi, vicissitudes and ancient times.

"It is said that this box was forged by the branches of the ancient sacred tree Fusang. When ten golden crows traveled around the world, there was nothing in the place where they fell. The world turned into a sea of ​​fire. Only the hibiscus tree can carry the power of the golden crow, and the hibiscus tree is also the place where the golden crow rests. This section of hibiscus tree is said to be the roots of ancient hibiscus tree. The Emperor of Heaven was defeated in the battle, and he died after leaving behind in a hurry. I don’t even know the purpose of this hibiscus root. All the treasures left behind should be handed over to you!” Chaoyang ancestor sighed softly, “Don’t worry, I won’t force you to recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors. Chunyang Taoist Temple has ended this way now. How can it pull you into the fire pit."

Speaking of this, the ancestor Chaoyang said with a solemn expression: "If you can find the ancient golden crow's lair, you will be amazing!"

"Ten Golden Crows died in battle and landed in their own lair. If you can find the Ancient Golden Crow's lair, you can get the blood of the Ancient Golden Crow and help your Golden Crow go further!" Chaoyang ancestor said solemnly, "Remember! Remember! Must find the lair of the ancient golden crow."

Zhang Bairen heard the words silently, the ancestor Chaoyang was so eager that he didn't know what to say.

It took a while before I heard Zhang Bairen say: "The kindness of the three ancestors, I will repay it in the future! This ten-day refining plan calculates what I owe you, and I will return it in the future.

"My Pure Yang Taoist Temple has a Martian meteorite outside the sky. If you can sit on that meteorite to enlighten the Tao and observe the Ten-Day Refining Diagram, your cultivation will surely go further." Chaoyang Ancestor was relieved: "I will give you a 10-day refining. Tiantu doesn’t ask for anything in return. As long as you can keep my pure Yang Taoist traditions intact, and my blood will continue, that’s the great kindness of heaven."

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen was silent, and looked at the ancestor Chaoyang with a pair of eyes. After a while, he said: "The ancestor has such a big appetite! This is the big mouth of the lion."

Chunyang Taoist Temple has fallen into such a situation, how difficult is it to maintain the orthodoxy?

Now that 15 years have passed, Chunyang Taoist Temple has not even entered a disciple. Why?

Whenever Chunyang Taoist disciples practice in retreat, they will inevitably be invaded by murderous intent, causing their illusions to grow, and their hearts and minds are uncertain.

It won’t be long before the older generation will die, and there will be no more monks in Chunyang Taoist Temple. How easy is it to continue the Taoism?

Ten Days Liantiantu's temptation to Zhang Bairen was too great, and he couldn't refuse this condition.

The continuation of the orthodoxy is endless, and it is difficult to say, and easy to say.

Feel free to find a disciple for you, and when the monk hits the clock one day, you can have a name.

If it is difficult to say, it will cost you too much to help you build your success.

"Don't worry, the Li family will give me benefits, enough to support my pure Yang Taoist temple for a hundred years! After a hundred years, the vicissitudes of life, you have long become a fairy and a Taoist ~ ~ out of the Three Realms and not in the Five Elements, A trivial matter is just a piece of cake for you." The ancestor of Chaoyang quickly relieved Zhang Bairen's mind.

Zhang Bairen nodded, and Zhengyang ancestor said: "You come with me!"

A group of people came to the back mountain, a cliff of ten thousand meters wide, and a large, smooth stone on the edge of the cliff.

The back mountain was withered and yellow, only the hundreds of feet near the big rock were full of vitality, the vegetation was lush, and it seemed that they could not feel the cold.

"This is the meteorite from Mars" Chaoyang ancestor said.

Zhang Bairen walked into the meteorite, and all the cold waves disappeared without a trace in an instant, only the overwhelming warmth came to his face.

"Curious stone!" Zhang Bairen looked at the scarlet stone, revealing a strange color.

The magic of nature makes Yuzhou really mysterious.

Zhang Bairen gently shook his head, looking at the growing flowers, slowly stepping onto the stone platform.

Warm as spring!

The power of the sun is injected into it, and the box will naturally be opened.

A snow-white scroll caught Zhang Bairen's eyes.

The vicissitudes of life, the years have changed, but this scroll still seems to be brand new, and it is not eroded by the years.

Slowly opening the scroll, I saw that the scroll was smooth, and it seemed a bit heavy for some reason.

Ten scorching suns are shining, and life-like clusters of light slowly spread on the scroll.

Looking at the scroll, Zhang Bairen seemed to hear the wailing of the Golden Crow from ancient times.



The screams of the Golden Crow made people couldn't help beating for it, with a tragic complexion, the tragic atmosphere, and the strong unwillingness to make people rush to the sky, turning the world into a raging flame.

A little flame is like a flower, all over the scroll.

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