First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1888: 3000 Avenue

The old man's eyes were full of excitement, and the state of mind that had been polished for tens of thousands of years could not help but start to fluctuate constantly.

From the ancient times to the present, the Buzhou Mountain Fault has been broken for hundreds of millions of years. The entire tribe has been trapped in the space smashed by the Buzhou Mountain Fault. I don't know how many heroes and Tianjiao have returned to the ruins.

The monk of the Yang God is not omnipotent. The material energy between the heaven and the earth is conserved. During the reincarnation of the real Yang God, he will continue to lose his own origin, and one day he will never be able to awaken Su Hui from samsara.

Only the real Yang Shen who proves the fruit status of Daluo can be resurrected from ancient times across time and space at the right time and right place.

"Is there really a Middle-earth China?" Scanning the ancient sheepskin scroll, several young people also showed excitement.

"This is the highest heritage book of my snail tribe. It has not been lost in the vicissitudes of life for hundreds of millions of years! It is just a law storm formed by the law of irregular breaking, not a barrier between heaven and earth!" The old man's eyes were full of enthusiasm, and the old arm stroked it. Ancient leather rolls.

"Li Mu, this matter is left to you, and you must find the strong man who came across the border!" The old man looked at the middle-aged man in animal skins.

"The other party has the strength to tear the law barrier, I'm afraid we can't deal with it!" The young man's eyes showed hesitation.

In the entire world of the Bu Zhou Mountain Range, if anyone has the ability to tear apart the legal barriers, why should everyone be trapped here?

"Hahaha! Hahaha! You really don’t know that people who come will inevitably conflict with the innate gods in the Buzhou Mountains, and they will inevitably be severely injured by the innate gods. At that time, it will be our chance." In the eyes of the old man It's full of energy.

The innate gods have the power of a complete law, and of course they have the ability to tear through the barriers between the two worlds, but the law storm sky overcomes the gods, the innate gods have the power to tear the law barrier, but they cannot face the law storm. Show it.

"The old man thought that after this time, he would fall forever. The hope of someone who had thought of becoming a fairy appeared." The old man's eyes were full of excitement.

"Ancestor, if the Middle-earth China really exists, I am afraid that those gods have already felt the vitality of the ancestral veins, then..." The young man in his thirties frowned, his eyes full of solemnity.

Hearing this, the old man's expression also became gloomy, and he sighed, "God!"

Gods are indeed amazing! Especially in the heyday, innate gods at their peak.

"Although it's a little troublesome, the ancestors left behind the means to crack them out. As long as we can seize this opportunity, there is always some hope! Moreover, if the innate gods want to break through the world, they must pin their hopes on ours. On the body, otherwise do you think why the innate gods will bless us?" The old man stroked his beard unhurriedly, with a touch of emotion in his eyes.

Zhang Bairen would never know, because the arrival of himself and Qi Huangong had caused the world turmoil in this place. Countless powerful people have discovered the aura of Middle-earth and rushed to this place.

Law Storm Outside

Eyes came from across the boundary at this time, constantly staring at the source of the law storm's riot.

"Respect God!"

In the Bu Zhou mountain, a monster beast knelt at the feet of the **** and said respectfully.

"Watch closely, the hope of breaking the world is here!" The **** looked at the law storm with a pair of eyes: "Billions of years! I have been forgotten by everyone, I only hope that this time I can break through the boundary and live in this snail house. It’s too long, I have to forget what the outside world looks like."

The power of innate gods is by no means comparable to that of acquired creatures.


When everyone was talking about it, all of a sudden I saw the void tearing riot. The law storm seemed to have undergone a violent chemical reaction. The next moment I saw an overwhelming air machine rising into the sky. The originally quiet law storm was violent for dozens of seconds. Times, that anxious, riotous force caused the mountain range to shake.


I saw a fiery red sun rushing out of the storm. In an instant, the water vapor in the void evaporated, the vegetation was dead and the ground was dry and cracked, turning into red ground in a radius of tens of miles, and then the red ground continued to spread at an unabated speed, spreading far away Swept the past.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"It's worthy of being a strong man who can tear the law of storms. Even if it is so powerful, it is only slightly inferior to this seat." The **** in the Bu Zhou Mountain suddenly stood up at this time, a pair of eyes looked at not far away in amazement. Voidstorm, a solemn color appeared in his eyes: "These characters, even if they are placed outside, are bound to be extremely high. It is not too late for me to catch them for the time being and ask about the situation of the outside world."

As the words fell, I saw a wave of mighty divine light rushing into the sky in the Bu Zhou mountain range, and at least the aura of an innate **** approached Qi Huangong obscurely between heaven and earth.


After the catastrophe, Qi Huan glanced at the restless law storm behind him for the rest of his life, and slowly condensed the boiling power of his body, and then scanned the nearby scenery with his eyes, looking at the ancient wood straight into the sky, his eyes showed a touch of shock: " It is the Jianmu in ancient myths and legends, I'm afraid it's nothing more than that."

"Huh? It's not right!" Qi Huangong was suddenly alert, his eyes scanned in all directions, the next moment his color changed suddenly, and he exclaimed:

"Innate gods!!!"

"Damn it, isn't it possible that there is a ruin in Zhoushan, and everything returns to the ruins? How can there be an innate god!" Qi Huangong looked shocked, and then turned around without saying anything.

Against the innate gods?

Please, don't be too naive, OK! What is the innate god? That is the Lord of Heaven who is born to hold a law. If the inborn gods were in his childhood, Qi Huangong would naturally not be afraid. Even the inborn gods in his youth, he also boasted that he could break the wrist with each other, but even a pig knew it. The Buzhou Mountain has been broken for hundreds of millions of years, among which the innate gods are afraid that they have grown up long ago.


Facing Dacheng's innate god, unless he truly transformed into a flying roar, he could only retreat.

And the most important thing is that he has been hit hard in the law storm, how dare to fight against the innate gods?

"Wow!" Without saying a word, Qi Huan gong walked away directly, leaving no chance for the innate god.

When several gods rushed to this place, their eyes looked at the dry land under their feet, and their eyes all showed solemnity.

"Weird! How come this guy doesn't have the heart to be strong, and he refuses to stand up, so he ran away!"

The innate gods are also speechless, do you want to be so timid?

"Run? This is our territory, can he run away?" An innate **** smiled coldly: "Let's look at my methods."

As he spoke, he saw that the power of the law in the hand of the **** fluctuates, unexpectedly locked Qi Huan Gong’s trajectory in a strange way, and then suddenly grabbed it with a palm, tearing the layers of void, and took it straight to Qi Huan Gong’s real body. : "Where to go?"

"Everyone, I have no grievances and hatreds with you, and I don't want to fight with you. Why do you bother?" I saw the void fluctuations, and the next moment the murderous intent shot in the void, Qi Huangong directly mobilized the power of the earth to fight. Big hand grabbed by the innate god.

"Innocent! Isn't it a joke to mobilize the power of heaven and earth in front of me?" The **** smiled coldly, wiped his finger, and the earth vein was instantly fixed, and then he continued to take it towards Qi Huan with a palm.

"Bastard!" Qi Huan shouted, "When I resume my cultivation, you will feel better."

After speaking, the mouse began to escape.

Qi Huangong couldn't understand why the other party was arresting him, even if he was a drought, the other party didn't have to deliberately target it like this, right?

Law storm

Zhang Bairen fell into a deep sleep, the gorgeous and colorful avenue flowers, at this time, the three thousand petals continuously collided, revealing a little bit of mysterious power, constantly absorbing the nutrients of the law of the void.

Time is slowly passing by. Zhang Bairen doesn’t know how long it has passed. He suddenly wakes up from the state of the unity of nature and man. The countless colored threads in a pair of eyes are constantly intertwined and entangled, as if a mess, but with a certain Kind of mysterious and unpredictable law.

The law of the outside world can no longer cause him any harm, Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of contemplation, the light of the law gradually faded, and then he looked at his petals.

Avenue flowers bloom

At this time, the petals were densely packed, and half of the three thousand petals had been transformed into substance, and even the remaining half of the petals had already grown buds, which looked uneven.

The rule of law storms can no longer have any effect on it. Zhang Bairen stretched out his hand to pinch his fingers and frowned slightly: "The flow of time in the mountain is different from the outside world, but I can't figure it Here, Zhang Bairen looked at the hazy world outside the law storm. It seemed that an earth-shattering battle was breaking out, which immediately attracted Zhang Bairen's attention.

The physical body was reshaped, Zhang Bairen held the flower in his hand, and looked at the petals carefully. At a glance, the number of three thousand petals is not more than three thousand, but the three thousand petals are intertwined and overlapped, but they have evolved infinite petals, dense and countless. , The infinite number of ways.

"The avenues are endless, and the laws are naturally infinite, but it is based on three thousand, and then the rest of the branches and leaves are derived!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of contemplation, and after a long time, he said: "It's time to go out, the war broke out, I want to come. Qi Huangong has succeeded, and he is fighting fiercely with outsiders."

Zhang Bairen's eyes were contemplative, and he slowly stepped out. It was strange to say that when the manic law storm approached Zhang Bairen's body three feet, it automatically gave way to the road and turned into a gentle breeze.

Zhang Bairen did not go out in a hurry, but stood on the edge of the law storm, looking at the landscape of the world through the storm.

The ancient trees are towering to the sky, and I am afraid that they have not lived for tens of thousands of years, billions of years, if it were not for the coercion of the innate gods, they would have transformed into monsters.

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