First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 808: 1 sword at the peak, 1 wiping light

Zhang Bairen smiled when he heard the words and turned around and stopped talking.

While Li Jing vigorously tugged Hong Fu's sleeves, Zhang Zhongjian also kept winking at Hong Fu's lady.

But seeing Hong Fu Nu was not moved, just standing there quietly.

Zhang Zhongjian sighed with helpless emotion: "Last time we met, the governor had to be chased by the gods in embarrassment. Now the governor has become a true god. In the future, when the'god' meets you, it must be a dead end."

Zhang Bairen was silent, and the gods were right with the family, it was a good **** for him. How could he kill him?

As he was talking, a figure dressed in white on the horizon in the distance stepped on the void, barefoot blossoming lotus flowers.

Growing lotus every step!

Guan Zi is here!

Before stepping forward to greet Zhang Bairen, Guan Zizai stood directly on a rock in the distance, waiting for the war to begin.

As time passed by, a group of figures came from afar, lurking in the forests of Mount Tai, waiting for this peerless battle.

As time passed, a ray of purple gas rose from the horizon on the second day, and Zhang Bairen's mouth was big. The purple gas overwhelmed the sky like a waterfall, and the magnificent waves swept across the void, shocking countless Taoist priests retreating. The overwhelming waterfall was swallowed by Zhang Bairen.

Apart from other things, the single-handed method by which Bairen swallows the vitality of the world is already the best in the world, and people have to look up.

"Daoist Yang Qi, are you ready?" Zhang Bairen turned his head and looked at Yang Qi.

Yang Qi stood there quietly, holding a bell in his hand: "The governor, please do it."

Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm, and a bull-eye-sized bead appeared.

"That is?"

The heroes were taken aback, puzzled.

"Little Mermaid Pearl!" I don't know who shouted.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere of Mount Tai became hot, and a pair of eyes looked at the pearl, their eyes full of fanaticism.

Little murloc beads!

"If you fail to reincarnate, I will wait for you in Mount Tai for three days and help you preserve your soul with the help of the little murloc beads!" Zhang Bairen looked at Yang Qi.

Yang Qi gave a respectful salute when he heard the words: "Don't say thank you for your great grace, and you will be reincarnated in the future and you must report it to the governor's great grace."

Zhang Bairen's fingers fell on the hilt of the sword at his waist, and his eyes looked at Yang Qi: "Although you want to borrow my hand to reincarnate, I will never keep my hand. If you can't bear my sword spirit and your soul is scattered, No wonder me!"

Yang Qi didn't say a word, just a respectful salute and began to accumulate momentum.

Mountain breeze

Zhang Bairen gathered the spirit of the whole body.

At this time everyone had already withdrawn from the top of Mount Tai, standing on the top of Jade Emperor watching.

Suddenly, Zhang Bairen seemed to have suddenly disappeared from the heavens and the earth. Although the person was standing there, his energy and spirit had disappeared.

Yang Qi looked nervous on one side. He knew that Zhang Bairen was a sword repairman, so naturally he didn't dare to vent anything.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The crisp sound of bells was rustled by the north wind, and the air was rippling visible to the naked eye.

The ripples overlapped and rolled towards Zhang Bairen.

At that moment, the world suddenly became dark, and a brilliant sword light filled the nine heavens and ten earths, and filled everyone's hearts.

This sword light, this sword intent is even more dazzling than Da Ri.

The white clouds in the sky were instantly chopped up, and an unknown number of birds and beasts in the mountains fainted with fright.

The five senses were far away from the hearts of everyone at this time, only the pure and extreme sword light seemed to be the only one in this time and space, firmly stuck to their own minds, and was flooded by that sword light.

Ten years of sharpening a sword, today the world is shocked.

Facing the sword light, the group only felt that this sword light was slashing towards them, and let them roar in their hearts, and they could not move under the sword light.

Jianguang comes fast, and goes fast!

In a fleeting moment, I don't know how many people spouted blood, and their eyes looked at the two figures on the top of Mount Tai in amazement.

He was only affected by the aftermath, so what kind of pressure should Yang Qi face Zhang Bairen?


The bearded man took a step backwards, his face was pale, he was actually frightened by a sword light, it was incredible to say it.

Not only was the bearded guest, but at this time all the heroes on Mount Tai also looked silent. No one would have thought that Zhang Bairen's sword could be so powerful.

At this moment, countless swordsmen looked pale and abandoned their long swords and ran down the mountain. There are also countless swordsmen whose pale faces are full of firmness, clinging to the long sword in their arms, and roaring in shock in their hearts: "Is this the true power of kendo? Compared with Zhang Bairen, I am afraid that I won't even count the entry. "

"Good sword!"

Yang Qi muttered to himself at the top of Mount Tai.

No one can see how Zhang Bai made the sword, but Zhang Bairen seemed to be motionless when he looked at it. If it weren't for the overwhelming sword intent to pass through my heart, I'm afraid everyone just thought they had encountered a ghost.

The people below could not see clearly, but Yang Qi, who was standing opposite Zhang Bairen, could see clearly. Zhang Bairen didn't draw his sword fast, but he couldn't move a minute.

It seems to have fallen into a nightmare, unable to wake up for a long time.

Of course Yang Qi knew that it wasn't that Zhang Bairen's sword speed was slow, but that the opponent's sword speed was too fast, and it was so fast that it turned slow, leaving himself a superimposed image of time and space.

He could clearly see that Zhang Bairen’s sword turned into a long red, cutting off the ripples brought by the bell, his treasure bell whimpered, and it was instantly split into two segments, and then the sword light speed passed through without any reduction. Own chest.


When the bell fell, Zhang Bairen looked sad: "What a pity this treasure!"

Zhang Bairen didn't mean to continue drawing the sword, but looked at Yang Qi with his eyes. He was worried whether Yang Qi's soul could block the sword, or whether his soul would disappear.

Yang Qi looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, and his eyes were full of lightness: "Life is like this, keep coming back, constantly struggling in the sea of ​​reincarnation. Some people go upstream, while others follow the current in the sea of ​​suffering."

After speaking, Yang Qi's body was blown by the cold wind and turned into two halves, and then a white light instantly soared into the sky, disappearing.

How fast is Yangshen? The speed of the heart is as fast as the speed of the Yang Shen. Even Zhang Bairen couldn't keep up with Yang Shen's speed.

Yang Shen left the physical body and must be reincarnated within seven days.

But Yang Qi hit Zhang Bairen with a sword, Yang Shen may not be able to survive for three days. So Zhang Bairen would say to wait for three days at the top of Mount Tai.

If he doesn't come for three days, either Yang Qi has been reincarnated, or he is gone.

A real person of the Heavenly Master Tao Yang Shen chased it out, and another disciple of the Heavenly Master Tao went up the mountain to piece Yang Qi's body together, and then carefully lifted it down the mountain.

Standing on the top of Mount Tai, Zhang Bairen just looked at the sea of ​​clouds speechlessly.

There was a sound of footsteps, and the Taoist Master of Nantian Master slowly picked up the bell that had turned into two halves on the ground, revealing a pity.

"Thank you for the completion of the governor," Nantian Master Taoist teacher respectfully salutes.

Zhang Bairen didn't speak, and Nantian Master Taoist Master stood aside wisely, not daring to step forward and interrupt.

"It's a terrible sword, I don't know if this sword can smash my immortal body!" Li Shimin said with a fright.

Spring Guijun groaned, and after a while, he said: "It's just that the sword is domineering, not attached to the sword aura. Zhang Bairen is merciful, otherwise Yang Qi will have to fall into the fate of the soul."

"After all, he knew that he couldn't disperse Yang Qi's soul, otherwise he would have forged a vengeance with Tianshi Dao. After all, he was not crazy." Li Shimin breathed a sigh of relief.

"You have to have confidence in your Tianfeng true body. His sword aura can't kill you. You have surpassed the phoenix blood and refined into the Tianfeng true body. What can he do for you?" Chunguijun shook his head and shook his head~www in the distance

Hong Fu's face was shocked, and she said with a beard: "Even if this sword is in the presence of a god, it can kill her opponent half-life."

"Sanmei, you have missed a great opportunity. If you can apprehend the presidency of the master, you will be in charge of the world in the future! If you can learn five points for the prefect, you will have few rivals in the world. !" Li Jing blamed.


Li Xiuning and Chai Shao stand together

Looking at that brilliant and mighty sword, Chai Shao looked pale, and after a while he said: "Zhang Bairen is indeed a figure of the arrogant in the world, no wonder Xiu Ning will be tempted by him. Such a character who has dominated the era. If I were a woman, I would love it."

"Master Chai..." Li Xiuning called.

"I am convinced," Chai Shao said softly.

(To be continued)

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