First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1555: 1 punch


The more you get to this critical moment, the more you have to be steady and calm.

At this time, Li Shimin was definitely not Zhang Bairen's opponent. If he couldn't help but rushed to tear his face with Zhang Bairen, I was afraid the consequences would be quite serious.

He even directly gave Zhang Bairen an excuse, and then Zhang Bairen took the opportunity to take the opportunity to rise up and the world was against him, pulling Li Shimin down from the throne.

"Zhang Bairen, if I have the aura of the Western Regions, I must kill you. I will see how long you can stop me." Li Shimin's eyes turned murderously, and the railing in front of him turned into powder.

"Your Majesty must not worry, as long as you seize the map of the country and mountains, even if the Western Regions turn against the water, your Majesty can calm them one by one." Chungui Jun's eyes showed a solemn look: "You can stand up to a moment before you can soar to the sky. "

Before Yumen Pass

The cold light in Zhang Bairen's eyes flowed, and after the Jiangshan Sheji map in his hand shattered the suppressed emperor's dragon, the light flowed around his body, and the phantoms of ten golden crows danced around him, jumping lifelikely.

In an instant the time reversed, and the night in the sky was dispelled, and the entire Yumen Gate was as bright as day.

"Ten Day Survey"

Zhang Bairen mobilized the will of the sun with a punch, as if it was a parade of Henggu Datian, covering the endless universe.

Run, there is nowhere to run.

There is nowhere to escape.

The big day is the place where the fist reaches.

"Your Majesty, help me!" The skinny Tibetan envoy let out a desperate cry, and Zhang Bairen punched him in the chest.


The figure flew out, smashing an unknown number of barriers.

A mouthful of blood spurted out and turned into the sun **** fire to ignite the whole body, and a powerful man was born and refined by the sun **** fire.

There was silence between the world and the earth, and countless great powers watching the battle in the distance fell into panic at this time.

With one punch, he killed a strong man in the highest realm.

Even if the most powerful person in front of him is just the first step, a powerful person who has just stepped into the ultimate realm, but that is also the ultimate monk, and it is the essential difference from seeing the **** realm.

"Awesome!" Ulchi Wende sighed: "As long as Zhang Bairen is alive, everyone will never want to step into the border of Zhuojun. With Zhang Bairen sitting in town, Zhuojun is as stable as Mount Tai."

Chang'an City

Li Shimin took a deep breath and came to his senses from his anger. His eyes were full of fear: "Too strong!"

"This is the power of the Emperor of Heaven, of course it is powerful and invincible." Chun Guijun sighed, "If he hadn't got the inheritance of the Emperor of Heaven, why should I be afraid of him."

"Even with the aura of the Western Regions, can I really defeat Zhang Bairen in front of me?" Unknowingly, a ray of doubt rose in Li Shimin's heart, and the previous anger was shattered by Zhang Bairen's fist.

If you don't have the strength, let's try to be a grandson.

Songshan Peak

Facing Zhang Bairen’s blow, the World-Honored One fell silent, and then exclaimed: “Hurry up and call Bodhidharma back! It’s too late, and I have to go personally.”

The world-zun was a spirit, and rushed to Yumenguan without a word.

Beitian Shidao

Zhang Heng made some calculations, and then lowered his head: "Unless I awaken the deity, I will be able to compete with Zhang Bairen."

This punch made the world's heroes see Zhang Bairen's strength, which was beyond imagination.

The head of the cloud rolled in the sky, Zhang Bairen backed his hands and looked at Li Jing with a pair of eyes: "Li Jing, I did not treat you badly in the past. You have repeatedly let you make a living, but you do not know whether you live or die, and always embarrass me. If you don't kill you today, the world Do you know the majesty of this seat."

"Lu Zhijun, loyalty! The responsibility lies, and I have to do it!" Li Jing was tall and straight, but facing Zhang Bairen's gleaming eyes, slowly lowered his head.

Backed down, Li Jing chose to back down in the face of the powerful Zhang Bairen. Today's Zhang Bairen is simply not a match for him.

Before death, no one can raise his head.

Li Jing is also like this. Now that he has not yet reported his vengeance and has not yet seen Zhang Bairen's death, how could he willingly die like this?

Ignoring Li Jing's words, Zhang Bairen's whole body was condensed at this time, and his second punch began to gain momentum.


Another big day took off, and the night of Zhuojun was lighted up again.


The universe shook, Zhang Bairen blasted out with a punch, solidified time and space, and fell towards Li Jing's chest: "Pick me a punch without dying, and spare you once to show punishment."

If you haven't faced this punch, you won't know how terrifying it is.

Before Li Jing was still wondering why the Tubo envoy did not resist Zhang Bairen's fist, but when he stood under this fist, Li Jing suddenly realized:

"It's not that I don't want to resist, but my thoughts and will are locked and suppressed by this fist, my thoughts flow slowly, and there is no time to resist."

No one believes that when he speaks it out, there is a day when a strong person in the highest realm will be unable to fight back. This is simply a fantasy.

The most powerful people claim to be immortal, and no one can be killed. The whole body of the most powerful person is transformed, and it is almost a **** and devil. This kind of existence may be defeated, but if you want to kill, there is no chance at all.

But now Li Jing believed that he would die, he would really die. And he couldn't even resist, he died under a punch.


This is the shame of the most powerful.

"Amitabha Buddha, please keep people under the captain!" A cassock floated from the horizon, breaking the solidification of time and space, and instantly inserted between the fist wind and Li Jing, removing the suppression of Li Jing's thoughts.


The cassock was knocked into the air, and the earth moved and the mountains shook mud and sand.

After losing his suppression, Li Jing escaped after all, and the most powerful were not so easy to kill.


Sweaty, Li Jing looked at Zhang Bairen in the distance with panic, and his heart was shocked.

Li Jing has never imagined that death is so close to him since he is the ultimate way.

"Thank you Master" Li Jing saluted Bodhidharma.

Bodhidharma smiled and nodded, and turned to look at Zhang Bairen: "The governor, Li Jing is my master of Middle-Earth. He can suppress foreign races for me, put down the troubles and suppress one party, but it is a pity that the governor will kill him like this. It’s the way to prove it, and it’s also a matter of strength, and it’s not easy to practice, so I hope the governor will show mercy."

"Middle-Earth? You, a foreign monk, talk about Middle-Earth things!" Zhang Bairen looked at Li Jing and then at Bodhidharma, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Before doing it, Zhang Bairen had already sensed the Dharma Qi machine, and Dharma was hidden nearby without doing it.

But he killed the Tibetan messenger and didn't do anything about it. But he killed Li Jing and forced the other party out. Thinking about Li Jing's name, Zhang Bairen suddenly understood what.

"Pharmacist! Li Jing and Pharmacist Li!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a thoughtful look, and the sun's flames flowed in his eyes: "Since you blocked the punch of this seat and blocked the cause and effect for Li Jing, then you will take this one. Try a punch. You can take it, you go! If you can’t take it, Xiaoming stays here."

Without saying a word, Zhang Bairen started Dao Gong again, the chains at the acupoints around his body rattled, the blood in his body was slowly flowing, a mighty, vast, and noble energy slowly escaping along the pores .

The void was distorted, the temperature of Yumen Pass rose by fifteen degrees within a few breaths, and the sand under his feet turned into colored glaze.

Zhang Bairen is serious!

Strictly speaking, as one of the helms of Buddhism, Bodhidharma may not be much worse than the Blessed One. If it is bad, it is probably the accumulation of laws and precipitation of time.

In the face of Bodhidharma, Zhang Bairen absolutely dare not release water.

"What a strong energy" behind Bodhidharma's light flowed, golden light shot, and a six-zhang golden body loomed into the sky, and then compressed and mixed into his flesh and blood in an instant. The divine light of the relics circulates, reflecting the skin and bones of Bodhidharma like colorful crystals.

With a punch, the wall cracked under his feet.


The colorful colored glaze melted layer by layer, and the fist with the golden flame, was constantly approaching the opposite Bodhidharma.

Seeing that the fist was about to break the defense and penetrated Bodhidharma's six-legged golden body, only a Buddha's name came from the horizon, and a branch blocked Zhang Bairen's body:

"Amitabha Buddha, the general governor is merciful, why bother with a few juniors!"

"Junior?" Zhang Bairen closed his hands and stood on the top of the city with his hands on his shoulders, looking at the Buddha's light shining: "I have been enlightened for less than a hundred years, and he has lived for a thousand years. You are embarrassed to say that I bully the junior?"

"You have the inheritance of the Emperor of Heaven, and you are the heir of the Emperor of Heaven. You said that your seniority is big enough." The world-honored disapproval, and fell by Bodhidharma's side: "How?"

Bodhidharma looked ugly: "Is this the power of the governor?"

"This is the power of the Emperor of Heaven. Although you created the two classics of "Yi Jin" and "Cleaning the Marrow", there are countless differences in wisdom from the Emperor of Heaven, no less than the difference between the heaven and the earth. You did not lose to Zhang Bairen, but to lose. Given the wisdom of the emperor," the world-zun comforted: "What's more, your reincarnation relics have not yet been melted into one body, and the immortal body has not been trained, and it is normal that you can't stop the opponent with a punch."

"When you become a golden body, this punch won't break your defenses" Blessed One smiled.

"But Zhang Bairen's three-yang-rectification method has not been successful." Dharma's eyes revealed a touch of unwillingness: "Although I have been exhausted and thought about, it can't match the inheritance and practice of others for decades."

"Don't talk nonsense. Inheritance is also a kind of aura and strength. You have me inherited, and you have left the world behind. The only difference is the accumulation of background and the understanding of the law! As long as you can understand the power of the law, you may not be able to compete with the other party. "The Lord said helplessly.

"World Honored One, do you Buddhism want to be an enemy of me?" Zhang Bairen's face was cold, and the chains in his hands rattled.

"The governor joked, how can my Buddhism intervene in the governor's affairs? This time it's just a misunderstanding," the world-zun said with a smile.

At this time, there must not be any problems, and you can't turn your face with Zhuojun, lest Zhuojun be pulled to act as a cushion.

Now that the court has a plan, how can anything go wrong on his side?

In the eyes of World Venerable, Zhang Bairen is now a hungry wolf on the verge of death, and he may find someone to do it at any time.

If Zhang Bairen had a bite before Zhuojun's demise, it would be really worthless!

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