First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1898: The true body of Gonggong and Zhu Rong

Fire and water exploded, dividing Yin and Yang.

Then it was absorbed by the yin and yang Taiji diagram in Zhang Bairen's arms and became the nourishment in the Taiji diagram, nourishing the world in Zhang Bairen's divinity.

The air of water and fire is overwhelming and vast, and at a glance, it is infinite and all are the laws of water and fire, and there is no edge at all.

A touch of solemnity appeared in Zhang Bairen's eyes, facing the mighty unstoppable Qi, a touch of solemnity appeared in his eyes, and then he slowly closed his eyes.

He is now embodied in the law, just to realize the mystery in it, and he is not afraid of the consumption of water and fire. The law of water and fire not only cannot consume his power, but will complete his world and turn it into the nourishment of the world.


I don't know how long it took, the air of water and fire suddenly stopped, and the disappearance of no sign was inexplicable, which made people feel a little surprised.


Zhang Bairen's whole body petals turned into flesh in an instant, and then stepped on the rock, scanning the endless rocky surface, eyes full of solemnity.

The smell of sulfur and saltpeter in the air made Zhang Bairen unable to help but squint his eyes. The pungent smell kept rushing into his mind, stimulating the five senses.

The rock at the foot exudes a reddish scorching heat, which makes people no doubt that they will be instantly ignited when they step on it.

Zhang Bairen had already proven the Yang Shen, and practiced the Water God Scriptures, his eyes were full of solemnly looking at the rock under his feet, and then he stepped on it unhurriedly.

He is not afraid of the law of fire, let alone the traces left by those mere laws of fire?

Slowly squat down and stroked the rock with his fingers, the fiery gas hurts nothing.

"The rock here, after countless years of water and fire hammer breaking, and dragon energy nourishing, has turned into the supreme treasure. If any piece of rock can be taken to the outside world, it can be hammered and broken into an immortal weapon and an immortal weapon!" Zhang Bairen slowly He retracted his finger, flicked away the wind and sand from his fingertips, and then showed a dignified look in his eyes, and continued to walk towards the calling place.

Water and fire hammers have been broken for hundreds of millions of years, and there will be such a treasure of good fortune, which will refine and condense all the sand and dust of the entire cave into the most precious treasure, a treasure with the power of law.

The void in front of Nian Dongjian tore layers, and then saw Zhang Bairen twisted in front of him, time and space seemed to be delayed, Zhang Bairen's figure shuttled in the time and space fault, his eyes looked at the treasure in front of him without saying a word.

"Weird!" Zhang Bairen sighed suddenly: "Where is the chance to call me?"

Zhang Bairen looked around and saw that the earth was flat. Even though there were some mountains and rivers, it was only a few meters high hills. The light flowing inside had been finely forged by the law of water and fire, and the edges and corners were polished away.

"It's interesting!" Zhang Bairen tapped the rock with his fingers, and then walked around the court unhurriedly. After a while, his footsteps suddenly stopped, and then his eyes looked far away, where his figure was frozen, as if he was in a certain way. General body skills, staring blankly into the distance without speaking.

What did he see?

A giant of a thousand feet tall!

No, that's a giant that is thousands of feet tall when lying down, and if it stands up, it will be a thousand feet tall.

The two giants lay in the wild mountains, lying there motionless.

The giant on the left is red, and the whole body is red, and the lines of the law are circulated in the whole body. The skin of the giant on the right is light blue, and the light of the law is also flowing, one red and one basket echoing each other, alternating hot and cold.

"Who is this? There really is such a tall person in the world?" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of shock.


Suddenly, the two nostrils of the giant on the left spouted out the infinite law of fire, and the giant on the right spouted out the infinite law of water. The two echoed each other, and then swept across the universe, toward Zhang Bairen's overwhelming volume.

"Roar~~~" Zhang Bairen only felt that his hair was about to explode. What is the origin of these two giants? A single breath turns into a storm of laws that destroys everything. How can you tell them not to be shocked?

"It's impossible!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of disbelief: "Only breathing exhaust gas can turn into a law storm. Could it be that this is the legendary fairy?"

Zhang Bairen thought of the fairy's talisman. Except for the legendary fairy, Zhang Bairen couldn't think of anyone who had such an ability, and directly turned his breath into the world.

In an instant, Zhang Bairen turned into a body of law, surrounded by Yin and Yang, constantly refining the law storm, and then closed his eyes.

In the law storm, Zhang Bairen couldn't see through his sight. Since the other party was breathing, he could only wait for the next law storm to stop breathing.

A little bit of time passed, and Zhang Bairen's heart gradually recovered at this time: "Could it be the legendary co-workers Zhurong two gods?"

Legend has it that the two great powers of the Communist Party of China, Zhu Rong, were crushed to death by the collapsed Bu Zhou Mountain. Could this be the bodies of the two great gods?

Zhang Bairen suddenly became hot in his heart. Who is Gonggong Zhurong?

That is the strong man in the same era as the Nuwa Empress, and the supreme existence on the same level as the Nuwa Empress. If they could get the bodies of these two people, Zhang Bairen felt that he had come to the wrong mountain range this time.

The law storm stopped and the breathing ended. Zhang Bairen converged his law body, looking at the two giants in the distance. With their huge bodies and huge indescribable feet, lying there was a huge mountain range.

"There really is such a huge race in the world?" Zhang Bairen cautiously leaned towards the two corpses: "Could the other party not die yet? Why else is there still breathing?"

In ancient times, Zhang Bairen didn't know how terrifying the two gods were. But after his death, his unintentional breathing turned into a storm of laws, and Zhang Bairen couldn't help being unmoved.

Hundreds of millions of years, without staining the slightest dust, still retain the appearance of the year.

Simple animal skins envelop the clothes, no matter what material they are made of, the whole piece of skin exudes an immortal luster. After hundreds of millions of years of nourishment by the two great spirits, even the simple clothes have become the climate.

Zhang Bairen stood still a hundred meters away, looking at the two bodies, the muscles were sharp and angular, full of power, and seemed to burst out to tear the sky.

Zhang Bairen's face was solemn, and he didn't dare to really lean over. The imprints of the laws flowing on the surfaces of the two gods were definitely not a joke.

Zhang Bairen's vitality keeps escaping, trying to discover the vitality of the two gods. If Zhu Rong and Gonggong were still alive, how far and how far should he run, who would dare to touch his brow and hit his idea?


Zhang Bairen's Qi machine had not been close to the two gods, and it had been shattered by the power of the law that he unintentionally emitted.

"It should be" Zhang Bairen wondered to himself: "If you are still alive, with the temperament of these two people, you would have torn the barrier and rushed out a long time ago, why would you still fall asleep here?"

Zhang Bairen increased his courage and leaned forward, but his footsteps came to a halt, and then there was a hesitation in his eyes: "What if these two bodies reincarnated from death and transformed into flying and drought? No, the lowest is also flying! , Who can suppress it? I am afraid that the calamity of sentient beings will come."

Zhang Bairen carefully inspected the bodies of the two gods, but then he was stunned. He finally made a new discovery.

What is your Tao?

I only saw his chest, or the position of his chest, behind his chest was a big mountain with no edge.

Not Zhoushan!

I had stood at the foot of Bu Zhou Mountain before, and the breath of the two gods was blowing Bu Zhou Mountain, but he couldn't help it.

I never walked from the foot of Buzhou Mountain to the edge of the bodies of these two gods!

Although this mountain can't see the edge, Zhang Bairen can't see its appearance, but Zhang Bairen confirms in his heart that it is indeed not Zhoushan.

It's really not Zhoushan!

"This must be the true body of Zhu Rong and Gonggong. The two gods were suppressed by Mount Bu Zhou, it is not a lie!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a dignified look, and then a pair of eyes looked at the bodies of the two gods, constantly looking back and forth.

"I can't move but Zhoushan, so I don't have to think about it! These two gods are immortal and indestructible, and my Zhuxian sword is also difficult to cut!" Zhang Bairen kept thinking about it. Moreover, the divine power in the two bodies is constantly flowing, and there are infinite laws circulating. If you dare to touch and damage their true body, you will inevitably suffer the backlash of the power of the law.

If Zhu Xianjian could cut through the bodies of the two great gods, Zhang Bairen wouldn't mind doing this. As for the backlash of the power of argument, there is always a way to resolve it.

People who are dead are alive. As long as they work hard, there is a way.

"Do I want to return empty-handed?" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of emotion, and finally his eyes fell on the skins of the two great gods.

"This animal skin has been moisturized by the two great gods for hundreds of millions of has been transformed into an immortal thing, even if it is the power of the law, it will not hurt at all. If it can be refined into a treasure, it is also extraordinary Zhang Bairen fixed his gaze on the animal skin, and said after a while: "However, most of the animal skin is pressed behind by the two great gods, but I can't move the bodies of the two great gods. Do you want me to Is this animal skin split? Didn't it ruin the treasure for nothing?"

Zhang Bairen walked back and forth with the two great gods for a few laps, and then murmured, "I wonder if this great god's hair can be cut, as well as his ears and eyebrows. These are all good things. The best thing is the eyes. , If you can dig out his eyes..."

Zhang Bairen walked back and forth, turning at the foot of Buzhou Mountain. After a while, he said helplessly: "Sure enough, Buzhou Mountain happened to suppress the umbilical cords of the two great gods, otherwise I might steal the two great gods through their umbilical cords. The Three Treasures of the Essence and Qi, steal the origins of the two great gods."

The umbilical cord was suppressed, Zhang Bairen could only dispel this thought, and then glanced at the two gods to see where some benefits could be scraped.

"Weird! Weird!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of emotion: "The two great gods who stood up to the ground were killed by Bu Zhoushan, and it was a waste of money."


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