First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2044: Law competition


Seeing sweat on Zhang Bairen's forehead, he was suspended in the void at this time, his spear was pressed on Wuzhi's club, and Wuzhi fell to his knees on one knee. He looked at Zhang Bairen with sweat, and his eyes became more vicious. Panting, the words were full of murderous intent: "Yes! Not bad! Fighting against me for three hundred rounds, and pushing the ancestor me down, it is indeed good!"

"Hehe, King Yu was able to suppress you back then, and this seat can also suppress you today!" Zhang Bairen's palm was shaking gently while holding the spear, and his eyelids were constantly twitching.


too tired!

Wu Zhiqi is too strong, not ordinary! Strong too much! .

If you want to fight the Wuzhiqi, you must mobilize the law every time, and suppress the Wuzhiqi every time, otherwise once you call the Wuzhiqi out of the state, you will be uncomfortable at that time.

Although he can mobilize all kinds of laws because of the great flowers, he cannot mobilize without restriction.

Three hundred times, Zhang Bairen mobilized the law to suppress it three hundred times. This is Zhang Bairen's own strength. He has not used the Zhuxian formation and the gods' body. This is already called his limit load.


Wu Zhiqi roared, and suddenly overturned the spear in his hand. Zhang Bairen was in a bad situation. Could he make it happen?

"Take me a shot." Zhang Bairen's spear in his hand is like a snake, piercing through space, disorganizing time and space cause and effect.


Travel through time, penetrate the past and the future.

People can only go to the future and never return to the past.

However, Zhang Bairen's shot was dreamy and hazy, with infinite petals flowing, and it reversed the time and space to penetrate the void, and instantly sank into Wuqi's chest.


The spear was pulled out, the blood spattered, and the innate blood spattered. I don't know how many creatures in the sea have been completed.

"Immortal body!" Wu Zhiqi didn't even look at his wounds, swept the stick in his hand and hit Zhang Bairen's body directly.

"Back in time!"

The spear in Zhang Bairen's hand emitted a mysterious wave, and then he saw his body instantly reversed the long river of time and space, returning to the past second, avoiding this fierce and domineering stick.

With the battle to kill, Zhang Bairen's mobilization of the power of the law became more and more unfathomable, and his understanding became more profound.

It's like this sand between the fingers, which could only be used for the enemy, but now Zhang Bairen can act on himself, forcibly calling himself back to the past. Although it is just a breath, he can decide too many things.

"If you can't use your full power, lest God will come to you, I'm afraid you will be dead long ago!" Zhang Bairen avoided the helpless stick with a touch of disdain in his eyes.

"Ha ha!"

Wu Zhi Qi just sneered, and continued to smash Zhang Bairen with the long stick in his hand.

I just want to kill you, it doesn't matter if you can display your peak power?

Fair matchup? He is not a fool!

"What to do, now that the mountains and rivers are exhausted, if you don't use all your strength, you will not be able to destroy his immortal body!" Li Shimin looked at Zhang Bairen anxiously.

"Tiantomb!" Zhang Bairen's hand of the seal tactics flowed, and a tombstone with a hazy atmosphere was slowly formed, lingering in his palm, and his fingers seemed to be suppressed by Wuzhiqi across the endless time and space.

The various methods have not yet been implemented, and it is too early to say that the mountains and rivers are exhausted!

"Xuanyuan's three graves!" Wu Zhiqi roared, and in an instant, the world turned into a ten-thousand-meter-high ape, standing on the East China Sea, with a palm extending out like a sky, supporting the repressed sky. monument.


The monument was crushed by it, and Qi Wuzhi looked disgusted: "I can't imagine that the infamous Three Tombs actually fell into your hands. This is the great enemy of my innate gods. You can't spare you!"

"My cultivation base is not enough. If I can condense the golden body, I can only kill it in the palm of my hand!" Looking at the broken sky stele, Zhang Bairen didn't move, his complexion was stunned.

"If it is forced, I can only use the power of Mount Buzhou to seal it in the Ding of King Yu! Zulong already knows the existence of Mount Buzhou, even if I hide it, it is meaningless!" Zhang Bairen looked into the divine world. The chaos, Bu Zhou Mountain in the chaos exudes a mysterious transformation at this time, the whole mountain seems to have evolved.

"Forcing out Zhang Bairen's peak power, it can attract Heaven's Punishment to annihilate him, why is it so laborious?" Ancestral Dragon's words from the dragon ball in Li Shimin's belly resounded in the world.

"Shoot!" All the demon gods wrapped around the laws of the ten thousand dragons in the void and slashed towards Zhang Bairen in unpredictable ways.

While Li Shimin gripped Xuanyuan Sword tightly, there was a solemn look in his eyes. Zhang Bairen has not displayed his peak power even since the battle.

"Haha!" Zhang Bairen just smiled, and pointed out with a flick of his finger. The laws were intertwined and transformed in his fingers, turning into the law of infinite cause and effect, and he pointed towards the corpse of Shebi.

"Point to the west, upside down and confused!"

"No, be careful that this is the law of cause and effect!" She Bi Shi looked panic at this time.

"Bang!" Shebi's body was surrounded by black energy, and suddenly rose up, blocking Zhang Bairen's palm.

A scream spread, and the supernatural powers of the Sabi Corpse were not shaken at all. Zhang Bairen's light finger fell on the defense of the Sabi Corpse, but the damage appeared in Jumang's heart for some reason.


The flames exploded, and the mang screamed, and the voice was full of anger: "Damn the law of cause and effect!"

"Come again!" Zhang Bairen slapped Li Shimin with this palm, but when he saw that Li Shimin did not prevent him, he let Zhang Bairen slap him on the shoulder.

"Not good!" Liao's face changed wildly, and he noticed the strange fluctuations in his body, and quickly used his magical defenses, but unfortunately, layers of ice had already been rolled up, and it was sealed in an instant.

Thirty breaths!

This layer of ice can trap at least thirty breaths!

In other words, if there were no demon gods to check, and no support to make trouble, Zhang Bairen would be within thirty breaths if he wanted to suppress Liaoshou.

"It's simply unreasonable!" Xuan Ming assisted Lian Shu to break the bundle of supernatural powers.

"Go to hell, fight me decisively, even if you dare to be distracted!" Wuzhi Qi roared, taking this as a great shame.

Zhang Bairen fought against himself, and there was still time to attack the demon gods, which was a shame!

"Haha!" Zhang Bairen simply took away his own gun, and then pointed at Wuqi.

Without a long stick of Qi, he swept away, facing Zhang Bairen’s attacking fingers, but he did not evade: "Hehe, I know this is the law of causality, you seem to hurt me, but in fact..."


The punishment was rolling, filling Wuzhi Qi's body as much as possible, exploding his divine body every inch, limp and unable to move.

"You..." Wuzhiqi stared at Zhang Bairen, his eyes full of aggrieved.

"What a weird law of cause and effect, everyone must pay attention to it. Before the law of cause and effect comes, it is not without signs!" Prime Minister Turtle rolled up a sea of ​​waves in his hands and hit Zhang Bairen's body.

"Something is wrong! There is something wrong with this turtle shell!"

The tortoise shell of Prime Minister Tortoise was smashed down, and Zhang Bairen immediately noticed something wrong, and an unprecedented crisis lingered in his heart.

"World Law Body!"

Zhang Bairen was forced to use all his magical powers, and to use his own ability to the peak state, even if it would cause the punishment of heaven to come, he could not care about so much.


The waves were split, and a gap was revealed in the Wanlong Formation, where the turtle shell passed, the green air stuck in the void and could not disperse for a long time.

"What the hell?"

Seeing the green air left in the air, Zhang Bairen was inexplicably shocked.

"The law of bad luck! This old guy actually understood the law of bad luck!" The ancestor Shaoyang was so shocked that his scalp was numb, and he quickly backed away: "Boy, don't be contaminated by the law of bad luck, otherwise you are in such a difficult situation today. Even if you have great abilities, you will never escape from birth."

The law of bad luck is not lethal, but the consequences of the law of bad luck are better than thousands of magical powers.

The punishment was rolling, and the blood-red clouds were constantly turning. Zhang Bairen looked at the Ten Thousand Dragons formation and deliberately broke out, but could not throw Li Shimin here, he could only carry it dead, thinking about how to break the situation.

Wuzhiqi's indestructible body was repaired again at this time, but he stared at Zhang Bairen closely, never making any move.


Not everyone has the means to face the punishment!

"You are dead! You are already contaminated with the law of bad luck, otherwise the punishment will not converge so quickly" Zu Long's voice sounded in Li Shimin's belly.


The earth-shaking thunderbolt sounded, and blood-red divine thunder smashed through the Wanlong Formation, calling directly at Zhang Bairen.

One face, Zhang Bairen's body turned into gray, only a chaotic air lingering three thousand colorful petals lingering in the void.

Looking at the colorful petals, the gods in the field were fascinated at this time, and they only felt that the petals had a fatal attraction to them. As long as they could get one of the petals, they could go ascend to the immortal and make the world without extreme detachment.

"This feeling!" Sabi clenched his fists tightly: "What is he entrusting Yang Shen with? I must get this treasure!"

"It doesn't matter whether you kill Zhang Bairen or not, but the petals must be snatched in your hand!" Liao Shu rubbed his palms.

Looking at the chaotic flower, even the helpless Qi, who has always been irritable, calmed down at this time, staring fieryly at the petals.

"No matter so much, pull out the Dinghai God Needle first to liberate the origin of the world. This is the top priority!" The green law in the old turtle's hand shot out, and he hit the Dao Sect above the Dinghai God Needle.

"This old bastard, he has been repaired to the law of bad luck, it is against the sky!" Tao Hongjing's mouth twitched.

There are countless laws in the world, and there is no difference between strengths and weaknesses, only whether they can understand the extreme difference.

But there is such a rule that it may not be very lethal in a fight, but it can definitely make you sick.

Like the law of bad luck, once contaminated, it cannot be expelled. It can only be bad luck day and night, constantly reducing the qi. No pop-up novel network ()

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