First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 792: Ice marrow

Nowadays, Yuwen is getting married in Chengdu, and the guests are all the sons and grandsons of wealthy people. But there is a mixture of fish and dragons. The guards only dare to wander outside, but they dare not patrol inside.

Zhang Xiaocao and the maid disguised themselves as men, rolled soft silver, and went straight out of Yuwen's residence in Chengdu, but no guards came forward to question them.

Even if one of the guards saw the two of them, they would give a respectful greeting, and then avoided them far.

After leaving Yuwen's Manor, the little maid looked at Zhang Xiaocao: "Sister, where are we going?"

"Exit!" Zhang Xiaocao hesitated slightly, then turned his gaze, looked at the Chengnan Manor in the distance, and finally gritted his teeth.

The little girl didn't say much, stupidly followed her senior sister to the outside.

After drinking for three rounds, the guests were about to leave. Suddenly, a rush of footsteps sounded, but a servant came to Yuwen Chengdu and lowered his voice and said, "My lord, it's not good, the bride is gone!"

"What?" Yuwen Chengdu was originally drunk, but when he heard the news, he was half awake in shock.

"The bride is gone!" The guard lowered his voice.

"What?" Yuwen Chengdu was taken aback, looking at the guests coming over the hall, walking out of the lobby calmly, staring at the guard: "What did you say?"

"Master, the bride is gone!"

The expression on Yuwen Chengdu's face suddenly changed: "Since I know it's missing, don't hurry up and find it for me. Who robbed the bride? Is it the remnant of Baihuagu?"

"I heard people say that looking at the room does not look like being looted, but rather like the bride running by herself," the guard said.

Yuwen Chengdu gritted his teeth and said with a gloomy expression: "Don't make any noise, lest this matter be spread out and ruin my son's reputation. Take me to the bridal chamber..."

The guards led Yuwen Chengdu to the bridal chamber. At this time, the guards stood in front of the bridal chamber. Yuwen Chengdu looked gloomy and said, "What are you doing here? Don’t hurry up, don’t chew your tongue, or stop blame the book. The general is ruthless."

After hearing Yuwen Chengdu's words, the guards were silent and dispersed, leaving Yuwen Chengdu gloomy and walked into the bridal chamber.

Looking at the messy bridal chamber, the red wedding gown that was scattered on the bed was torn off, Yuwen Chengdu's expression turned gloomy.

After a while, I heard a sound of footsteps, and a guard said outside the door: "General, the second master of the Wang family is looking for you everywhere in the lobby, you should go out quickly, otherwise the second master of the Wang family doesn't know what to provoke. trouble."

Yuwen Chengdu looked sullenly at the housekeeper beside him: "I want to see people in life, and corpses in death! See what I mean!"

"The villain understands!" The steward immediately exited the room and began to make arrangements.

Yuwen Chengdu calmed down and went to the lobby to toast. Today's matter can't be spread out anyway, and his concubine escapes from marriage, unless he doesn't want face anymore.

"Damn bitch, when I get you, I have to ask you to survive, but not to die!" Yuwen Chengdu hated him secretly.

East China Sea

At this time, Zhang Bairen's body was frozen by the divine womb, and Dao Gong was also suppressed by the divine womb.

The birth of an innate **** and the desire to be born are two different things.

Congenital gods are born congenitally, and they are great supernatural powers between heaven and earth when they are born, and they are omnipotent.

Therefore, the vitality needed by the innate gods is also massive, which is impossible to estimate.

In a situation where the fetal movement of the congenital gods, if you want to break the shackles and come out of the gods' wombs, a huge amount of vitality is needed to be nurtured, so that the congenital gods can be born and have the power to break the chains.

At this time, Li Jiancheng and his party were standing in front of the ice coffin, looking at Zhang Bairen who was frozen in the ice, and sighed slightly: "It's a pity that a generation of heroes and heroes did not know the general situation of the world and ended up like this."

"What do these guys want to do?" Looking at the crowds in the field, Zhang Bairen's heart flickered. Not afraid of these guys using tricks, they were afraid that these guys would directly smash themselves and ruin their body, then they would be wronged. .

"Don't worry, how come you, such a great person, would make you die like this, this son will make good use of you" Li Jiancheng waved, and a Taoist began to take out a package with countless medicinal ores spread out and sorted out.

Some people polished the ore, some people articulated medicine, and others began to map Zhang Bairen's body orifice points.

Li Jiancheng's palm fell on Zhang Bairen's heart, but he saw a layer of frost attacking Li Jiancheng at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Surprised, Li Jiancheng quickly released his hand, and there was a lingering fear in his heart: "It's such a strong cold, no wonder Zhang Bairen and other characters will be frozen in ice."

In fact, the cold air is not only the cold air brought by the ice coffin, but also the ice power generated by Zhang Bairen's own divine womb absorbing the vitality of the world.

For a while, the sound of polishing continued to sound in the eyes of the sea. Someone brought in a big tank, threw countless medicinal materials and ore into the big tank, and then began to take out the tamping rod to continue to fiddle.

After a long time, I heard a man say: "My lord, the liquid medicine is ready."

Li Jiancheng nodded, and the two men lifted the big tank and poured a tank of liquid medicine into the ice coffin.



Not waiting for the effect of the liquid medicine, it has been invaded by the cold and sealed in ice.


Seeing the frozen liquid medicine, Li Jiancheng turned to look at the guards, and the guards looked at the Taoist. The Taoist looked at each other with a **** of a ghost.

"True Lord Shui De, can you do anything about this?" Li Jiancheng finally looked at Lord Shui De Xing.

Lord Shui Dexing's complexion groaned, and after a while he said, "We still need Dragon Palace to take action. There are countless treasures in Dragon Palace. I think there is a way to restrain this."

Li Jiancheng looked at Prime Minister Turtle. Prime Minister Turtle fell into deep thought when he heard the words. He wanted the medicinal materials not to solidify and could not unlock the sealing power of the ice coffin. After a while, he saw Prime Minister Turtle hesitate: "There is a treasure that can be applied. , But this treasure is too precious, but I cannot be the master."

"Then you don't have to go to the Dragon King, don't you want the ancient dragon ball?" Shui De Xingjun sang the black face, and angrily accused Prime Minister Turtle.

Hearing this, Prime Minister Turtle gave a wry smile and walked directly to the Dragon Palace without any excuse.

Donghai Dragon Palace

Donghai Dragon King is taking a nap

The dragons have nothing to do all day, except to eat and sleep, and then spend their entire lives in the long years.

"Dragon King" Prime Minister Turtle walked into the hall and whispered.

"Why are you here? Could it be that the puppet has been trained?" The Dragon King of East China Sea suddenly came to his spirit.

Prime Minister Turtle smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty, the ice coffin is too powerful, and the liquid medicine will freeze when it enters it. The puppet can't be trained. You still need to borrow the ice marrow from your majesty's treasure house."

"Ice Marrow?" The East China Sea Dragon King was taken aback, and then stretched out his voice: "No! Absolutely not!"

"Your Majesty, although the ice marrow is good, your Majesty Yu is of no use. If you can really summon the ancient true dragon ball, your majesty will make a lot of money! Breaking through to the Dao is just around the corner!" Prime Minister Turtle said.

Hearing this, the Dragon King of the East China Sea shook his head repeatedly: "No! No! Ice marrow can prolong lifespan. These treasures are conceived by the wonders of heaven and earth. Only one drop can be bred in a hundred years, no! No!"

Prime Minister Tortoise smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty is in his prime of life. There are three buckets of ice marrow in the enough for your Majesty. How about one liter?"

The dragon king of the East China Sea hesitated when he heard the words, and Prime Minister Turtle said: "The dragon kings of the past have died halfway, so this ice marrow is not available at all. Your Majesty still strives to improve his strength. If there is a strong person in the East China Sea in the future, he will have the strength to cope. Matsu has suppressed. I’ve been around for hundreds of years. Does your Majesty not want to overthrow Matsu? Does your Majesty not want to invade the inland? Does your Majesty not want to know the truth about the deaths of the dragon kings? Isn’t your Majesty not afraid to follow in the footsteps of the dragon kings? Although the ice marrow is good, But you have to use it, and you can live for that long. If your Majesty follows the steps of the previous generations of Dragon Kings, I am afraid that before the life span is approaching, he will have already suffered a lot. This ice marrow will be saved."

After hearing Prime Minister Turtle's words, the East Sea Dragon King fell into deep thought, and said after a while: "You have some truth in what you said. Although the ice marrow is good, it must be used for life."

He immediately raised his head to look at Prime Minister Tortoise, categorically saying: "The ice marrow, you first take out a pot, if it is not enough, continue to take it out. But this king must want the dragon ball, you tell Li Jiancheng, you can't get the dragon ball, they don't think about it. Half a step out of the East China Sea."

ps: Thanks to the classmates for the reward, the name is too long, a string of numbers... I won't say... Add two more to celebrate.

The update is complete today.

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