First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1995: Dragon Vein Backlash

Bu Zhou Shan

Deep in the earth

The turbid waves of magma boiled, and the air was continuously distorted, turning into a space fault.

Qi Huangong was standing on the magma at this time, and a little bit of sweat rolled down his skin full of edges and corners.

The drought has been reincarnated from death, and naturally there are sweat stains. It's just that the sweat stains of the drought are not ordinary human sweat, but fire poison.

"Damn it!" After a long time, I saw Qi Huangong suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes showed a touch of anger and anger: "Bastard! It's just a **** to the extreme, even the power of the earth and fire can't extract my origin, let alone All the impurities in it are refined."

Qi Huangong claimed to have practiced a thousand years earlier than Zhang Bairen, and Zhang Bairen’s soul was incomparable to his. He regarded Zhang Bairen’s magic seed as an impurity, and he wanted to use the power of earth fire to refine that impurity, but who knew it would have no effect. , But called it weak.


The magma splashed, Qi Huan gong stepped out of the magma, his eyes were full of gloomy uncertainties: "Could it be that his Yang God is more pure than my origin? Don't be kidding! This is simply impossible."

Qi Huangong categorically rejected this idea, and then looked at the lava rolling not far away: "There is a way, there must be a way."

This demon seed made Qi Huangong sleepless and sleepy. If he weren't still thinking about the ancestral veins of Bu Zhoushan, I am afraid that Qi Huan gong has already lived in seclusion to ponder the matter of refining the demon seed.

"Why is this?" Qi Huan looked ugly, and said after a while: "Let's go to Zhou's ancestral veins. When I transform into an immortal strong, I expect that the magic seed can no longer bind me, and then use the moment of breakthrough. The transformation will expel the entire demon seed."

Qi Huangong's eyes flickered, and the more he thought about it, the more reasonable. When his origin of life and death has transformed into an immortal origin, Zhang Bairen's magic seed will only be refined and become its nourishment in the face of the immortal origin.

"Not Zhou Ancestral Vessel!" Qi Huan stood up, shuttled through the earth, avoiding the stacks of divine Qi machines in it, and went straight to the node of the Ancestral Vein:

"The gods would never have thought that Zhang Bairen would let me out. His eyes must be on Zhang Bairen. This is my opportunity!"

This is indeed Qi Huan's opportunity!

In fact, there is no difference between what Qi Huan expected. The eyes of the gods are all on Zhang Bairen. You must know that Zhang Bairen is the only chance for the gods to return to the Middle-earth China. How could the gods allow it to appear? Something wrong?

Zhang Bairen's secrets suddenly turned upside down, blocking the sight and exploration of the gods, but they shocked the gods to the six gods without the master, and they all shot in the direction where Zhang Bairen finally disappeared.

"Yo, what is Thor looking for in a hurry?"

A light of thunder flashed across the sky, and the **** of thunder descended on the place where Zhang Bairen had disappeared, and his eyes were looking for the trace of Zhang Bairen. At this moment, a weird tone suddenly came from behind Thor, and Zhang Bairen appeared behind Thor with his hands on his back.

"Wusheng, why are you here?" Seeing Zhang Bairen's figure, Thunder God first showed a touch of relaxation, then embarrassed, and then looked at Zhang Bairen in surprise.

"I'm tired and rest here, but you won't rest in your own territory, what do you come here to do?" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of abuse.

Thunder God didn't seem to see the teasing and torture in Zhang Bairen's eyes, and said to himself: "But he was chasing a monster beast. Before, he clearly saw that monster beast escaped here, but now it has disappeared. Have you seen the trace of that monster beast?"

Lei Shen asked Zhang Bairen about the matter.

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen glanced at Thor with a surprised expression, as if he looked like a monster, and he was indeed a living old antique, staring and talking nonsense without blushing.

"I haven't seen it" Zhang Bairen said unhurriedly: "If your Excellency is okay, I'm going to continue the treasure hunt."

Seeing Zhang Bairen's away back, Thunder God looked tangled, and suddenly said, "How did you get out of here?"

"Go out? Where to go?" Zhang Bairen asked in surprise.

"Middle-earth China" Thor asked, after all, Raiden was unyielding and straight forward. He was not suitable for that kind of sneaky thing.

"I don't know, after I came here, I never thought about going out." Zhang Bairen waved his hand unhurriedly: "I always feel that someone is spying on me secretly. If you see someone who is monitoring me, please tell them. With a sound, I said that this feeling is terrible, and I can't blame me for continuing to cover up the secret.

Zhang Bairen left, leaving Thunder God's face red and standing there, looking at Zhang Bairen's back with a wry smile: "If it weren't for the chance to go out, who would stare at you?"

At this moment, suddenly the sky was overcast and the sky was overwhelmed by the thunder and the river and the sea roaring in the void, and then the earth moved and the mountains shook, and the whole secret realm was trembling.

"Ancestral veins! The ancestral veins are rioting, and someone has touched the ancestral veins!" With an anxious expression on the face of Thunder God, he immediately turned into thunder and lightning and left for the mountain ancestral veins without saying anything.

Not far away, Zhang Bairen's figure collapsed, looking at the vision in the sky, he couldn't help but click his lips: "Even the drought bred from the earth does not work? But it can't make the gods find the traces of Qi Huangong. Now that the ancestral pulse is rioting, the cause and effect are all tied to Qi Huan's body. It is the best time for me to do it. I want to see what is calling me."

The divine light in Zhang Bairen's eyes turned, and the void in front of him twisted as he thought of moving, and countless petals split directly into the void, then Zhang Bairen stretched out his hand and took it against the void.

Lens rotation

Let’s say that Qi Huan Gong couldn’t refining Zhang Bairen’s power into his source, and he targeted the Bu Zhou Shan Ancestral Veins. As long as he entered the Ancestral Veins, he could use the strength of the Ancestral Veins to take a crucial step and transform into Feitian Roar. Then use the power of immortality to obliterate Zhang Bairen's origin.

Qi Huangong sneaked all the way until he reached the node of the ancestral vein. He sensed the strong original force in the ancestral vein, and his eyes showed a touch of greed.

He is a drought conceived by the earth, and his ancestral veins are like returning home to him, a familiar and intimacy comes to him, and then he directly pierces the ancestral veins without saying a word.


The earth-shaking backlash broke out. If Qi Huangong hadn't comprehended the immortal mood, he would have died at this time.

Even so, Qi Huangong was still extremely miserable at this time, and the origin in his body was hit hard again, and he almost died out.

The huge backlash smashed Qi Huangong's body in an instant, turned into tens of thousands of pieces that were constantly being wiped out by the thunder of heaven and earth.

"My life is over!"

Looking at the overwhelming thunder and lightning, the immortal body that has been unable to converge, Qi Huangong finally felt the smell of death, and he sensed the crisis of death.

"Is Jiang Xiaobai going to die here?" Qi Huangong's eyes were full of grief and anger, his body was completely shattered, as if a corpse was in pieces, only one head was intact, and he could only watch the thunder and lightning falling in the sky. A touch of shock and helplessness.


No one can contend against the backlash of heaven and earth, even if he touches the immortal mood of Qi Huan Gong, he has the ability to not die immediately.

At this moment, a blood-red petal flowed from the center of Qi Huan's eyebrows, and when the sky full of thunder touched the petals, it was absorbed by the petals in an instant and became the nourishment for the petals.

At this time, the void twisted, splitting a whirlpool, and then saw a pair of big hands sweeping the audience, collecting Qi Huangong's broken body, and then erasing the void wave, Qi Huangong's aura was completely destroyed by Heaven's Punishment.

"Why are you so reckless?" Zhang Bairen sighed as he looked at Qi Huangong, who was smashed into pieces, and then at the cracked mountains and rivers not far away.

"You saved me?" The Heavenly Punishment that was about to destroy himself did not fall. Qi Huangong looked at Zhang Bairen in front of him with a touch of emotion in his eyes. Zhang Bairen's methods exceeded his expectations too much.

"This is the power of the Demon Seed. If I don't allow you to die, you can't die! No one can kill you!" The light of the law in Zhang Bairen's hands flowed, and in an instant, Qi Huangong's thousands of broken corpses regrouped, once again Transformed into a human form, but at this time Qi Huangong's original damage was too serious, and he was dying.

"You have a good rest on your own. Don't be found by the innate gods!" Zhang Bairen didn't look at Qi Huangong, and then rose up without a word and disappeared in place.

Looking at Zhang Bairen's disappearing back, Qi Huangong had a complex expression and revealed a wry smile: "Demon Seed! Demon Seed! Really is a successful Demon Seed, and a defeated Demon Seed. It is possible to survive by luck and depends on the Demon Seed."

The words fell, the earth squirmed, Qi Huan's figure disappeared into the earth, no trace.


At this moment a series of gods and spirits were thrust into the cloud, and the power of a law was directed towards the suppression of the dragon veins of Buzhou Mountain, desiring to suppress the restless Buzhou Mountain dragon veins.

"Why the dragon vein is restless!" The law of thunder and lightning flowed in Thunder God's hand and turned into a snake, pulling towards the dragon vein.

"Who knows, no one has touched the Dragon Meridian of Fuzhou for thousands of years. Someone has disturbed the Dragon Meridian of Fuzhou Mountain before coming!" A deity's eyes were full of irritation: "Is it the result of Wusheng? Who dares to disobey ordinary creatures? I wait for the decree to anger Zhoushan Dragon Vessel?"

Zhang Bairen was a bit wronged, but fortunately Thunder God was with Zhang Bairen at the time, and his suspicion was washed away: "It can't be Zhang Bairen. He was with me at the time, so how could he have time to touch the dragon veins of Zhoushan?"

"It's not Zhang Bairen? It can be said that the native creatures of Zhoushan did it? If I were to find him out, I would have to cramp him." The god's eyes were full of irritation. At this time, there are countless monsters in Zhoushan's legacy. The tragic death, overwhelming resentment, made people irritable and depressed.

"Who can survive the backlash of the dragon veins of Buzhou Mountain? The inanimate life back then could not do it, let alone the local creatures" Thor shook his head.

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