First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1882: Advise you to look back

Are they innocent? I'm not in the same group with you. How would I know?

"Is it innocent? Stay here! The dead will never take away the sacred objects. We have time to find them slowly." The deadly scholar was calm and light, with smiles in his eyes. No one would have thought of the creepy words. It is said from this population.

"It's useless to say more. Since you decide to do it, then you can tear your face and kill you! How long do you think the news of this holy thing can be concealed? By then, the foundation of the green forests of the three provinces will not be available, and you can only search for the land. Cultivation breaks through the realm!" Big-bellied Maitreya stroked his belly: "If we can break through the realm, we will be the ants that can be crushed to death at will. What's the fear?"

"Yes, this is the truth, you guys do it! Even if you kill, you don't have to stay alive!" Hun Yuanjian stroked the sword in his hand.

At this moment, I heard the saint smile: "Hahaha! Hahaha! You idiots, do you really think that grandma won't be guarded? Do you think I will bring the holy thing with me?"

Everyone's complexion changes when this statement is outstanding, but the life-threatening scholar said indifferently: "Everyone, don't listen to this woman's bluff, this woman entered the Central Plains alone for refuge, but there is no believer who can be entrusted. Will the treasures such as the holy thing be entrusted to strangers? The holy thing is on her body. If everyone has concerns, just leave a living. Even if it is not on her body, we don’t have to worry about the means to ask."

"Hehe, if you dare to act on the World Escort, I can guarantee that you will never get that holy object!" Saint Aunt's eyes are full of ice, and she can't just watch the dozens of living men. Like to die in front of oneself.

They also have their own parents, wives and children, and family. How can the saint-aunt just sit idly by?

"Haha, I don't have to worry about holding you, there is no way to tell you to speak out!" Hun Yuanjian smiled coldly: "Everyone, even if you do it, no one will stay in the World Escort."


When the deadly book waved his hand, the sound of the bow and crossbow rang out in an instant. Who would have thought that the bandits in the mountains and forests would have bow and crossbow in their hands?

"Bastard!" Saint Aunt's angry eyes cast gold stars, but helplessly, she suddenly pulled out a scimitar: "If you dare to continue to make a move, I will do it myself."

"Although you are dead, we haven't done it before." The deadly scholar is not hurried, not yin or yang.

"You..." This time Saint Aunt was really helpless.

Seeing a moment of death, a killing and a battle, the next moment I heard a leisurely sound from afar: "Everyone, our brothers can testify that this girl really did not tell lies, and the holy thing is indeed not in her hands. Not in the escort."

When everyone heard the words and followed the sound, they saw two figures walking slowly in the distance in the hazy wind and snow.

"Why are they?" Saint Aunt suddenly turned pale and stared at Wang Wu fiercely at her side: "How did I tell you? How did they wake up?"

" do I know!" Wang Wu hit the sky, his eyes full of innocence: "I just did what the saint aunt told me. Who would have thought that these two idiots would not run away. He even took the initiative to throw himself into the net."

When the two were talking about it, the life-threatening scholar smiled and looked at the person in the wind and snow: "I don't know your name, Gao? Since you said that the holy thing is not on the saint’s body, you must know where the holy thing is going. Excuse me, please speak out."

"You idiot, who told you to come back? Hurry up and get out of here!" Saint Aunt glared at Zhang Bairen and Zhang Xutuo, a little bit of hatred for iron and steel.

"Name? It stands to reason that you are not worthy of knowing the name of this seat, but after all, this trouble is related to me. It is okay to tell you the name of your name!" Ignoring Saint Aunt's words, Zhang Bairen said unhurriedly:" Xiaoxiao Luoyue Invisible Sword, persuade Jun Nihai to turn around!"

When the words fell, everyone in the field looked dumbfounded. You look at me and I see you, all at a loss.

"Have you heard of it?" The deadly scholar looked at the big-bellied Maitreya and Hunyuan sword on one side.

Big-bellied Maitreya looked angry: "As long as there is a name and a surname in the rivers and lakes, we all know that this kid is playing us!"

"Yes, the title of the poem is good, but unfortunately... I haven't heard it!" Hun Yuanjian was angry.

I have never heard of it, but this is not a lie.

The title of Zhang Bairen's poem had just walked out of Saibei decades ago. At that time, it was really sharp and made great contributions to the Great Sui, and the title of Wushengjian spread throughout the world.

However, as Zhang Bairen appeared less and less in the public eye, the name of Wushengjian gradually sank to the bottom of the lake. Only a few real top masters, the older generation of real talents, had heard of Zhang Bairen's name.

"Boy, since you know the location of the holy thing, please tell me quickly." Big-bellied Maitreya looked at Zhang Bairen unhurriedly, tapping his belly lightly with his fingers, and a mockery appeared in his eyes.

Zhang Bairen touched his nose at this time and looked at Zhang Xutuo with a bit of embarrassment. However, Zhang Xutuo laughed and leaned forward and back together:

"Hahaha! Hahaha!"

After a lapse of several decades, the number of times that Zhang Bairen has been deflated has become less and less.

"What are you laughing at!" Zhang Bairen said angrily.

"Captain, don't help me up, I think I can still laugh for a while" Zhang Xuluo simply squatted on the ground and laughed.

"Come here, take them down!" The deadly scholar shouted.

When Xiaoyi came forward when he heard the sound, he wanted to take the two of them. At this time, Zhang Bairen whispered: "You do it or I do it?"

Without waiting for Yu Juluo to reply, Zhang Bairen sighed: "Xiaoxiao Luoyue Invisible Sword, persuade Jun Nihai and turn his head. Since the other party refuses to look back, he can only force his head to be screwed over."

Zhang Bairen pulled out a blue silk behind his head, took a breath, then saw the serpentine sword light passing by, cutting off all vitality.

Without the slightest blood, the sword thread pierced the eyebrows of a few people, killing them all in an instant.

"Now I am going to Jingping today. You can't wait to be a good citizen, but you just ran to be a bandit and robbery to harm the people. You should kill! You should kill!" Zhang Bairen carried his hands and shrank his head in his robe, unable to see him clearly. face.

The speed of the sword silk was too fast, and hundreds of bone-changing cultivators in the mountains and forests had all been killed in an instant, only a rice-sized blood bead condensed at the center of the eyebrow.

The mountains are silent

"What are you doing in a daze!" The leader's eyes were full of anxiety.

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Bairen's sneer, the northern wind whistling, accompanied by the sky full of snowflakes, instantly scattered between the sky and the earth, and then dropped dumplings, crackling sounds, and in a blink of an eye a pile of corpses fell in a pool of blood.

The life-threatening scholar's words stopped abruptly, his body stiffened, his pupils tightened, and he looked at Zhang Bairen in amazement.

How did these dozens of people die? As a master of God, they didn't even see the slightest flaw or trace.

"Capital Governor, no!" Zhang Xutuo knew that Zhang Bairen was confining his murderous intentions, and he couldn't easily do it, but he never thought that Zhang Bairen would act outright at this time. Hundreds of thieves, large and small, were killed in the flash and flint, and there were corpses on the ground.

Big-bellied Maitreya's palm stopped on his skin, his smile on his face was frozen, and his eyes were full of bitterness: "The most powerful?"

"Unexpectedly, I came here so soon." Hun Yuanjian's palm firmly grasped his sword, even in the cold winter, but the sweat dripping from his body was like a waterfall.

The people in the World Escort were stunned, looking at the young man in the black robe who looked like an ordinary scholar, his eyes were full of amazement.

Is this really the young man who drove on the road and drank with him before?

"You practice sword" Zhang Bairen looked at Hunyuan sword, it was a good sword, with short hair.

"I can't compare it to you," Hun Yuanjian's throat tightened, and his skin tightened.

"Oh, the road is wrong, it is difficult to achieve great results in a lifetime" Zhang Bairen shook his head: "You go, tell the people of the world, that the holy thing has fallen into my hands, if you disagree, just come to me."

"Your Excellency, are you willing to let us go?" The three green forest leaders were taken aback.

"Do you want to leave?" Zhang Bairen clicked his mouth.

"Go! Go! Go! Let's go!" The three of them pulled up their legs before leaving.

"I don't know what your Excellency is called? How do people in the rivers and lakes look for Your Excellency?" Hun Yuanjian seemed to remember something in general, and stopped and turned to respect Zhang Bairen.

"Xiaoxiaoluoyue invisible sword, persuade the monarch to look back and look back"

Zhang Bairen repeated it again.

The three of them remembered, and then left without saying a word.


It is terrible!

There were more than a hundred strong bone-changers, and they couldn't even die without breathing out.

Zhang Bairen turned to look at the people in the World Escort, then with a stroke of his palm, the wooden box broke and formed a template, but Zhang Bairen was seen flying and phoenix carving his own and then threw it to Li Tie: " This is the end of the matter, the treasure is on me. If the most powerful person comes in the future, you can just report my name."

"Boy, you are very good!" Zhang Xutuo looked at Li Tie: "It's a pity, you already have a teacher."

Zhang Bairen waved his hand: "The rivers and lakes are far away. Goodbye, everyone."

"Hey, that treasure belongs to me! It's about the life of my Miao Jiangwu hundreds of people, so you should give it back to me soon!" Seeing Zhang Bairen's figure diminishing, she couldn't sit still.


She was too late, and Zhang Bairen and Yujuluo had disappeared in the cold wind.

"Chasing, we must take the treasure back, or my Miaojiang will be destroyed!" Looking at the direction of Zhang Bairen's disappearance, Saint Aunt's eyes were full of anxiety.

Looking at the corpse on the floor, Li Tie gritted his teeth, and then suddenly said: "The treasure is ours, the dart is there, we must recover the treasure."

This is Li Tie's way! A promise!

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