First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2126: Punish the prince

"If you want me to abdicate and become a virtuous person, it depends on whether Er et al. has that ability!" Zhang Bairen raised his head and looked into the endless darkness: "Every old acquaintance, please come out, don't hide your head and show your tail!"

After the words fell, only a chuckle sounded, Zhang Heng walked out with a whisk in his hand: "I have seen your Majesty the poor road!"

"Your Majesty Wanan!" Lu Jingxiu walked out.

"I have seen your majesty by the poor Dao" Tao Hongjing said with a smile.


"Amitabha, the poor monk pays homage to the holy emperor!" Bodhidharma led the fifth ancestor out.

Buddhism moves lightly in the lotus step, the Buddha's light is flowing around the body, and no words are spoken.

"Hahaha, Li Zhi child, you are dead today!" The demon gods including Shebi Zhe also smiled and walked out.

Looking at the aggressive Demon God, the whole body was turned upside down and the energy of time and space was hazy. Zhang Bairen's heart jumped in shock, and his eyes were full of shock: "How come? It's only more than ten years, how can the Demon Gods recover so fast? "

"I set the Dao Sect to prosper for decades. I will wait for you. I don't know why the Dao Sect betrayed me?" Zhang Bairen looked at the Dao Sect real people: "If the Buddhism betrayed me, I still feel that it is forgiven, but I just can't think of it. and also……"

"Your Majesty treats me with respect to my sect, and my sect is naturally grateful." Zhang Heng stood up, with a touch of emotion in his eyes: "But it shouldn't be forever. Your Majesty should not be certified as a golden body, and should not break the balance of life and death. As the emperor's certificate on earth is the Wonderland of Longevity, Your Majesty has already committed a taboo."

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly.

Zhang Heng did not hesitate and said: "As long as your Majesty is willing to abdicate today and let the virtuous, my Taoist school can call the shots. Please go into the mountains and cultivate, and you will never be embarrassed with your majesty."

"Haha!" Zhang Bairen glanced at the World Zun unhurriedly, and looked at Zhang Heng meaningfully: "Tell me to abdicate and be virtuous? I'm afraid you will regret it! Just wait and want to be right with me? Don't say I have proved it. Just the golden body, the Dragon Qi of the emperor, is definitely not what you can break through."

"Your Majesty is afraid to think too much. It is now that the Dragon Qi is less than half of the peak period. Although your Majesty proves to be a golden body, Dao Fa is in check with the Dragon Qi. I wonder how much your Majesty's ability can play." Lu Jingxiu is not worried. Slowly.

Zhang Bairen heard the words in silence, and after a while, he sneered: "These hundreds of thousands of troops, coupled with the weakened emperor Dragon Qi, are you waiting to rely on it?"

"That's enough!" Bodhidharma twisted his rosary and said with a smile.

"Hehe" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly: "Luo Yi, you have made a big mistake. If you are willing to turn your head back, you may be able to save your life, otherwise you will not be spared when the governor is resurrected! I really don't know what benefits it is. Tell you to dare and resolutely violate the decree of the governor."

"Li Hong promised to help my eighteen brothers break through to the Dao after he was enthroned. Isn't it worth my risk? Can add 18 Dao powerhouses to Zhuojun, even if the grassland is restored, what can I do? What can I do? The Governor is definitely not the kind of stupid person. If he punishes me for this, he will recognize it, and die without regret!" Luo Yi said loudly and powerfully.

Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words, and scanned the eighteen vague figures behind Luo Yi. Nine of them had already fluctuated around their bodies. Obviously, the breakthrough is now. As long as there are enough resources, the breakthrough can be made.

"Good calculation, Li Tangruo is chaotic, without the dragon pressure system, but it is the opportunity for you to break through! It really is a deep brotherhood!" Zhang Bairen looked at Luo Yi, suddenly no anger in his heart, and some just sighed.

Luo Yi made various calculations just to find a breakthrough opportunity for his subordinates. Is it wrong?

Of course it is!

Zhang Bairen tapped his finger on the belt, ignoring Luo Yi, but looking at Li Hong: "I am giving you one last chance!"

"This also happened to be what the child wanted to say to the emperor! The child did not want to bear the name of slaying the king, and hoped that the emperor would succeed, retired from the throne and condemned the martial girl demon." Li Hong looked at Li Zhi with a pair of eyes.

"Oh!" Zhang Bairen sighed suddenly: "She is your mother!"

Li Hong said nothing!

Tianjia has no affection!

"It's not too speculative, you guys have any abilities, just say hello to me! I want to see if your rebellious party can usurp my Li family's rivers and mountains!" Zhang Bairen flicked his sleeves and moved Xuanyuan with his palm. The sword turned into streamer and submerged in his hands.

"Guardian!" The group of heroes yelled, and they swarmed in front of Zhang Bairen, but they were blocked by Zhang Bairen's wave:

"You Aiqing guarding the city, I will meet these clowns in person!"

Zhang Bairen stepped forward, leaping across the void, cutting out the sword between his fingers, the void rippling with layers of ripples, and a sword went straight to Li Hong: "You rebellious son, I have some skills, dare to learn from others to rebel?"

This sword is magnificent and majestic, and Peipei is almost flooded in the boundless universe, which is not something that Li Hong can resist at first sight of the martial artist.

"Guo Shi, save me!" Li Hong lost his voice in amazement, his horse limp on the ground.

"Boy, we haven't finished our account last time, continue this time!" Qi Huangong didn't know when he came to Li Zhi's body, his whole body was immortal, and his arm stretched out to grab Xuanyuanjian: "Return my Jiang family to beat the whip! "

Qi Huangong felt bitter, beating the whip was a big deal, even he couldn't bear the responsibility.

Otherwise, the Jiang family’s good family members don’t do it, so why bother to come here in the muddy water?


Sparks flashed around Qi Huangong's body, but it made Zhang Bairen frown, and strange lights appeared in his eyes: "What a mysterious immortal law! The emperor's dragon energy can't be suppressed!"

At this point, Zhang Bairen can be sure that the Dragon Qi of the emperor has no choice but to decay the strong, and suppression has to decay the law.

Returning without success, Qi Huangong's attack has followed him, his skinny palm exuding an immortal mood, he grabbed Zhang Bairen directly.

Zhang Bairen threw the palm of his hand, and Xuanyuan sword returned to its sheath. The cold light inside the sleeves flickered, but a bright light came out like a world wide open, stabbing towards Qi Huangong.

At that moment, the void was solidified with murder, time and space seemed to be still, and the law stopped flowing.

People with a slightly weaker cultivation base have a blank brain and are already photographed by murder.


Qi Huangong stepped back, and the void exploded continuously, squeezing towards Zhang Bairen.

After confirming the look in the eyes, the Immortal Body could not stop the attack of Zhu Xianjian!

"Do you dare to use the Zhuxian Sword in Chang'an City, aren't you afraid of ruining the lives of hundreds of people in Chang'an City?" Qi Huangong was shocked.

Without talking nonsense with Qi Huangong, Zhang Bairen slashed out with a sword, and without waiting for Li Hong's response, he had been penetrated by the sword intent of Zhu Xianjian, his martial will was shattered, and his whole body was cut off in an instant, turning into a dead body and falling under the horse:

"Those who are unfaithful, unfilial, and unrighteous should be punishable!"

"Sure enough, the Governor General has stepped into the ruthless avenue. The Tiger Poison does not even eat children, but facing his son, the Governor General did not hesitate to kill the soul with the sword spirit!" Yuan Shoucheng slapped a spirit, his eyes full of helplessness: "This is my fault! This is my fault! If you hadn't done bad things with good intentions, the general governor would not have fallen into such a situation and became a ruthless person."

"You're crazy, that's your own son!" Zhang Heng and others' eyelids twitched, their eyes filled with amazement.

"From the moment he lifted the sword against me, he has cut off the relationship between father and son, the cause and effect of blood." Zhang Bairen held a long sword, and his golden yellow dragon robe was constantly floating under the silvery white moonlight.

The silvery-white moonlight sprinkled a layer of gauze. At this time, Zhang Bairen was carrying the bright moon, like a fairy descending to the earth, not like an ordinary emperor, but like a ruthless and unrighteous heavenly being.

"What a terrifying Zhuxian Sword, even though it has never urged the Zhuxian Sword, it is only by virtue of its sharp edge, but it is already intimidating!" Zhang Heng's three thousand whiskers circulated, turning into an overwhelming net, and went straight to Zhang Bairen: "Stop him!"


The swords contended, and I saw the sword light in the void. The next moment I saw the sword light lingering for three hundred miles, blocking the endless dust.

"What a horrible person! What a horrible sword! Li Zhi's kendo attainments can be called the ultimate!" Xuan Ming's scepter pointed out, and it was frozen for ten miles in an instant, spreading to Chang'an City.

This blow was a large-scale attack generals of Chang'an City, and the people within ten miles of Chang'an City, if they were blown by the cold, they would definitely die.

Naturally, Zhang Bairen couldn't let the outside war spread to the city.

"act recklessly!"

Zhang Bairen smiled coldly, and the next moment the three clear streams of air swirled behind him, turning into three figures, holding the Ultimate Immortal Sword, Sinking Immortal Sword, and Slaughter Immortal Sword, coming from all directions and falling into the field.


Zhang Bairen and the three avatars occupy the four directions, and they are arranged into a simple Zhuxian array in an instant, and then the sword in his hand comes out and turns into a sword wire, cutting off to the real people in the dispersion field.

"This is the supreme killer skill of kendo to refine the sword into silk!"

The Dao Sect people were furious, and saw the sword silk passing through the sky, and came to Zhang Heng in an instant.


Zhang Heng showed a thirty-three pagoda on his head, covering himself, forming a thirty-three mask, and then saw that the sword wire penetrated the ten-layer mask, and then he was unable to return instantly.


Zhang Heng wiped the sweat on his forehead, his eyes were full of incredible: "Now that the law of Zhuxian sword has not been activated, there is such a mighty power. If the law of Zhuxian sword is activated, I am afraid that the old man will be killed today!"

Zhang Heng could block this sword, but the rest of the Taoists couldn't block it!

When Tao Hongjing saw that the opportunity was not good, he immediately took out a cauldron and pulled Lu Jingxiu into it.

I saw sparks splashing on the cauldron, leaving a deep cut, and then flying away in an instant.

"Asshole, dare to kill me..." Sanfu boy exclaimed, and the black talisman in his hand turned into a streamer and escaped. He didn't dare to pause for a while, letting his body be attacked by others.

"It looks like something is not good!" Seeing that they had just started their hands, everyone was crushed by Zhang Bairen's death, and the demon gods below were suddenly fluttered.

ps: I am going to add more tomorrow.

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