First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1908: Back to the world

Come and go in a hurry, the power of the law is still as brutal and domineering as it was in the past, but it can't be done.

I dare not reveal Zhu Rong's true body and Gonggong's true body in the law storm, but Zhang Bairen's body has a great body guard, but he walks in the law storm unhurriedly.

Wherever he went, the void trembles, rolling up ripples, one after another is frozen, and retreats. Compared with the embarrassment and precariousness when he came, it is a huge difference.

In his sleeves, Peng looked at the storm of law with his eyes, and then at Zhang Bairen, who was calm and dignified. Even the law had to retreat for it, and he couldn't help but admire: "Taoist Taoism is ten times, a hundred times more than me. It's an old and provocative Taoist friend. "

Such a storm of laws, not to mention walking like Zhang Bairen's effortlessly, even if he was contaminated, he would not dare to contaminate the laws. In this storm of laws, the strength of the two had already been separated.

"The ancestor was wrong. I heard about the Dao and had a specialization in the art industry. I just have my own experience and experience of the law, but I am nowhere near the ancestor!" Zhang Bairen's words are full of humility and he is great. Luo Du has not proved it, so Taoism is naturally far behind this ancestor.

Although this ancestor had never used magical powers, the immortal energy that he tried to hide in his body could not be concealed from him.

This ancestor has already proved immortal, but when the fight really fought, the outcome of the two sides was unpredictable. Without sending out all the treasures, perhaps this ancestor has the upper hand. But if he brings out the treasure, this ancestor is not his own enemy.

The laws of water and fire were intertwined, and the void was torn in an instant, a black hole emerged out of thin air, and then Zhang Bairen stepped into the two-world passage without saying a word.

Zhang Bairen walked slowly in the passageway, a trace of heaviness and sluggishness appeared in his footsteps. Two thousand years have passed since he did not know how to face the outside world.

What should I do with myself at that time?

How is Qixi Festival? Are Zhang Xuluo, Yu Juluo and others okay?

Who would have thought that there was such a big problem in his trip?

Is it going back to the 21st century?

After all, the black hole was convulsed. Standing in front of the barrier at this time, Zhang Bairen hesitated instead.

"Why don't you leave?" The ancestor stunned.

Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly when he heard the words, and awakened from meditation: "I am the one who lost my mind!"

Zhang Bairen took a deep breath, stretched his head and shrank his head with a slash. There is no way to turn things around, so they can only move forward!

"Before I left, I had left phoenix blood. I expect that there are old people in this world, and Qixi will not enter the reincarnation!" Zhang Bairen secretly cheered himself up, and then flicked the void to burst, and the black hole opened a hole.


Zhang Bairen's figure flashed and landed in a barren mountain. For an instant, the familiar humane suppression was like a shackle, and it was set on him. This familiar Qi machine not only didn't make Zhang Bairen disgusted, but made him a little more cordial.

The black hole behind was devouring the grass, trees and mountains between the world and the earth. Zhang Bairen stretched out his finger and gently wiped the black hole, only to see that the void regained its calm in an instant.

Looking at all directions, Zhang Bairen was stunned by the emperor's Dragon Qi rising into the sky.

Li Tang's emperor dragon spirit?

Did the Li Tang Dynasty exist for more than two thousand years?


Zhang Bairen's heart was suddenly excited, and the heart of Gujing Wubo also began to tremble at this time: "Or is the flow rate of the two realms different?"

A wave of hope suddenly rose from Zhang Bairen's heart, but seeing his big sleeve wave, Peng appeared in Cheng.

"This is the breath of hometown!!!" Peng Dai was stunned, eyes full of excitement, and then fell to his knees and kissed the ground under his feet.

"This is Middle-Earth China, but it’s not the same as before. Now that Middle-Earth China is sealed by King Yu, the ancestors shouldn’t act indiscriminately before finding out the situation in Middle-Earth China, lest we damage my race. Big plan!" Zhang Bairen exhorted with a solemn expression.

"Don't worry, I am satisfied to be able to return to the native land of the human race. This is my biggest wish in this life. The old man must personally travel all over China and kiss this land and mountains." Peng fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face.

Zhang Bairen smiled without saying a word: "My ancestor, let's go and see the current human race. If you have time in the future, go to Zhuojun to find me.

"Goodbye!" When he came to the ancestral vein of China's Shenzhou, Peng couldn't help it for a long time. At this time, he bowed to Zhang Bairen and then walked away.

"Hehe, I'm afraid Human Race will disappoint you!" Zhang Bairen sighed.

Qi Huan took the Universe Map in his hand, and Qi Huan gave it a flick: "Your Excellency, we are back."

"Zhang Bairen!!!" Qi Huan took the cup, and his eyes looked at Zhang Bairen with anger.

"If you can get a life, you will be content!" Zhang Bairen rolled his eyes and looked at Qi Huangong with a pair of eyes: "If you were not cautious, and resisted by the innate gods, how could this happen? If you don't want to waste it A demon seed, how can I care about you?"

"If you are ruthless, but you have all done you well, not only did I fail to get the benefit, but suffered a serious injury. Let's not turn around in the future, let's say goodbye!" Qi Huan Gong did not dare to do anything with Zhang Bairen, he knew that Zhang Bairen had already cultivated The Supreme True Body, even if he transforms into a flying roar, it is difficult to get a bargain, let alone being suppressed by others now?

Qi Huangong sank into the mud in an instant, and his figure disappeared. What he had to do was to recover from his injury, not to fight Zhang Bairen.

"Haha!" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly: "I wish you could recover from your injury, so that you can use it for me then."

"It's also true that someone has come here. How could it not be noticed that such a big movement as a black hole is!" Zhang Bairen rushed into the sky while thinking about it, his figure already dispersed away.

Not long after Zhang Bairen left, he saw faint shadows descending on Cheng, looking at the messy earth swallowed by the black hole, one of them became dignified, and after a while, he said: "This is the engulfing of the two-world channel when the world is broken. Li, exactly the same as Zhang Bairen left when he left."

"Is he back? How did the timing of his return be so coincidental?" Zhang Heng's figure was revealed in Yu Cheng, and he went away after a while: "I'm afraid it's not far from ten. Everyone should prepare in advance. When this guy comes back, the world It's starting to wind up again."

How many years have he gone? This is what Zhang Bairen wants to figure out. However, Li Tang still exists, and his national strength is at its peak. Even when he noticed Li Shimin's aura, his heart was put back in his stomach.

Fortunately, the worst thing did not happen after all.

Luoyang City

Nowadays, Luoyang City is full of flowers, and people come and go on the streets. Although the people's faces do not see oily water, they do not see the color of famine.

On the edge of the city wall, there are a few beggars lazily basking in the sun, looking lazy. Nowadays, in the peaceful and prosperous times, the life of the beggars is much better.

Li Shimin's way of governing the country is indeed good. Zhang Bairen was not disappointed. At least the people were full and did not starve to death.

"It stands to reason that they were used in the Luoyang old mansion? I wonder if Emperor Donghua has awakened in his previous life and this life!" Zhang Bairen carried his hands, dressed in luxurious purple clothes, his black hair was thickly pulled up, and he was bound to the jade by a hosta. Crowned.

It's just that the face is too pale, it looks a bit too alcoholic, and feels weak.

"Let's take a look, the fairy is coming out again!" At this moment, only a sensation was heard in the crowd, and the crowd rushed toward the front like crazy.

A carriage, a luxurious carriage.

Three horses with shiny hair pull a carriage. The wood of the carriage is made of fine golden nanmu. It is two meters wide and three meters long. The carved dragon and phoenix on it are not inferior to the imperial chariot.

More than a dozen warriors in the bone-changing realm have long swords around their waists, and they surround the carriage. The carriage driver is a man in his thirties, with a whip in his hand crackling and controlling it. It is not difficult to see with Zhang Bairen’s eyesight that the carriageman is actually A monk in the realm of seeing the gods.

Not only the cyclist, but also the pioneers of the three horses in front, but also the two strong men who saw God, were on both sides of the carriage to prevent the horses from being frightened.

"It's such a big air. Even the princes and nobles can't be so extravagant." Zhang Bairen looked at it and stunned to It was the first time that he saw a strong man who is only a groom.

The crowd was rolling, all crowded toward the carriage, and saw the horseman on the carriage shook his whip, and threw it toward the crowd in front of him like thunder.

Change of rigidity and softness, continuous strength.

The moment the horse whip approached the crowd, the strength of the thunder was turned into soft strength, and the soft strength was shocked. The crowds crowding in front of the carriage were pushed away by the soft strength, but they did not hurt. And minute.

"What a subtle control, this servant is not far from the Dao, it's only a wedge!" Zhang Bairen was secretly surprised.

"I said Xiongtai, who is this? Why are you going out like this?" Zhang Bairen was surprised.

"I don't know either, but I know that the princess in the carriage is extremely honorable! If you see your face, you will never forget it. No matter how hard it is for women in the world to compare, all women in the world are vulgar fans, only this woman It's the Nine Heavens Goddess Lin Fanchen!" This person is a scholar, with a touch of intoxication in his eyes, and then continued to rush in without saying a word, shouting insanely.

Looking at the blocked avenue, no wonder he needed a martial artist to open the way, Zhang Bairen shook, turned to avoid the crowd, and walked towards the house in his memory.

The alley is still that alley, with red lanterns hanging high in front of the door, and two stone lions are extremely majestic and domineering.

In front of the scarlet gate, there was a bit of vicissitudes of wind and rain.

Even if it was a few hundred feet away, Zhang Bairen could sense the fine breathing in the courtyard, and the boiling blood.

Master is like a cloud!

The bluestone in front of the door is still there




There was a knock on the door, and Zhang Bairen knocked on the door of the mansion.

ps: make up one more.

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