First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2025: Fire forged real dragon, dog swallows heaven

The higher the cultivation base, the broader the world you will see, and the deeper the awe in your heart!

Whether it is the unfathomable Prime Minister tortoise, or the old antique in the depths of the East China Sea, the ancestor dragon who managed to escape Zhang Bairen's clutches is definitely not to be underestimated!

A little carelessness can ruin you at a critical moment!

The dragon clan is still like this. How many strong people are inside and outside the nine states of the heavens and a hundred clans?

Being able to survive for hundreds of millions of years without being eliminated by heaven and earth is by no means a general race, not an ordinary generation.

An attendant moved to the pill furnace at this time, and the fine coal was ignited. In an instant, the medicinal materials in the pill furnace boiled, and streams of hot congenital divine water flew out of Zhang Bairen's bowl, filling the pill furnace in a short time.

The shimmering congenital divine water exuded colorful light in the sun. Zhang Bairen closed the bowl with his backhand and looked at the coal below: "How to burn the congenital divine water with ordinary acquired wood?"

"Senior Huo Demon, please take care of your old man!" Zhang Bairen took the Huo Demon from his sleeve and stuffed it under the pill furnace. In the Huo Demon's sad eyes, the congenital divine water boiled instantly after three breaths.

"Boy, what identity my ancestor I am, you dare to ask ancestor me to boil water for you, you are humiliating me..." Huo Demon glared at Zhang Bairen with big eyes, and his voice raged into the sky.

"How about this dish?" Zhang Bairen turned to look at Huo Demon.


A drop of saliva fell on the ground involuntarily, and Huo Demon's eyes showed a reminiscence: "Innate divine water stewed a real dragon. It was still hundreds of millions of years ago, that taste..."

Not long

But seeing Zuoqiu Wuji, Luo Shixin and others come together, standing respectfully to Zhang Bairen, and looking at the pill furnace standing in the field, his face was surprised.

Without paying attention to the people, Zhang Bairen said to himself: "This cauldron is the treasure of the Lingbao Sect. The water in the furnace is the water of the yellow spring, which can wash people's blood and flesh, and refine all impurities. This furnace Chinese medicine The materials are taken from the foothills of Buzhou Mountain, growing for hundreds of millions of years, and accumulated over hundreds of millions of years. There are pepper, aniseed, longan, medlar, and even thirteen incense, all kinds of precious Chinese medicines, such as ginseng, rhizome, mingjuezi, The total number is three hundred and sixty-five, and then it is calcined with innate sacred fire, and two real dragons from the four seas are taken and calcined to make this perfect soup."

As the words fell, Zhang Bairen took out a jade box from his sleeve, flicked the jade box with two real dragons roaring, and fell into the cauldron upside down. Angrily cursed: "Zhang Bairen, you adulterers and dogs, you can't wait to die! You can't die!"

"Kang Dang!"

The cauldron was covered with a lid to cut off all sounds, and its upper Taoist patterns and seals flowed, resisting the power of the innate divine fire and preventing this pill furnace from being refined by the innate divine fire.

While Luo Shixin and Zuo Qiu Wuji swallowed, they only felt their throats dry. Zuo Qiu Wuji tremblingly said, "Dadu, then...that...could it be the Dragon King of the South China Sea... and the Dragon King of the West Sea?"

"You are so insightful!" Zhang Bairen smiled and said: "Swallowing this true dragon is enough to make you five break through to the Dao, guard Zhuojun for me, and maintain the stability of Zhuojun."

In addition to Zuoqiu Wuji and Luo Shixin, there are still three others, all of Zhuojun's diehards and trustworthy people, who have been planted by Zhang Bairen.

The cultivation realm is enough, but it has never been able to obtain reborn strength to break through. Today is an opportunity.

"Brown alive real dragon, make a lot of it!" Zhang Bairen thought of a famous dish in later generations, and probably the same is true for the fire loach.

In other words, tofu stewed loach, put the living loach into the pot, then put a piece of tofu, and keep heating the bottom of the pot. When the loach is heated and panicked, it will get into the tofu.


Dark clouds rolled up in the sky of the four seas, clinging to the surface of the sea, and waves of thunder continued to slide across the clouds, and the sea rolled up thousands of waves.

The black cloud lowered the sea, and the wave rolled up and broke the cloud in an instant, but it instantly merged with the thunder and lightning in the cloud.

The black cloud was fluctuating, unpredictable and unpredictable. I don't know how long it took until the black cloud turned blood red, staining the South China Sea and the West Sea as if it were raining blood.

The old turtle stood on the sea with a gloomy face, looking at the dark clouds rolled up in the sky. The blood-red cloud head seemed to be stained with blood. A sorrowful, roaring and angry dragon sound seemed to be rolled up across the East China Sea across time and space. , Resounding in the ear of the old turtle.

"Where are the Dragon Kings of the South China Sea and the Dragon Kings of the West Sea?" The tortoise prime minister's cross talk shook the world and spread all over the world in an instant.

"Return to the Prime Minister, my master went to the East China Sea the day before yesterday and has not returned!" An elderly turtle in the West China Sea jumped out of the sea and bowed to the East China Sea.

An old tortoise also jumped out in the direction of the South China Sea, with a vicissitudes of voice: "The Dragon King of the South China Sea has been temporarily staying in the East China Sea to stabilize the overall situation, and it has also been slow to return!"

At this time, Prime Minister Turtle clenched his fists, and his eyes flowed with anger. If it hadn't been for the East China Sea Dragon Palace, he would have thought that the two dragon kings were in the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

At this time, the old turtle opened his eyes and saw the angry face of the East China Sea Dragon King, sweeping the sleeping dragon mother, but there was no breath of the South China Sea Dragon King and the West Sea Dragon King:

"Where did you go? Who would dare to murder my king of the seas!"

Prime Minister Tortoise had all hair and beards, thunder in his eyes, the sea under his feet twisted, forming a huge vortex, but then he saw that vortex exploded and turned into a congenital gossip. The light of the congenital gossip flowed past and rolled up again. The thunderstorms seem to open up the world, with the air of chaos engulfing them, turning into the acquired gossip. The heavens and the earth, the world, the mountains and rivers, the wind, rain, thunder and lightning are all in the gossip, and even the birds, beasts, insects and fish are all in the cause and effect.

"Dare to attack my sea clan king, it's really daunting, and ask me to find your true body, so that you know it!" The gossip yin and yang under the feet of Prime Minister Turtle are intertwined, as if the laws of the great world continue to twist and flow, and all things are intertwined. Shun Tianji seems to be transformed into strange auras, forming a fuzzy mirror image, capturing the cause and effect between heaven and earth.

"Da Luo!"

Zhang Bairen suddenly felt something in his heart, and only felt that there seemed to be a qi engine passing through time and space, not knowing where it came from, and where it was going, but it was just lingering and entangled in his own cauldron.


The stove was constantly shaking, seeming to be overwhelmed by a force in the dark.

"The power of time and space, the East China Sea has such a high degree of truth, it is really unfathomable!" Zhang Bairen said with a smile, "Even if you can see it? It's too late!"


A dog barked, but saw the tengu burrow out of Zhang Bairen's sleeve, and suddenly bit into the void around the pill furnace, then showed contentment and retracted his sleeve contentedly.

East China Sea

The mirror image flowed under Prime Minister Turtle's feet, and it became blurred while twisting, turning into a simple pill furnace with patterns and spells on it.

Dan furnace

There is only one pill furnace!

"Human race! This is a human race monk, who dare to count on me the king of the East China Sea. I want to see that the Taoist temple is so bold and dare to stew my sea race king alive!" The Turtle Prime Minister was angry, his eyes were full of blood, and he glanced viciously. Focus on everything.

If one day your brother is stewed by someone else, will you be angry? Will you be angry?

"When I look at your true face, you are so courageous that you don't see me everywhere in my eyes. This is the first time I have seen the old turtle!" Prime Minister Tortoise's eyes were full of anger, and the other party sneaked into the East China Sea and swept away two people. A dragon king, but he didn't even notice it, this is a face slap.

Hit yourself in the face!

Slowly stretched out his hands, one of the two hands of Prime Minister Turtle seemed to be able to interfere with time and space, constantly peeling the boundary of the water mirror, but seeing the water mirror continue to spread to the surroundings, the scene around the furnace slowly appeared.

Seeing that a corner of the shirt appeared in the water mirror, and after three or five breaths, he could see the true face of the other person. Suddenly the water mirror shattered, and the gossip picture at the feet of Prime Minister Turtle exploded, rolling up the waves and pouring Prime Minister Turtle into the water. Become a rookie.

"Under the world, those who can destroy my magical skills are definitely not unknown!" Prime Minister Turtle gritted his teeth: "Pill furnace looks If I remember correctly, then the pill furnace is the treasure of the spirit. Treasure! It’s just that the emperor of Sui eradicated Lingbao, and this tripod was missing. I think it fell into the hands of a former court official."

Prime Minister Turtle's eyes were full of anger: "Zhang Bairen must know about this, but it is as close to my sea clan as fire and water, and will never tell me!"

"Ancestor, Zhang Bairen has an enemy with my sea clan, did he take the Dragon King away?" The Prime Minister of Nanhai said cautiously.

"Impossible. Although I don’t know the roots of Zhang Bairen, I also know that I want to steal the two dragon kings silently and not give them a chance to resist. Zhang Bairen does not have that strength! You must know that here is the sea, The four dragon kings have the blessing of the sea, and they may not be unable to compete with the strong in the broken outer array. If Zhang Bairen has such strength, how can he give the demon **** a chance?"

"When I go to Lingbao personally, I will track down this culprit and cut him away forever!" After the words fell, Prime Minister Turtle had already walked away on the waves and disappeared.

I have to say that Prime Minister Tortoise guessed the ten or nine, but he just made a mistake. Lust is a knife. The two dragon kings are so obsessed that they were calculated to death by Zhang Bairen, and there is no time to react.

Who would have thought that Dragon Mother would actually make calculations for the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas in order to protect herself and the East China Sea?


The congenital sacred fire was flourishing, the sound of the dragon king in the pill furnace had stopped, and the smell of meat drifted ten miles.

"It's cooked, you wait for the opportunity to come! As long as you swallow these two dragon kings, you will achieve the highest level of Taoism, and it will be reborn!" Zhang Bairen received the fire monster, and opened the pill furnace with his fingers, but he saw the crystal clear dragon meat. Just floating in the pill furnace.

The smell of meat drifts in the wind and can be heard within dozens of miles.

While the warriors couldn't help swallowing, Zhang Bairen smiled and said, "Do it!"

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