First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2105: The storm is up again

"Time for seven teas!"

Yuan Shoucheng walked out of the side hall and stood in front of Zhang Bairen's bed, smelling the sluggish smell in the air, he couldn't help frowning, his eyes fixed on Zhang Bairen's brow.

Qizhancha, of course, does not refer to the time when Zhang Bairen and the woman from the martial family entangled with Qizhancha, but the woman from the martial family robbed Zhang Bairen of the spirit and spirit, making her life less.

"It's the way of heaven to have gains and losses! It's the outside way to just ask for nothing!" Zhang Bairen slowly closed his eyes, and his figure slowly sank into the collapse.

"Chao Zhongwu waited for the governor to deal with political affairs, but he didn't expect the governor to be indulged in the gentle township." Yuan Shoucheng's words were full of jokes.

"The woman from the Wu family is a smart person, and the governor can leave political affairs in her hands and avoid some earthly disturbances!" Yuan Shoucheng looked at Zhang Bairen.

"How much benefit have you received from the Buddhist school, and even a Buddhist plan?" Zhang Bairen's eyelids were open and closed, and Yuan Shoucheng's heart burst into a sudden burst of energy:

"I have never received the benefits of Buddhism, but the martial arts women continue to replenish the Dragon Qi of the Dudu. If they are not stopped, they will inevitably be called to the peak of the fate, and then the anode will become the emperor's fate! By then, with the convenience of the harem, they will control the government Sooner or later! Since the governor wants to delegate power, it would be better to do it earlier!"

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen said indifferently.

"Pan Dao never thought that a woman from the Wu family would collude with Buddhism." Yuan Shoucheng's expression was difficult to look.

I thought that I could get the moon first when I approached the water tower, and could rely on the prophet to draw the martial arts woman into a chess game. Who would have thought that the martial arts woman would be involved with Buddhism?

Although Yuan Shoucheng didn't know Zhang Bairen's purpose, it did not prevent him from being a Taoist and seeking his own benefit. Who knows that things are a bit unexpected now. A woman from the martial family actually hooked up with a Buddhist monk before the Taoist. What do you tell him to do?

If he knew the inside story, Yuan Shoucheng would never let a woman from the martial family enter the palace easily, at least he would do some tricks.

But now everything is too late, the martial artist has entered the palace!

Zhang Bairen waved his hand to signal Yuan Shoucheng to retreat, sitting alone in the hall without a word.

After a long time, he saw his palm twitching from his sleeve, and San Chi Qingfeng was torn out of his sleeve, Jian Mang Yaoyao immediately became restrained.

At the handle of the Zhuxian Sword, an ancient rune circulated, exuding the ancient vicissitudes of life.

"Transformed! The current Zhuxian sword is more powerful than before!" Zhang Bairen stroked the immortal lines, but couldn't understand the slightest mystery. He could only take it into the chaotic world and use his divinity to push the evolution. , Comprehend the mystery of the Excalibur.

outside world

The woman from the Wu family staggered out of the bedroom, feeling that her legs were about to be torn apart. She looked at the lively little palace lady and couldn't help staring, "Hurry up and help me?"

"Your Majesty is too fierce, the empress is proficient in the art of supplementing, but she can't bear the impact of her majesty" The little palace lady's eyes are full of curiosity.

"What do you know, people in the royal family have always practiced the art of the room, how easy it is to make up!" The martial girl frowned, letting the little palace girl help to walk outside the palace, and wait for a while. Cai said: "If you preach Buddhism, you say everything must be done according to the plan."

"Yes" the little maid nodded when she heard the words, and helped the martial artist walk out of the Hall of Nurturing Heart.


"Don't you think it's weird to be heard today?" Xiaowen fiddled with the tea cup, her eyes showing thoughtfulness.

"What's weird?" Lu Yu was taken aback.

"Auntie, I shouldn't say something, the last time I saw the emperor, I almost thought I saw my father! The look and even the subtle movements always give me a sense of familiarity!" Xiaowen said to Lulu Rain Road:

"Furthermore, after the death of his father, the Jing family brothers disappeared mysteriously; in recent months, the three slightly disturbed princes and generals of the border gates of the Li and Tang dynasties were taken off their heads, but there was no movement from the court! According to the report from the spies, The action styles of those who shot and the Jing family brothers are somewhat similar."

"No one can seize the royal man, neither can the immortal strong!" Lu Yu rejected Lu Yu's words: "You want to say that the Jing family has worked for Li Zhi, maybe it was the order of the governor before his death."

"What about the Zhuxian Formation Diagram? What about the Universe Diagram? That is the father's method of foothold, which was actually taught to Li Zhi! Even if his father stepped into the heavens and only considered the general situation of the human race, he shouldn't pay so much, right?" Xiao Wen rejected Lu Yu's words.

Lu Yu heard the words silently, and after a while, he said, "But no one can be reborn as a royal family. It's an iron law!"

"Father himself is a miracle, he is a person who breaks the rules and makes the impossible possible!" Xiaowen whispered.

Lu Yu shook his head, disagreeing with Xiaowen's words, and just relying on his eyes as the basis for his judgment was a bit tricky.

It's just that Zhang Bairen treats Li Zhi too well, and he is surprisingly good.

There are even rumors in the arena that Li Zhi is Zhang Bairen's illegitimate son. After all, the lessons of the past are in front of him. The example of Li Chengqian was there, and it is not that Zhang Bairen has never done such things.

Time is long

Day by day

The Terran Divine Region is rarely at peace. Facing the terrifying repression of Zhuxian's array, the major alien races died down and fell into silence.

East China Sea

The old turtle carried his hands on his back and looked at the crumbling Kyushu enchantment, and said nothing for a long time.

"The prime minister is powerful, why not break the barrier of Kyushu, so that the Jiuli people will enter the Middle-earth Divine State and cause a big mess?" Donghai Dragon King was puzzled.

"I wish the Kyushu barrier would never be broken," Laogui sighed: "What does it mean that the Kyushu barrier is broken? It means that there is no restriction on the Zhuxian sword formation. Who is its opponent?"

"Furthermore, the two ancestors of my dragon clan have not yet come back from resurrection. The dragon clan ran across the world and oppressed the hundreds of clan. The enmity we forged was not small. Once we came to the door, we might not be able to stop it. Instead, we broke the ancestor's plan!"

"The disciples don't understand, we don't want to make a move. If the demon gods want to break the Kyushu barrier, it won't be difficult, right?" Ao Qin said.

"You demon gods haven't recovered to their peak state, how can they break the barrier rashly?" Prime Minister Turtle shook his head.

It is not that everyone cannot break the Kyushu barrier, but now everyone is not ready, at least this time the Kyushu barrier cannot be broken.

"However, according to the news from the Buddhist guardian Tianlong, Li Zhi's life is not long! Up to 20 years, Li Zhi can be sent to the west, and the world has changed since then." Ao Qinyin sneered.

"Li Zhi? It's not that easy to die, right?" Prime Minister Kame was taken aback.

"But what if someone learns which evil spirit to replenish magical powers?" Ao Guang whispered.

"Haha" Prime Minister Tortoise suddenly smiled: "You go to pass my decree, order the surrounding tribes to cause chaos, and try secretly. Don't let Li Tang settle down. The foreign races are short of soldiers, horses, food, and grass. The last thing the clan lacks is food and grass."

"Yes!" Ao Guang responded.


Wind and sand on the horizon

Through the endless yellow sand, it is the vast grassland, the scenery of cattle and sheep in the wind blowing grass.

"Decades have passed, Zhang Bairen is dead, but the Zhuxian formation is still there!" In front of the huge bonfire, dozens of strong men gathered together, roasting barbecue around the bonfire.

"At that time, Zhang Bairen slaughtered me a million Turks, but now there is Zhang Bairen who fell in Central China first, and then Li Shimin is here. When the blue and yellow are not in the sky, I should rise up and report the blood hatred!" A man drew out a machete and slashed. Bonfire before breaking.

"Vengeance? What revenge? Zhang Bairen is dead, but the Immortal Sword Formation is still there! Hundreds of millions of dragons are buried among them, and my Turkic tribe is not enough to squeeze their teeth!" Someone retorted.

The atmosphere in the field is stagnant, only the cold wind blows, and the bonfire that rolls is obscure.

"Haha! Drink, everyone! Drink!" someone said, breaking the embarrassment of the atmosphere. Everyone fell into the carnival again, but the atmosphere felt a little weird.

Chang'an City

Tai Chi Hall

Changsun Wuji looked at Li Zhi, and after a while, he said, "I heard that your Majesty wants to be the imperial concubine?"

"Not bad" Zhang Bairen stroked the soft blue silk of the martial arts woman across the curtain.

"Ke Miao Zhen is the former imperial concubine" Changsun Wuji said bitterly.

As the minister of the auxiliary country, there are some things I have to say.

"So what? There is grassland blood flowing in my Li family, and women are wealth!" Li Zhi said casually.

Changsun Wuji opened his mouth, but didn't say what he wanted to say.

The prairie people are the most weird. His father is dead, and all his concubines are taken over by his son. Or maybe it was being taken over by a brother, something like that in the eyes of Zhongtu, but it was justified in the eyes of the people on the prairie.

"Uncle Guo needn't say any more, my heart is determined!" Zhang Bairen signaled Changsun Wuji to withdraw Changsun Wuji's lips moved. After all, he had no choice but to withdraw.

Seeing Changsun Wuji withdrawing from the bedroom, she saw the woman from the Wu family standing over and straddling Zhang Bairen, sitting down hard, licking Zhang Bairen's neck:

"The court concubine and the uncle have no resentment. Why does the uncle prevent the court concubine from entering the palace? Can't live with the court concubine?

Zhang Bairen had no words, just enjoying the service of a martial artist.

Time is rushing

Another three months

Li Zhi's desire to accept Wu as the imperial concubine did not cause much sensation in the DPRK. Although the matter was not in harmony with the etiquette, it was only a trivial matter, and could not reach the country.

But at this time, the Dharma Realm has rolled up thousands of waves


All the relatives and relatives of the Li family gathered together, scanning the mortal dragon gas rising into the sky, and all the Li family men looked gloomy.

"I knew that Li Shimin's despicable bloodline could give birth to any good things?" Li Jiancheng's eyes were full of murderous intent: "Father, the sons and ministers, please order, we must be punished for the crime of unfilial piety of the emperor in the world! Cure the crime of disobedience and incest! He takes the throne and establishes another world."

"My eldest brother is right, it should be so, knock it off the dust, let him know the importance of the word etiquette! There are many descendants of former officials in the DPRK, as long as I take the lead, this matter is not difficult!" Li Yuanji sneered. Tao. No pop-up novel network ()

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