First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2100: Slaughtered hundreds of millions

The two were instantly killed by the old tortoise, turning into nothingness between their fingers, losing all consciousness; then Zhang Bairen reversed Yin and Yang, blinding everyone's senses, and reshaping Qin Qiong and Yuchi Jingde's body. The missing fragment is the memory of the moment when the two died.

The big sleeves stroked, turning into a soft innate wind, blowing away Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong, and landed outside the battlefield:

"Although the two generals are humane and enshrined, the humanity is immortal and the true body is immortal, but this is beyond the legal principle, and they are not in the five elements outside the three realms. This battle is not for the two generals to intervene!"

While talking, Zhang Bairen had already transferred his supernatural powers, and the immortal sword was drawn from the large formation behind him, beheading the laws of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, breaking the defenses around his body, and killing him towards his true body.


Facing the Zhuxian Sword that seemed to open up the world, the East China Sea Dragon King was photographed by his sharp edge in an instant, his soul was frozen, and the dragon ball was dull.

It's like a frog caught by a poisonous snake, motionless and can only be swallowed.

Seeing this sword, he was about to pierce the East Sea Dragon King’s inverse scales, and once again beheaded it. The Tortoise Prime Minister rolled up the wind and thunder in his hands, and then pushed the East Sea Dragon King away first:

"Zhuxianjian is the ultimate treasure. You can't resist! You two are on the sidelines. I will know this personally."

Prime Minister Turtle manifested the infinite magic at this time, with thousands of textures flowing in one palm, seeming to have the power to destroy the void, covering a space and time, splitting the world, and shooting towards Zhang Bairen.

At that moment, Zhang Bairen's eyes turned tortoise claws into Optimus Prime, and he turned into ants under Optimus Prime. He could only wait for Optimus Prime to fall, cutting off his own vitality and destroying his own life.

"Good magical power!" Zhang Bairen's Zhuxian Sword shook, and the next moment it was like the sky, the Zhuxian Sword straddled the sky, slashed the Promise Land, and pierced the palm of the old turtle.


The old tortoise uttered the truth, and it seemed that there was an indestructible power to bless his body. Zhang Bairen's immortal sword stroked the scales on his paws, only to see the light flowing on the scales, which was never seen before, actually resisted Zhang Bairen. The penetrating sword of Zhu Xian rubbed in an instant, and the void between the electric light and flint curled up endless divine fire.

"What a sharp sword of Zhu Xian." The old tortoise looked at the mark left by the sword of Zhu Xian on his hooves, frowning deeply, and a cloud of darkness appeared in his eyes.

"What a sturdy claw, can it be Immortal Realm, do all of them have this ability?"

Zhang Bairen exclaimed, Laogui couldn't believe it, he still couldn't believe it.

It was the first time that Zhu Xianjian had never done any meritorious service. Zhang Bairen wondered what the old turtle's claws were made of, and how strong they were.

"Hmph, this is the innate law of the old tortoise when I was born, and the name is: eternal. It can also be called "eternal". This supernatural power has inexhaustible power. It is the old tortoise. The key to survival since the ancient times! Back then, even the immortal could not kill me, and the catastrophe would not destroy my real body. This law protects the road and saves my life. Who knows that you have left a trace!" The old turtle's eyes revealed an incredible touch: "It's really weird! The Four Swords of Zhuxian are worthy of the swords of killing and killing that the heaven and the earth bred, and they can even shake the law of my life."

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard the words, but just tossed his palm, the Zhuxian Sword re-entered the big formation, and then ignored the babbling old tortoises, turned around and pushed the big formation to the depths of the sea: "Today I slaughtered the vitality of your sea clan. See how you will invade Middle-earth China in the future!"

The chaotic Zhuxian Sword Array swept across the East China Sea, and the old turtle suddenly sighed. He didn't even stop Zhang Bairen's movements, letting Zhang Bairen kill.


Ao Guang and Ao Qin couldn't sit still, looking at the countless slaughtered sea tribes, there was a touch of anxiety in their eyes.

"If he commits suicide, he will surely be condemned by the heavens. The most indispensable thing for my Sea Clan is population, let him go! It depends on how many he can kill!" Prime Minister Turtle shook his head, a glint in his eyes.

Only when Li Zhi was condemned by God would he give himself a chance to seize the Zhuxian Sword Formation!

Such a terrifying array, even the immortal strong will be extremely moved by it.

The sea tribe is extinct in the great formation

But in half an hour, hundreds of millions of sentient beings fell into the Zhuxian formation, and the entire East China Sea seemed to have turned into stagnant water, quieting down and silent.

"Ancestor, this servant went to the sealed land, and his goal is Ancestor Candle Dragon!"

When Prime Minister Turtle closed his eyes to rest his mind, he suddenly only listened to the fearful words of the East Sea Dragon King.


Prime Minister Turtle hurriedly opened his eyes, and he saw Zhang Bairen pushing the big formation, rushing all the way, rolling straight towards the birthplace of Dinghai Shenzhen.

"This servant wants to hurt the killer before the ancestor awakens, and ruin the ancestor's life!" The tortoise changed his color, and he slapped his palm to cover a hundred miles, and the chaotic air around the tortoise claws, unexpectedly There is one color in the Zhuxian array.


This palm bombarded Zhuxian's Great Array, blasting Zhuxian's Great Array to deviate from its orbit, and traced it along the sea where Dinghai Shenzhen was born.

"Li Zhi, you are too much!" Prime Minister tortoise bears a **** map, and then the gossip goes around, the earth, water, wind, fire, world and all things intertwine and derive, turning into a chaotic and hazy world, and hitting Zhang Bairen's sword of death.

"Interesting! This trick is interesting!" Zhang Bairen looked at the smashed formation, with a little dignity in his eyes. He was about to urge Zhuxian Sword Formation to confront the enemy. At this time, a thought suddenly poured into his heart, and Zhang Bairen was almost surprised. Jump feet.

As soon as he stretched out his palm, he saw the Zhuxian formation roll up, and the Wanli Formation slowly fell into Zhang Bairen's hand as if it were a picture roll.

Facing the illusory world brought by the old tortoise, Zhang Bairen was energized and the three talents of the whole body gathered together, and then mobilized the fetus, and suddenly blasted out.

An extremely sharp light of the law turned into a sword of destiny, piercing the illusory world of the old tortoise, passing through layers of void like a sparkle, ignoring the distance of time and space, and went straight into the old tortoise's armpit.

"Good sword! You just came to Datong and turned your destiny to such a level. It is extraordinary! No wonder Zhang Bairen will value you!" The old turtle did not continue to attack, but lowered his head to look at the wound on his armpit. , The golden blood ran down and wet the turtle shell.

"I never thought that the fusion of the Zhuxian Sword and the Law of Destiny would give rise to a new kind of "decision", which would break your eternal real body!" Zhang Bairen was a little bit incredulous, and the Zhuxian sword in his sleeve went into his sleeve with a pair of eyes. Staring at Prime Minister tortoise.

Prime Minister Turtle stood there, his expression gloomy, and his eyes showed a little gloomy color.

If the other party can break his own permanent law, it means that the other party can pierce his own real body. Since he can pierce his own real body, it means that he can kill himself.

"Your Majesty, don't kill anymore. You have now suffered a scourge, and bad luck is bound to come!" Yuan Shoucheng didn't know when he came to the east coast, looking at the black cloud hovering above Zhang Bairen's head, that endless karma. , The countless black air of bad news, thick as if ink floating in the void, covering a radius of ten miles, shocked Yuan Shoucheng almost taken away.

"Who would have thought that after slaughtering hundreds of millions of Sea Tribes, the Zhuxian Array and Zhuxian Sword were about to begin to evolve!" Zhang Bairen put away his own Zhuxian Sword Array, there was a reason.

Look around

The East China Sea is full of mourning, a miserable and miserable, endless desolation circulating in the sky.

"Zhu Xian formation has only one chance to display it!" Prime Minister Turtle raised his head and looked at the Kyushu enchantment above. As Zhang Bairen converged on the Zhu Xian formation, the enchantment began to falter like that day.

"But my sword can still be lifted!" Zhang Bairen held the Zhuxian sword and looked down proudly at the old turtle: "Since I know that the candle dragon is about to resurrect, how can I wake it up after the disaster? "

"Candle Dragon has proven to be immortal, no one can kill him! The immortal Nuwa Empress can't, neither can you!" Prime Minister Gui said calmly.

"Hehe! It's hard to give up today! The Four Seas Dragon Clan has repeatedly attacked my human race. Today I will go on a slaying ring and kill all true dragons! I wonder if you can protect the two little loaches by your side!" Zhang Bairen bombed Zhu Xianjian in his hand.

Ao Guang and Ao Qin changed their colors, and Prime Minister Tortoise smiled coldly: "Joke, ancestor, I can't protect the sentient beings in the East China Sea, can you protect Middle-earth China? If you are in a hurry, it will be a big deal for the old turtle himself to take action. , Destroying your human tribe and destroying thousands of creatures in your human race, we can be considered even."

"If you have that courage, why should you shrink for so many years? Middle-earth China is the center of heaven and race has the blessing of heaven and earth, if you dare to destroy the human race's tens of thousands of beings, you are afraid that you will never be superb !" Zhang Bairen ignored the old turtle's threat, and in an instant he jumped up with the Zhuxian Sword in his hand and cut it straight towards Ao Guang.

The old turtle's expression changed: "Dare you!"

The old turtle rolled up the two dragon kings and stepped to meet the Zhuxian Sword. The two sides fought dozens of times with their fingers, only to hear the jingle, and the sword gas leaked from the Zhuxian sword within ten miles of the water, and countless sentient beings were instantly wiped out. .

"What exactly is immortality?"

After a long time, Zhang Bairen withdrew his palm, holding the Zhuxian Sword and stepped aside, scanning Prime Minister Turtle's chest with dozens of more sword marks on the shell, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Heaven and earth are destroyed but I am immortal, heaven and earth are decayed but I am immortal! Although within the heaven and earth, I have also gained freedom and freedom, the real longevity without great path!" The turtle prime minister smiled and looked at Zhang Bairen, but he secretly cursed in anger. One sentence: "This bastard, Zhu Xianjian is too overbearing. I am afraid that these dozens of swords will not kill me for a hundred years. In the future, I will come up with a way to restrain Zhu Xianjian, so I have to make this kid look too hard."

"Immortality!" Zhang Bairen shook his head: "Perhaps after this evolution of my Zhuxian Sword Array, I can kill immortality!"

"The Sea Clan does have some luck, if it weren't for the immortal Zhu Xianjian to evolve, we must not rest lightly today!" Zhang Bairen muttered to himself. No pop-up novel network ()

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