First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1682: Water monster is born

Thinking about it, Zhang Bairen had no reason to stop the Dragon King of the Four Seas. Now Zhang Bairen's masters have gathered in Zhuojun, regardless of the wind and waves, as long as Zhuojun does not hurt anything, everything has nothing to do with him.

"Just pity the countless innocent people." Zhang Bairen shook his head: "There are ancient sea monsters in the deep sea, so I can't do it easily. If something messes up, it's not good for me."

In this deep sea, Zhang Bairen already felt that there seemed to be a pair of eyes watching him in the dark, but he could not find the source of that peeping.

Based on the East China Sea for thousands of years, the Dragon Clan can control the four seas, naturally there is reason.

There are countless races in the sea. Powerful such as whales, sea monsters, and ancient monsters may not be able to compete with the dragon clan and overthrow the dragon clan’s rule, but the dragon clan has come here calmly for countless years. Although the Four Seas Dragon King’s cultivation base is a bit low and a bit horrible, but The Four Seas Dragon King is still the Four Seas Dragon King, no one can replace, and no one can replace it.

If there is no weirdness in this, Zhang Bairen will definitely not believe it!

"The sky is falling and there is a tall man standing against it. If the dragons are really plotting to Middle-Earth, it should be the avenues and clansmen who are anxious. What does it have to do with Zhuojun?" Zhang Bairen said so, but his eyes revealed A touch of hesitation.

After all, that is countless living beings, they are the people at the bottom, they have no choice!

"The world's wolves eat tigers, and all the major forces will destroy my Zhuojun. You still want to be passionate to protect the people in Zhongzhou. You can't take care of yourself in Zhuojun. Where can you still want to take care of others" Zhang Bairen's heart rose. An inexplicable sense of irony.

Knocking on the belt with his fingers, Zhang Bairen carefully watched the Dragon King Sacrifice of the Four Seas, and saw that as the four dragon **** echoed each other, the divine power was poured into the jade plate. At this time, the token emitted a soft light, instantly shining The entire bottom of the sea was lit up, and then the token turned into a flame, suddenly rushing toward the depths of the canyon.

"By the order of the dragon ancestor, release the water beasts, and you will be fine!" The dragon king of the East China Sea sounded like thunder, shaking the entire East China Sea, rolling up endless winds and waves. At this time, the ancient vicissitudes of the deep sea area escaped, since Waking up from a deep sleep.

Even Zhang Bairen was shocked by this wave of Qi. No wonder the dragons have always invaded humans, but they have not seen humans develop the ocean. It is truly shocking. If this Dao Qi is born, the world will be in chaos. .


The ground collapsed and the mountains exploded, the canyons exploded, the veins of a hundred miles around turned over, the trembling universe continued to twist, flying sand and rocks, countless stones pierced through the air in the sea.

The hot magma raged in the sea water, constantly colliding with the sea water and exploding, shocking countless sleeping sea monsters to flee in a hurry.

A dignified look appeared in Zhang Bairen's eyes. At this time, the magma and sea exploded, even if Zhang Bairen had to retreat, this force was the power of heaven and earth, which could not be resisted by humans.

The deep sea that had been silent for countless years was broken. At this time, the Four Seas Dragon King retracted the dragon ball, exited the explosion range, turned into a dragon body and controlled the sea water, constantly suppressing the erupting magma.

Zhang Bairen's complexion was dignified. At this time, a earth-shaking force was brewing in the raging veins, and then only the void was heard shaking, the sea was rolling, and a dazzling blue water drop slowly rose from the magma.

The drop of water is only the size of a baby's head, but it has supreme power. I saw that the drop of water was distorted in the void, and a stream of black air flow kept flowing and hovering around the blue drop of water.

It is hard to imagine that there is a bead of water attribute hidden in the scorching magma, and a wave of turbulence spreads out from the blue bead. I saw the blue qi machine passing by, the magma was solidified, and the veins of the earth. Zhenfeng, the black air current has incredible power, calming down the chaos here with his fingers.

"Water monster, I will release you on the ancestor's order, I don't know how much strength you still have?" East Sea Dragon King held the token, his eyes looked at the water blue beads earnestly.

"Just because you four little loaches want to control this seat?" There was a sneer inside the blue bead, and the blue bead suddenly turned into a big mouth, swallowing it towards the Sihailongwang with a thunderous force. Go: "I was suppressed by the great **** Nuwa back then, and I was about to use your four little loach to replenish my vitality."

"Huh, life and death! Since I dare to let you out, I naturally have the means to subdue you!" Donghai Dragon King urged the token in his hand, and saw the water blue beads scream, and the huge mouth was instantly beaten back to its original shape.

"Ah~~~ You have inherited the mark of that stupid dragon, and you dare to offend my ancestors. The ancestors must eat you today! You four bastards, you just want to suppress me by waiting. Wishful thinking! My ancestor, I am with the great **** Nuwa, and Empress Nuwa can't kill me, she can only put me in the ground fire and continue to wear out. How can I be instigated by your juniors?" Blue Zhuzi looked up to the sky Roaring, the black air currents around him continued to linger: "Skills can be killed but not insulted, ancestors, I will never accept the control of your loach."

Looking at the constantly struggling and wailing water monsters, the East China Sea Dragon King took out a golden scroll: "Ancestor, you still don't want to be hard-headed. The person who knows the current affairs is a handsome man. I will release the old ancestor to help you out Ende, how can the ancestor not be grateful?"

"Huh, such a small favor, want to control the ancestor? It's just a dream! Even if you can't wait, when the Kyushu barrier is broken, the ancestor, I can also get out of trouble, and how many of you can help me?" With a fierce complexion, I saw the black air flow passing by, and everything was frozen by it, and the cold currents of Tao Tao and the Dragon King of the Four Seas rolled.

"Ancestor, you still have to calm down first, even if you look down on my four brothers, you can't ignore the dragon ancestor's decree!" The scroll in the hand of the East Sea Dragon King threw it towards the water monster.

Hearing the words, the water monster acted, stretched out an arm in the crystal ball, caught the scroll, and hummed coldly: "Sure enough, it was that old guy's aura. Could it be that after all these years, that old guy hasn't died yet? ?"

"The ancestors were joking. The ancestors have vast magical powers. They are innate gods. If they weren't severely injured in the battle with the ancient water gods, they don’t have to be recuperating." Donghai Dragon King sighed: "These years I and other monsters, innate gens It’s been a hard time! Now that the day of shocking Rui is coming, and the immortal opportunity is about to come, the ancestors must think carefully, we will benefit from cooperation."

"Jing Rui Da Shi?" Hearing the words, the Water Monster was taken aback, slowly retracting the scroll in his hand, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, and then said: "Sure enough, it is the Jing Rui Qi machine, the ancestor has already smelled Jing Rui. The aura of the immortal plane is here now. Well, for the sake of the old guy and Jing Rui, I will help you to wait. What are you waiting for, come here soon?"

Hearing this, the Dragon King of the East China Sea carefully looked at the water monster with a pair of eyes, showing a hesitant color: "The current form of the ancestor?"

"Hmph, you put it in the fire for thousands of years to try, Nuwa is too vicious, obliterated the monstrous magic power of my ancestor, leaving only the indelible source. But even so, I am not the ancestor. You can contend for it! Even if the ancestors only have the power of the original source, it is enough to crush the little loach you waited for." Water Monster sneered coldly.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas was agitated. He didn't dare to ask more. The Dragon King of East China Sea said: "My ancestor, now the human race occupies Middle-earth. I have no choice but to ask the ancestor to take action to destroy the human race. Only then can I occupy the middle of the earth, and I will be shocked. Only then will you get the fairy machine."

Hearing the words, the water monster was taken aback: "Human? What kind of race is Human?"

The water monster is too old, so old that when he was suppressed, no human race was born in the world.

Hearing this, the Dragons of the Four Seas were taken aback, and then the Dragon King of Nanhai said: "The ancestors, the human race is despicable, good at conspiracy and tricks, and repeatedly calculated the powers of the heavens and the earth. It should have been wiped from the heavens and the earth. It's a catch."

Hearing this, the water monster laughed up to the sky, and the vitality of the whole body skyrocketed, rolling up a vast vortex, and saw the deep sea scrolling, and the essence of heaven and earth accumulated for thousands of years was swallowed by it.

But more than 30 breaths, the water monster that was originally only the size of a fist, has now turned into a normal house size, with a head and four hooves growing, and a tail with ice-blue scales leaking out, which looks like a work of art. It's quite favorite.

"This time the shocking world is coming, since the ancestor I was born, I should be able to become a fairy!" The water monster is not swallowing the essence of the sea at this time, but slowly soothing the body, turning into an upper body and lower body. A strong man with four hooves, one tail wagging from side to side: "How good is Longzu?"

The water demon spirits escaped, and the sea monsters in the deep sea were silent, showing awe, afraid to show the slightest energy.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea nodded when he heard the words: "Ancestor, everything is fine, just waiting for the big changes in the world."

"Hmph, the old loach wants to use me as a gunman, but if the earth is changing a lot today, I am not annoyed by the ancestors, but this is my chance." A pair of water monsters swept across the Sihailong King, calling the Sihailong King cold. .

"Old you need to rest for a while?" Nanhai Dragon King whispered.

"Are there any masters in the world?" Water Monster said.

Water Monster is not a fool, and rushed out recklessly.

"There are still many masters, not to mention that the Tian Khan of Middle-earth suppressed Zhongzhou, and there is even the ancestor of Taoism, the ancestor of the Taoist school, and the immortal Tao is not far from the immortal. After such a long period of development, the human race has unfathomable heritage!" Nanhai Dragon King said.

"Oh?" Water Monster thoughtfully, then a pair of eyes looked at the place where Zhang Bairen was hiding, and his voice was cold, as if it could freeze the surrounding sea water: "Since the ancestor promised you the Dragon Clan to take action, can you not trust me? Where is the kid still hiding? Is it necessary to test my ancestors for my supernatural powers?"

Water monsters are a little dissatisfied, we are all allied, you are still guarding me?

ps: I strongly recommend a book "Inheritance of Shen Gongbao" to everyone. I stayed up late yesterday and saw early morning.

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