First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2055: Cut Dharma Body

Looking at Zhang Bairen's two rows of delicate jade teeth, shimmering in the sun, Wu Bufan shuddered subconsciously.

All those who know Zhang Bairen's methods will know the meaning of that smile, especially people like Wu Bufan who have suffered a lot.

"The governor can rest assured that the three corpse insects are invisible and invisible. People die like a lamp, and they will turn to ashes with the death of Li Hegu. There will never be any clues, cause and effect connected with the governor." Wu Bufan held the Jiuzhou Ding , Try to make your eyes softer and add some persuasiveness.

With his left hand tapping the jade belt around his waist lightly, Zhang Bairen's mouth curled up, revealing a smile: "That's good! Today I will gather the Dharmakaya, and take this to perfection!"

Zhang Bairen slowly closed his eyes. In order to prove the Dharmakaya, he prepared for nearly sixty years.

The beliefs of tens of millions of people in Zhuojun for more than 60 years are all attributed to one person. If Zhang Bairen can't prove the Dharmakaya, he will be unreasonable.

The statues of Zhang Bairen can be seen everywhere in the streets of Zhuo County. Incense and incense burst into the sky. No hundreds of passersby will inevitably worship every three days.

The statue has been scorched by incense all the year round, and the endless incense is entrusted on it, like a gold sculpture, which makes many people greedy.

But a pity

This is Zhuojun, no one dared to make that incense idea.

Mountain top

Zhang Bairen's clothes were fluttering, and he slowly opened his arms against the mountain breeze. On his chest, there was a bright light. An endless flower of colorful light and aura, surrounded by chaotic air, slowly appeared in him. whole body.

"Cultivation of the Dharma body is the key threshold for the longevity road. Some people cut the Dharma body into three, five, ten, and one hundred. They are not distinguished by the number; but I, Zhang Bairen, wants to gather the three. Thousands, there are three thousand avenues between the heaven and the earth!" Zhang Bairen slowly closed his eyes, and the endless fluctuations in the space flowed and spread. Then he saw thunder and thunder in the void, and then saw a series of Qi machines burst into the void. , Swept across Zhuo County in an instant.

At this time, in the streets and alleys of Zhuojun, countless sculptures were shining together, and the power of infinite belief turned into golden aurora and rose up into the sky, like dragons, grouping together in the sky. , Converging towards the top of the hill where Zhang Bairen was.

At a glance, there are aurora in the sky, and the strange power of Taoism is constantly flowing. The golden faith seems to be a strip of silk and satin, winding and twisting in the void and waving in the wind.

Countless people in Zhuojun raised their heads one after another, looking at the mighty and magnificent scene, someone exclaimed: "The chief governor has appeared!"

After a word fell, tens of millions of people knelt to the ground, chanting praises, and kowtow to the statue in front of them. The more magnificent power of faith is like a spring breeze and drizzle, or like three thousand fireworks in the world, rushing into the sky, gathering towards Zhang Bairen.

But I saw the flowers in front of Zhang Bairen constantly twisting out strange powers, representing the law of the sun. Among the petals, a figure walked out, rolled up the infinite belief, disappeared into the vast world in a blink of an eye, and reincarnated.

"It's finally started, has the general governor reached this point? The general trend of fifty years of savings, I don't know what kind of law body the general governor will cut out." Yuan Shoucheng sat in the thatched hut in front of the graveyard, watching the mighty rise into the sky. The endless fireworks showed a strange look in his eyes.

"It has accumulated decades of general momentum, and the chief governor is very ambitious. I don't know how amazing it is! The proud son of heaven..." Yuan Tiangang sighed and sat beside Yuan Shoucheng.


Li Shimin was holding the Xuanyuan sword, leaning against the railing and looking in the direction of Zhuojun, the air of the real dragon in his eyes turned, and he didn't know what he was thinking:

"Has it started? It depends on how many dharma bodies you can cut out!"

"Li Shimin, Zhang Bairen has already begun to cut out the Dharma Bodies. Now you release the ancestor and I. Let us wake up the candle dragon in advance, and there is still a chance to kill Zhang Bairen. Once the Slash Dharma Bodies is completed, it will inevitably turn into a major disaster, and the whole world Who can kill him?" Zu Long continued to comfort him in Li Shimin's belly.

"Haha, what can I do if the body is cut?" Li Shimin smiled disdainfully: "How many can he cut? Five? Ten? If I can kill him once, I can kill him five or ten times; if I die this way. What if I prevent him from cutting the Law Bodies in my hands? If I die, I should always leave one person behind to suppress your and other demon gods and open up a pure land for my human race." Li Shimin sneered.

"Stupid! Stupid!" Zu Long yelled: "What's wrong with me waiting for the innate gods? Why are you so hostile?"

"I have cut the Dharma body, is the golden body still far away? I didn't expect that naive boy back then has come this far! Yun'er, you have a good son!" Beitian Master said, Zhang Heng stroked his beard, looking at the mighty light of the aurora. With fireworks, a touch of emotion appeared in his eyes.

"Split the body!" Bai Yun Taoist temple, Bai Yun's eyes showed a touch of emotion: "He has completely thrown off his contemporaries."



Southern Xinjiang


Western Regions



One after another, his eyes rose in the sky, looking towards Zhuojun across time and space.

Fantasy Road

The gray-haired Zhang mother was sitting on the bluestone, watching the aurora rising above Zhuojun, and slowly closing his eyes: "It's hard to get over the demons! I didn't expect you to have reached this point."


Zhuojun powerhouses such as Yujuluo and Luo Yi noticed the aurora rising from the top of the mountain, and they broke through the sonic boom and gathered from the top of the mountain in all directions, guarding it in all directions.

"It's a great opportunity to attack Zhang Bairen. It's a pity that you have cultivated into an immortal body. If you do a sneak attack and become a villain and be looked down upon, it will delay the time to wake up your ancestors." The Dragon King of Donghai raised his head and looked towards Zhuojun. A touch of entanglement appeared in his eyes.

"He has a map of the universe to protect the Dao, and ten miles of his body is the universe of the universe. If I rush into it, I will definitely be calculated by this! Otherwise, do you think he will make such a big move with such a big fan?" Ran a smile: "Don't underestimate this servant. If he hides and cuts out the body, I will definitely not let him go. I must ruin the good thing. Now that I dare to make a big fanfare, I must have an ambush in secret. , I am asking for trouble if I go. Whoever dares to look down upon Zhang Bairen is the number one fool in the world!"


Looking at the dharma body that flew in the sky and reincarnated, the ancestor Shaoyang sighed.

The incense beliefs spreading across the sky and the earth are almost condensed into substance, flooding into the avenue flowers in front of him.

"Second Way" Yuan Shoucheng whispered.

"The third way, the law of destiny incarnate!"

After three breaths, another streamer cut out from Zhang Bairen.

"The speed is so fast?" Zhang Heng frowned: "As a practitioner of my generation, if he can cut a dharmakaya in a year, he can be regarded as the pride of the heavens. Why is he so fast?"

"The fourth way!"

Zhang Heng's words have not fallen, and the fourth law body has been cut out.

"How many dharmakayas do you think he can cut?" Tao Hongjing didn't know when he came to Beitian Master Dao, and he held a fist to Zhang Heng, his words full of curiosity.

"My generation of practitioners treats him as if he was practising Dafa, as if the old man cut out three pieces; the Blessed One cut three pieces out, the past, the present and the future, Guan Zi cut out three pieces, Amitabha, burning a lamp, and receiving; as for Zhang Bairen, It's really unpredictable, but the more Dharmakayas, the more you will be able to practice without fear of calamity in the future! If you are looking for longevity, increase the means of protecting the path and protecting your life, naturally the more the better! Unheard people can cut out more than 20 Dharmakayas" Zhang Heng said.

In the spiritual world, the number of dharmakayas cut out by each person is a secret. The number of dharmakayas is related to how many lives a person has. No one wants to know how many dharmakayas they cut out.

Everyone cut out the Law Bodies, they were all done secretly and secretly. Zhang Bairen didn't hide it as it is today, letting all the powers of heaven and earth check.

As he spoke, five more streams of light flew out from the horizon, submerged in all the beings, and disappeared.

"So many? What supernatural powers does he want to practice?" Lu Jingxiu was puzzled at this eyes were full of weirdness: "Impossible! Why is it so fast?"

"Ten years of incense savings, now Zhuojun sentient beings have broken through the 70 million mark, and 70 million people prayed for their birthdays. In exchange, you can easily cut out the Dharma body!" Lingbao ancestor pulled his clothes and said dryly. Baba said: "After cutting the law body, this kid is even more difficult to deal with."


Zhang Bairen flew out of the law that represented the fire in front of him, breaking through the barriers of the two realms, and was reincarnated outside of Kyushu without a trace.

"His Dharmakaya can break through the barriers of the two realms and reincarnate in the Great Wilderness. Why! I tried my ancestors to reincarnate the Dharma body in the Great Wilderness, but it is a pity that the Nine Provinces barrier cannot be shaken at all." Deng Xian clenched his fists at this moment, and his eyes were full of anger.

Zhang Bairen cut his two dharmakayas, and he wished that Zhang Bairen's luck would be better. How could he hope that he would be better?

The Middle-earth China is indeed a treasure of Huatianbao, outstanding people and spirits, which firmly guards the Terran from disasters, from the disaster of swords and soldiers, and from the invasion of war.

But for the monks, the Kyushu enchantment is also a cage. People inside cannot get out, and people outside cannot get in. The world is infinitely vast, but the human race is rigidly bound in it and can never get out.

"Outside the Great Wilderness, if I can reincarnate with the Law Body, doesn't it mean that my human race can take the opportunity to infiltrate foreign races? I noticed the movement outside Kyushu in advance?" Zhang Heng's eyes flickered, and his eyes scanned the diminishing rays of the sky, after a while. : "Back then, I just sent a Dharma body out of reincarnation with all the difficulties, and I never thought that he did it today." In this way, my human race has at least one more chance of winning, the life of a human race outside of Kyushu. Suffering, the people can't stay in panic all day long, hunting for the devil, the Kyushu enchantment can drag on for a day.

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