First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1817: Don't dare to whisper, to scare the heavens

   sink into the void, never see the sun, can only lose years in the void, live and die, how cruel is this?

   The cold light in Zhang Bairen's eyes: "Will I not do calculations before I do it?"

   "Already be on your guard!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a cold light.

next moment

   I saw the pictures of mountains and rivers in Zhang Bairen's sleeves flying out, a scroll of broken world slowly unfolding in the formation, and then hitting the demon gods at the entrance.


   There was a thunder and thunder, and the bow was like a thunder.

   I saw a cold light flowing from the horizon, and the void froze where the light passed, turning into fragments galloping from the horizon.

   The space was pierced by an arrow. The End of the World, ignoring the distance of the space, emerged out of nothing and shot into the chest of Shebi Corpse.


   She was too late to react, the triumphant smile on his face solidified, turning into an ice sculpture and falling into the wild mountains.

"Who would dare to be presumptuous in my human race!" Zhang Xutuo was holding a bow for shooting the sun. He did not know when his figure appeared ten miles away from Beiman Mountain. At this time, the blood rushed into the sky, and once again bent the bow and set the arrow to aim at Xuan Ming. .

   "Sun-shooting bow!" Xuan Ming looked serious: "I am conceived by the law of ice and cold between heaven and earth, and your solar-shooting bow is invalid for me."

   "Not necessarily!" Zhang Xutuo smiled coldly and suddenly let go, only to see Void shot through again.

   "Bei Ming's body guard!" Xuan Ming's whole body turned into a cold air, and instantly turned into a mask to hold him firmly.


   Blood splattered, Chi You looked at Zhang Xuanming in the distance with a dull complexion, his eyes were blazing: "I don't speak credit, I say good shot Xuanming, why did you shoot me?"

   Chi You's eyes were full of grief and anger, and instantly turned into an ice sculpture and fell into the mud below.

   Xuan Ming was a little dazed on the side, seemingly not sure what was going on. Obviously speaking to Zhang Xuluo, the other party should shoot himself.

   "I missed the shot, can't it?" Zhang Xutuo's complexion was calm and his eyes were full of mockery.

   Fighting alone, he is definitely not the opponent of the devil, but with the blessing of the sun shooting bow, these devils are vulnerable to a blow in front of him.

   Even though this sword may not be able to kill the opponent, it is enough to stop the opponent for a few years.

   "It's a pity that I can't use the full power of the sun-shooting bow, otherwise these demon gods are not as simple as being traumatized, but shot to death by me." Zhang Xutuo looked regretful.

"I'm not waiting for the demon **** in the heyday, otherwise a finger can crush you to death." Xuan Ming smiled coldly, and the next moment he broke through the void, rolled up the sonic boom, and brought it to Zhang Xuluo: "Little thief, not yet Come quickly!"


   Zhang Xi camel unhurriedly twisted an arrow, bent the bow and set the arrow in one go, then released the arrow, and the jade pull finger made a hum.


   The light of the arrow penetrated the body, and an arrow was inserted into Xuan Ming's chest. The endless cold energy erupted from the arrow in an instant, and the cold frost spread all over Xuan Ming and wanted to encase it.

"I am conceived by the law of coldness in the world, how can the power of extreme cold be anything to do with me?" Xuan Ming showed a disdainful smile: "What's more, this sun-shooting bow fell in your hands but it was ruined! You have 30% of the power! Haven't played out, and want to hurt me?"

   Xuanming's blue light circulated around her body, and the azure color was like the sea of ​​the North Ming, and all the cold air was absorbed by Xuan Ming: "Good cold!"

   can be praised by the imperial ambassador's extremely cold power Xuan Ming, which shows that this sun-shooting bow is indeed extraordinary.

   But, that’s all!

   "If you only have this ability, today is your death date, and Zhang Bairen can't care about you in the two-world passage." Xuan Ming looked at the opposite Zhang Hutuo with a pair of eyes.

   "Oh? Most superintendents have done everything possible. I had expected that the sun-shooting bow would do nothing to you, so I just wanted to try it." Zhang Xujiao looked at the approaching Shebi corpse, and didn't see the slightest panic.


   At this moment, a scroll of drawings depicting a scroll of beautiful mountains and rivers, flying out of the passage of time and space, and pressing down towards Xuan Ming.

   "A picture of the universe!"

   Xuan Ming changed color in amazement, without saying anything, immediately turned into cold air and dissipated in the void.

If Xabi and Chiyou are still alive, Xuanming is naturally not afraid of this picture of the universe, but at the moment there are only three people left, including himself, the stone man king, and the servant bone Mohe, holding a sun-shooting bow on one side. Delay is the danger of being suppressed by Qian Kun Tu.

  Thinking about the extravagant corpse, after being suppressed by the Universe Diagram for hundreds of millions of years, and unable to see the sun for hundreds of millions of years, Xuan Ming shuddered.

   Without a word, he entered the valley and rolled up the frozen Sabi and Chiyou, disappearing between the heaven and the earth.

   "Just left?" The stone man slapped his lips, unwilling to look at the two passages. Close at hand, but powerless. As long as you take action yourself, you can destroy the two-world channel and exile Zhang Bairen from the void. Unfortunately, the universe map has been rolled over, and everyone has lost the fairy tale.

   "Zhang Xutuo, right, this king remembered you! Very good sun-shooting bow, worthy of a well-deserved ancient artifact!" The stone king's eyes showed a scorching heat, and the next moment his stature was erratic and disappeared.

   Obviously, Zhang Xutuo's shot this time, the shooting of the sun bow was missed.

  蓐 saw that the general situation was gone, and no longer insisted, turned around and followed Chi You and the others.

As the air force flowed in the air, Zhang Bairen showed a dignified look in his eyes, and he changed hands to take back the universe map, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, these guys were scared by the name of the universe map! My family knows their own affairs, and their own universe map is just It's just a look, I just repaired some of the laws of the universe map, less than one in ten thousand!"

After retreating from the invaders from the outside world, Zhang Bairen turned to look at the Blessed One. At this time, the Blessed One was sitting cross-legged, and the sanskrit sounds around his body with his lowered eyebrows automatically sounded, spreading out along his skin and texture, with endless rhymes. Which bred.

   The sky is falling in disorder and the golden lotus is springing up! The endless golden lotus surging out of thin air.

   Zhang Bairen’s wisdom flashes in his eyes, constantly calculating all the changes in the vitality of the Blessed One’s body, and he wants to deduce the mystery of the Dzogchen Dzogchen.

   It is not just Zhang Bairen. At this time, all of the Dao Sects are all staring at the Blessed One, their eyes are full of fanaticism without blinking, and they are desperately trying to understand the Qi in the void.

   A dignified look appeared in Zhang Bairen's eyes, but then his brows frowned: "That's not right!"

   Dzogchen is so intricate and unpredictable, it can't be deduced at all. Even if it is deduced, it is only a scaled claw, like a blind man touching an elephant.

   Dzogchen is Dzogchen, and you have comprehended it. This realm is too mysterious, even if the Blessed One performs the method himself at this time, what he has comprehended is only a little bit.

  How difficult is it to practice?

Looking at the world-honored one, you will know that there have been countless calamities in his life. Buddhism has been destroyed time and time again, harvested one crop after another, and even when he first cultivated the Tao, he had a cause and effect with the Huazizi Tianma, and his life was bumpy. Can you describe it as bad luck?

   How many battles to exterminate Buddha occurred in Middle-earth? I don’t know how many times the world-zun’s golden body has been broken.

  Changan City

   Cheng Yaojin looked at Li Shimin with blinking eyes: "Your Majesty, this is an opportunity. As long as your Majesty breaks the two passages, Zhang Bairen will be buried in the void by then, and the world will be just around the corner."

   Li Shimin stroked the Emperor Sword with his palm, his eyes showed struggling and solemnity. After a while, he looked at Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others: "What do you think of Aiqing?"

"Your Majesty, as a dispute between gentlemen, can you use ghost tricks? Your Majesty has won the favor of destiny, even Zhang Bairen may not be invincible! Now my human race is in danger, not to mention Zhang Bairen, the dharma bodies of the old antiques of Taoism are also in the two-way passage. ... you know, it's just the Law Bodies," Fang Xuanling said calmly.

   Indeed, people’s true bodies are still sleeping in reincarnation. What if you destroy a dharma body?

   has lost a hundred years of hard work, so you are not afraid that people will come out to trouble you?

   Li Shimin's family has a big cause, and I can't afford it!

   "Oh!" Li Shimin sighed, "If you kill a snake, you will suffer the victim. Instead of stunning the snake, it is better to look for opportunities in the future and strive to improve your strength."

   After hearing Li Shimin's words, the officials were silent, and they recognized Li Shimin's words.

  The development of Daomen deeply rooted for thousands of years cannot be shaken by Li Tang.

"It's strange that those real men of Taoism allowed the Blessed One to break through. Not only did they have no obstacles, but they went to protect the It's really weird." Cheng Yaojin clutched his hair: "I really don't know what the old antiques are. want."

"Knowing the destiny of heaven, it is difficult to guard against the heavens! The Lord's enlightenment naturally has his own enlightenment calamities. If I wait to intervene without authorization, the human calamity will replace the heavenly calamity, but it will be fulfilled by him." Yuan Shoucheng looked at Yuan Tiangang, the copper in his hand was constantly bumping: "The Blessed One's enlightenment is the number of days. His cultivation has gone through incalculable scales and calamities, and the accumulation of profound knowledge and aura is so profound. Even if the ancestor is resurrected, it is difficult to change such a trend. Going against the sky will only damage your own fortune. I love feathers, how can I move easily?"

"Furthermore, the Blessed One is Lao Tan's successor, and he must be burdened with the mission left by Lao Tan. Before the old Tan became an immortal, he must have seen something before preaching to Tianzhu. Otherwise, the law does not take preaching lightly. Will pass on Dafa at will." Yuan Shoucheng looked solemn: "The elders of the Dao Sect cannot see Lao Tan's layout, and dare not easily interrupt Lao Tan's plan. Otherwise, will the World Venerable escape the catastrophe of life and death repeatedly? Buddhism has repeatedly resurrected? Daomen thought it was so simple!"

   Yuan Tiangang was shocked when he heard the words: "The governor of Dadu suddenly transformed and changed his temperament. Now he is helping the world-honored enlightenment. Is it also part of the old man's calculations?"

"Speak carefully! Speak carefully!" Yuan Shoucheng hurriedly covered Yuan Tiangang's mouth: "Although the immortal is detached, he still has infinite power reverberating in the world, and you can sense cause and effect when you think. Could it be that you are bored and dare Mention of immortals is vague."...


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