First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1852: Li Shimin's tears

Didn't he send Li Shentong to the North to calculate the Turks in secret? Why now Li Shentong's guard ran back alone in despair?


Li Shimin's heart suddenly hung in the air, with a solemn look in his eyes, he grabbed the collar of the warrior who fell to the ground, and leaned close to the opponent's face, his voice eagerly said, "What's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, the prince is here! The prince was killed by that servant Huaien!" the guard cried.

"What?" Li Shimin only felt the blood rushing forward, and the sky revolved in an instant: "What did you say!!!"

The anger was mixed with disbelief, Li Shimin only hoped that everything he heard was an illusion, and all of this was false!

"Did the poisoning succeed? Have the millions of Geely Khan's army been poisoned?" Without asking how Li Shentong died, Li Shimin first asked how the Turkic army was.

"Your Majesty, I don't know why, that Turkic seems to have been prepared for a long time, and has already known that we are poisoning! The prince has not had time to escape, he has already been targeted by that servant Huaien!" The warrior said quickly.


It seemed like a thunderbolt in the blue sky, and it blew into Li Shimin's head instantly. Li Shimin had Venus in his eyes, standing desperately in the wind and rain, his eyes were completely blank.

After a while, I saw Li Shimin withdraw his gaze, and then looked at the samurai on the ground, as if grabbing the last straw, he suddenly grabbed the samurai, and looked at the samurai with scarlet eyes: "Have you ever seen it with your own eyes? See the prince dead?"

If the samurai didn't see Li Shentong dead, did Li Shentong not die? All there is hope.

Looking at the hope and expectation in Li Shimin's eyes, the samurai swallowed, only feeling difficult to speak, and his throat was heavy. He wondered if Li Shimin would tear him up if he said a ‘yes’!

Whether Li Shimin would tear him up, he didn't know, but he knew that the crime of deceiving the king was definitely not a joke.

Despite his unwillingness in his heart, the soldiers bit the bullet and said the answer:

"The villain saw it with his own eyes, a golden light flew from the brow of Huai'en, and the prince had no resistance to the golden light, and he was beheaded in an instant!"


With weak hands, Li Shimin loosened the soldier's collar and allowed the soldier to fall to the ground, ignoring the hail on his head.

"It's over! Everything is over! How come, my plan is seamless, how can it leak out!" Li Shimin muttered to himself, his eyes full of puzzlement.

There was thunder in the sky, Li Shimin only felt that the sky was spinning, and he was able to stabilize his mind. He lowered his head and said, "Where is the poison? Where is the poison on the Lord?"

"Snatched by that servant bone Huaien!" The guard's eyes were full of innocence and fear.

"Damn it! When did this happen?" Li Shimin forced his spirits up and inserted Xuanyuan sword into the sheath.

"Seven days ago" the guard said.

Li Shimin silently said after a while: "Yanmen Pass is probably over! I don't know whether the millions of Turkic troops will attack Chang'an or Yinshan; if he attacks Yinshan, I still have a chance. If he attacks Zhongtu, I will go to Chang'an. The destruction of the family is now!"


Zhang Xutuo looked at Li Shimin, who was desperate, and turned to his relatives: "Pass the letter to Luo Yi, let's close the army!"




As soon as the bell rang, Luo Yi, who was rushing for suicide, raised his head, with a touch of surprise in his eyes: "Receive?"

Luo Yi retired, and Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Jingde and others did not stop it. It was too difficult to keep the two most powerful people, the eighteen who saw the gods.

Wind and rain

The eyes of all the officials gathered on Li Shimin, looking at Li Shimin, who was standing there like a smashed chicken, there was a look of surprise in his eyes. I don't know what it was, it was called Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty" Wei Zheng tentatively stepped forward.

"It's over! It's over! Li Tang has fallen! Li Tang has fallen!" Two lines of blood and tears fell from the corners of Li Shimin's eyes: "It is my ghost who is obsessed with my heart, I can't help those folks and elders in Central Plains!"

"Your Majesty, what happened?" Yuchi Jingde stepped forward with a calmness in his eyes.

"My means to prevent the Turks from going south has failed. I'm afraid that millions of Turks have already slaughtered the Yanmen Pass at this time, and the middle-earth and the south of the Yangtze River have become purgatory on earth. It is my fault! I am sorry for the people in the world, and the people of the Li people!" After the talk, Li Shimin fell directly on his knees and kept knocking his head in the direction of Chang'an.

"His Majesty!"

Hearing Li Shimin's words, the group of officials suddenly wailed and fell to the ground one after another, kowtow in the direction of Chang'an.

While hearing this, Du Ruhui opened his eyes, looked towards the direction of Chang'an City, and then said to Li Shimin: "Why should your Majesty be so alarmed, things may not have been as bad as your Majesty thought."

"Huh?" Li Shimin's cries stopped abruptly when he heard the words, his head came out of the mud, and his eyes looked at Du Ruhui with scarlet eyes: "How to say?"

"Your Majesty, Yanmen Pass is full of blood, which shows that the Turks really penetrated into Yanmen Pass and created murderers at Yanmen Pass. But now that seven days have passed, there has been no fluctuation in your Majesty's emperor's dragon energy. What does this mean?" Fang Xuanling interjected. .

"If Chang'an is destroyed, if Zhongtu suffers a slaughter, your Majesty's Dragon Qi will inevitably suffer severe damage, will it still be so prosperous?" Changsun Wuji said unhurriedly.

"What does Aiqing mean?" Li Shimin suddenly came to his feet and stood up abruptly, staring at Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling, and Du Ruhui with bright eyes.

"I'm afraid what happened is not the worst that your Majesty imagined. Now, your Majesty has 800,000 troops. It is never too late to make up for it. With these 800,000 troops, there is hope for everything!" Changsun Wuji smiled. Tao.

As soon as these words came out, all the officials were relieved and sat on the ground panting heavily.

Before I heard Li Shimin talk about annihilation of the country, the officials were relieved. The sadness was not false, but the real sadness. The officials, wives, children and children are all in the city of Chang'an. If the city of Chang'an is broken, I am afraid that their children will not die. Bao, how can the officials not feel sad when they think of this place?

At this time, hearing the words of Changsun Wuji and others, they all breathed a sigh of relief one after another, panting heavily.


But I saw Li Shimin suddenly turned on his horse: "Come here, transfer the army, and return to Middle-earth. I want to go to Yinshan and have a break with the Turk."

As for the Zhuojun city at the moment, let's forget it, there is a map of the country and the country, and it is unrealistic to want to suppress the Zhuojun master with strength.

Since he couldn't suppress it, and couldn't attack it again for a while, Li Shimin was frightened before. At this time, his eyes were full of rejoice, joy and excitement for the rest of his life: "Heaven does not kill me! I will definitely make a break with the Turks this time."

Li Tang's army came in mighty, and departed mightily. Except for paying for the human race channel, they didn't get anything cheap, and they lost their pants.

Yanmen Pass

Blood was flowing into a river, floating corpses were everywhere, and crows croaked in the sky constantly.

When the Turks go south, Yanmen Pass must be taken. Under the iron hooves of the millions of Turks, even the natural danger of Yanmen Pass is not worth mentioning at this time, and it has become a ruin.

There is no sound inside Yanmen Pass, only the souls crying in the wind.

A figure in a purple robe stood at the head of Yanmen Pass, scanning the soldiers who died in battle, and the perseverance that refused to take a step before dying still wrote on his face.

There is no resentment, some are just unwilling, guilty, unable to stop the Turkic cavalry, what about the people in the Yanmen behind them? How do I face the elders of my hometown in Yanmen Pass? How to deal with wives, children and parents in Yanmen Pass?

Zhang Bairen thought of the tragedy decades ago, when the Turks besieged Yanmen Pass and slaughtered dozens of cities at Yanmen Pass in front of the court. How similar is the scene today?

It's all the mistakes of the decision makers, nothing more!

"Li Shimin!" Zhang Bairen gritted his teeth with hatred. He personally watched the Yanmen Pass being slaughtered and the Han women being insulted, but he had nothing to do.

A desperate wailing in the wind sounded in his ears. He had never thought of spreading the Zhuxian Sword Array in Yanmen Pass, but what about the hundreds of thousands of people in Yanmen Pass?

When the Zhuxian array is spread out, the people will undoubtedly die! If you simply face the Turkic cavalry, you may still have a chance to escape.

What can Zhang Bairen do?

Going to single-handedly challenge the millions of Turkic army? Don't be naive, okay!

Nothing can be done except watching!

He watched the young and old being slaughtered, and the woman was dragged away by a group of Turkic soldiers in despair, just like an ordinary mortal, who could do nothing.

At this moment Zhang Bairen finally knew that he was not a god! He has always claimed to be omnipotent, but reality gave him a resounding slap.

"It's not your fault. Humanity suppressed your cultivation. You rushed out to die." Shaoyang Patriarch came to Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen walked down the city without saying a Looking at those desperate eyes, the woman’s purple skin was full of filth, and her eyes stared at the white clouds in the sky, seeming to question Zhang Bairen. Why is all this?

"This is an incomprehensible cause and effect. Humanity suppresses you, and you can't do anything! If the people are grateful to you, you can use the Taoist magical powers, and you may have the opportunity to reverse the situation!" Shaoyang ancestor continued to comfort Zhang Bairen.

"Sometimes, I would rather be a blind or dumb man than I can see the suffering in this world!" Zhang Bairen slowly sorted out the tattered clothes of the woman, then picked up a torch and slowly lit the streets on both sides: "It's a pity I'm not!"

"Cause and effect! Plant good for virtue and good effect, plant evil for evil result, the people's own choice, the cause and effect that they planted!" The sun **** of the ancestor Shaoyang flew out, and the entire city was turned into ashes in silence. gray.

"Where did they go?" Zhang Bairen asked blankly, looking at the flame.

"As you expected, they went to Yinshan Mountain!" Shaoyang ancestor said.

"Fortunately, they didn't go to Middle-earth, otherwise I'm afraid the human race will be extinct!" Zhang Bairen sighed quietly.

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