First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 813: Sack the Dragon Palace


Zhang Bairen's thunderous strike was actually blocked by the opponent, and the icicle in his hand shattered half a foot in front of him, and then as Zhang Bairen's divine power revolved, he was instantly restored as before.

"Kill!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were filled with murderous intent, his arm shot out unparalleled mighty power, and he fought with the Dragon King of the South China Sea. With Zhang Bairen's continuous turning and moving, he continued to kill deep in the dragon palace.

"The Dragon King is indeed an invincible existence in the sea" Zhang Bairen thought in his heart. Every time he fights with the South Sea Dragon King, Zhang Bairen's arm will be numb. There seems to be an unparalleled force in the East Sea Dragon King's body that is constantly accumulating and brewing, forcing Zhang Bai Ren can only keep wandering.

Although the Dragon King of the South China Sea has unmatched power, it can't be the opponent, so what can it do?

No matter how powerful you are, Zhang Bairen will not come into contact with you. At most, if you shatter the popsicles, how can you harm Zhang Bairen's body?

"You can't ask Zhang Bairen to get the Profound Mind Staff!" Seeing Zhang Bairen slay towards the Dragon Palace, all the powerful men who were fighting all trembled. Zhang Bairen is already so perverted. If he is increasing his strength, how can he and others survive?

"Zhang Bairen, as long as you help my East China Sea Dragon Palace repel the enemy, I will offer the Xuanming Staff with both hands of the East China Dragon Palace!" The Dragon King of the East China Sea exclaimed.

Zhang Bairen ridiculed: "The Governor has his own hands and feet. Why do you need to offer it? I will take it by myself. Thank you Dragon King for your kindness, and the Governor will not bother Dragon King!"

Zhang Bairen looked down at the strong man who was fighting with the gods. He was constantly entangled with the shrimp soldiers, crabs, octopuses, and whales. Seeing the martial arts at the bottom of the water greatly weakened his own advantage, facing the successful whale, but She didn't dare to be entangled, and could only lead her to escape.

In the distance, the Crystal Palace is magnificent and majestic, and countless sea clan regiments formed a large array to keep the powerful humans out of it.

Zhang Bairen smiled coldly, hit the South China Sea Dragon King's abdomen with a stick, took the opportunity to repel him, and then took a step to reach the sky above the East China Sea Dragon Palace, a palm suddenly stretched out: "Take the sun and the moon, shrink the mountains!"

The East China Sea Dragon Palace shook, and a crystal clear cover blocked Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen's ambitions are so big that he thought of taking away the East China Sea Dragon Palace by relying on his magical powers, but he didn't even think about it. This is the nest of the East China Sea. It is the nest of the East China Sea. Who has the ability to drag the East China Sea Dragon Palace away?

The supernatural powers failed to make merit. At this time, the Nanhai Dragon King caught up. Zhang Bairen simply did not contact the other party. He directly broke into the East China Sea Dragon Palace. The universe opened up. Whether you are a shrimp soldier, a patrol Yaksha, or a variety of pearl treasures, everything is required. take away.

"You can't ask Zhang Bairen to get the Xuanming Staff!" Seeing Zhang Bairen rush into the Crystal Palace first, the people who were fighting above couldn't sit still.

Guan Zizai abandoned his opponent and walked directly into the Crystal Palace. The flower basket in his hand was thrown out, and the flower basket was spinning. All kinds of active things were instantly collected by the flower basket, and countless fish and shrimps were beaten back to their original shape and fell into the flower basket.

Yujuluo also abandoned his opponent and rushed directly into the Deep Sea Dragon Palace.

Withdrawing the two supreme Taoists, the rest of the people knew that the general situation was over, and they got into the Dragon Palace and began to plunder.

Mazu sighed helplessly in the sky, entangled the Dragon King of the East Sea and the Dragon King of the West Sea. The Dragon King of the North Sea escaped and entered the East Sea Dragon Palace of the East Sea and joined the oppressive army.

The stick in Zhang Bairen's hand was quite violent, and everything he passed was torn apart, for fear that there would be some mechanism in the East China Sea Dragon Palace to hide the treasure.

"Brother Xian, let's go quickly to find the Xuanming Staff. It will not be too late for these idle treasures to be plundered later!" Huai Shui Water God came to Zhang Bairen.

The sea water **** has got the water god's edict, and he is like a fish in the sea.

Zhang Bairen nodded, and saw that the Huai Shui God of Water pinched the law, and following the guidance, the two of them disappeared in an instant. The Huai Shui Water God also didn't know what method he used to hide Zhang Bairen and his own figure, avoiding the perception of the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

The two sneaked all the way, without alerting any guards, and quietly came to the secret palace.

This is the bedroom of the Dragon King of East China Sea.

"Where is the treasure?" Zhang Bairen asked in confusion.

Huai Shui Water God's tactics are constantly changing: "In the ancient times, the Water God had a battle with Xuan Ming, so he had a reaction to Xuan Ming's treasure."

While talking, the two of them looked at the house in front of them, but saw that there were countless rare treasures in the house neatly arranged, Zhang Bairen put away all the treasures without saying a word.

At this time, the water **** Huai Shui came to a scallop, the scallop was only the size of a palm, and there was no mystery. Only the texture of the surface of the scallop reveals the vitality of the ancient vicissitudes.

"Xuanming Staff is here!" Huai Shui Water God said.

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen was overjoyed, and he wanted to step forward to hold the scallop, but when he saw Zhang Bairen's palm fell on the scallop, his face changed for the next moment.

Now that he is possessed by the innate god, he can't hold a scallop the size of a palm, which is a joke. Even if a mountain falls in his hand, he will never escape from his palm.

"What's the matter?" Huaishui Water God was taken aback.

Zhang Bairen's face was gloomy: "Little brother can't handle this scallop. I wonder if my brother can open the scallop?"

Huai Shui Shui God frowned: "Impossible? There are still things you can't handle in this world?"

There are indeed things that cannot be taken!

Not only Zhang Bairen can't take it, but Huai Shui Water God can't take it either.

Zhang Bairen let go of his incredulous gaze at Huai Shui Shui God, and saw Huai Shui Shui God step forward and suddenly exerted force after holding the scallops.

The next moment I saw the Huai Shui Water God blushing and his neck was thick, but he couldn't help the scallop for half-

"It's amazing! It's amazing!" He couldn't move the scallops, and the water **** Huai Shui was not discouraged. Instead, he was full of ecstasy: "This scallop must be the best thing in the East China Sea Dragon Palace. All the precious treasures in the Dragon Palace are in this scallop. "

Zhang Bairen heard the words and looked at the water **** of Huai Shui: "Brother don't laugh, no matter how many treasures are in the scallop, we still have to be able to open it to count. This scallop can't be taken away or beaten and opened, what should I do? it is good?"

The Huai Shui water **** wandered around the scallops a few times: "The East China Sea Dragon King must know the spell that controls the scallops. Brother Xian went to have a fight with the East China Sea Dragon King to capture the East China Sea Dragon King."

Zhang Bairen rolled his eyes, not to mention him, even if he received the nationwide incense to worship Mazu, it would definitely be difficult to win a dragon king in the sea.

"Does Dragon King of the East China Sea have offspring? Love concubines?" Zhang Bairen touched his chin.

"It's too late, the East China Sea Dragon Palace is so big, how can we find someone?" Huai Shui Water God said helplessly.

Donghai Dragon Palace

At this time, the East China Sea Dragon Palace became a mess, and the powerful men slaughtered. Yu Juluo grabbed a crab general, and then directly tore the opponent open and stuffed it into his mouth.

A two-meter-high crab, but swallowed cleanly after a few mouthfuls, the bite force of the strongest person has reached a very abnormal state.

"Huh!" Grabbing a wild boar-sized eel, Yujuluo's mouth opened like a ball, and then he thrust it into his mouth, but seeing the big mouth opened and closed like a machine, he was swallowed for a few breaths. .

"Dabu! Dabu! The people of our generation of spiritual practice need a lot of elixir and a lot of flesh and blood!" Yujuluo is like a demon, wandering in the dragon palace with his big mouth continuously, devouring the sea clan. Of creatures.

"Hey, this glass of wine is not bad, it is a treasure made from various elixir, the old loach will really enjoy it!"

Yugoluo directly ‘poured’ the drink into his mouth and saw him swallowing it, rushing along the way.

of course

Impossible without casualties

There are also unlucky humans who saw that the martial artist was surrounded by the marine army, and then the corpses became the nourishment of the marine army.

The siren is a great tonic to humans, and for the siren, is it not the supreme treasure? Can you be reborn after eating?

Blood flowed in the fight.

With a palm of the North Sea Dragon King, he squeezed a person who saw a martial artist, and looked at the real Yang Shen who was constantly shuttled, his eyes flowed murderously: "How can I wait?

"Roar~~~" The North Sea Dragon King roared, and the sea shouted with it, rolling up the tsunami, causing the sea to tremble constantly, and the magnetic field of the heaven and earth was disordered. The real Yang gods of all roads did not check it and fell into bad luck. Possess the carrier to avoid.

"Really when I am no one in the world?"

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