First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 797: Origin Storm

As the source of the sea-eye is drawn and adjusted, Zhang Bairen’s body is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The aura continues to grow stronger, and the surface texture continues to increase, becoming more and more detailed, even unsearchable, because it is too dense, causing The lines are like messy textures, and there is no pattern at all. At this time, Zhang Bairen regained his mind, and the rapid development of the road texture in the divine womb had exceeded his perception. Only the eternal and unchanging divinity was still absorbing and copying the inheritance in the divine womb.

About half a day later, the Huai Shui Water God looked at Zhang Bairen who was still motionless, retracted his palm and remained silent.

At this time, there is no need for the Huai Shui Shui God to take action, the divine fetus has already begun to absorb the original power of the spring from the spring.

As time goes by, the source of the gods is swallowing faster and faster. A storm rolls up around the eye of the sea. The shrimp soldiers and crabs will retreat in the face of the manic storm, for fear that they will be swept in by the eye of the sea, and they will end up crushed.

outside world

Li Jiancheng was drinking with Prime Minister Turtle when the sea eye suddenly rioted, stirring up the turbulence of the entire sea area, and the tableware on the case table kept shaking.

"Go and find out what happened, but someone attacked my East China Sea and came to my East China Sea to make trouble?" Prime Minister Turtle put down his wine glass.

A cruiser Yaksha led the way and reported shortly: "Prime Minister, the sea eye is rioting, rolling up the waves."

"The sea eye riot? Could it be the ground vein eruption again? Don't bother about it. When the ground vein eruption is over, the matter will naturally cease." Prime Minister Turtle disagreed.

Xunhai Yasha's complexion hesitated slightly, after all, he did not speak, and turned and walked outside the Crystal Palace.

On the one hand, Li Jiancheng noticed the hesitation of Patrolling Yaksha, and called to Patrolling Yaksha: "This general will stop temporarily. I haven't asked what the sea eye riot is?"

Prime Minister Turtle was taken aback when he heard the words, and his gaze also followed Xunhai Yasha.

Xunhai Yasha said: "It's the sea eye of the former prime minister and prince who made treasures."


Both Li Jiancheng and Prime Minister Turtle stood up abruptly, and Prime Minister Turtle scolded: "Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

After speaking, he hurried to Haiyan.

Prime Minister Tortoise and Li Jiancheng hurriedly came to the eye of the sea. A pair of eyes first saw the huge storm that was ten thousand feet high. The surrounding area was turned into dust for dozens of miles, and their complexions were extremely ugly.

"The Prime Minister, may he enter the eyes of the sea?" Li Jiancheng said anxiously.

"Don't say it's me, even if the Dragon King is here, you can't go in!" Prime Minister Turtle shook his head: "Zhang Bairen deserves to be the protagonist of the times. We conjecture that various natural disasters and man-made disasters continue to emerge from him. We only hope that this storm will not affect the sacrifice in the eyes of the sea. Practice."

"How can this be good! How can this be good!" Li Jiancheng anxiously paced back and forth.

"Prince Li is waiting here, I will tell the Dragon King, and see if the Dragon King can do it!" Prime Minister Turtle left in a hurry, leaving Li Jiancheng to pace back and forth.

"Natural disasters and man-made disasters are worthy of the arrogance of the times, trendy figures, and blessed by their own heaven and earth!" Wang Yi looked at the tornado with a heavy look.

Donghai Dragon Palace

Donghai Dragon King is taking a nap

The servant had just fallen asleep, so he listened to Prime Minister Turtle's footsteps and hurried in to report: "Dragon King, it's not good! It's not good!"

"Why is it so panic?" Donghai Dragon King suddenly opened his eyes.

Prime Minister Tortoise said anxiously: "The ground veins erupted, and the sea eye was swept in."

"What!" The Dragon King of East China Sea was taken aback and stood up suddenly: "Damn it, why didn't it explode early? It happened at this time."

After speaking, he turned into a dragon body and rushed towards the sea eye.

In the eyes of the sea

As the origin of the infinite sea eye melted, Zhang Bairen's ice coffin melted, and the vitality of the world was absorbed by him.

The real world Yangshen in the sea eye gathered and scattered invisible, and had already escaped from the sea eye before the sea eye riot. The cultivator cherishes his life the most, this is the case when a gentleman does not build a dangerous wall.

"How is the sacrifice?" Li Jiancheng looked to the side of the Taoist.

The Taoist nodded: "All procedures and rituals have been completed, but a storm suddenly broke out. I don't know if there will be any mistakes."

When Li Jiancheng heard this anxiously walking back and forth, a dragon chant suddenly sounded in the air, the storm subsided wherever he passed, and a huge dragon stretched endlessly before the storm.

Even though the real dragon in front of him is already the overlord of the sea, facing the whirlpool, he still looks like an insignificant ant.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea transformed into a human form, carefully examining the storm, and then said after a while: "This is the power of heaven and earth, and it can be reversed by non-human power. You can only wait for the storm to subside."

After speaking, the East China Sea Dragon King looked gloomy, if he couldn't get the True Dragon Dragon Ball, I'm afraid that the pants he lost this time would be gone.

outside world

The news that Zhang Bairen had fallen into the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea leaked out through Li Shimin's men. All parties were shocked for a while, and even Guan Zizai in Xiangnan couldn't sit still.


Guan Zizai's complexion was gloomy, and his slender fingers were knitting the flower basket.

"Publisher, Zhang Bairen has just fallen into the East China Sea. How is it different from falling into the hands of a powerful family? Why such a rage!" An elder Bai Lian said in a puzzled way.

"What do you think of Zhang Bairen's qualifications?" Guan Zizai said without looking up.

The elder hesitated when he heard the words, but had to shook his head and said with a look of admiration: "Except for the owner, the person who has the most opportunity to become a fairy."

Guan Zi moved for a while in his hand, looked at the elder, lowered his head and continued to weave the flower basket: "You must not flatter me. The qualifications of this seat are far inferior to Zhang Bairen. Zhang Bairen has already reached the realm of the real Yang God, only because of his soul. If something goes wrong, it is temporarily unable to reconcile Yin and Yang, and fate cannot keep up."

"Zhang Bairen has jumped out of the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements. If he doesn't become an immortal, there is no reason!" At this point, Guan Zizai looked at his elders: "If Zhang Bairen becomes an immortal, but is controlled by the Dragon King of East China Sea, what about my human race? "

"I'm afraid I will suffer the disaster of extinction!" The elder's expression was horrified: "I'm afraid that my human race will face the slavery of the dragon race."

"It's good if you know, and you don't know if the brains of the family members are broken. Wouldn't it be wonderful to just smash them into pieces. How to toss and fall into the hands of Donghai. If this matter cannot be resolved, I don't know how much will be added in the future. Variables!" Guan Zi's eyes were full of helplessness.

East China Sea!

Sun Simiao listened to the return of the careful work, his eyes were full of shock, and then he pondered for a while, and the sun was out of his body in an instant, and he was about to head to the East China Sea.

"Friends, please stay!" Sun Simiao just left Luoyang City, when he heard a call, he couldn't help but stopped and turned to look: "Who are you?"

"Friends of Taoism are going to the East China Sea?" Taoist Xianfeng Daogu walked slowly.

Sun Simiao didn't speak, and the Taoist smiled: "Pan Dao Yuan Tiangang, on the order of the general governor, is here to intercept the dao friends. The general governor of the East China Sea has already made calculations. The daoists only need to wait quietly for the news and don't take any action."

"Yuan Tiangang? Poor Dao has heard of the names of fellow daoists, I don't know if I have proof?" Sun Simiao looked up and down Yuan Tiangang.

You have to prove that you are Yuan Tiangang before I can listen to you.

It's no secret that Yuan Tiangang is with Zhang Bairen, and Sun Simiao has heard about it. At this time, Yuan Tiangang did not have the reputation of later generations, and it was not very conspicuous.

Yuan Tiangang sat on the wax, and after a while he said helplessly: "You will know the authenticity if you follow me to Zhuojun."

"Alright!" Sun Simiao nodded, and it didn't take much time to get to Zhuojun at the speed of the real Yangshen.

As for how Yuan Tiangang knew about Zhang Bairen's orders, Zhang Bairen won the third of the five gods. It is not difficult to be able to sense Zhang Bairen's magic.

Outside the Great Wall

Yu Juluo and two powerful men outside the Great Wall are sitting in one place A chessboard is placed in front of him.

Yu Juluo took the chess piece and said after a while: "What do you think of Zhang Bairen's qualifications?"

"Tianjiao Wushuang" the servant bone said without thinking.

"Zhang Bairen has fallen into the East China Sea. If he is surrendered by the East China Sea, will the two know the consequences?" Yu Juluo said.

"No!" The servant bone Mohe was stunned: "How much is Zhang Bairen's cultivation? How can he surrender?"

"If you really surrender?" Yu Juluo said.

"Don't scare me" Mu He's smile was a little stiff, and his hands were also stiff.

On the one hand, the strongest Khitan Dao also shook his head: "The immortal Dao pays attention to the fact that my life is involuntary, detached from everything, detached from the world, how can I surrender to others?

Yu Juluo bowed his head and said nothing, and the two most powerful men looked dignified at this time. After a while, he saw the servant bone Mohe suddenly raised his head.

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