First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1566: The crisis of Emperor Fengdu

There is no invincible person, invincible magical power, invincible law in this world!

There are talented people from generation to generation, and a mountain is higher than the other. Your supernatural powers are powerful, and there will always be someone more powerful than you. Your Taoism is mysterious, there will always be more mysterious than you.

You say that your magical powers are boundless, but in this world, everything is mutually and restrained. There will always be a magical power and a magical power to restrain you.

Strong as the emperor of heaven, trained into the sun **** body, can stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun and moon, pressing the gods of the world to bow their heads, bow their heads and tie their necks, but what about?

It's not that I was shot dead by my own brother!

Listening to the words of Emperor Shaoyang, Zhang Bairen fell into silence. After a while, he said: "I never thought that I was the savior, but if the demon **** gains the ancestral line, I am afraid that I will fall into an unprecedented catastrophe. There are no hundreds of people who have died of unfavorable fate, I am afraid that Zhuojun... will not escape the evil hand of the devil."

Preventing the demon **** from getting the ancestral veins is not only for the sentient beings of the world, but also for himself.

No one can predict how terrible the demon **** who has received the blessing of the ancestral line is, and no one can afford such consequences, even Zhang Bairen.

He dare not take risks!

"The ancestral vein is your chance. The devil can swallow the ancestral veins, why can't you? Swallow the power of the ancestral veins, not to mention your sun **** body, but it can also condense 129,000 drops of divine blood. , And then began to wash the hairs and cut the marrow body. Even if the future is coming, you can be alone in the world and enjoy the cause and conditions of the immortal way. You should consider clearly, the immortal way is important, or the so-called sentient beings!"

After speaking, Emperor Shaoyang turned and looked at the mountains and rivers in the distance: "The old man has lived for thousands of years, and the vicissitudes of life have witnessed the reincarnation of the human race. Although a person has a hundred years of life, he is no different from an ant. It is too hurried. Mortals are stupid all their lives, but too many people are implicated to death by this group of ants. They should have a bright future."

Zhang Bairen heard the words in silence, and sighed after a while: "I want to be quiet!"

"Since you have stepped into the realm of heaven, why not simply step into the realm of heaven? In fact, there is no difference between the realm of heaven and the realm of humanity. They are all just for becoming immortals, a means of becoming immortals. One day, becoming immortals will rise. , You will find that all the ways to the same destination" The shadow of Emperor Shaoyang disappeared in the jungle.

Yuan Tiangang crawled out of the forest in the distance, looked at Zhang Bairen, who was hesitant, and whispered: "Captain, can you go to Henan?"

"Go, it's also an opportunity" Zhang Bairen said.


The cloudy wind between the sky and the earth rolled up, and only saw a black team coming from the horizon. The team was drifting and there was no smoke and dust. The whole team was silent and floated directly in front of Zhang Bairen.

A black sedan chair fell in front of Zhang Bairen, and the leading ghost said respectfully: "Meet the governor, my master has invited the governor to a banquet."

"Who is your master?" Zhang Bairen asked.

"Emperor Fengdu is also" the ghost will kneel to the ground.

"He still has the face to invite me to a banquet. When he broke my calculations, he didn't see his men showing mercy." Zhang Bairen's words were full of mockery.

Hearing this, the ghost bowed his head, but did not dare to say more, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Let's go, let's see what this fellow can say" Zhang Bairen groaned a little, then stepped onto the sedan chair.

The team looked like ghosts, drifting away to the distance, and in half a day they reached the boundary of the Beiman Mountains.

"The governor is able to come to my Beiman Mountain, but it is really called Xia Pengxun to regenerate." Fengdu Ghost Emperor stood in front of the gate with a smile in his eyes.

Zhang Bairen opened the curtain blankly, took a look at the ghost emperor Fengdu, and slowly fell in his footsteps: "Say, what can I do if you invite me?"

Zhang Bairen played with the scorpion essence, his whole body luxurious and noble gas was beyond words, and his temperament was swaying by human beings, giving birth to a heart of worship.

"You really stepped into the way of heaven." Seeing Zhang Bairen's indifferent expression, it seemed that he didn't understand the sense of the world, and he didn't understand the world. The Emperor Fengdu looked ugly.

Zhang Bairen stepping into the realm of heaven is definitely not good news for everyone in the Taoist school. Since then, Zhang Bairen only knows the benefits, but does not know the righteousness of the human race, which is no less than the backing of the sect.

Although Daomen and Zhang Bairen are often dirty, Zhang Bairen is still on the same line with Daomen vaguely.

"Also please enter the governor, this seat has a little wine," said Emperor Fengdu.

After hearing the words of Emperor Fengdu, Zhang Bairen pondered a little, and stepped into the **** of Fengdu.

Nowadays Fengdu has completely changed its appearance. Unlike the desolation of the past, today's Fengdu has completely turned into a paradise of ghosts and monsters. At a glance, ghosts are soaring. From the past to the present, I am afraid that there are millions of ghosts wandering in the world. Feng is established, but ghosts have a place to go.

In addition, the majesty of the capital city is incomparable, and it is not inferior to Li Shimin's palace.

The ghosts and celestials who come and go are in groups, making it a paradise for ghosts and monsters.

The Emperor Fengdu was able to conquer ghosts and divide the yin and yang to govern the world, which is a great merit and magnificence.

"How?" Emperor Fengdu said.

"What does it have to do with me?" Zhang Bairen shook his head, first walked into the palace of Emperor Fengdu, and sat down unceremoniously: "If you have anything you want to say, just say it directly. Don't waste time by selling it."

"The governor invited me." Emperor Fengdu clasped his fists in a salute, and then said: "I heard that Buddhism wanted to go against the governor, instructing the Western Regions to take refuge in Li Tang, and make a break with the governor. I can't see it in the next. With our friendship, how can we let it go? That group of bald donkeys insulted the governor in this way, doesn't it seem that I am innocent?"

Zhang Bairen heard the words and looked at Emperor Fengdu. He has not seen him in recent years, and Emperor Fengdu has also changed. He has become less and less cheery.

The old **** Zhang Bairen never moved like a mountain anymore, he only listened to the words of Emperor Fengdu and did not make a statement.

"The Governor, I am willing to be a pawn, and make a break with Buddhism." The words of Emperor Fengdu were full of killing.

Buddhism saves all sentient beings, saves all ghosts, what is he still mixed with?

Especially now that Buddhism has the support of Li Tang, Buddhism is prospering, and there are Buddhist incense everywhere in the world. The life of Emperor Fengdu is difficult.

Not only is it difficult, it is extremely sad.

Buddhism and Fengdu, after all, have to be divided into one another, and see one life and death.

Buddhism is powerful and difficult to deal with. Not to mention sitting high for nine days, looking down on sentient beings like a god, even Bodhidharma is definitely not something that Emperor Fengdu can deal with. It is not easy to barely maintain an unbeaten status. As for defeating Buddhism, it has never been thought of.

The real people of the Taoist school are all old slickers, and they are told to smash with Buddhism. I am afraid that it will not be so easy, and they will not agree.

"What does this matter have to do with me? It's simply ridiculous!" Zhang Bairen shook his head: "As long as Buddhism doesn't go to Zhuojun, where the trouble is, everything is up to him."

"The governor's words are not correct. Without the instigation of Buddhism, how would the Western Regions show Li Tang?" The Emperor Fengdu quickly said.

"I don't put it in my eyes, it's just a group of chickens and dogs" Zhang Bairen smiled disdainfully: "The Western Regions are a group of mobs."

Emperor Fengdu was anxious at this time, and he couldn't sit still: "The Governor, you can't do this. If Buddhism gains momentum, it will not do you any good."

"It's no harm? What's not harmful to me, why should I be too worried!" Zhang Bairen stood up slowly: "The Lord is a wise man, he will never take the initiative to tear his face with me, although there are calculations for each other, but that It’s all behind the wheel."

Zhang Bairen slowly walked out of the magical realm of Fengdu, who could be a chess player behind him, who would come to charge for the battle?

I'm struggling with Buddhism, what about that door? Take advantage of the fisherman?

It would be a fool to think of himself.

"The governor stays, as long as the governor is willing to help me deal with Buddhism, the old antiques of the Cao family will be handed over to me!" Emperor Fengdu said.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen paused and looked up and down the Emperor Fengdu in front of him: "What a big ambition, he actually hit the Cao family. But no need. Although the Cao family is a powerful force in the ages, it is better than Buddhism. It's much simpler. It's just a Cao's house, and I may not take it seriously."

After speaking, Zhang Bairen's figure has disappeared.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! You haven't finished speaking, don't leave..." Emperor Fengdu kept shouting, but Zhang Bairen really left, and didn't want to stay here and waste time.

Looking at Zhang Bairen's back, the Emperor Fengdu suddenly became gloomy, and the ghost said: "My lord, what should I do now?"

"He's forcing me! Since you can't be an, you can only become an enemy!" The Emperor Fengdu looked gloomy: "Go to the Cao family, contact those ancient hidden families, and take action together. Buddhism. Our Yin Division is restrained by Buddhism, as are those hidden families. The ancestors were restrained by Buddhism, how can the major hidden families tolerate this happening?"

Unbearable, this kind of thing must not be tolerated!

Just like a person, can you resist being restrained by others?

This is simply unbearable! Can't bear it!

Emperor Fengdu was also the monarch of the world thousands of years ago, and he would never sit still and wait for death. Zhang Bairen doesn't cooperate with him, so he has no choice but to find someone willing to cooperate with him.

For example

The Cao family will certainly be willing to cooperate with themselves, and both parties will benefit from cooperation.

Buddhism's Buddhism is too strong. There is a saying that is well-speaking of being prepared for danger. Today Buddhism is held back by Zhang Bairen's perspective. If Buddhism does something to oneself and others, wouldn't it only have to sit and wait for death?

"It's really restless." Zhang Bairen walked on the small sheep intestines road of Beiman Mountain, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, tapping his belt with his fingers: "But it's okay to make trouble. Pulled out from the ground, such as the Cao’s family, etc., then I will not let me wait! I am not afraid of them coming out, I am afraid that they will make small actions behind their backs."

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