First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1568: Lu Jingxiu's choice

This world is not the world of one's own person. The purpose of cultivating is for longevity, not for saving the world.

Relief from suffering is just a matter of doing what you can!

The way of heaven is reincarnation, who has heaven spared?

Who committed the sins, who will repay them in the future, and what do they do?

If you don't delay the process of your own Taoist cultivation, you can still discuss this matter. If you miss your own way, wouldn't it mean that you should give up the last one?

I have pity for the people, who will pity myself?

"How could this be?" Taoist Chunyang walked in the mountains blankly, looking at the handwritten script handed by Zhang Bairen, his eyes showed a touch of pain and confusion: "It turns out that the so-called relief of common people is fake! They are all deceptive."

Zhang Bairen tapped his fingers on the case table, and his eyes looked far away. There was a lot of fragrant wind blowing in the void, but he saw a young man wearing a Taoist gown coming towards this place.

"Why are you here?" Zhang Bairen stared at the incoming person, suddenly stunned.

"We are gone for some days. If you don't visit me, don't you allow me to see you?" Taoist Chunyang sat beside Zhang Bairen, his brows were picturesque, and his **** eyes were haggard.

"Heh, I thought you were going to part ways with me!" Zhang Bairen took out the teapot and slowly poured a pot of tea into the bowl of Taoist Chunyang: "Do you know what water this is?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know!" Taoist Chunyang sighed, "I have seen your letter."

"What did your ancestor say?" Zhang Bairen said with a smile.

Taoist Chunyang was silent, and after a while, he said, "The ancestral line is related to the life and death of the hundreds of people in China. The grudge between you and Li Shimin is small, and the dragon line is big. Why don't you give up the dispute, so as not to take advantage of those demon gods."

"You should persuade Li Shimin." Zhang Bairen picked up his tea and sniffed: "Jiangshan is Li Shimin's country, and dragon veins are Li Shimin's dragon veins. He doesn't worry or care, why should I bother?".

"I'm not familiar with him, how can he listen to me" Taoist Chunyang looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, and saw a strand of white hair on Zhang Bairen's temples: "Why are you two useless quarrels, broken Chinese number?"

"It's going to rain Niang to marry, what can I do?" Zhang Bairen put down his tea.

"You have a way!" The Taoist Chunyang grabbed Zhang Bairen's sleeves: "You are cultivating immortal Dao. Wang Tu Baye is nothing but a flash of smoke for you. As long as you stop and give Zhuojun to Li Shimin, everything will be dissolved. ."

"What do you know!" Zhang Bairen furrowed his brows: "Up until now, there has been no ordinary struggle between Li Shimin and I. It is not the king of Jiangshan Sheji's hegemony, but the life of this seat and the devil. The people are here. I live and work in peace and contentment in Zhuojun. There is no oppression by the family, no bullying by the family, let alone heavy labor. How bad? If I go to Li Tang, wouldn’t it be the sheep’s mouth? This seat will push the millions of people into the fire pit. ."

"But the ancestral vein... If there is a big problem in the ancestral vein, I will be the end of the human race!" Taoist Chunyang said anxiously.

"What's your cultivation level? Even the Yang Shen didn't prove it, and he actually started to care about the survival of the world. Even if the world is destroyed, there will still be human powers in front of it, how will it be your turn to intervene?" Zhang Bairen shook his head and said.

"Bairen, you can't..."

"No!" Before Taoist Chunyang finished speaking, Zhang Bairen had already categorically rejected the other party's words.

"You..." Taoist Chunyang looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, his eyes were dumbfounded, and he squeezed Zhang Bairen's sleeves: "It's about the life and wealth of my few hundred people in the soil..."

"Don't tell me, this is a life dispute between me and Li Shimin, and we must not give in." Zhang Bairen categorically cut the line.


Taoist Chunyang looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, and his eyes were full of determination, then he turned and left the mountain and disappeared.

"You don't care about this, I'll take care of it!" Daoist Chunyang's decisive words resounded from the top of the mountain.

"You control? Why do you control?" Listening to the words of Taoist Chunyang, Zhang Bairen shook his head, his eyes were full of solemn expressions: "I can't even control these things, let alone you?"

Caojia Digong

Cao Pi looked at the flames in front of him, and the dense green ghost fire shining across the entire hall sternly: "What are you talking about? Beiman Mountain wants to join forces with my Cao family?"

"Yes, there is a post from Beimanshan, saying that Buddhism is the nemesis of our dead souls. If we don't conquer Buddhism, I'm afraid that we will never rise to the top of the dead," the guard whispered.

"Buddhism?" Cao Pi frowned: "The king seemed to have heard that there used to be monks in the Great Wei to teach the Dharma."

"Then what?" Cao Pi said.

"Emperor Fengdu wants to wait for a covenant with me, unite with Dao Sect to conquer Buddhism, and completely wipe out Buddhism from China."

Cao Pi pondered for a moment, and then said, "I'll say that I am correct."

The guards left, and Cao Pi suddenly said, "Where is Lu Jingxiu?"

"Practicing in retreat in Lushan, I have been in retreat since I was born." The guard paused.

"Trouble, it seems that the times have changed. Some people don't take the words of my Cao family in their eyes." Cao Pi's eyes were gloomy: "Why don't you take Zhang Bairen with Lu Jingxiu when he is spreading the decree and asking him about my Cao family's children? under."

"My lord, Lu Jingxiu, please!" Cao Pi's words fell, and he listened to the guard outside the door.

"He actually took the initiative to come to the door? Ask him to come in!" Cao Pi turned his mind and sat quietly in the hall.

Not long

I saw a sun **** coming to the underground palace suddenly, and after seeing Cao Pi above, he respectfully saluted: "Lu Jingxiu pays homage to the king."

"Sit down!" Cao Pi said.

Lu Jingxiu worshipped the next time, and just said: "Your Majesty, soon Zhang Bairen will fight to the death with Emperor Li Tang and make a decision."

"Oh?" Cao Pi's eyes lit up when he heard this: "How likely is Zhang Bairen to die?"

"The emperor Li Tang occupies half of the country, plus the countries of the Western Regions and the Eastern Turks in the north, gathering such a huge dragon energy. What chance does your Majesty think Zhang Bairen has?" Lu Jingxiu did not answer the question.

"This kid is dead!" Cao Pi's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Lu Jingxiu smiled and nodded: "If Zhang Bairen is still alive after this battle, I am afraid that the world is already invincible, and the king should not be an enemy."

"How can Zhang Bairen have life with these huge dragon spirits? You think too much! This Bairen can really cause trouble, and it has caused all countries in the world to want to kill him. These unscrupulous people should die without a place to be buried." Cao Pi gritted his teeth. Said: "You still need to stare, if Zhang Bairen died in battle, remember to **** the copper lamp back."

Lu Jingxiu nodded and pondered for a while before he said: "There is something, I don't know if I should say it."

"What's the matter, let me know." When Cao Pi heard the news of Zhang Bairen's death, he was happy at this time, and he seemed very comfortable.

"The old way heard people say that the demon gods planned to plot the ancestral line of the Central Plains, and wanted to wait for Zhang Bairen and Li Shimin to be distracted when they were in a decisive battle, so they took the Chinese ancestral line."

"Good thief! Good calculation! The Chinese Ancestral Vessel can also be an idea?" Cao Pi suddenly became angry when he heard the words, and then stood up and said: "The Chinese Ancestral Vessel was born?"

Lu Jingxiu nodded: "I was born!"

"Where?" Cao Pi said.


"Well, Chinese ancestral veins! Chinese ancestral veins! If this king can swallow the Chinese ancestral veins, he may be able to die and live again! The news of the real man came in time," Cao Pi laughed.

Looking at Cao Pi’s expression, Lu Jingxiu sighed inwardly: "To drive the tiger and devour the wolf, I only hope that Cao Pi will compete with the demon **** for the Chinese ancestral line, so that he can buy time for the general governor. The old way has done everything he can do, and everything else must be done next. Look at the number of days."

Lu Jingxiu left, leaving Cao Pi laughing wildly in the underground palace: "Hahaha! Hahaha! God helps me too! God helps me too! Come, come soon."

"The King"

"Quickly send a detective horse to Henan to investigate the news of the ancestral line" Cao Pi said.

A stone fell, causing thousands of waves.

The world is turbulent, countless murderous opportunities are gathering, one after another, bright or dark eyes fell on Zhuojun and Chang'an City.

Chang'an City

Today, Chang’an City’s Qi machine suddenly became a little different. The Dragon Qi, the emperor entrenched in Chang’an City, roared softly, agitated slightly, and kept rolling up the wind and far away.

People from the Western Regions fluttering colorful flags came to the outside of Chang'an City and came towards the palace.

Colorful flags flutter, and flags cover the sky and sun.

However, at this time, the civil and military men of the Manchu Dynasty were dressed in neat clothes, lined up outside the imperial city, and welcomed them.

The envoys from more than 30 countries of the Western Regions came to Chang'an imperial city with their credential documents in their hands, and then knelt down to the ground, looking at the scene so spectacular.

"I am waiting for the Western Regions to submit their credentials, and want to surrender to the emperor Li Tang, long live my emperor long live long live!" The sound of prostrations spread all over the world and echoed in Chang'an City. The color of curiosity.

Above the imperial city, the emperor's dragon gas was constantly agitated, and he seemed to be alive at this time, looking down at the books of the national books under his feet, showing a look of eagerness.

Tai Chi Hall

There was a gleam of light in Li Shimin's eyes, and his voice seemed to be majestic, shaking the world: "The envoys of the various countries have seen it."

"The envoy from the Western Regions will see you!"

However, the envoys of the Western Regions came to the Taiji Hall with the credential all the way to the Taiji Hall. After three kneeling and nine proclaiming Long Live, they handed in the credential.


At this moment, Qiankun made a thunderbolt, and then saw the dragons of the Western Regions suddenly wailing, tearing out five points, turning into dragons, coming toward Chang'an City.

"Woo~~~" Li Tanglong roared with excitement over Chang'an City, and then suddenly he swallowed the dragon energy of the Western Regions in an instant.

rise! rise! rise!

I saw a dragon qi in his abdomen, and Li Tang’s dragon qi was actually three times larger than before. The scales on his body are lifelike, exuding ancient desolate aura, looking down at the world.


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