First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 830: Zhang Heng’s death, Sun Simiao’s seal

"The New Year is about to come!" Zhang Bairen walked out of the secret room with the palm of his hand on his back, standing in the courtyard watching the warm sun in the sky, with a sigh in his eyes.

Chinese New Year, for the poor, may be an opportunity to improve food. But for the refugees, it doesn't make much sense.

"Why did you come out in three days?" Zhang Lihua was reading in the bedroom, and walked out after hearing the movement.

Zhang Bairen smiled: "It's just halfway through the retreat. I remembered that I didn't accompany you for many days, so I came out to accompany you."

"Just your sweet mouth!" Zhang Lihua glared at Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen took Zhang Lihua's waist, Zhang Lihua took out a secret report from her arms and handed it over.

Zhang Bairen accepted the secret report with a little doubt, and his expression suddenly changed:

It is years old, severe drought and epidemic, especially in Shandong.

Zhang Heng was abolished, and the emperor ordered his relatives Zang Heng to do. The emperor returned from Liaodong, Heng concubine complained about grievances, slandered the government, and gave all the gifts at home. Heng was dying and said: "What do I do for a person, and I want to live a long time!" The prisoner plugged his ears and urged him to be killed.

In just eighty-three characters, Zhang Bairen's complexion instantly turned green and white.

"Sneer!" The letter in his hand turned into a powder: "Where are Zhang Heng's family members?"

"The concubine has already sent someone to secretly receive Zhuojun in secret. I think I should be on the road now," Zhang Lihua said.

"You did a good job of this thing! Zhang Heng is dedicated to the country and the people, how can your majesty kill him!" Zhang Bairen gritted his teeth and closed his eyes and said nothing.

"Bring back Zhang Heng's corpse" Zhang Bairen's voice was low, Zhang Lihua was about to give orders, and Zhang Bairen's eyes were murderous: "Forget it, I will walk it myself."

Murderous intent was in Zhang Bairen's eyes. Zhang Heng was a rare good official in the Sui Dynasty, but he was accused by his own concubine and died. There must be some pushers, and Zhang Heng's existence is blocking the way of some people.

Zhang Bairen set off immediately and came to Luoyang City that day.

Walking on the streets of Luoyang City, but seeing a downturn in the street, it was obvious that Zhang Heng's death affected everyone.

The death of Zhang Heng is small, no hundreds of people will be caught in the fire and water, and no hundreds of people will be miserable.

A little concubine dared to tell his master, who gave him the courage?

Today Zhang Heng died, who would dare to speak out in the future, the loyal and loyal minister of the Manchu court?

The murderer did not kill Zhang Heng, but Da Sui Qishu!

This method is really black, it is simply a classic of killing chickens and monkeys, Zhang Heng will lose confidence in Yang Guang when he is dead.

The heart of the loyal minister is chilled!

Back at the mansion, looking at Zhang Bairen with a gloomy expression, all the guards were silent.

"The Governor, Sun Simiao is here to visit!" Zhang Bairen just sat down and listened to the guards.

"Daochang Sun is here, go and invite him into the hall quickly, and the governor will go there." Zhang Bairen, with a black face, followed the guards to the hall, but saw Sun Simiao sitting in the Grand Master's chair drinking tea.

"Captain!" Sun Simiao saluted.

Looking at Sun Simiao wearing a Taoist robe, Zhang Bairen was stunned: "How does a real person know that I am back?"

Sun Simiao sighed softly, "Easy to calculate."

Zhang Bairen was taken aback, but he didn't expect that Sun Simiao could actually use calculations to figure out his whereabouts.

"The Taoist cultivation base is getting more and more incredible!" Zhang Bairen and Sun Simiao took their seats, looking at Sun Simiao's dress, showing a curious look: "Why do real people dress like this?"

"The poor road came to the door to sue the chief governor" Sun Simiao sighed lightly.

Zhang Bairen's expression changed: "What is the crime of the Taoist chief?"

Sun Simiao took out a document from his sleeve: "Also ask the governor to hand it over to your majesty for me. Your majesty is about to enter the mountain to practice. Please ask your majesty for another wise man!

Looking at the handwritten script handed over by Sun Simiao, Zhang Bairen did not pick it up. Instead, he said: "The Daoist has already touched the threshold of the Dao. The next step is the process of proving Dao. Now that the Dao has not been certified, why did he leave with the seal? Is it possible to break through by cultivating hard in the deep mountains? These words have fooled others but not me!"

Sun Simiao was silent when he heard the words, and Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly: "Because of Zhang Heng?"

"Zhang Heng is my friend" Sun Simiao said lightly.

After hearing Sun Simiao's words, Zhang Bairen did not continue to question, and took the papers in Sun Simiao's hand: "Does the Daoist think about Da Sui?"

"Pan Dao can't be buried with Da Sui! It's just a waste of fifteen years. There is still a lot of time in Pang Dao. When the situation in the world changes in the future, it will not be too late for the old Dao to come out again!" Sun Simiao said.

After hearing this, Zhang Bairen nodded with a bitter smile, "Well, it's the Dao leader's choice. I brought the Dao leader here, but now I personally send the Dao leader away. One drink and one peck is not cause and effect. "

Yangshen Dao is not so easy to cultivate. The Dao of Yangshen is a process of ‘the Dao’, just like Sun Simiao’s way of treating the country. If the Dao is successfully demonstrated, it will be natural to become a Yangshen. If the preaching fails, there must be one serious illness.

"Oh, the old way is going to give Zhang Heng a stick of incense, I wonder if the governor can go with him?" Sun Simiao stood up.

"Just going together!" Zhang Bairen stood up with Sun Simiao.

The two led the guards to Zhang Heng's mansion. At this time, the front door of Zhang Heng's mansion was quite unreliable, and there was no one to make a memorial service.

The plain white lanterns were hanging high, and the number of spies gathered outside the gate.

Seeing a young man dressed in purple robes and a face like a crown jade, all the spies trembled in their hearts, secretly startled: "I'm afraid Luoyang will be stormy! The trouble with Zhang Heng has just begun. Come to express my condolences, this is absolutely endless."

"General Governor Zhang Bairen is here!" shouted a military secret mansion guard.

After passing through, Zhang Bairen and Zhang Heng walked into the yard, and all of a sudden the spies merged into the crowd like water and disappeared.


Yu Wenhua sat opposite Yuwenshi and the two brothers.

Listening to the report from the spy below, Yu Wenwen said: "Zhang Bairen is back, I'm afraid things will not end."

"Did your hands and feet clean?" Yuwen Shi said.

"It's still bad for the little concubine! I wanted to avoid people's eyes and eyes, but after some time I let the little concubine die from the cold. I didn't expect to shock Zhang Bairen!" Yu Wenwen and his expression were ugly.

"This incident tells the Dugu Family that it is inconvenient for our Yuwen Family to take action, and it is time for the Dugu Family to contribute!"

Zhang Heng's coffin was placed in front of the mourning hall, and men and women, young and old, were kneeling in front of the coffin, all dressed in linen.

There were bursts of slurping noises, which made people tremble.

The north wind was sobbing and crying.

Zhang Bairen twisted the incense and slowly inserted it in front of Zhang Heng's hall, looking at the red coffin for a long time and was speechless.

After a while, I heard Zhang Bairen say: "Although I have no friendship with Zhang Heng, but I also heard Zhang Heng's name of loyalty, and he must not be called such a vain death."

Hearing this, everyone snorted.

"Where is the concubine who reported on Master Zhang Heng?" Zhang Bairen said with a blank expression and a cold voice.

"That **** is now locked in the backyard" a lady stood up and said.

"Go and take that little concubine into the governor's mansion" Zhang Bairen's face was cold.

The wife led the way, and the military secret mansion guards stepped forward and followed her to the backyard.

Not long after, I saw a woman with disheveled hair and ragged clothes walking out with her hands tied up, and fell to the ground with a ‘poof’.

"Farewell! The governor of the capital must give Zhang Heng an explanation." Zhang Bairen turned and left, and the guard led Zhang Heng's concubine hurriedly to follow.

"Oh, I hope that the general governor can help Zhang Heng injustice." Sun Simiao sighed lightly and began to offer incense.

Before I left the gate, I saw a group of palace guards standing in front of the gate, and a **** stepped forward respectfully and said: "The governor, your majesty has heard that the general has entered the capital, so please let the general enter the palace."

"What a quick news." Zhang Bairen looked at the servant, and then looked at the refugees in the crowd. With a wave of his big sleeve, he put the little concubine in his sleeve: "Since the Governor of the capital intervenes, he will definitely not give you an opportunity to kill. I want to adjust the tiger away from the mountain, but it is too tender. The Governor will let you see your Majesty.

Seeing Zhang Bairen's actions, everyone in the field took a break, and the eunuch's smile froze for a while, and he said calmly, "The Governor, please come with me."

Zhang Bairen has entered the palace! It was not a false imperial edict, but Yang Guangzhen summoned him.

The old fox Yu Shiji was also there, and the old **** with his eyes closed now.

Zhang Bairen walked into the hall and bowed a blank expression: "I have seen your Majesty."

"Aiqing Nianguan came to Shangjing, but are you planning to celebrate the New Year in Shangjing?" Yang Guang's face was full of smiles.

Zhang Bairen shook his head: "The next official heard that Zhang Heng was dead, so he came here to pay homage."

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