First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1875: Entrust the ghost gate

In the great chaos in the Western Regions, Qi Huangong was born. I don't know how many people in the Western Regions died in unfavorable circumstances, and Qi Huangong was robbed of vitality and blood.

Zhang Bairen tapped his finger on the case table, and he was the only one in the cabin.

The hexagrams spreading out in front of you are the hexagrams of the Shang Shang, the image of good fortune and prosperity.

"I will definitely get a great opportunity for this trip." Zhang Bairen's eyes showed divine light: "Come here, go and invite Zhang Xuluo and Yu Juluo to come here in secret."

A disciple of Jindingguan went down the mountain to deliver the news after hearing the words, but at dawn the next day, he saw the dusty Zhang Xuan and Yu Juluo standing outside the gate, his face full of wind and frost.

"Two of you have worked so hard to come from afar, this trip is really a last resort!" Zhang Bairen looked at the two with a touch of emotion in his eyes.

"The Governor needn't say much, do we still need to say those useless words? We are deadly friendship!" Zhang Xutuo stretched out his hand and interrupted Zhang Bairen.

"That's right, when the Governor said this, it would be too far-fetched. You saved our lives. Just tell us what's the matter." Yu Juluo also looked at Zhang Bairen with the same dissatisfaction.

Zhang Bairen's expression was moved, and he nodded: "Finally, then I'll just say it. If you say more, you will be surprised."

While speaking, Zhang Bairen took out Xiao Fei in his arms and took the water monster out: "You two, I have found the site of the ancient Buzhou Mountain. This time I will go to the ancient Buzhou Mountain, which is dangerous and unpredictable. Return!"


Zhang Xuluo and Yu Chuluo were both surprised:

"Bu Zhoushan!"

The water monster in his hand turned into a thumb-sized ornament, forming a bead-like ornament, and then a red rope emerged in Zhang Bairen's hand, passing through the claws of the water monster, and being firmly hugged by the water monster: "You will stay in Qixi Festival from now on. By your side, anyone dared to be unruly and directly hurt the killer without showing mercy."

Hearing the words, the water monster rolled his eyes, and then continued to close his eyes to fall asleep, seemingly too lazy to pay attention to Zhang Bairen.

Even if the water monster takes a nap, it is in the unit of millennium. With the water monster to protect the Qixi Festival, Zhang Bairen is very assured of the safety of the Qixi Festival.

"Especially if a person with the origin of Altair is close, you should not just kill nonsense." Zhang Bairen was admonishing the water monsters, and he was also admonishing Zhang Xuan to go with the fish.

The Water Monster murmured, "Don't worry, I'm here, who can hurt your baby's finger."

Put the water cube into the brocade box and handed it to Yu Juluo, Zhang Bairen just took a drink with the two of them: "The two are friends of life and death, and I don’t have to say more politely. The safety of Qixi Festival is greater than the sky. I have a demon seed in the world, and I can descend from the surrounding mountains at critical moments. It’s just that the distant water cannot save the near thirst."

Yu Juluo picked up the wine glass: "You don't have to worry about the safety of Qixi Festival, you are the most important thing."

Zhang Bairen nodded, and then said to Zhang Xutuo: "General Lao will protect me and send me into the Buzhou Mountain Dharma Realm. I will stay here soon."

"It's okay, that's it." Zhang Xutuo smiled.

"By the way, Zhuojun is not at peace recently. Two grandmothers and aunts have come here, and the whole Zhuojun is flying around. You should come and see." Yu Juluo seemed to think of something, and looked at Zhang Bairen.

"What happened to Zhuojun? Could anyone dare to make trouble in Zhuojun?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words.

"Ran Ye" Zhang Xutuo nodded strangely.

"Who is so bold? Could it be that I'm tired of living?" Zhang Bairen looked surprised.

"The two from Dunhuang," Zhang Xutuo said with a wry smile: "The two are about to lift Zhuojun up. It is better for the governor to go out and meet."

"Meet? What do you do when you meet? The boss and the proprietress are having a good time in Dunhuang, am I going to be boring? And now the chance of becoming a fairy is important, and the rest must be let go!" Zhang Bairen looked at Yu Juluo: " Dismiss them all, don't disturb the tranquility of Zhuojun."

"The general dare not, but the one in Linshuo Palace is still alive, how dare you go to Linshuo Palace to drive people?" Yu Juluo smiled bitterly: "I see the two princesses sincerely, and the governor does not have it. What misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding?" Zhang Bairen sneered, "Perhaps, but it doesn't matter anymore! I'm going to Zhoushan for a while, and I don't know my life or death. It's better to let it develop so as not to delay the two princesses."

This is Zhang Bairen's personal affair, and the two of them have nothing to say at this time. They can only stand up slowly with a wry smile, Yu Juluo turned and left, leaving Zhang Xujiao full of wine and rice to browse the scenery at the Golden Summit.

"Opportunity, where is my chance!" Zhang Bairen took the universe map and constantly repaired the laws in the universe map. At this time, the divine nature simulates the operation of the laws of the inner world, calculating the framework of the laws in the universe map, and constantly making it out of chaos. Ask Zhang Bairen to repair the frame of the universe map.

Three months have passed. On this day, the sun rises and the big day illuminates the whole world. Zhang Bairen’s eyes are dignified, watching Nalanjing, who is sleeping in his arms, letting the sun shine through the window paper. Face.

"It's time to go?" Nalan shrank quietly in Zhang Bairen's arms, squinting.

"Time is up" Zhang Bairen stroked Na Lanjing's hair.

Na Lanjing didn't speak, but she still closed her eyes and shrank in Zhang Bairen's arms. After a while, she heard Na Lanjing whisper: "We must come back alive, or I will remarry! Put you on a big green hat."

"No one can kill me. Even if I die, I can still be resurrected. You have to wait for me!" Zhang Bairen's words fell and turned into a breeze and appeared directly outside the Caolu, and Zhang Xutuo was practicing the style not far away.

"The general governor has gotten up," Zhang Xuluo joked, "I thought that the general governor was going to take three poles in the waiting day."

"Don't make fun of me, go and ask the old ancestors of Shaoyang and the three elders of Chaoyang to wait for me in the hall. I have something to explain." Zhang Bairen arranged his clothes and walked towards the hall.

Walking into the empty hall, looking at the sun **** fire suspended in the hall, Zhang Bairen flicked his fingers, and saw the void twisted, and the lower realm of the sun **** body in the dark, attached to the flame.

At that moment, the flame seemed to have come alive, distorting the power of nothingness, a meal of blurring people and shadows, overwhelming sentient beings standing in the flames.

Then all the energy converged in an instant, and the flame was still that unremarkable flame, burning in the temple without hurries.

There was a sound of footsteps, and the three elders of Chaoyang, the ancestor of Shaoyang, and Zhang Xutuo walked into the temple solemnly.

Obviously, everyone knows what is going to happen.

"I won't say any more. If Qixi meets an unstoppable enemy or a calamity that cannot be resolved in the future, he will be brought into this temple" Zhang Bairen said.

Everyone nodded their heads and memorized Zhang Bairen's words firmly. Although Zhang Bairen didn't say it clearly, he must have left the means from the temple and was confident in his own means.

The palm of the hand stretched out, the void was twisted, and the endless darkness undulated in Zhang Bairen's hands, and he saw a simple, dark gate appearing in Zhang Bairen's hands.

gate of hell!

Everyone had a thought and recognized the origin of this thing.

"Guimenguan has no entity, but it can also condense entities between the legal and material worlds. If I go, the human race will lose control of the Guimenguan method, and if the situation changes in the future, it will be a matter of fact and irreversible!" Zhang Bairen’s Zhuxianjian turned around and sealed the Guimenguan, and then parked it under the sun **** fire not far away: “Today I sealed the Guimenguan here. If there are major changes in the human race in the future, everyone should open the Guimenguan.”

Zhang Bairen whispered: "Everyone, listen to my formula."

After imparting the formula, Zhang Bairen said with a solemn expression: "The ghost door is of great importance, you must not leak the news."

Everyone nodded solemnly, and Zhang Bairen smiled suddenly: "In fact, it doesn't have to be that serious. I have done everything, even if there are unpredictable things, I can turn things around when I come out. "

After the words fell, Zhang Bairen stood up slowly, and walked out of the Chunyang Taoist temple with his hands on his back: "I heard that Xuanzang is back? It stands to reason that Chang'an should have been there long ago."

"You don't know it, the last step can be said to be more difficult. Now that the masters of Tantric Buddhism are constantly besieging, Xuanzang can be said to be difficult to move and stop in Dunhuang," Zhang Xutuo said.

"Oh? Why don't you just talk about it without seeing it?" Zhang Bairen said after a while. "It doesn't matter. Tantric is the last counterattack. No wonder I haven't seen the young monk of King Kong recently. I was busy trying to persuade me. Yes. King Kong is here and Xuanzang has no life concerns. It is a matter of time to enter Chang'an. Nowadays, when the emperor is not in Chang'an, the world has never been unified, and it is not suitable for Mahayana Buddhism to enter Beijing. Tantric Buddhism is really a good person, no wonder Guan Zizai never said anything. "Zhang Bairen showed a sense of surprise in his and then slowly stood up: "Go!"

"Everyone, don't be slacking about what I have entrusted to you, you need to be cautious!" Zhang Bairen turned around and said.

"You kid, don't worry, the old way always has two brushes. It's okay to protect the Qixi Festival for you," Shaoyang ancestor said.

Zhang Bairen nodded, waved at the crowd, and went down the mountain with Zhang Xutuo.

"Captain, where is Bu Zhoushan?"

Zhang Xuluo said curiously. He had wanted to ask about this a long time ago. As long as he was a human, he wouldn't be curious about the legendary Buzhou Mountain.

"South of Nanshan Mountain! However, let's not go to Buzhou Mountain for the time being, but there is a chance waiting for me. It is always good to enter Buzhou Mountain with a little more means." Zhang Bairen slowly walked down the mountain, following the Mingzhizhi In the induction, heading for Henan.

All secrets have made arrangements for themselves. If Zhang Bairen doesn't take a look at the newly born ancestral vein of Shenzhou, how can he leave with peace of mind?

"Shenzhou Ancestral Vessel, hope not to disappoint me!"

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