First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2052: Lure

Small courtyard

Zhang Bairen held the tea cup in his hand, looked at the sky and the moon, and said nothing for a long time.

Ever since he knew that his greatest enemy was sleeping in the lunar star, Zhang Bairen didn't know when he developed the habit of looking up at the moon, hoping to spot the flaws that belonged to the lunar fairy from the beautiful sky and bright moon.

"People have joys and sorrows, and the moon is cloudy and clear. I seem to understand a little bit. Why is Taiyin suppressed by the emperor of the year and must unite with Yi to defeat the emperor." Zhang Bairen turned his thoughts secretly: "The moon is cloudy, clear and complete. , The strength of lunar yin is naturally divided into strong and weak points."

"Captain, do you want to do that kid secretly?" Jing Wuming walked out of the shadow of Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen didn’t comment on hearing this: “No hurry! No hurry! I hope he is a wise man who can retreat from difficulties. Confucianism is now in a recession, and Wang Tong places his hopes on him. I have a good relationship with Wang Tong. You need to give Wang Tong three points of thin noodles."

While speaking, Zhang Bairen flicked the tea cup, turned and walked into the room: "Go to sleep! It is rare to have intermittent rest sometimes."

Speechless night

Just after dawn the next day, a sound of sword air from Huo Huo Pokong awakened Zhang Bairen from his deep sleep.

Nie Yinniang was practicing sword in the yard. A woman in aqua blue shirt was standing under the banyan tree, looking at Zhang Bairen with a smile.

"Long time no see" Nalan Jing smiled and walked forward, holding Zhang Bairen's arm.

"You actually left the customs" Zhang Bairen stroked Nalanjing's hair: "It's a pity that you left the customs a bit wrong, but I am going to retreat."

"Condense the Law Body?" Nalanjing's beautiful eyebrows were clustered together.

Zhang Bairen kissed Nalanjing's forehead and squeezed his white cheeks: "Not only is it to condense the Dharma body, but also to sacrifice the Sea God Needle. Whether it is a candle dragon or the body of a mysterious turtle in the depths of the East China Sea, it is not easy to provoke. The role of Li Shimin and me on August 15th. Time is running out! Now that I have the confidence to make a battle, I think it’s not unreasonable."

"I will retreat with you" Nalanjing said with a smile.

Zhang Bairen smiled, did not intercept, but took Nalan Jing in his arms.

"Father" Xiaowen came up with a rag and paid respectful salute to Zhang Bairen.

"You girl, you have a good entry. It seems that you have made hard work recently." Zhang Bairen whispered: "I want to go back to Zhuo County, and Qixi will leave it to you. Don't let the poor scholar contact the young lady."

I was talking, but I heard a rush of footsteps: "Captain, the kid is here again!"

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen frowned: "Where is the person?"

"I was taken away by the young lady's guard"

Zhang Bairen frowned, let go of Nalanjing, and walked straight to the backyard pavilion. After a while, he said: "No life, I will leave this to you. I will meet this kid in person instead of Good talk."


Jing Wuming took the order and left.

Side yard

In the courtyard of Tanabata

At this time, the Qixi Festival is dressed in women's clothing, sitting in a small building and dancing guzheng, dressed in pale white clothes, like a fairy shooting a fairy, fluttering like a fairy like a person in a cloud.

"This... Your Excellency is Brother Zhang's younger sister?" Li Hegu walked into the pavilion and saw the Qixi Festival, which looked like a fairy, he couldn't help being stunned, his eyes showing obsession.

"Why, I haven't seen it for a day, maybe my brother doesn't recognize me?" Qixi smiled and stopped playing, making a grimace at Li He.

"You... are you Zhang Jiuling? Could it be that you were a woman disguised as a man before?" Li Hegu was dumbfounded.

"Yes, it's me! The younger sister has seen my brother!" Qixi said with a smile.

"The marriage contract??" Li He said blankly.

"Naturally, my little girl myself" Qixi was blushing.

Li Hegu was stunned when he heard the words, and dementedly walked into Xiaozhu, he was going to grab the Qixi Festival's subdued: "Xian, Xianmei is so hard for her brother, no wonder the dean wants to clean you up. After leaving the college, it turned out that sister Xian was a woman."


Seeing Li Hegu, he would act rudely. Just at this moment, a clear call came from a distance, and Xiaowen's voice came from afar:

"Where is my sister?"

Called clearly, awakened Li Hegu and asked him to retract his palm in embarrassment. Qixi's complexion changed, and he said to Li He: "You shouldn't come today, Xiaowen's girl is out of the gate, and my father can't drive here. You can go back quickly. After my father is gone, you will be looking for me. This girl is my father’s confidant, watching me all the time, if he finds out what happened between me and you, my father must be furious."

While speaking, he quickly pushed Li Hegu out of Xiaozhu, then winked at him, and hurriedly walked towards Xiaowen's shout.

Looking at the back of Qixi Festival, Li Hegu looked obsessed, and then shook his head: "Such a beautiful lady loves me, how can I miss Li Hegu?"

As he said, Li Hegu didn't move slowly, and quickly walked outside Zhang's mansion. Only after crossing the patio, I saw a man in black, blocking Li Hegu's path.

"Li Hegu?" The black man's voice was gloomy.

"It's Xiaosheng, I don't know who your Excellency is?" Li Hegu bowed his hand in a salute: "Could it be that the governor is in person?"

Jing Wuming's momentum is extraordinary, no wonder Li Hegu recognizes the wrong person.

"I'm just a guard under the general governor, the general governor wants to see you, let me follow me!" Jing Wuming said blankly.

"Xiaosheng still has things to do today, and his homework has not been completed. I hope you will refuse the general governor. How about visiting the younger generation personally another day?" Li Hegu felt a bad feeling in his heart and subconsciously rejected it.

"Haha, the general governor's preaching, how can you refuse? Don't say it is you, even if you are the emperor, you dare not violate it!" Jing Wuming turned and walked in front: "If you dare to violate the general governor's order, I can guarantee you I can never live to see the sun tomorrow."

A drop of cold sweat slipped from the corner of Li He's drum. He turned to look towards the path, and ran back to find the Qixi Festival blessing; at this time, Jing Wuming's voice sounded: "Boy, you have no chance to slip away. There are twenty-eight people from your path. Guard, any one can cramp you. If you are not afraid of death, just run back. If you dare to provoke the governor’s daughter, you should think of today."

Li Hegu’s legs are filled with iron and lead, and his eyes are full of amazement. He looks into the distance. When it’s fashionable, he doesn’t feel that things are coming. Even though he has made various assumptions before, he can’t help but beat the drums in his heart. Assuming everything becomes nothingness.

"Let's go" Jing Wuming unhurriedly went ahead, Li Hegu was like a robot, and the walking dead followed behind.

"Wealth and wealth are in danger, and the donkey will be a BMW, and the landlord will become a family!" Li Hegu continued to encourage himself.

Li Hegu didn't know how to come along this way, and followed Jing Wuming to the backyard, watching the young man drinking tea in the pavilion.

Seventeen or eighteen years old, he looks younger than himself, sitting there like an ordinary young man, without the slightest momentum. If it weren't for the guards who stood respectfully, no one would have thought that they would smile as if in front of them. The man next to the elder brother is Zhang Bairen, the megalopolis governor of the world.

"I have seen the chief governor" Li Hegu stiffened, and subconsciously bowed to Zhang Bairen.


Zhang Bairen did not hurry and said slowly.

Li Hegu stood up, his whole body was turning abruptly, when things came to an end, all his fears were gone.

With a calm face and a blank brain sitting opposite Zhang Bairen, Li Hegu whispered: "I wonder if the governor summons a niche, what can I do?"

"I already know about you and the Qixi Festival" Zhang Bairen blew tea unhurriedly.

Li He Gu is silent

Zhang Bairen said quietly: "Since ancient times, I have been paying attention to the right person. I am afraid that the threshold of my Zhang family is not something Li Gongzi can afford! In terms of power and status, my Zhang family has gold mountains and silver mountains. A few people can't spend it. On the power, when the emperor and I are on the same level as Zhuojun, there are countless heroes in the rivers and lakes, and I should be afraid of Zhuojun by five points. The best way is the doorman, the Yangshen is the gentleman, and all kinds of talents It’s a daily meal, and if my family consumes it in a day, you won’t be able to earn it for several lifetimes.

"What does the governor mean?" After listening to Zhang Bairen's words, Li Hegu calmed down instead, his whole body soared tenfold, and his Taoism became more I mean, you better understand the difficulties. Retreat, the threshold of my Zhang family is not something you can climb! "Zhang Bairen put down the tea cup and said to one side of the guard: "Come up. "

"Kang Dang"

Two guards carried a large box and placed it in the pavilion. Zhang Bairen stood up and opened the box: "There are ten thousand liang of gold in this. As long as you stay away from the Qixi Festival in the future, this ten thousand liang of gold is enough for you to become a rich man. The generations do not have to worry about food and clothing."

"The governor is vulgar, scholars of my generation, regard gold as dung, the governor is humiliating me!" Li Hegu's complexion flushed, and he glared at Zhang Bairen: "Although the governor's cultivation is ten times and a hundred times higher, in the eyes of the governor, I am Li Hegu is an ant that can be crushed to death at will, but I want to tell the governor that ants also have the dignity of ants!"

"The governor can kill me with a single sword, but if you use gold to humiliate me, it's too vulgar! It's vulgar! How can I be in love with Ling Qianjin than this mere A Duwu?" Li He Gu coldly smiled.

Zhang Bairen stopped when he heard the words. He looked at Li Hegu with a pair of eyes, and looked around for a while, watching the skyrocketing awe-inspiring righteousness. After a while, he said: "It's a good seedling, what a pity! You and Qixi Festival are definitely not good. You can’t even care about your own food and drink, so why marry Qixi? Do you want Qixi to live with you? Your house doesn’t even stay with rats, and you have to rely on the relief of the college and the care of Qixi to make a living, you Why do you feed Qixi Festival?"

"If you are good for her, let it go! You are from two worlds, you are not suitable, you will only drag her down, do you know how much Qixi Festival cost?" Zhang Bairen looked sideways at Li Hegu: "I'm telling you, you spend ten thousand taels of gold a day for seven days. Why do you support Qixi Festival? How long will it take you to earn these ten thousand taels of gold in your life?"

ps: Fifth more.

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