First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2023: Pick up cheap!

"It's fun, this is the compassionate heart of Rao Shizi?" Huo Beast stretched out one hand somehow, and took Zhang Bairen's heart of compassion in his hand to play with, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes: "It's really interesting, but it's not tasty !"

The Fire Monster played for a while, and put the compassion back to Zhang Bairen's heart, and then a pair of eyes scanned the void in front of him. The human race's blossoming country showed interest in his eyes, and the next moment he heard only a'swoosh' sound. , Disappeared in his sleeve instantly, without a trace.

"Captain, Dragon Mother is here to report!" Jing Wuming walked out of Zhang Bairen's shadow, holding a handwritten script in his hand.

"Dragon! If you have promised something, you will do it, unspeakable and unbelievable!" Zhang Bairen took the handwritten book and read it again, then turned and walked away: "Trust to Lu Yu, prepare for the founding of the country."

"After I take the Dinghai Shenzhen needle, it will be enough to fix the disaster of the Sea Clan, and then I can free up my hand to clean up the Yinsi and Yangshi stalls!" Zhang Bairen's words fell, and the whole person was gone.

East China Sea

Dragon Mother Palace

At this time, Mother Dragon was wearing a flowered jacket, sitting in front of the round table, with jade liquid jelly placed in front of her, drinking and contemplating herself.

At this time, the dragon mother's complexion was flushed, red light surged on the jade surface, clouds on her head were slightly scattered, her clothes and shoulders, leaning on the seat, picked up the jade pot and poured wine straight into her mouth.

The warm jelly paste followed his mouth and chin, along the slender neck, into the bottomless gully, wet the clothes on his chest, revealing a pair of fullness.

"Why do Dragon Mother get drunk? There is no obstacle in this world!" Zhang Bairen didn't know when he appeared in the Dragon Mother's bedroom, looking at the messy cups and plates on the round table, and the drunk dragon mother, his brows frowned, slowly. Stepped forward to tidy up the clothes of the dragon mother, then picked up her curvy body, slowly came to the bed, looked at the drunk dragon mother, slowly lowered the curtain, and came to the round table alone and poured a glass of wine. .

Wine is a rare fine wine, at least 500 years old!

Picking up the jade lamp, he lightly pecked, but it was leisurely.

There was a burst of light snoring from the bed, but after an hour, the dragon mother suddenly turned over and sat up, and the whole body was tight and vigorous across the curtain, and the magical powers gathered around her body, and the thunder strike accumulated in an instant:


"Don't be nervous, it's me!" Zhang Bairen said without looking back.

"Huh~" The dragon mother on the other end of the curtain took a breath, slowly dissipating the magical power of the whole body, and laughed at herself: "The Governor laughed."

"I don't know how to laugh, but your life is a bit too difficult, and some of the difficult things are beyond my expectation" Zhang Bairen said unhurriedly.

The curtain was lifted, and the ruddy dragon mother slowly walked out of the curtain, and sighed: "Sometimes, I really want your life, but it is your relatives and the same kind who fall into trouble. Everyone is a family, an ancestor, why bother with each other. Embarrassed."

Zhang Bairen doesn't say a word. Every family has scriptures that are hard to recite. Isn't that the same for Humans?

If the human race is truly united, will Yang Shi have a chance for the devil to cause chaos?

Selfishness is mixed with general trend, righteousness, and desire, making the situation complicated and unpredictable.

Zhang Bairen tapped his fingers on the case, and his clear voice sounded unhurriedly: "I am here today to solve your troubles."

While talking, he picked up the jade pot and wanted to fill himself with jade liquid again.

"Sometimes this palace really wonders if you are a man!" Mother Long came up, grabbed Zhang Bairen's palm holding the jade pot, and took the jade pot away without any suspicion, and slowly poured it for Zhang Bairen. Full, then put down the jade pot and came to Zhang Bairen’s back. The slender jade fingers fell on Zhang Bairen’s shoulders and necks, and he kneaded slowly. The whole body in front of him was pressed against Zhang Bairen without any reservation, accompanied by the kneading of the jade fingers. The plump is constantly turning back and forth, kneading on Zhang Bairen's back.

Zhang Bairen was agitated, where his movements were stiff, his palms shivered, and the jade liquid overturned, spilling over his chest:

"What do you mean? It's not a dragon mother today!"

Feeling the softness behind, Zhang Bairen felt that today's dragon mother is very different from that day's stubborn, strong and uncompromising dragon mother.

The contrast seems to be two people!

This is not a dragon mother!

"I am such a beautiful and charming woman, you are so willing to ask me to keep the empty bed alone, let me tell you if you are a man!" Long Mu let go, moved over to Zhang Bairen's body, and looked at the jade liquid spilled on the skirt and thighs, getting wet The corners of his mouth were slightly cocked, revealing a weird arc, he gently unbuttoned the cloak on his body, and only wore a skirt with an under breast. The white and plump chest was dazzling.

However, Mother Long slowly squatted down, slowly kneeling down between Zhang Bairen's legs, stretched out her delicate red lips to lick the clothes soaked in wine.

Zhang Bairen's breathing was a little short, and the mood of heaven and humans was also a little lost at this time.


Zhang Bairen's trousers between his legs turned into a butterfly, but the dragon mother looked at Zhang Bairen infinitely, then his red lips opened slightly, and he bit on it gently.


Zhang Bairen tore the Dragon Mother's clothes, and the two fell on the bed not far away.


There was a rush of footsteps outside the door, but the Nanhai Dragon King’s hurried laughter sounded: "Sister-in-law, Xiao Wang remembered that the previous jade pendant fell here..."

"My lord, the empress is resting in the palace..." A maid, Gong E, wanted to step forward to intercept.


The Dragon King of the South China Sea swallowed the maid who was blocking the way into his belly, and looked at the guards and Gong E who looked scared around him, his eyes were full of coldness: "How does this king act, can you stop it? Quickly make way for this king, wait outside, and no one is allowed in!"

Facing the power of the Dragon King of the South China Sea, the guards and Gong E could only retreat silently, allowing the Dragon King of the South China Sea to break into the Dragon Mother's palace with strides and meteors.

Inside the bed curtain

Spring and Autumn

At this time, Mother Long's eyes showed a touch of clarity. Looking at Zhang Bairen who was moving on her body, she firmly buckled the other's shoulder, leaving many scratches: "How dare you offend me!".

"Obviously you seduce me first!" Zhang Bairen stopped and looked at the glamorous dragon mother. The blush on his face couldn't help but his heart moved, and he subconsciously pushed his head.

"You dare to move!" Mother Dragon pinched Zhang Bairen's spine.

Zhang Bairen silently said after a while: "I thought you were abnormal before, but now the Dragon King of the South China Sea is so coincidental. I want to come here and I picked the peaches."

"The Dragon King of the South China Sea!" Long mother gritted her teeth with hate, but Zhang Bairen's face was distorted in pain: "He obviously offended you, why are you pinching me!"

Listening to the approaching footsteps of the Dragon King of the South China Sea, Mother Dragon slowly loosened her fingers and stood up and said, "Get moving!"

"What?" Zhang Bairen was about to turn over and sit up, he couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words of Mother Long.

The dragon mother's face was blushing, anxious and angry. He grabbed Zhang Bairen's neck, lay on his ears and bit Zhang Bairen's ears and said, "I tell you to move!"

That’s right!

Zhang Bairen is sure he heard it right!

The footsteps are getting closer

But seeing the Nanhai Dragon King kicked the door open with his crazy eyes at this time, walked hurriedly into the bedroom, and through the long corridors, he heard the dragon mother's uncontrollable rapid breathing continuously ringing.

In terms of appearance, posture, and temperament, as the wife of the East China Sea Dragon King, Dragon Mother is definitely the best in the world. If it weren't for her beauty and unprecedented beauty, would the South Sea Dragon King risk a big deal and take the pressure of notoriety to attack Dragon Mother?

As the Dragon King, who is rich in the world, what kind of beauty have you never seen?

But the dragon mother deserves to be so crazy as the Dragon King of the South China Sea, which shows her beauty!

Walking into the Dragon Mother's palace, smelling the exhausted atmosphere in the room, listening to the rapid breathing close to the ear, the blood of the dragon king of the South China Sea erupted, and he rubbed his hands, looking at the wine on the case table with a pair of eyes: "Hahaha, this pot Yuhuchun, my eldest brother left it to me back then! Unexpectedly, it was used on my sister-in-law."

The Dragon King of the South China Sea drank the jade pot spring, his face was contented: "Such a good thing, you can't waste it!"

While speaking, he saw Nanhai Dragon King untie his and walked towards the curtain.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the curtain was pulled abruptly, and the next moment the Dragon King of the South China Sea was about to split his eyes: "Zhang Bairen! Why are you here!"

"Wow!" At this moment, Zhang Bairen was lying on the white and plump body of the Dragon Mother and was constantly moving. He was ups and downs by the waves, but saw a black light flying straight out. Before the Nanhai Dragon King responded, he had already penetrated his entire body.

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, the Dragon King of the South China Sea fell into a prisoner's place in a single encounter.

"Bang!" Nanhai Dragon King fell to the ground, the curtain fell again, and the sudden breath sounded again.

for a long time

When the waves stopped tumbling, I saw the dragon mother sweating like rain, her head was lying on the bed, looking at Zhang Bairen, who was lying on her own body, her eyes were clear and she was full of anger and said: "You can't go down yet. !"

"Oh! Woman! Haha!" Zhang Bairen subconsciously pushed his head, looking at the red lips bitten by the dragon mother, slowly pulling it out of the dragon mother, slowly sitting up, and began to organize his clothes.

"You can't blame me for this pot, this guy gave you the medicine, but I picked it up!" Zhang Bairen opened the curtain and looked at the Nanhai Dragon King, who was lying on the ground with his eyes splitting, wearing only white underwear. , Stood up slowly and came to sit down in front of the case not far away.

It was the dragon mother who had the heart to paralyze the South China Sea Dragon King, and then captured him with one move, and did not give him a chance to make trouble, so Zhang Bairen was moved.

After a while

I saw the Dragon Mother limping and lifting the curtain, wearing a light gauze, and suddenly pulling out the sword on the bedside, only to see the cold light and the cold light in the room.

The cold horse training cut off the Nanhai Dragon King's neck in an instant.

"Ao Canghai, do you dare to kill me? I'm not afraid that my billions of South China Sea soldiers will level your East China Sea and take your East China Sea foundation? Cut your East China Sea blood!" The dragon king of the South China Sea was eager to split his eyes, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

ps: make up one more.

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