First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1848: Cede land

Li Shimin is a smart person, a smart person knows when and what to do! Although he coveted Zhuojun's power and aura, he would never rush forward stupidly and directly act. He wanted to force his heart and subdue his aura with the general power of the human race. This is the great way. {随}{梦}щ{suimеng][com}

The world is big, but the individual is small.

"Since your Majesty knows that Turkic soldiers are approaching the city, why do you want to arbitrarily use swordsmen? Zhuojun and Li Tangruo will have no victors, but will be taken advantage of by Turks. Your Majesty is the lord of the world. Does he even think about this? Isn't it okay?" Zhang Xuluo is not easy to provoke. Since you are pressing on me with a strong force, then I can only use the same backhand to suppress you and force you to ask you whether you are afraid.

"No, everyone is my brother from the Han family. I don’t want to arbitrarily set up swordsmen, but... now that the Turkic millions of cavalry are going south, I am totally unsure of those millions of cavalry. The only hope is to conquer the world of Zhuojun. Unify, and then use the emperor’s dragon pressure to control the other side. Li Tangfang can win the victory. The people of Middle-earth will be saved from being overwhelmed. The general is a sensible person, and we should know our hard work and diligence." Li Shimin continued to persuade him with painstaking care.

"Oh?" Zhang Xutuo smiled. "If you want to resist the Turks, why do you need to rule the world? I, Zhuojun, can form an alliance with Li Tangxian, and send troops together, combining the power of Li Tang and Zhuojun. I want to be buried here, what does your Majesty think?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin's face suddenly became gloomy, "Your Excellency, do you really want to be stubborn to the end?"

"The old man can't see your majesty's sincerity" Zhang Xutuo shook his head.

"Then I can only fight! Even if I can't bear it, but for the people of the world, I can only choose this way. I am willing to bear all the infamy!" Li Shimin looked at the city head with a pair of eyes, and murderous intent was brewing in his eyes.

"Knock the drum, gather the generals!" Li Shimin passed the order.

"Your Majesty, do you really want to do it?" Yuchi Jingde hesitated after hearing this.

"Otherwise? The dispatch of the millions of troops is no joke. Since it has already arrived, how can I easily withdraw?" Li Shimin said, "beat the drum!"




With the sound of war drums, Li Tang's army of millions of millions was magnificent at this time, pressing towards Zhuo County.

Zhang Xutuo's expression remained unchanged, Luo Yidao on one side, "Didn't the general always want to see the eighteen riders of Yanyun under his command? Now it's a chance."

"A million army, can you be sure? The emperor's dragon qi blessing on Li Shimin is not easy to deal with!" Zhang Xutuo said earnestly.

"Luo Shixin" Luo Yi shouted.

"The end will be" but saw Luo Shixin stand up and respectfully salute.

"Hold my warrant and call for Yanyun Eighteenth Cavalry to come here. This general will go to battle personally!" Luo Yi's eyes were full of war spirits. "I haven't shown my skills for many years, and I have to trouble the general to fight for me."

Luo Yi is not a fool. It is not a simple matter to be in the Million Army. If it weren't for Zhang Beard's bow to shoot the sun, he would never dare to break into the battle and die.

"The general rest assured, if the master Li Tang besieged you, he would not sit idly by!" Zhang Xutuo nodded. "The general governor has always been, Zhuojun is the painstaking effort of the governor, so there must be no mistake."

"Hahaha, our brothers and sisters have followed the governor in these years and have practiced the ancient Fengpoyu master's techniques. Even if they are the emperor Dragon Qi, they are not afraid, and can help the general." The storm came and landed on the city.

"It's time to work!" Luo Yi clasped his fists in a salute when seeing the four siblings, Feng Yu Lei Dian, and walked down the city.

"The wind is coming!"

Lu Feng's robes swelled all over his body, and he felt a certain mysterious qi mechanism between heaven and earth.

The violent wind, the overwhelming gust of wind rolled up the sky full of yellow sand, no one was seen ten meters away, and the signal transmission of the army of millions has been hindered.


The corner of Lu Yu's mouth was raised, and the heavy rain seemed to be pouring, making people unable to open their eyes.

Li Tang's momentum has been broken in an instant.

"Do it in front of me, Er Deng simply doesn't want to live anymore!" Feeling the rain hitting his face like a knife blade, Li Shimin's eyes showed a sneer, "The emperor's dragon qi will destroy all kinds of magic!"


The emperor's dragon gas rolled up, but it was of no use. The wind and rain remained in the sky, and he was not affected by wind, rain, and lightning.

"How is this possible!" Li Shimin changed color suddenly, and the manchurian civil servants on one side changed their colors.

Li Shimin didn't know that what the two cultivated was the magical powers of the ancient Fengpoyu Master. As the co-lord of the human race, Huangdi Xuanyuan couldn't restrain himself with the emperor's dragon spirit, let alone him?

"Your Majesty, the time, the place, and the people are not with me. If I forcefully attack the city and insist on doing my own way, I'm afraid... I'm afraid..." Wei Zheng hesitated.

"But I don't have time! Don't I get rid of the monks in the city, I have to wait here for a lifetime?" Li Shimin interrupted Wei Zheng's words with a wave of irritation. "Aiqing doesn't have to say more, I have decided. . As for the sky, I naturally have a solution."

When the words fell, Li Shimin took out a crystal conch in his arms and blew it hard in his mouth, a sound wave drifting towards the East China Sea.

Donghai Dragon Palace

Prime Minister Turtle and the new Dragon King were dealing with the Dragon Palace. Suddenly, the sound of conch shells sounded, and the new Dragon King said, "Prime Minister, this voice sounds familiar. It seems to be a call from within."

"Yes, this is the contract between the Dragon King and the Li family of the previous generation. It seems that the Li family is in trouble and wants to ask your majesty to help in the fight!" Prime Minister Kame's eyes are so clear that Zhuojun's affairs can't be hidden from his eyes. "This is an opportunity! I withdrew all the hands and feet of my dragon clan from the inland. If the king can help Li Shimin through the disaster and make a promise with this, this will be done."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was moved by the words, "I have not yet achieved the throne for the first time. I don’t know how many eyes are staring down below. If I can do this, I will bring my Shui Clan back to the Middle-earth China. This is a great achievement. The dragon's position is thus stable."

After speaking, I saw the Dragon King of East China Sea rise up, leaping over thousands of rivers and mountains in an instant, and disappeared into Qingming in an instant.


A loud dragon chant sounded over Zhuojun, stirring up the wind and rain in Zhuojun, and then saw a dragon head popping out of the cloud, looking down at the army of Li Tang below, "I don’t know the king, the emperor summons this king, there is What's the matter?"

"The king is courteous" Li Shimin raised a hand, and then said, "I want to fight against Zhuojun's rebellious party, but who ever thought that there are people who are good at wind and rain in the city, and now I invite the king to come, and I need your help."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea smiled upon hearing the words, "It's easy to help out, but your majesty should know that there is no free lunch in this world."

"Hahaha! Hahaha! I have already considered it, and if the Dragon King has any conditions, even if I put it forward, I will respond together." Li Shimin smiled happily.

"My dragon wants to return to the human river, what does your majesty think?" Donghai Dragon King said.

"This..." Li Shimin hesitated after hearing this.

"Your Majesty is indispensable, we finally drove the Dragons out of Middle-earth, how can your Majesty lead the wolf into the house?" The people of the family of clans suddenly changed their color when they heard the words, and now the vacant gods of the human race's rivers are the benefit of the family of clans.

Li Shimin hesitated, and the ministers on one side became impatient. Half of the ministers knelt down to persuade them.

"Your Majesty, that is the legacy of our ancestors. How much did I have to spend to clear the dragon clan? How much effort did I put in? How can your majesty make the same mistake again and introduce the dragon clan into it!"

"Your Majesty, think twice, never do this, never do it!"

"Yes! Yes! Lord Li is right, your majesty think twice!"


Looking at the minister of civil and military affairs who hula la knelt to the ground, Li Shimin frowned, his fingers tapped on the case table subconsciously, and a haze rose in his heart.

This is Li Shimin’s country, but now it appears that most of the courtiers are members of the family of clans. At this time, the power of the emperor is madly circulating in the heart of Li Shimin. "The family of clans has too much power. If it is not contained, I will be the Li family in the future. I'm afraid it's not guaranteed. If you can use the Dragon Clan to contain some family members..."

"This matter, I promise! As long as the Dragon King can help me calm the storm, why not divide the river to the dragon clan?" Li Shimin's voice shook the universe.

"His Majesty!!!"

All the officials screamed in exclamation, showing a look of horror, never thought that Li Shimin actually made a big faint move before the two armies.

"Blood as an alliance, sign the contract of the gods!" Above the East Sea Dragon Clan showed ecstasy.

"Your Majesty!!!" Some veteran stood up and stood at the feet of Li Shimin. "Your Majesty must never agree to this, otherwise the veteran will be killed by your Majesty's car."

"Master Wang, why don't you think about it? If I can take Zhuojun, I can make up for ten times the loss! You don't know the value of Zhuojun!" Li Shimin said casually~www.wuxiaspot. com~ While talking about Li Shimin and the East China Sea Dragon King signed a contract.

The officials were speechless, and you said, that the loss can only be recovered after the attack on Zhuojun, but Zhuojun has not been defeated yet, and the character has not yet been beaten.

Seeing that Li Shimin had signed the contract, the Lord Wang looked sad and angry. "My ancestors of the human race were overcome with thorns and thorns to lay a place to survive and occupy the rich middle-earth. I waited for the future generations to be unfilial, and even let the ancestors inheritance. For our ancestors, we can only express our will with death!"

When the words fell, the ancestor of the Wang family unexpectedly broke his head, and saw that all the ministers around him showed a touch of sorrow. Now that the matter has become a foregone conclusion, there is no room for regret.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Your Majesty is really a refreshing person!" Hearing the East China Sea Dragon King's cheerful laugh, it was even more dazzling than the sadness in the eyes of the ministers in the clouds below.

"Damn!" Li Shimin suddenly yelled in anger, "Everyone, it is Zhang Bairen's servant who controlled my body. None of this was my intention!"


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