First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2121: Shot layout

The emperor's immortality is a taboo!

It is not a taboo of heaven and earth, but a taboo of all scholars! The taboo of the demon gods!

Do you think, if you continue to live forever, will there be a way for our brothers to survive? The whole world is yours, you can play it by yourself, what are we going to do with you?

There is no doubt that Zhang Bairen stepped into the wonderland of the golden body and wanted to understand immortality, which has touched the interests of all parties.

The emperor is indeed immortal, but the mystery of being able to reincarnate without falling into a womb is different from immortality?

No difference!

"Your Majesty, Yuan Shoucheng knocked on the door urgently, please see your Majesty!"

Zhang Bairen in the secret room was comprehending the immortal mood of Zhuxianjian. Suddenly he heard a rush of words from the outside world, and Yuan Shoucheng's slightly hurried voice sounded.

There are only three people who can walk freely in the Hall of Yangxin. One is a woman from the martial family, the second is Yuan Shoucheng, and the third is Yin Gui.

Secret room

Zhang Bairen slowly opened his eyes, and a flash of lightning flashed across his eyes, as if an immortal mood was flowing out between the heaven and the earth, and in a blink of an eye, it pierced through the void and disappeared into the depths of his eyes.

"Come in!" Zhang Bairen said softly.

Upon hearing this, Yuan Shoucheng opened the door and walked in, and said in a hurry: "The Governor, things are not good!"

"Why are you so flustered, what makes you so frightened?" Zhang Bairen frowned, and there was doubt in his eyes.

"Your Majesty's card is a golden body, but he has already violated the taboo. All Daoist views are real people, and all demon gods want to jointly fight against your Majesty..." Yuan Shoucheng lowered his throat, for fear that six ears around would leak the matter.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen frowned, "I forgot, there is still such a trick!"

While speaking, Zhang Bairen tapped his fingers, and his eyes showed divine light: "I have nothing to do with the world, why should Buddhism and Taoism embarrass me?"

Yuan Shoucheng smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty's certificate is a mistake. The demon gods of all walks of life must choose to correct this mistake. Your Majesty will live forever, and the shocking opportunity will come a hundred years later. Who is your opponent?"

"If your Majesty is allowed to sit in the position of the Ninth Five-Year Supreme and continue to grow, unless the monks of all walks of life don't want to become immortals!" Yuan Shoucheng smiled bitterly.

If you want to deal with the emperor of the emperor, it is impossible that no news has been circulated. Yuan Shoucheng is also a top expert in the Taoist gate. The Buddhist and Taoist team wants to attack the emperor of the emperor, how can you not notify Yuan Shoucheng?

And since it was about to attack, Buddhism and Dao Gaozhen never thought that this news could be concealed. This is a shame! Upright and upright plan!

"Oh? I know it!" Zhang Bairen let go of the technique: "When?"

"The Devil God and the human masters are separated from each other. The human heart is separated by the belly. It will take three to five years to conclude an agreement!" Yin Gui walked in from outside the hall, and his words were full of anxiety: "The governor still needs to think. A proper countermeasure, otherwise our human race will surely be overwhelmed this time."

"A proper countermeasure?" Zhang Bairen's eyes flickered: "The most appropriate countermeasure is to retreat to the position of the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, abdicate and let the virtuous go to reincarnation to polish the golden body!"

"Even if you go to reincarnation, I'm afraid that the experts from all walks of life will still not worry about your majesty. After all, there are only two emperors in the golden body. Throughout the ages, there are only two. You Taoists and demon gods have to guard against!" Yin Gui cut off Zhang Bairen's thoughts and wanted to go to reincarnation. Refuge in the deep is never that simple.

"Then I can only wait for the ultimate battle, but I am curious. I can't break my emperor dragon energy. How are the demon gods and real people our opponents?" Zhang Bairen murmured, "How do these guys plan to break my emperor dragon. gas?"

"The dragon qi of the emperor is destiny and the law of cause and effect. No one can break it. It is supreme to destroy all laws. It is not realistic to rely on external force to break the dragon qi of the emperor!" Yuan Shoucheng seemed to have a long river of destiny in his eyes. the power of.

"I know!" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly: "There are only two ways to break the emperor's dragon qi!"

After speaking, Zhang Bairen closed his eyes: "I don't have enough time!"

Yuan Shoucheng and Yin Gui looked at each other. Seeing that Zhang Bairen seemed to have a plan, he nodded and exited.

The two of them have said what they should say, and those who should be warned have been warned. Zhang Bairen knows that he is not afraid of overturning!

Now that the three of them are all grasshoppers on the same line, if Zhang Bairen is killed, the two will never feel good!

"I am afraid that the position of the emperor will not be kept!"

When Yuan Shoucheng and Yin Gui retired, Zhang Bairen stood up slowly: "I am afraid that it is not only the Taoist and Buddhist gates, but also Yin Gui and Yuan Shoucheng. I don't want me to continue sitting in this position."

As long as a person has the ambition to become immortal, no one will hope that he will continue to sit down here! Including his allies!

"If this is the case, I can only get rid of Jin Chan and use the method!" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly: "You are waiting to calculate me, don't you know that I am also calculating you, this round of the game will start from Zhuojun, the winner is divided! "

After the words fell, I came to the case and wrote quickly. It took a long time to put away the pen and ink, and handed the letter to Jing Wushuang in the shadow: "Give this letter to Xiaowen, and follow this plan!"


Jing Wushuang took the order and left, disappearing to the horizon in a blink of an eye, and out of the inner palace.

When the Jing family brothers left, Zhang Bairen was meditating for a while, and he formed the Yin Jue in his hand. An illusory figure walked out of his body and slowly sank into the Yin Jue. Then he saw him cast the Fantian Seal Method to reverse the Yin and Yang Qi. The tactics flowed for a while, turned into a yin and yang lingering embryo, submerged in the mouth.

After he had performed his magical powers, Zhang Bairen stood up slowly, walked out of the bedroom, and saw the martial artist who was sitting in front of the case and criticizing the memorial.

"Your Majesty!" The woman from the Wu family felt that the light in front of her was dimmed, and she quickly stood up and respectfully saluted.

"Sit down!" Zhang Bairen said nonchalantly, jokingly: "Ai Concubine is more and more like an emperor, with a bit of emperor's prestige!"

"Your Majesty is joking, since ancient times, where is there a woman who is the emperor!" The woman from the Wu family trembled, forcibly concealing the throbbing in her heart, lowering her head and daring not to look at Zhang Bairen's eyes.

"Hahaha, it didn't exist in ancient times, why not have it now?" Zhang Bairen smiled softly.

"Your Majesty's forgiveness! Your concubine will never dare to correct the copy for your Majesty in the future, and I hope that your majesty will forgive your concubine's life!" The woman of the Wu family was shocked that her clothes were soaked with cold sweat from her back. Taking a target for no reason, at this time, she must have noticed her own abnormality. The martial artist did not dare to quibble, but just knelt down and kept begging for mercy.

"Hahaha, why is Aifei so panicked?" Zhang Bairen stepped forward and hugged the martial woman in his arms, and walked towards the collapse: "You and my husband and wife, Qinseheming, how can I blame you? If you want, this How can Li Tangnuo give you a gift? As long as the concubine is happy, I am willing!"

"Your Majesty!" The Wu family girl raised her head tearfully, her eyes were hazy, she looked at Zhang Bairen in disbelief.

Zhang Bairen laughed and pushed the woman from the martial family to the ground, another conquest.

a long time

After breathing for a rest, Zhang Bairen slowly sorted his clothes and looked at the martial arts woman who had passed out in a comatose state. There was a gleam of light in his eyes. Then he stretched out his palm, but saw an embryo slowly emerging from the yin and yang, and went straight to the martial arts woman's abdomen. Shoot.


The phoenix air around the woman of the martial family turned around, as if to resist the invasion of the ruining Taoist law, but seeing Zhang Bairen's dragon vibrating around her body, she instantly suppressed the air pressure of the phoenix:

"I am the ninety-five supreme, who dare to be presumptuous?"

With a beating, Feng Qi groaned, and fell silent for an instant, and then let Zhang Bairen infuse the yin and yang embryos into the abdomen of the martial artist.

"Hehe, after all, it depends on whose method is better! Taoist or Buddhist, and even the demon gods are all enemies in front of the immortal road!"

There are only so few opportunities for Xianlu, and whoever can become an immortal depends on his own ability.

"I planted this embryo in the abdomen of a woman from the martial arts family, and then resurrected with the blood of the Li family. In the future, the Li family would want to get rid of the control of this seat!" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly, put on his clothes, and picked up the lotus porridge handed by the maid. , Drinking slowly.

Probably after tea time, the martial artist in the bed woke up leisurely, looking at the collapsed top curtain with her eyes:

"Why did I fall asleep so drowsy?"

I have cultivated the Dharmakaya can I fall asleep so easily?

Thinking of all the improprieties in this, the woman from the Wu family turned over and sat up, revealing a light of horror, she calmed down the waves in her heart, and whispered:

"His Majesty!"

"Since Concubine Ai wakes up, let's drink the porridge! The lotus seed porridge just brought by the imperial chef! It's smooth and not greasy, it's very top-grade!" Zhang Bairen smiled.

The woman from the Wu family was worried, and she came to Li Zhi's side to pick up the lotus porridge and drank slowly, Zhang Bairen smiled and said:

"The Taoism of Concubine Ai is not weak, I don't know which sect is?"

"The ancestral method, the concubines practice indiscriminately," the woman of the Wu family was shocked and said quickly.

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen didn't comment, and continued to drink the porridge. After a while, he said, "I am afraid that my fate will not be long, and there will be killing and robbery within three to five years."

"Huh?" The woman of the Wu family was surprised when she heard this: "How did he know that the philosophers were going to besiege him?"

"Who would dare to murder your Majesty?" The Wu family woman asked eagerly, concealing her anxiety.

Zhang Bairen just smiled lightly and ignored the martial arts woman's performance: "In the future, Li Tang will ask his concubine to love, and the concubine has the talent to govern the country. I should leave a legacy and order the concubine to listen to politics and assist the new emperor."

"Your Majesty, this..." The woman of the Wu family was panicked. With her spirituality, how could she not know that Li Zhi had been aware of her plan with Buddhism all the time, but she didn't know why Li Zhi not only did not kill herself, but instead did. Deliberately fulfill yourself.


There is a conspiracy!

The woman of the martial family just feels like a boat in the ocean, capable of capsizing at any time, being swallowed by the huge waves, and becoming a cloud of the past.

"Let's do it, Concubine Ai can do her own thing!" Zhang Bairen's words fell, and the person had disappeared.

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